#ifndef ALIITSV11GEOMETRYSPD_H #define ALIITSV11GEOMETRYSPD_H /* * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * See cxx source for full Copyright notice. */ // Implementation of the SPD v11 central geometry. // Contains also: // - the materials/media used for its volumes; // - settings for the related transport parameters // (GEANT3 types for the moment). // /* * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TGeoVolume; class TGeoCompositeShape; class AliITSv11GeometrySPD : public AliITSv11Geometry { public: // Default constructor AliITSv11GeometrySPD(/*Double_t gap = 0.0075*/); // Standard Constructor AliITSv11GeometrySPD(Int_t debug/*, Double_t gap = 0.0075*/); // Copy constructor AliITSv11GeometrySPD(const AliITSv11GeometrySPD &s); // Assignment operator AliITSv11GeometrySPD& operator=(const AliITSv11GeometrySPD &s); // Destructor virtual ~AliITSv11GeometrySPD() {}; /* Settings */ // define/create materials virtual Int_t CreateSPDCentralMaterials(Int_t &medOffset, Int_t &matOffset) const; /* Monitoring */ // creates standard figures for the documentation of this class virtual void CreateFigure0(const Char_t *path = "", const Char_t *type = "gif", TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; // fill TPolylines with crossections of the SPD Carbon fiber sectors. Bool_t Make2DCrossSections(TPolyLine &a0, TPolyLine &a1, TPolyLine &b0, TPolyLine &b1, TPolyMarker &p) const; /* Services */ // get names virtual const char *GetSenstiveVolumeName1() const {return "ITSSPDlay1-sensor";} virtual const char *GetSenstiveVolumeName2() const {return "ITSSPDlay2-sensor";} virtual const char *GetSenstiveVolumeName(Int_t lay) const {return (lay==1) ? GetSenstiveVolumeName1():GetSenstiveVolumeName2();} // get medium virtual TGeoMedium* GetMedium(const char* mediumName, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; // retrieve the mounting location and rotation needed to mount an SPD stave virtual Bool_t GetSectorMountingPoints(Int_t index, Double_t &x0, Double_t &y0, Double_t &x1, Double_t &y1) const; // displace the staves on the carbon fiber sector virtual void StavesInSector(TGeoVolume *moth,TGeoManager *mgr=gGeoManager); // (debug purposes) define which staves to put in the sector virtual void SetAddStave(Bool_t *mask); // print class in ascii form to stream virtual void PrintAscii(ostream *os) const; // read in class in ascii form from stream virtual void ReadAscii(istream *is); /* Parts of the geometry */ // a single ladder (= 1 detector + 5 chips) virtual TGeoVolume* CreateLadder(Int_t layer, TArrayD &sizes, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; // a clip on the central ladders virtual TGeoVolume* CreateClip(TArrayD &sizes,Bool_t isDummy, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; // the grounding foil (splitted in many components) //virtual TGeoVolumeAssembly* CreateGroundingFoilSingle(Int_t type, // TArrayD &sizes, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; virtual TGeoCompositeShape* CreateGroundingFoilShape(Int_t itype, Double_t &length,Double_t &width,Double_t thickness,TArrayD &sizes); virtual TGeoVolumeAssembly* CreateGroundingFoil(Bool_t isRight, TArrayD &sizes, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager); // the MCM (thin part + thick part with chips inside) virtual TGeoVolumeAssembly* CreateMCM(Bool_t isRight, TArrayD &sizes, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; // the pixel bus (flat part + pt1000s + large capacitors/resistors) virtual TGeoVolumeAssembly* CreatePixelBus(Bool_t isRight, Int_t layer, TArrayD &sizes, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; // the extender complicated geometry virtual TGeoVolume* CreateExtender(const Double_t *params, const TGeoMedium *medium, TArrayD &sizes) const; // the Pixel Bus & extenders (old method which will be removed) virtual TGeoVolumeAssembly* CreatePixelBusAndExtensions(Bool_t zpos=kTRUE, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; virtual TList* CreateConeModule(const Double_t angle, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager) const; virtual void CreateCones(TGeoVolume *moth) const; // a half-stave (put together ladders + MCM + bus, and add clips // if requested) virtual TGeoVolumeAssembly* CreateHalfStave(Bool_t isRight, Int_t layer, Int_t idxCentral, Int_t idxSide,TArrayD &sizes/*, Bool_t addClips = kFALSE*/, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager); // the whole stave (2 half-staves of different orientation) virtual TGeoVolumeAssembly* CreateStave(Int_t layer, TArrayD &sizes, /*Bool_t addClips = kFALSE,*/TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager); // the complete Carbon Fiber sector (support + staves) virtual void CarbonFiberSector(TGeoVolume *moth, Double_t &xAAtubeCenter0, Double_t &yAAtubeCenter0, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager); // the whole SPD barrel (the 10 sectors at once) virtual void SPDSector(TGeoVolume *moth, TGeoManager *mgr = gGeoManager); // Returns the location of the SPD cooling tube ends. RB26 (muon absober // side) and RB24 (open side). Staves number 0,1 inner Staves, 2-5 outer // staves. Sectors numbers 0-9. virtual void GetSPDCoolingTubeRB26(Int_t sector,Int_t stave, Double_t &x,Double_t &y,Double_t &z)const{ x = fTubeEndSector[sector][1][stave][0]; y = fTubeEndSector[sector][1][stave][1]; z = fTubeEndSector[sector][1][stave][2];return;}; virtual void GetSPDCoolingTubeRB24(Int_t sector,Int_t stave, Double_t &x,Double_t &y,Double_t &z)const{ x = fTubeEndSector[sector][0][stave][0]; y = fTubeEndSector[sector][0][stave][1]; z = fTubeEndSector[sector][0][stave][2];return;}; private: // NOTE: // all of the member functions which define a component of the final SPD // will need to be defined as private once the design is fixed and // does not need any longer to be checked and debugged. /* Service methods for internal use only */ // compute shape of the SPD Sector given specific inputs void SPDsectorShape(Int_t n,const Double_t *xc, const Double_t *yc, const Double_t *r,const Double_t *ths, const Double_t *the, Int_t npr,Int_t &m, Double_t **xp, Double_t **yp) const; // compute a point o a line parallel to a given direction // and with a fixed distance from it void ParallelPosition(Double_t dist1, Double_t dist2, Double_t phi, Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const; // comutes the radial translation of a sector to give the // proper distance between SPD detectors and the beam pipe. Double_t GetSPDSectorTranslation(Double_t x0,Double_t y0,Double_t x1, Double_t y1,Double_t r)const; Bool_t CFHolePoints(Double_t s,Double_t r1,Double_t r2,Double_t l, Double_t &x,Double_t &y)const; /* Data members */ static const Double_t fgkGapLadder;// thicknes of the empty (air) gap left // between the ladder and the grounding // foil for alignment static const Double_t fgkGapHalfStave;//thickness of the empty (air) gap // left between HS and Carbon Suport Bool_t fAddStave[6]; // [DEBUG] must be TRUE for all staves // which will be mounted in the sector // (used to check overlaps) TArrayD fSPDsectorX0; // X of first edge of sector plane for stave TArrayD fSPDsectorY0; // Y of first edge of sector plane for stave TArrayD fSPDsectorX1; // X of second edge of sector plane for stave TArrayD fSPDsectorY1; // Y of second edge of sector plane for stave // Double_t fTubeEndSector[10][2][6][3]; // Location of tube end in sector /* ROOT dictionary */ ClassDef(AliITSv11GeometrySPD,2) // ITS v11 Central SPD geometry }; // Input and output function for standard C++ input/output. ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const AliITSv11GeometrySPD &s); istream &operator>>(istream &is, AliITSv11GeometrySPD &s); #endif