#include "iostream.h" void SPDclusterTestDubna (Int_t evNumber1=0,Int_t evNumber2=0) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This macro is a small example of a ROOT macro // illustrating how to read the output of GALICE // and do some analysis. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } else { delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root"); if (!file) file = new TFile("galice.root"); file->ls(); // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file if (!gAlice) { gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n"); if (!gAlice) gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); } // ------------ Cluster and point analysis histogramms ------------ TH1F *Nxpix1 = new TH1F("Nxpix1","Cluster size in x(r*phi) direction for layer 1",20,0.,20.); TH1F *Nxpix2 = new TH1F("Nxpix2","Cluster size in x(r*phi) direction for layer 2",20,0.,20.); TH1F *Nzpix1 = new TH1F("Nzpix1","Cluster size in z direction for layer 1",15,0.,15.); TH1F *Nzpix2 = new TH1F("Nzpix2","Cluster size in z direction for layer 2",15,0.,15.); TH1F *Xpix1 = new TH1F("Xpix1","Local x coordinate (mm) for layer 1",20,-2.,18.); TH1F *Xpix2 = new TH1F("Xpix2","Local x coordinate (mm) for layer 2",20,-2.,18.); TH1F *Zpix1 = new TH1F("Zpix1","Local z coordinate (mm) for layer 1",90,-2.,88.); TH1F *Zpix2 = new TH1F("Zpix2","Lolac z coordinate (mm) for layer 2",90,-2.,88.); TH1F *Xres1 = new TH1F("Xres1","Xrec and Xgen difference (micr) for layers 1",100,-200.,200.); TH1F *Xres2 = new TH1F("Xres2","Xrec and Xgen difference (micr) for layers 2",100,-200.,200.); TH1F *Zres1 = new TH1F("Zres1","Zrec and Zgen difference (micr) for layers 1",100,-800.,800.); TH1F *Zres2 = new TH1F("Zres2","Zrec and Zgen difference (micr) for layers 2",100,-800.,800.); TH1F *Ptot1 = new TH1F("Ptot1","Total momentum (GeV/C) for layers 1",100,0.,5.); TH1F *Pz1 = new TH1F("Pz1","Pz (GeV/C) for layers 1",100,-5.,5.); TH1F *Theta1 = new TH1F("Theta1","Theta angle (rad) for layers 1",100,0.,4.); TH1F *Y1 = new TH1F("Y1","Rapidity for layers 1",100,-4.,4.); TH1F *Eta1 = new TH1F("Eta1","PseudoRapidity for layers 1",100,-4.,4.); TH1F *Y1Den = new TH1F("Y1Den","Rapidity for layers 1",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Eta1Den = new TH1F("Eta1Den","PseudoRapidity for layers 1",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Y1DenA = new TH1F("Y1DenA","Rapidity for layers 1",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Eta1DenA = new TH1F("Eta1DenA","PseudoRapidity for layers 1",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Phi1 = new TH1F("Phi1","Phi angle (rad) for layers 1",100,0.,7.); TH1F *Ptot2 = new TH1F("Ptot2","Total momentum (GeV/C) for layers 2",100,0.,5.); TH1F *Pz2 = new TH1F("Pz2","Pz (GeV/C) for layers 2",100,-5.,5.); TH1F *Theta2 = new TH1F("Theta2","Theta angle (rad) for layers 2",100,0.,4.); TH1F *Y2 = new TH1F("Y2","Rapidity for layers 2",100,-4.,4.); TH1F *Eta2 = new TH1F("Eta2","PseudoRapidity for layers 2",100,-4.,4.); TH1F *Y2Den = new TH1F("Y2Den","Rapidity for layers 2",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Eta2Den = new TH1F("Eta2Den","PseudoRapidity for layers 2",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Y2DenA = new TH1F("Y2DenA","Rapidity for layers 2",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Eta2DenA = new TH1F("Eta2DenA","PseudoRapidity for layers 2",100,-0.5,0.5); TH1F *Phi2 = new TH1F("Phi2","Phi angle (rad) for layers 2",100,0.,7.); // -------------- Create ntuples -------------------- // ntuple structures: struct { Int_t lay; Int_t nx; Int_t nz; Int_t hitprim; Int_t partcode; Int_t ntrover; Float_t dx; Float_t dz; Float_t pmod; } ntuple_st; struct { Int_t lay; Int_t lad; Int_t det; Int_t nx; Int_t nz; Int_t ntrover; Int_t noverlaps; Int_t noverprim; Float_t qcl; Float_t dx; Float_t dz; Float_t x; Float_t z; } ntuple1_st; struct { // Int_t lay; Int_t lay; Int_t nx; Int_t nz; Float_t x; Float_t z; Float_t qcl; } ntuple2_st; ntuple = new TTree("ntuple","Demo ntuple"); ntuple->Branch("lay",&ntuple_st.lay,"lay/I"); ntuple->Branch("nx",&ntuple_st.nx,"nx/I"); ntuple->Branch("nz",&ntuple_st.nz,"nz/I"); ntuple->Branch("hitprim",&ntuple_st.hitprim,"hitprim/I"); ntuple->Branch("partcode",&ntuple_st.partcode,"partcode/I"); ntuple->Branch("ntrover",&ntuple_st.ntrover,"ntrover/I"); ntuple->Branch("dx",&ntuple_st.dx,"dx/F"); ntuple->Branch("dz",&ntuple_st.dz,"dz/F"); ntuple->Branch("pmod",&ntuple_st.pmod,"pmod/F"); ntuple1 = new TTree("ntuple1","Demo ntuple1"); ntuple1->Branch("lay",&ntuple1_st.lay,"lay/I"); ntuple1->Branch("lad",&ntuple1_st.lad,"lad/I"); ntuple1->Branch("det",&ntuple1_st.det,"det/I"); ntuple1->Branch("nx",&ntuple1_st.nx,"nx/I"); ntuple1->Branch("nz",&ntuple1_st.nz,"nz/I"); ntuple1->Branch("qcl",&ntuple1_st.qcl,"qcl/F"); ntuple1->Branch("ntrover",&ntuple1_st.ntrover,"ntrover/I"); ntuple1->Branch("noverlaps",&ntuple1_st.noverlaps,"noverlaps/I"); ntuple1->Branch("noverprim",&ntuple1_st.noverprim,"noverprim/I"); ntuple1->Branch("x",&ntuple1_st.x,"x/F"); ntuple1->Branch("z",&ntuple1_st.z,"z/F"); ntuple1->Branch("dx",&ntuple1_st.dx,"dx/F"); ntuple1->Branch("dz",&ntuple1_st.dz,"dz/F"); ntuple2 = new TTree("ntuple2","Demo ntuple2"); // ntuple2->Branch("lay",&ntuple2_st.lay,"lay/I"); ntuple2->Branch("lay",&ntuple2_st.lay,"lay/I"); ntuple2->Branch("x",&ntuple2_st.x,"x/F"); ntuple2->Branch("z",&ntuple2_st.z,"z/F"); ntuple2->Branch("nx",&ntuple2_st.nx,"nx/I"); ntuple2->Branch("nz",&ntuple2_st.nz,"nz/I"); ntuple2->Branch("qcl",&ntuple2_st.qcl,"qcl/F"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Loop over events // for (int nev=0; nev<= evNumber2; nev++) { Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(nev); cout << "nev " << nev <TreeH(); Int_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries(); cout<<"ntracks "<GetModule("ITS"); TClonesArray *Particles = gAlice->Particles(); if (ITS) { // fill modules with sorted by module hits Int_t nmodules; ITS->InitModules(-1,nmodules); // ITS->FillModules(nev,-1,evNumber2,nmodules," "," "); ITS->FillModules(nev,evNumber2,nmodules," "," "); //get pointer to modules array TObjArray *ITSmodules = ITS->GetModules(); AliITShit *itsHit; // get the Tree for clusters ITS->GetTreeC(nev); TTree *TC=ITS->TreeC(); Int_t nent=TC->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d entries in the tree (must be one per module per event!)\n",nent); Int_t lay, lad, det; AliITSgeom *geom = ITS->GetITSgeom(); for (Int_t idettype=0;idettype<3;idettype++) { TClonesArray *ITSclusters = ITS->ClustersAddress(idettype); //printf ("ITSclusters %p \n",ITSclusters); if (idettype != 0) continue; Float_t occup1 = 0; Float_t occup2 = 0; // Module loop for (Int_t mod=0; modAt(mod); geom->GetModuleId(mod,lay,lad,det); Int_t nhits = itsModule->GetNhits(); //if(nhits) printf("module nhits %d %d\n",mod,nhits); if(!nhits) continue; ITS->ResetClusters(); TC->GetEvent(mod); Int_t nclust = ITSclusters->GetEntries(); if (!nclust) continue; // cluster/hit loops //cout<<"mod,lay,nclust,nhits ="<UncheckedAt(clu); Int_t noverlaps = 0; Int_t noverprim = 0; Int_t clustersizex = itsclu->NclX(); Int_t clustersizez = itsclu->NclZ(); // Int_t xstart = itsclu->XStart(); // Int_t xstop = itsclu->XStop(); Int_t xstart = itsclu->XStartf(); Int_t xstop = itsclu->XStopf(); Float_t fxstart = xstart*50; Float_t fxstop = (xstop+1)*50; Float_t zstart = itsclu->ZStart(); Float_t zstop = itsclu->ZStop(); Int_t zend = itsclu->Zend(); Int_t ntrover = itsclu->NTracks(); Float_t clusterx = itsclu->X(); Float_t clusterz = itsclu->Z(); Float_t clusterQ = itsclu->Q(); if(lay == 1) occup1 += clusterQ; if(lay == 2) occup2 += clusterQ; ntuple2_st.lay = lay; ntuple2_st.x = clusterx/1000.; ntuple2_st.z = clusterz/1000.; ntuple2_st.nx = clustersizex; ntuple2_st.nz = clustersizez; ntuple2_st.qcl = clusterQ; ntuple2->Fill(); Int_t icl = 0; Float_t dxprimlast = 10.e+6; Float_t dzprimlast = 10.e+6; Float_t SPDlength = 83600; Float_t SPDwidth = 12800; Float_t xhit0 = 1e+5; Float_t zhit0 = 1e+5; for (Int_t hit=0;hitGetHit(hit); Int_t hitlayer = itsHit->GetLayer(); Int_t hitladder= itsHit->GetLadder(); Int_t hitdet= itsHit->GetDetector(); Float_t dEn = 1.0e+6*itsHit->GetIonization(); // hit energy, KeV Int_t track = itsHit->GetTrack(); Int_t dray = 0; Int_t hitstat = itsHit->GetTrackStatus(); Float_t zhit = 10000*itsHit->GetZL(); Float_t xhit = 10000*itsHit->GetXL(); Float_t pxsimL = itsHit->GetPXL(); // the momenta at GEANT points Float_t pysimL = itsHit->GetPYL(); Float_t pzsimL = itsHit->GetPZL(); Float_t psimL = TMath::Sqrt(pxsimL*pxsimL+pysimL*pysimL+pzsimL*pzsimL); // Check boundaries if(zhit > SPDlength/2) { //cout<<"!!! z outside ="<GetPXG(); // the momenta at this GEANT point Float_t pysim = itsHit->GetPYG(); Float_t pzsim = itsHit->GetPZG(); Float_t psim = TMath::Sqrt(pxsim*pxsim+pysim*pysim+pzsim*pzsim); Int_t hitprim = 0; if(partcode == 11 && pmod < 6) dray = 1; // delta ray is e- // at p < 6 MeV/c if(dray == 0) noverlaps = noverlaps + 1; // overlapps for all hits but // not for delta ray which // also went out from the // detector and returned // again if(parent < 0) hitprim = hitprim + 1; // hitprim=1 for the primery // particles if(hitprim > 0) noverprim = noverprim + 1; if(hitprim > 0) { dxprimlast = xdif; dzprimlast = zdif; } // fill ntuple ntuple_st.lay = hitlayer; ntuple_st.nx = clustersizex; ntuple_st.nz = clustersizez; ntuple_st.hitprim = hitprim; ntuple_st.partcode = partcode; ntuple_st.ntrover = ntrover; ntuple_st.dx = xdif; ntuple_st.dz = zdif; ntuple_st.pmod = pmod; ntuple->Fill(); if(hitlayer == 1) { Y1DenA->Fill(y); Eta1DenA->Fill(eta); } if(hitlayer == 2) { Y2DenA->Fill(y); Eta2DenA->Fill(eta); } if(hitprim > 0) { // for primary particles if(hitlayer == 1) { Xres1->Fill(xdif); Zres1->Fill(zdif); Ptot1->Fill(pmod/1000.); Pz1->Fill(pz); Theta1->Fill(theta); Y1->Fill(y); Eta1->Fill(eta); Y1Den->Fill(y); Eta1Den->Fill(eta); Phi1->Fill(phi); } if(hitlayer == 2) { Xres2->Fill(xdif); Zres2->Fill(zdif); Ptot2->Fill(pmod/1000.); Pz2->Fill(pz); Theta2->Fill(theta); Y2->Fill(y); Eta2->Fill(eta); Y2Den->Fill(y); Eta2Den->Fill(eta); Phi2->Fill(phi); } } // primery particles } // end of cluster region } // end of hit loop if(icl == 1) { // fill ntuple1 // ntuple1->Fill(clusterlayer,clustersizex,clustersizez,noverlaps,\ noverprim,dx,dz); if(noverlaps == 0) noverlaps = 1; // cluster contains one or more // delta rays only ntuple1_st.lay = lay; ntuple1_st.lad = lad; ntuple1_st.det = det; ntuple1_st.x = clusterx*1000.; ntuple1_st.z = clusterz*1000.; ntuple1_st.nx = clustersizex; ntuple1_st.nz = clustersizez; ntuple1_st.qcl = clusterQ; ntuple1_st.ntrover = ntrover; ntuple1_st.noverlaps = noverlaps; ntuple1_st.noverprim = noverprim; ntuple1_st.dx = dxprimlast; ntuple1_st.dz = dzprimlast; ntuple1->Fill(); } // icl = 1 } // cluster loop } // module loop cout<<" Occupancy for layer-1 ="<Write(); ntuple1->Write(); ntuple2->Write(); Nxpix1->Write(); Nzpix1->Write(); Nxpix2->Write(); Nzpix2->Write(); Xpix1->Write(); Zpix1->Write(); Xpix2->Write(); Zpix2->Write(); Xres1->Write(); Zres1->Write(); Xres2->Write(); Zres2->Write(); Ptot1->Write(); Pz1->Write(); Theta1->Write(); Y1->Write(); Eta1->Write(); Y1Den->Write(); Eta1Den->Write(); Y1DenA->Write(); Eta1DenA->Write(); Phi1->Write(); Ptot2->Write(); Pz2->Write(); Theta2->Write(); Y2->Write(); Eta2->Write(); Y2Den->Write(); Eta2Den->Write(); Y2DenA->Write(); Eta2DenA->Write(); Phi2->Write(); fhistos.Close(); cout<<"!!! Histogramms and ntuples were written"<Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Xres1->SetFillColor(42); Xres1->Draw(); c1->cd(2); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Zres1->SetFillColor(46); Zres1->Draw(); c1->cd(3); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Xres2->SetFillColor(42); Xres2->Draw(); c1->cd(4); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Zres2->SetFillColor(46); Zres2->Draw(); cout<<"END test for clusters and hits "<Close(); }