/* Contact: annalisa.mastroserio@cern.ch Link: tydes.home.cern.ch/tydes/doc/CalibrationOverview/CalibrationAlgorithms/ Run Type: DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN DA Type: LDC Number of events needed: Depending on scan type Input Files: spd_focalib_params, raw data Output Files: ./calibResults/ScanDCSconfigToFXS/* Trigger types used: PHYSICS */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program can be compiled in two modes. // // // // 1. With the DAQ DA framework on. This is the default operating mode. // // Call this program with the name of the executable followed by the // // data files to process. // // // // 2. Without the DAQ DA framework on. Define the SPD_DA_OFF environment var. // // Call this program with the name of the executable followed by the // // runNr and the data files to process. // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF extern "C" { #include } #endif #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliITSRawStreamSPD.h" #include "AliITSOnlineSPDfoChip.h" #include "AliITSOnlineSPDfoInfo.h" #include "AliITSOnlineSPDfo.h" #include "AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc<2) { printf("Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // directory structure, hard coded char *saveDirDCSconfigToFXS= "./calibResults/ScanDCSconfigToFXS"; // may delete content char *configFilesDir = "./configFiles"; // may delete content char *saveDirIdsToFXS = "./calibResults/IdsToFXS"; // make sure the directory structure is correct: system("mkdir ./calibResults >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/ScanDCSconfigToFXS >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/IdsToFXS >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./configFiles >& /dev/null"); // parameters config files TString thresholdsFileName = Form("%s/focalib_params.txt",configFilesDir); TFitter *fitter = new TFitter(3); TVirtualFitter::SetFitter(fitter); // This line is needed in case of a stand-alone application w/o // $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc file gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); // turn off annoying warning messages new AliLog; AliLog::Instance()->SetGlobalDebugLevel(-20); // ********* STEP 0: Get configuration files from db (if there are any) , then read parameters********* //chip efficiency selection parameters (needed afterwards for the data analysis) Int_t status = 0; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF TString idp = "spd_focalib_params"; status=daqDA_DB_getFile(idp.Data(),thresholdsFileName.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to get config file %s: status=%d. Using default tuning parameters.\n",idp.Data(),status); TString rmCmd = Form("rm -f %s",thresholdsFileName.Data()); system(rmCmd.Data()); } #endif // ********* STEP 1: Produce FO scan container files (Reference Data). *********************************** int startSeg = 1; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF if (getenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER")==0) { printf("DATE_RUN_NUMBER not properly set.\n"); return -1; } int runNr = atoi(getenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER")); #else int runNr = atoi(argv[1]); startSeg = 2; #endif Int_t evType =-1; AliITSOnlineSPDfoInfo *info[20]; Int_t ntriggers[20]; Int_t vDB[20]; Bool_t iseq[20]; AliITSOnlineSPDfo *fomanager[20]; TString s = "focalib"; for(Int_t equip =0; equip < 20; equip++ ) { info[equip] = new AliITSOnlineSPDfoInfo(); info[equip]->SetRunNumber(runNr); info[equip]->SetRouter(equip); ntriggers[equip] = 0; vDB[equip] =0; iseq[equip]=kFALSE; fomanager[equip] = new AliITSOnlineSPDfo(s,runNr,equip); } // loop over run segments for (int segNr=startSeg; segNreventType; eventType = (Int_t) eventT; if (eventT == PHYSICS_EVENT) { eventNr++; //if(eventNr%5000 == 0 )printf(" eventNr %d\n",eventNr); AliRawReader *reader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); AliITSRawStreamSPD *str = new AliITSRawStreamSPD(reader); for (UInt_t eqId=0; eqId<20; eqId++) { reader->Reset(); reader->Select("ITSSPD",eqId,eqId); if (str->ReadCalibHeader()>0) { if(evType<0) evType = str->GetFOHtype(); if(!iseq[eqId]){ // create output files fomanager[eqId]->CreateOutputFile(); fomanager[eqId]->SetFOscanParams(info[eqId]); iseq[eqId]=kTRUE; } if(info[eqId]->GetNumDACindex()<1) { Int_t ind =0; while(str->GetFOHdacIndex(ind)>0) { info[eqId]->AddDACindex(str->GetFOHdacIndex(ind)); ind++; } } if(!ntriggers[eqId]) { ntriggers[eqId] = str->GetFOHtriggers(); info[eqId]->SetNumTriggers(str->GetFOHtriggers()); } if(!vDB[eqId]) { vDB[eqId] = str->GetFOHglobalDBversion(); info[eqId]->SetDBversion(str->GetFOHglobalDBversion()); } if(!fomanager[eqId]->GetNdacs()) fomanager[eqId]->SetNdacs(str->GetFOHnumDacs()); TArrayS dacvalues(str->GetFOHnumDacs()); for(Int_t n = 0; n<(Int_t)str->GetFOHnumDacs(); n++) dacvalues.AddAt(str->GetFOHdacValue(n),n); TArrayS dacs = fomanager[eqId]->CreateDACArray(dacvalues, info[eqId]->GetDACIndexArray()); for(Int_t ihs =0; ihs < 6; ihs++) { // needed in the header to access the HS and ChipId info (in data it is different) for(Int_t ich =0; ich < 10; ich++){ if(!str->GetFOHchipPresent(ihs, ich)) continue; info[eqId]->SetActiveChipsAndHS(ihs,ich); Short_t measure[4] = {str->GetFOHMatrixID(),str->GetFOHpixelRow(), str->GetFOHpixelCol(), str->GetFOHchipCount(ihs,ich)}; fomanager[eqId]->AddMeasurement(dacs,measure,ihs,ich); } // chip loop }// HS loop }// if str->ReadHeader()>0; }//if eqId delete str; delete reader; } // free resources free(event); }// infinite loop #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF daqDA_progressReport((unsigned int)( ((Float_t)(segNr-startSeg+1))/(argc-startSeg)*50 )); #else printf("progress: %d\n",(unsigned int)( ((Float_t)(segNr-startSeg+1))/(argc-startSeg)*50 )); #endif }// loop over run segments TString id[20], files[20]; for(Int_t ifile =0; ifile < 20; ifile++) { if(iseq[ifile]){ id[ifile] = Form("SPD_ref_fo%02i",ifile); files[ifile] = fomanager[ifile]->GetFile()->GetName(); fomanager[ifile]->WriteToFile(); } delete fomanager[ifile]; } // ANALYSIS part for(Int_t iff =0; iff<20 ; iff++){ if(!iseq[iff]) continue; AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer * analyzer = new AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer(Form("%i_%s%02i.root",runNr,s.Data(),iff)); analyzer->ReadParamsFromLocation(configFilesDir); analyzer->Process(); TString dcsConfigFileName = Form("%s/dcsConfig_run_%d_eq_%d.txt",saveDirDCSconfigToFXS,runNr,iff); ofstream dcsfile; dcsfile.open(dcsConfigFileName.Data()); dcsfile << "[SPD SCAN]\n"; dcsfile << "RunNumber=" << runNr << "\n"; dcsfile << "Type="<< evType <<"\n"; dcsfile << "Router=" << iff << "\n"; dcsfile << "ActualDetConfiguration=" << vDB[iff]<<"\n\n"; dcsfile << "[DACvalues]\n"; for(Int_t hs =0; hs<6; hs++){ for(Int_t ichip =0; ichip < 10; ichip++){ TArrayI dacs = analyzer->ChooseDACValues(hs,ichip); if(dacs.GetSize() == 0) continue; for(Int_t idac =0; idac < dacs.GetSize() - 1; idac++) { // -1 (the last one is the quality flag) if(dacs.At(idac) >=0 ) { dcsfile << ((analyzer->GetFOHandler())->GetFOscanInfo())->GetDACindex(idac) << ","; dcsfile << iff << ","; dcsfile << hs << ","; dcsfile << ichip << "=" ; dcsfile << dacs.At(idac) << ","; dcsfile << dacs.At(dacs.GetSize() - 1) << "\n"; } } } } dcsfile.close(); } printf("Preparing DCS config files\n"); // send a tared file of all the dcsConfig text files TString command = Form("cd %s; tar -cf dcsConfig.tar *",saveDirDCSconfigToFXS); //printf("\n\n%s\n\n",command.Data()); system(command.Data()); TString fileName = Form("%s/dcsConfig.tar",saveDirDCSconfigToFXS); TString iddcs = "SPD_dcsConfig"; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(fileName.Data(),iddcs.Data()); if (status!=0) { printf("Failed to export file %s , status %d\n",fileName.Data(),status); return -1; } #endif printf("Opening id list file\n"); TString idsFXSFileName = Form("%s/FXSids_run_%d.txt",saveDirIdsToFXS,runNr); ofstream idsFXSfile; idsFXSfile.open(idsFXSFileName.Data()); // send reference data to FXS for (UInt_t eqId=0; eqId<20; eqId++) { if(!iseq[eqId]) continue; //printf("Preparing reference data for eq %d\n",eqId); TString idf = Form("SPD_ref_fo_%d",eqId); #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(files[eqId].Data(),idf.Data()); if (status!=0) { printf("Failed to export file %s , status %d\n",files[eqId].Data(),status); return -1; } #endif idsFXSfile << Form("%s\n",idf.Data()); } timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); printf("DA finished.\n"); return 0; }