void SSDrecpointTest (Int_t evNumber1=0,Int_t evNumber2=0) //void SSDrecpointTest (Int_t evNumber1=0,Int_t evNumber2=999) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This macro is a small example of a ROOT macro // illustrating how to read the output of GALICE // and fill some histograms. // // Root > .L anal.C //this loads the macro in memory // Root > anal(); //by default process first event // Root > anal(2); //process third event //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } else { delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits TString *str = new TString("galice.root"); TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(str->Data()); if (!file) file = new TFile(str->Data(),"UPDATE"); // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file // if (!gAlice) { gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n"); if (!gAlice) gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); //} // -------------- Create ntuples -------------------- // ntuple structures: struct { Int_t lay; Int_t nxP; Int_t nxN; Int_t hitprim; Int_t partcode; Int_t ntrover; Float_t x; Float_t z; Float_t dx; Float_t dz; Float_t pmod; } ntuple_st; struct { Int_t lay; Int_t lad; Int_t det; Int_t nxP; Int_t nxN; Int_t noverlaps; Int_t noverprim; Int_t ntrover; Float_t qclP; Float_t qclN; Float_t qrec; Float_t dx; Float_t dz; } ntuple1_st; struct { Int_t nxP; Int_t nxN; Float_t x; Float_t z; } ntuple2_st; ntuple = new TTree("ntuple","Demo ntuple"); ntuple->Branch("lay",&ntuple_st.lay,"lay/I"); ntuple->Branch("nxP",&ntuple_st.nxP,"nxP/I"); ntuple->Branch("nxN",&ntuple_st.nxN,"nxN/I"); ntuple->Branch("hitprim",&ntuple_st.hitprim,"hitprim/I"); ntuple->Branch("partcode",&ntuple_st.partcode,"partcode/I"); ntuple->Branch("ntrover",&ntuple_st.ntrover,"ntrover/I"); ntuple->Branch("x",&ntuple_st.x,"x/F"); ntuple->Branch("z",&ntuple_st.z,"z/F"); ntuple->Branch("dx",&ntuple_st.dx,"dx/F"); ntuple->Branch("dz",&ntuple_st.dz,"dz/F"); ntuple->Branch("pmod",&ntuple_st.pmod,"pmod/F"); ntuple1 = new TTree("ntuple1","Demo ntuple1"); ntuple1->Branch("lay",&ntuple1_st.lay,"lay/I"); ntuple1->Branch("lad",&ntuple1_st.lad,"lad/I"); ntuple1->Branch("det",&ntuple1_st.det,"det/I"); ntuple1->Branch("nxP",&ntuple1_st.nxP,"nxP/I"); ntuple1->Branch("nxN",&ntuple1_st.nxN,"nxN/I"); ntuple1->Branch("qclP",&ntuple1_st.qclP,"qclP/F"); ntuple1->Branch("qclN",&ntuple1_st.qclN,"qclN/F"); ntuple1->Branch("qrec",&ntuple1_st.qrec,"qrec/F"); ntuple1->Branch("dx",&ntuple1_st.dx,"dx/F"); ntuple1->Branch("dz",&ntuple1_st.dz,"dz/F"); ntuple1->Branch("noverlaps",&ntuple1_st.noverlaps,"noverlaps/I"); ntuple1->Branch("noverprim",&ntuple1_st.noverprim,"noverprim/I"); ntuple1->Branch("ntrover",&ntuple1_st.ntrover,"ntrover/I"); ntuple2 = new TTree("ntuple2","Demo ntuple2"); ntuple2->Branch("nxP",&ntuple2_st.nxP,"nxP/I"); ntuple2->Branch("nxN",&ntuple2_st.nxN,"nxN/I"); ntuple2->Branch("x",&ntuple2_st.x,"x/F"); ntuple2->Branch("z",&ntuple2_st.z,"z/F"); // Create Histogramms TH1F *NxP5 = new TH1F("NxP5","P cluster size for layer 5",20,0.,20.); TH1F *NxN5 = new TH1F("NxN5","N cluster size for layer 5",20,0.,20.); TH1F *NxP6 = new TH1F("NxP6","P cluster size for layer 6",20,0.,20.); TH1F *NxN6 = new TH1F("NxN6","N cluster size for layer 6",20,0.,20.); TH1F *Xres5 = new TH1F("Xres5","Xrec and Xgen difference (micr) for layers 5",100,-200.,200.); TH1F *Xres6 = new TH1F("Xres6","Xrec and Xgen difference (micr) for layers 6",100,-200.,200.); TH1F *Zres5 = new TH1F("Zres5","Zrec and Zgen difference (micr) for layers 5",100,-8000.,8000.); TH1F *Zres6 = new TH1F("Zres6","Zrec and Zgen difference (micr) for layers 6",100,-8000.,8000.); TH1F *Path5 = new TH1F("Path5","Path length in Si",100,0.,600.); TH1F *Path6 = new TH1F("Path6","Path length in Si",100,0.,600.); TH1F *dEdX = new TH1F("dEdX","dEdX (KeV)",100,0.,500.); TH2F *adcPadcN5all = new TH2F("adcPadcN5all","adcP/N correlation for lay5",100,0.,200.,100,0.,200.); TH2F *adcPadcN6all = new TH2F("adcPadcN6all","adcP/N correlation for lay6",100,0.,200.,100,0.,200.); TH2F *adcPadcN5cut = new TH2F("adcPadcN5cut","adcP/N correlation for lay5 and cut of P-N signas",100,0.,200.,100,0.,200.); TH2F *adcPadcN6cut = new TH2F("adcPadcN6cut","adcP/N correlation for lay6 and cut of P-N signals",100,0.,200.,100,0.,200.); AliITS *ITS = (AliITS*) gAlice->GetModule("ITS"); if (!ITS) { cout << "no ITS" << endl; return; } //AliITSgeom *aliitsgeo = ITS->GetITSgeom(); AliITSgeom *geom = ITS->GetITSgeom(); //Int_t cp[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //cout << "SSD" << endl; AliITSDetType *iDetType=ITS->DetType(2); AliITSsegmentationSSD *seg2=(AliITSsegmentationSSD*)iDetType->GetSegmentationModel(); AliITSresponseSSD *res2 = (AliITSresponseSSD*)iDetType->GetResponseModel(); //res2->SetSigmaSpread(3.,2.); AliITSsimulationSSD *sim2=new AliITSsimulationSSD(seg2,res2); ITS->SetSimulationModel(2,sim2); TClonesArray *dig2 = ITS->DigitsAddress(2); TClonesArray *recp2 = ITS->ClustersAddress(2); AliITSClusterFinderSSD *rec2=new AliITSClusterFinderSSD(seg2,dig2); ITS->SetReconstructionModel(2,rec2); // test printf("SSD dimensions %f %f %f \n",seg2->Dx(),seg2->Dz(),seg2->Dy()); printf("SSD nstrips %d %d \n",seg2->Npz(),seg2->Npx()); Float_t ylim = seg2->Dy()/2 - 12; // // Loop over events // Int_t Nh=0; Int_t Nh1=0; for (int nev=0; nev<= evNumber2; nev++) { Int_t nparticles = 0; nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(nev); cout << "nev " << nev <TreeH(); Int_t nenthit=TH->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d entries in the Hit tree (must be one per track per event!)\n",nenthit); ITS->GetTreeC(nev); TTree *TC=ITS->TreeC(); Int_t nentclu=TC->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d entries in the Cluster tree (must be one per module per event!)\n",nentclu); TTree *TR = gAlice->TreeR(); Int_t nentrec=TR->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d entries in the RecPoints tree\n",nentrec); // Get Pointers to Clusters & Recpoints TClonesArrays TClonesArray *ITSclu = ITS->ClustersAddress(2); printf ("ITSclu %p \n",ITSclu); TClonesArray *ITSrec = ITS->RecPoints(); printf ("ITSrec %p \n",ITSrec); // check recpoints //Int_t nbytes = 0; Int_t totpoints = 0; Int_t totclust = 0; // check hits Int_t nmodules=0; Int_t mod; ITS->InitModules(-1,nmodules); ITS->FillModules(nev,0,nmodules,"",""); TObjArray *fITSmodules = ITS->GetModules(); Int_t first0 = geom->GetStartDet(0); // SPD Int_t last0 = geom->GetLastDet(0); // SPD Int_t first1 = geom->GetStartDet(1); // SDD Int_t last1 = geom->GetLastDet(1); // SDD Int_t first2 = geom->GetStartDet(2); // SSD Int_t last2 = geom->GetLastDet(2); // SSD // For the SPD: first0 = 0, last0 = 239 (240 modules); // for the SDD: first1 = 240, last1 = 499 (260 modules); // for the SSD: first2 = 500, last2 = 2269 (1770 modules). printf("det type %d first0, last0 %d %d \n",0,first0,last0); printf("det type %d first1, last1 %d %d \n",1,first1,last1); printf("det type %d first2, last2 %d %d \n",2,first2,last2); // module loop for the SSD for (mod=first2; modTreeR(); Int_t nentrec=TR->GetEntries(); //printf("Found %d entries in the RecPoints tree\n",nentrec); //cout << "CLUSTERS: reset" << endl; ITS->ResetClusters(); //cout << "CLUSTERS: get" << endl; TC->GetEvent(mod); //cout << "RECPOINTS: reset" << endl; ITS->ResetRecPoints(); //cout << "RECPOINTS: get" << endl; //TR->GetEvent(mod+1); // for the V3.04 AliRoot TR->GetEvent(mod); // for the V3.05 AliRoot Int_t nrecp = ITSrec->GetEntries(); totpoints += nrecp; //if (nrecp) printf("Found %d rec points for module %d\n",nrecp,mod); if (!nrecp) continue; Int_t nclusters = ITSclu->GetEntries(); totclust += nclusters; //if (nclusters) printf("Found %d clusters for module %d\n",nrecc,mod); //AliITSmodule *Mod = (AliITSmodule *)fITSmodules->At(mod+first2); // for the "SSD" option AliITSmodule *Mod = (AliITSmodule *)fITSmodules->At(mod); // for the "ALL" option // printf("Mod: %X\n",Mod); Int_t nhits = Mod->GetNhits(); Float_t epart = 0; cout <<" module,nrecp,nclusters,nhits ="<At(pnt); if(!itsPnt) continue; itsClu = (AliITSRawClusterSSD*)ITSclu->At(pnt); if(!itsClu) continue; Int_t nxP = itsClu->fMultiplicity; Int_t nxN = itsClu->fMultiplicityN; Int_t ntrover = itsClu->fNtracks; Float_t qclP = itsClu->fSignalP; // in ADC Float_t qclN = itsClu->fSignalN; // in ADC //Float_t dq = qclP - qclN; Float_t qcut = itsClu->fQErr; // abs(dq)/signal, // where signal is // max of qclP,qclN Float_t xrec = 10000*itsPnt->GetX(); Float_t zrec = 10000*itsPnt->GetZ(); Float_t qrec = itsPnt->GetQ(); // in ADC, maximum from fSignalP/N //Float_t dedx = itsPnt->GetdEdX(); // in KeV (ADC * 2.16) Float_t dedx = itsPnt->fdEdX; // in KeV (ADC * 2.16) Int_t ii = 0; Int_t tr1 = itsPnt->GetLabel(ii); Int_t ii = 1; Int_t tr2 = itsPnt->GetLabel(ii); Int_t ii = 2; Int_t tr3 = itsPnt->GetLabel(ii); // fill ntuple2 ntuple2_st.nxP = nxP; ntuple2_st.nxN = nxN; ntuple2_st.x = xrec/1000; ntuple2_st.z = zrec/1000; if(qcut < 0.18) ntuple2->Fill(); Int_t noverlaps = 0; Int_t noverprim = 0; Int_t flaghit = 0; Float_t xhit0 = 1e+7; Float_t yhit0 = 1e+7; Float_t zhit0 = 1e+7; // Hit loop for (Int_t hit=0;hitGetHit(hit); Int_t flagtrack = 0; Int_t hitlayer = itsHit->GetLayer(); Int_t hitladder= itsHit->GetLadder(); Int_t hitdet= itsHit->GetDetector(); Int_t track = itsHit->GetTrack(); Int_t dray = 0; Int_t hitstat = itsHit->GetTrackStatus(); Float_t zhit = 10000*itsHit->GetZL(); Float_t xhit = 10000*itsHit->GetXL(); Float_t yhit = 10000*itsHit->GetYL(); Float_t ehit = 1.0e+6*itsHit->GetIonization(); // hit energy, KeV Int_t parent = itsHit->GetParticle()->GetFirstMother(); Int_t partcode = itsHit->GetParticle()->GetPdgCode(); // partcode (pdgCode): 11 - e-, 13 - mu-, 22 - gamma, 111 - pi0, 211 - i+ // 310 - K0s, 321 - K+, 2112 - n, 2212 - p, 3122 - lambda Float_t pmod = itsHit->GetParticle()->P(); // the momentum at the // vertex pmod *= 1.0e+3; if(hitstat == 66 && yhit < -ylim) { // entering hit xhit0 = xhit; yhit0 = yhit; zhit0 = zhit; } if(hitstat == 66) continue; // Take the not entering hits only if(xhit0 > 9e+6 || zhit0 > 9e+6 || yhit0 > 9e+6) { //cout<<"default xhit0,zhit0,yhit0 ="<GetPXL(); // the momenta at this GEANT point //Float_t py = itsHit->GetPYL(); //Float_t pz = itsHit->GetPZL(); Int_t hitprim = 0; if(partcode == 11 && pmod < 6) dray = 1; // delta ray is e- // at p < 6 MeV/c if((hitstat == 68 || hitstat == 33) && dray == 0) noverlaps=noverlaps + 1; // overlapps for all hits but // not for delta ray which // also went out from the // detector and returned // again // x,z resolution colculation if((hitstat == 68 || hitsat == 33) && dray == 0) { Float_t xmed = (xhit + xhit0)/2; Float_t zmed = (zhit + zhit0)/2; Float_t xdif = xmed - xrec; Float_t zdif = zmed - zrec; if(parent < 0) { hitprim = 1; // hitprim=1 for the primery particles noverprim += 1; } pathInSSD = TMath::Sqrt((xhit0-xhit)*(xhit0-xhit)+(yhit0-yhit)*(yhit0-yhit)+(zhit0-zhit)*(zhit0-zhit)); // fill ntuple ntuple_st.lay = hitlayer; ntuple_st.nxP = nxP; ntuple_st.nxN = nxN; ntuple_st.hitprim = hitprim; ntuple_st.partcode = partcode; ntuple_st.ntrover = ntrover; ntuple_st.x = xrec/1000; ntuple_st.z = zrec/1000; ntuple_st.dx = xdif; ntuple_st.dz = zdif; ntuple_st.pmod = pmod; //if(qcut < 0.18) ntuple->Fill(); ntuple->Fill(); //if(hitlayer == 5 && qcut < 0.18) { if(hitlayer == 5 ) { Xres5->Fill(xdif); Zres5->Fill(zdif); Path5->Fill(pathInSSD); } //if(hitlayer == 6 && qcut < 0.18) { if(hitlayer == 6) { Xres6->Fill(xdif); Zres6->Fill(zdif); Path6->Fill(pathInSSD); } } // hitstat 68/33 } else { // non correspondent hit xhit0 = 1e+7; zhit0 = 1e+7; } // end of hit-recpoint correspondence } // hit loop if(flaghit == 1) { if(noverlaps == 0) noverlaps = 1; // cluster contains one or more // delta rays only // fill ntuple1 ntuple1_st.lay = hitlayer; ntuple1_st.lad = hitladder; ntuple1_st.det = hitdet; ntuple1_st.nxP = nxP; ntuple1_st.nxN = nxN; ntuple1_st.qclP = qclP*300/pathInSSD; ntuple1_st.qclN = qclN*300/pathInSSD; ntuple1_st.qrec = qrec*300/pathInSSD; ntuple1_st.dx = xdif; ntuple1_st.dz = zdif; noverlaps -= 1; noverprim -= 1; ntuple1_st.noverlaps = noverlaps; ntuple1_st.noverprim = noverprim; ntuple1_st.ntrover = ntrover; //if(qcut < 0.18) ntuple1->Fill(); ntuple1->Fill(); Float_t de = dedx*300./pathInSSD; dEdX->Fill(de); if(hitlayer == 5 ) { adcPadcN5all->Fill(qclP,qclN); } if(hitlayer == 6 ) { adcPadcN6all->Fill(qclP,qclN); } if(hitlayer == 5 && qcut < 0.18) { adcPadcN5cut->Fill(qclP,qclN); NxP5->Fill(nxP); NxN5->Fill(nxN); } if(hitlayer == 6 && qcut < 0.18) { adcPadcN6cut->Fill(qclP,qclN); NxP6->Fill(nxP); NxN6->Fill(nxN); } } // flaghit = 1 } //b.b. recpoint loop } //b.b. module loop } //b.b. evnt loop TFile fhistos("SSD_his.root","RECREATE"); ntuple->Write(); ntuple1->Write(); ntuple2->Write(); NxP5->Write(); NxN5->Write(); NxP6->Write(); NxN6->Write(); Xres5->Write(); Zres5->Write(); Xres6->Write(); Zres6->Write(); Path5->Write(); Path6->Write(); adcPadcN5all->Write(); adcPadcN6all->Write(); adcPadcN5cut->Write(); adcPadcN6cut->Write(); dEdX->Write(); fhistos.Close(); cout<<"!!! Histogramms and ntuples were written"<Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Xres5->SetFillColor(42); Xres5->Draw(); c1->cd(2); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Zres5->SetFillColor(46); Zres5->Draw(); c1->cd(3); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Xres6->SetFillColor(42); Xres6->Draw(); c1->cd(4); gPad->SetFillColor(33); Zres6->SetFillColor(46); Zres6->Draw(); cout<<"END test for clusters and hits "<