/* Contact: henrik.tydesjo@cern.ch Link: tydes.home.cern.ch/tydes/doc/CalibrationOverview/CalibrationAlgorithms/ Run Type: PHYSICS DA Type: MON Number of events needed: Depending on muliplicity per event Input Files: spd_physics_params , ./calibResults/DeadReferenceTmp/* , ./calibResults/DeadToFXS/* Output Files: ./calibResults/NoisyReference/* , ./calibResults/DeadReference/* , ./calibResults/NoisyToFXS/* , ./calibResults/DeadReferenceTmp/*,./calibResults/DeadToFXS/* Trigger types used: PHYSICS */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program can be compiled in two modes. // // // // 1. Online. With the DAQ DA framework. This is the default operating mode. // // // // 2. Offline. Without the DAQ DA framework. Define the SPD_DA_OFF // // environment var. Call this program with the name of the executable // // followed by the runNr and the data files to process. // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF extern "C" { #include "daqDA.h" } #endif #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliITSRawStreamSPD.h" #include "AliITSOnlineSPDphys.h" #include "AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer.h" #include "AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc<2) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } // directory structure, hard coded char *saveDirDead = "./calibResults/Dead"; // may NOT delete content char *saveDirDeadToFXS = "./calibResults/DeadToFXS"; // may delete content char *saveDirDeadRef = "./calibResults/DeadReference"; // may delete content char *saveDirDeadRefTmp = "./calibResults/DeadReferenceTmp"; // may NOT delete content char *saveDirNoisyToFXS = "./calibResults/NoisyToFXS"; // may delete content char *saveDirNoisyRef = "./calibResults/NoisyReference"; // may delete content char *saveDirIdsToFXS = "./calibResults/IdsToFXS"; // may delete content char *configFilesDir = "./configFiles"; // may delete content // make sure the directory structure is put up correctly: system("mkdir ./calibResults >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/Dead >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/DeadToFXS >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/DeadReference >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/DeadReferenceTmp >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/NoisyToFXS >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/NoisyReference >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./calibResults/IdsToFXS >& /dev/null"); system("mkdir ./configFiles >& /dev/null"); // parameters config file TString paramsFileName = Form("%s/physics_params.txt",configFilesDir); // This line is needed in case of a stand-alone application w/o // $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc file gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); // turn off annoying warning messages new AliLog; AliLog::Instance()->SetGlobalDebugLevel(-20); // ********* STEP 0: Get configuration files from db (if there are any) , then read parameters********* UInt_t nrTuningParams = 0; TObjArray paramNames; paramNames.SetOwner(kTRUE); TObjArray paramVals; paramVals.SetOwner(kTRUE); // tuning parameters: Int_t par_status = 0; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF TString idp = "spd_physics_params"; par_status=daqDA_DB_getFile(idp.Data(),paramsFileName.Data()); if (par_status) { printf("SPD DA: Failed to get config file %s: status=%d. Using default tuning parameters.\n",idp.Data(),par_status); } #endif if (par_status==0) { ifstream paramsFile; paramsFile.open(paramsFileName.Data(), ifstream::in); if (paramsFile.fail()) { printf("SPD DA: No config file (%s) present. Using default tuning parameters.\n",paramsFileName.Data()); } else { while(1) { Char_t paramN[50]; Char_t paramV[50]; paramsFile >> paramN; if (paramsFile.eof()) break; paramsFile >> paramV; paramNames.AddAtAndExpand(new TObjString(paramN),nrTuningParams); paramVals.AddAtAndExpand(new TObjString(paramV),nrTuningParams); nrTuningParams++; if (paramsFile.eof()) break; } paramsFile.close(); } } // for (UInt_t i=0; iData(),((TString*)paramVals.At(i))->Data()); // printf("Entry %d: N=%s , V=%s\n",i,((TObjString*)paramNames.At(i))->GetString().Data(),((TObjString*)paramVals.At(i))->GetString().Data()); // } // create calibration handler (needed already at step 1 in order to fill which eq,hs,chips are active AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler = new AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler(); // Read silent=dead+inactive info from previous calibrations #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF // remove previous files and read from DB instead TString commandRemoveDead = Form("cd %s; rm -f *",saveDirDead); system(commandRemoveDead.Data()); for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { Int_t getPreviousDead_status = 0; TString idpd = Form("spd_previous_dead_%d",eq); TString fileName = Form("%s/SPD_Dead_%d.root",saveDirDead,eq); getPreviousDead_status = daqDA_DB_getFile(idpd.Data(),fileName.Data()); // printf("daqDA_DB_getFile(%s,%s)\n",idpd.Data(),fileName.Data()); if (par_status) { printf("SPD DA: Failed to get dead file %s: status=%d. Dead search will start from zero for this eq.\n",idpd.Data(),getPreviousDead_status); } } #endif handler->SetFileLocation(saveDirDead); handler->ReadSilentFromFiles(); printf("SPD DA: Number of single dead pixels from previous runs: %d\n",handler->GetNrDead()); // ********* STEP 1: Produce phys container files (Reference Data). *********************************** #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF if (getenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER")==0) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: DATE_RUN_NUMBER not properly set.\n"); return -1; } int runNr = atoi(getenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER")); #else int runNr = atoi(argv[1]); int startSeg = 2; #endif // container objects AliITSOnlineSPDphys *physObj[20]; Bool_t bPhysInit[20]; for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { physObj[eq]=NULL; bPhysInit[eq]=kFALSE; } UInt_t eventNr=0; // loop over run segments in case of offline mode #ifdef SPD_DA_OFF for (int segNr=startSeg; segNreventType; if (eventT == PHYSICS_EVENT){ // printf("eventNr %d\n",eventNr); AliRawReader *reader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); AliITSRawStreamSPD *str = new AliITSRawStreamSPD(reader); while (str->Next()) { Int_t eq = reader->GetDDLID(); // check that this hs is active in handler object if (!(handler->IsActiveEq(eq))) { printf("SPD DA: Found Eq (%d) , previously inactive\n",eq); handler->ActivateEq(eq); } if (eq>=0 && eq<20) { if (!bPhysInit[eq]) { // this code is duplicated for the moment... (see also below) TString fileName = Form("%s/SPDphys_run_%d_eq_%d.root",saveDirNoisyRef,runNr,eq); physObj[eq] = new AliITSOnlineSPDphys(fileName.Data()); physObj[eq]->AddRunNr(runNr); physObj[eq]->SetEqNr(eq); bPhysInit[eq]=kTRUE; } UInt_t hs = str->GetHalfStaveNr(); // check that this hs is active in handler object if (!(handler->IsActiveHS(eq,hs))) { printf("SPD DA: Found HS (%d,%d) , previously inactive\n",eq,hs); handler->ActivateHS(eq,hs); } UInt_t chip = str->GetChipAddr(); // check that this chip is active in handler object if (!(handler->IsActiveChip(eq,hs,chip))) { printf("SPD DA: Found Chip (%d,%d,%d) , previously inactive\n",eq,hs,chip); handler->ActivateChip(eq,hs,chip); } physObj[eq]->IncrementHits(hs,chip,str->GetChipCol(),str->GetChipRow()); } } // check which eq and hs are active, for first event only if (eventNr==0) { for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { // activate Eq and HSs in handler object if (str->IsActiveEq(eq)) { handler->ActivateEq(eq); for (UInt_t hs=0; hs<6; hs++) { if (str->IsActiveHS(eq,hs)) { handler->ActivateHS(eq,hs); for (UInt_t chip=0; chip<10; chip++) { if (str->IsActiveChip(eq,hs,chip)) { handler->ActivateChip(eq,hs,chip); } else { handler->ActivateChip(eq,hs,chip,kFALSE); } } } else { handler->ActivateHS(eq,hs,kFALSE); } } if (!bPhysInit[eq]) { // this code is duplicated for the moment... (see also above) TString fileName = Form("%s/SPDphys_run_%d_eq_%d.root",saveDirNoisyRef,runNr,eq); physObj[eq] = new AliITSOnlineSPDphys(fileName.Data()); physObj[eq]->AddRunNr(runNr); physObj[eq]->SetEqNr(eq); bPhysInit[eq]=kTRUE; } } else { handler->ActivateEq(eq,kFALSE); } } } for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { if (bPhysInit[eq]) { physObj[eq]->IncrementNrEvents(); } } delete str; delete reader; eventNr++; } /* free resources */ free(event); } #ifdef SPD_DA_OFF printf("SPD DA: progress: %d\n",(unsigned int)( ((Float_t)(segNr-startSeg+1))/(argc-startSeg)*50 )); } #endif // clean up phys objects (also saves them) for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { if (physObj[eq]!=NULL) delete physObj[eq]; } printf("SPD DA: %d events collected for this run.\n",eventNr); // ********* STEP 2: Analyze phys container files. ************************************************ // time_t timeStamp = time(NULL); // printf("*** Start step2 , %d\n",time(NULL) - timeStamp); // clear noisyToFXS dir: TString command; command = Form("cd %s; rm -f *",saveDirNoisyToFXS); system(command.Data()); // clear deadToFXS dir: command = Form("cd %s; rm -f *",saveDirDeadToFXS); system(command.Data()); UInt_t firstRunNrDead = runNr; UInt_t nrEnoughStatNoisy = 0; UInt_t nrEqActiveNoisy = 0; Bool_t eqActiveNoisy[20]; // *** *** *** start loop over equipments (eq_id) for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { eqActiveNoisy[eq] = kFALSE; // create analyzer for this eq TString fileName = Form("%s/SPDphys_run_%d_eq_%d.root",saveDirNoisyRef,runNr,eq); AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer *noisyAnalyzer = new AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer(fileName.Data(),handler); // check data in container if (noisyAnalyzer->GetEqNr() != eq) { if (noisyAnalyzer->GetEqNr() != 999) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Mismatching EqId in Container data and filename (%d!=%d). Skipping eq.\n", noisyAnalyzer->GetEqNr(),eq); } delete noisyAnalyzer; continue; } nrEqActiveNoisy++; eqActiveNoisy[eq] = kTRUE; // configure analyzer with tuning parameters etc: for (UInt_t i=0; iSetParam(((TObjString*)paramNames.At(i))->GetString().Data(),((TObjString*)paramVals.At(i))->GetString().Data()); } printf("SPD DA: SPD phys STEP 2: Noisy search for eq %d\n",eq); // search for noisy pixels: nrEnoughStatNoisy += noisyAnalyzer->ProcessNoisyPixels(); // copy this phys obj to temporary dead reference dir to process after noisy search TString fileNameDead = Form("%s/SPDphys_dead_run_0_0_eq_%d.root",saveDirDeadRefTmp,eq); AliITSOnlineSPDphys* physObj = new AliITSOnlineSPDphys(fileNameDead.Data()); physObj->AddPhys(noisyAnalyzer->GetOnlinePhys()); if (physObj->GetNrRuns()>0) { UInt_t firstRunNr = physObj->GetRunNr(0); if (firstRunNrDead>firstRunNr) { firstRunNrDead=firstRunNr; } } // remove noisy pixels from dead hitmap for (UInt_t hs=0; hs<6; hs++) { for (UInt_t chip=0; chip<10; chip++) { for (UInt_t ind=0; indGetNrNoisyC(eq,hs,chip); ind++) { UInt_t col = handler->GetNoisyColAtC(eq,hs,chip,ind); UInt_t row = handler->GetNoisyRowAtC(eq,hs,chip,ind); physObj->AddHits(hs,chip,col,row,-noisyAnalyzer->GetOnlinePhys()->GetHits(hs,chip,col,row)); } } } delete physObj; delete noisyAnalyzer; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF daqDA_progressReport((unsigned int)((eq+1)*2.5)); #else printf("SPD DA: progress: %d\n",(unsigned int)(50+(eq+1)*1.25)); #endif } // *** *** *** end loop over equipments (eq_id) printf("SPD DA: Noisy search finished. %d noisy pixels found. %d chips had enough statistics.\n", handler->GetNrNoisy(),nrEnoughStatNoisy); handler->SetFileLocation(saveDirNoisyToFXS); UInt_t nrNoisyFilesProduced = handler->WriteNoisyToFiles(); UInt_t nrEnoughStatChips = 0; UInt_t nrDeadChips = 0; UInt_t nrInefficientChips = 0; UInt_t nrEqActiveDead = 0; Bool_t eqActiveDead[20]; // *** *** *** start loop over equipments (eq_id) for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { eqActiveDead[eq] = kFALSE; // setup analyzer for dead search TString fileNameDead = Form("%s/SPDphys_dead_run_0_0_eq_%d.root",saveDirDeadRefTmp,eq); AliITSOnlineSPDphys* physObj = new AliITSOnlineSPDphys(fileNameDead.Data()); AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer* deadAnalyzer = new AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer(physObj,handler); // check data in container if (deadAnalyzer->GetEqNr() != eq) { if (deadAnalyzer->GetEqNr() != 999) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Mismatching EqId in Dead Container data and filename (%d!=%d). Skipping eq.\n", deadAnalyzer->GetEqNr(),eq); } delete deadAnalyzer; nrDeadChips+=60; // since this eq is inactive... continue; } nrEqActiveDead++; eqActiveDead[eq] = kTRUE; // configure analyzer with tuning parameters etc: for (UInt_t i=0; iSetParam(((TObjString*)paramNames.At(i))->GetString().Data(),((TObjString*)paramVals.At(i))->GetString().Data()); } printf("SPD DA: SPD phys STEP 2: Dead search for eq %d\n",eq); // search for dead pixels: nrEnoughStatChips += deadAnalyzer->ProcessDeadPixels(); nrDeadChips += deadAnalyzer->GetNrDeadChips(); nrInefficientChips += deadAnalyzer->GetNrInefficientChips(); delete deadAnalyzer; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF daqDA_progressReport((unsigned int)(50+(eq+1)*2.5)); #else printf("SPD DA: progress: %d\n",(unsigned int)(75+(eq+1)*1.25)); #endif } // *** *** *** end loop over equipments (eq) printf("SPD DA: Dead search finished.\n"); printf("SPD DA: %d single dead pixels , %d dead or inactive pixels in total.\n",handler->GetNrDead(),handler->GetNrSilent()); printf("SPD DA: %d chips had enough statistics. %d chips are dead. %d chips are inefficient.\n",nrEnoughStatChips,nrDeadChips,nrInefficientChips); handler->SetFileLocation(saveDirDead); handler->WriteSilentToFilesAlways(); handler->SetFileLocation(saveDirDeadToFXS); handler->WriteSilentToFilesAlways(); printf("SPD DA: Opening id list file\n"); TString idsFXSFileName = Form("%s/FXSids_run_%d.txt",saveDirIdsToFXS,runNr); ofstream idsFXSfile; idsFXSfile.open(idsFXSFileName.Data()); // store dead+inactive pixels in DB, used as starting point for later runs #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { Int_t storePreviousDead_status = 0; TString idpd = Form("spd_previous_dead_%d",eq); TString fileName = Form("%s/SPD_Dead_%d.root",saveDirDead,eq); storePreviousDead_status = daqDA_DB_storeFile(fileName.Data(),idpd.Data()); // printf("daqDA_DB_storeFile(%s,%s)\n",fileName.Data(),idpd.Data()); if (storePreviousDead_status) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Failed to store dead file %s in daqDetDB: status=%d.\n",idpd.Data(),storePreviousDead_status); } } #endif // send (dead) reference data for this run to FXS - only if there is no chip in category "needsMoreStat" if (nrEnoughStatChips>0 && nrEnoughStatChips+nrDeadChips+nrInefficientChips == 1200) { printf("SPD DA: Dead calibration is complete.\n"); printf("SPD DA: Preparing dead reference data\n"); // send reference data for dead pixels to FXS TString tarFiles = ""; for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { if (eqActiveDead[eq]) { printf("SPD DA: Preparing dead pixels for eq %d\n",eq); // move file to ref dir TString fileName = Form("%s/SPDphys_dead_run_0_0_eq_%d.root",saveDirDeadRefTmp,eq); TString newFileName = Form("%s/SPDphys_dead_run_%d_%d_eq_%d.root",saveDirDeadRef,firstRunNrDead,runNr,eq); TString command = Form("mv -f %s %s",fileName.Data(),newFileName.Data()); system(command.Data()); tarFiles.Append(Form("SPDphys_dead_run_%d_%d_eq_%d.root ",firstRunNrDead,runNr,eq)); } } if (tarFiles.Length() > 0) { // make sure there are any files to send TString send_command = Form("cd %s; tar -cf ref_phys_dead.tar %s",saveDirDeadRef,tarFiles.Data()); system(send_command.Data()); TString fileName = Form("%s/ref_phys_dead.tar",saveDirDeadRef); TString id = "SPD_ref_phys_dead"; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(fileName.Data(),id.Data()); if (status!=0) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Failed to export file %s , status %d\n",fileName.Data(),status); return -1; } #endif idsFXSfile << Form("%s\n",id.Data()); } } // send (noisy) reference data for this run to FXS printf("SPD DA: Preparing noisy reference data\n"); TString tarFiles = ""; for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { if (eqActiveNoisy[eq]) { tarFiles.Append(Form("SPDphys_run_%d_eq_%d.root ",runNr,eq)); } } if (tarFiles.Length() > 0) { // make sure there are any files to send TString send_command = Form("cd %s; tar -cf ref_phys.tar %s",saveDirNoisyRef,tarFiles.Data()); system(send_command.Data()); TString fileName = Form("%s/ref_phys.tar",saveDirNoisyRef); TString id = "SPD_ref_phys"; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(fileName.Data(),id.Data()); if (status!=0) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Failed to export file %s , status %d\n",fileName.Data(),status); return -1; } #endif idsFXSfile << Form("%s\n",id.Data()); } // send dead pixels to FXS printf("SPD DA: Preparing dead files for FXS\n"); // send a tared file of all the dead files TString send_command = Form("cd %s; tar -cf dead_phys.tar *",saveDirDeadToFXS); // printf("\n\n%s\n\n",command.Data()); system(send_command.Data()); TString fileName = Form("%s/dead_phys.tar",saveDirDeadToFXS); TString id = "SPD_phys_dead"; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF Int_t send_status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(fileName.Data(),id.Data()); if (send_status!=0) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Failed to export file %s , status %d\n",fileName.Data(),send_status); return -1; } #endif idsFXSfile << Form("%s\n",id.Data()); // send noisy pixels to FXS if (nrNoisyFilesProduced > 0) { // make sure there is at least one file created printf("SPD DA: Preparing noisy files for FXS\n"); // send a tared file of all the noisy files TString command = Form("cd %s; tar -cf noisy_phys.tar *",saveDirNoisyToFXS); // printf("\n\n%s\n\n",command.Data()); system(command.Data()); TString fileName = Form("%s/noisy_phys.tar",saveDirNoisyToFXS); TString id = "SPD_phys_noisy"; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(fileName.Data(),id.Data()); if (status!=0) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Failed to export file %s , status %d\n",fileName.Data(),status); return -1; } #endif idsFXSfile << Form("%s\n",id.Data()); } // send ids file to FXS idsFXSfile.close(); id = "SPD_id_list"; #ifndef SPD_DA_OFF status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(idsFXSFileName.Data(),id.Data()); if (status!=0) { printf("SPD DA ERROR: Failed to export file %s , status %d\n",idsFXSFileName.Data(),status); return -1; } #endif delete handler; // printf("*** End step2 , %d\n",time(NULL) - timeStamp); return 0; }