#ifndef __CINT__ #include #include "AliV0vertexer.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #endif Int_t AliV0FindVertices() { cerr<<"Looking for V0 vertices...\n"; TFile *out=TFile::Open("AliV0vertices.root","new"); if (!out->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Delete old AliV0vertices.root !\n"; return 1;} TFile *in=TFile::Open("AliITStracksV2.root"); if (!in->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open AliITStracksV2.root !\n"; return 2;} Double_t cuts[]={33., // max. allowed chi2 0.015,// min. allowed negative daughter's impact parameter 0.015,// min. allowed positive daughter's impact parameter 0.060,// max. allowed DCA between the daughter tracks 0.997,// max. allowed cosine of V0's pointing angle 0.9, // min. radius of the fiducial volume 2.9 // max. radius of the fiducial volume }; TStopwatch timer; AliV0vertexer *vertexer=new AliV0vertexer(cuts); Int_t rc=vertexer->Tracks2V0vertices(in,out); delete vertexer; timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); in->Close(); out->Close(); return rc; }