struct GoodTrack { Int_t lab; Int_t code; Float_t px,py,pz; Float_t x,y,z; Float_t pxg,pyg,pzg,ptg; Bool_t flag; }; Int_t good_tracks(GoodTrack *gt, Int_t max); Int_t TPCtracks() { Int_t i; cerr<<"Doing comparison...\n"; // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits TFile *cf=TFile::Open("AliTPCclusters.root"); if (!cf->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open AliTPCclusters.root !\n"; return 1;} AliTPCParam *digp= (AliTPCParam*)cf->Get("75x40_100x60"); if (!digp) { cerr<<"TPC parameters have not been found !\n"; return 2; } // Load clusters AliTPCClustersArray *ca=new AliTPCClustersArray; ca->Setup(digp); ca->SetClusterType("AliTPCcluster"); ca->ConnectTree("Segment Tree"); Int_t nentr=Int_t(ca->GetTree()->GetEntries()); for (Int_t i=0; iLoadEntry(i); } // Load tracks TFile *tf=TFile::Open("AliTPCtracks.root"); if (!tf->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open AliTPCtracks.root !\n"; return 3;} TObjArray tarray(2000); TTree *tracktree=(TTree*)tf->Get("TreeT"); TBranch *tbranch=tracktree->GetBranch("tracks"); nentr=(Int_t)tracktree->GetEntries(); for (i=0; iSetAddress(&iotrack); tracktree->GetEvent(i); iotrack->CookLabel(ca); tarray.AddLast(iotrack); } tf->Close(); delete ca; cf->Close(); //printf("after cf close\n"); cerr<<"Number of found tracks "<Close(); tarray.Clear(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GoodTrack gt[7000]; Int_t ngood=0; cerr<<"Marking good tracks (this will take a while)...\n"; ngood=good_tracks(gt,7000); ofstream out("good_tracks"); if (out) { for (Int_t ngd=0; ngdIsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open galice.root !\n"; exit(4);} if (!(gAlice=(AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice"))) { cerr<<"gAlice have not been found on galice.root !\n"; exit(5); } gAlice->GetEvent(0); AliTPC *TPC=(AliTPC*)gAlice->GetDetector("TPC"); Int_t ver = TPC->IsVersion(); cerr<<"TPC version "<Get("75x40_100x60"); if (!digp) { cerr<<"TPC parameters have not been found !\n"; exit(6); } TPC->SetParam(digp); Int_t nrow_up=digp->GetNRowUp(); Int_t nrows=digp->GetNRowLow()+nrow_up; Int_t zero=digp->GetZeroSup(); Int_t gap=Int_t(0.125*nrows); Int_t good_number=Int_t(0.4*nrows); TClonesArray *particles=gAlice->Particles(); Int_t np=particles->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t *good=new Int_t[np]; for (Int_t ii=0; iiIsOpen()){cerr<<"Can't open AliTPCclusters.root !\n";exit(5);} AliTPCClustersArray *ca=new AliTPCClustersArray; ca->Setup(digp); ca->SetClusterType("AliTPCcluster"); ca->ConnectTree("Segment Tree"); Int_t nrows=Int_t(ca->GetTree()->GetEntries()); for (Int_t n=0; nLoadEntry(n); Int_t sec,row; digp->AdjustSectorRow(s->GetID(),sec,row); AliTPCClustersRow &clrow = *ca->GetRow(sec,row); Int_t ncl=clrow.GetArray()->GetEntriesFast(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCcluster *c=(AliTPCcluster*)clrow[ncl]; Int_t lab=c->GetLabel(0); if (lab<0) continue; //noise cluster lab=TMath::Abs(lab); if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector()) if (row==nrow_up-1 ) good[lab]|=0x1000; if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector()) if (row==nrow_up-1-gap) good[lab]|=0x800; good[lab]++; } ca->ClearRow(sec,row); } cf->Close(); } break; case 2: TD=(TTree*)gDirectory->Get("TreeD_75x40_100x60"); TD->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&digits); count = new Int_t[np]; Int_t i; for (i=0; iGetEntries(); for (i=0; iGetEvent(i)) continue; Int_t sec,row; digp->AdjustSectorRow(digits->GetID(),sec,row); cerr<First(); while (digits->Next()) { Int_t it=digits->CurrentRow(), ip=digits->CurrentColumn(); Short_t dig = digits->GetDigit(it,ip); Int_t idx0=digits->GetTrackID(it,ip,0); Int_t idx1=digits->GetTrackID(it,ip,1); Int_t idx2=digits->GetTrackID(it,ip,2); if (idx0>=0 && dig>=zero) count[idx0]+=1; if (idx1>=0 && dig>=zero) count[idx1]+=1; if (idx2>=0 && dig>=zero) count[idx2]+=1; } for (Int_t j=0; j1) { if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector()) if (row==nrow_up-1 ) good[j]|=0x1000; if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector()) if (row==nrow_up-1-gap) good[j]|=0x800; good[j]++; } count[j]=0; } } delete[] count; break; default: cerr<<"Invalid TPC version !\n"; file->Close(); exit(7); } TTree *TH=gAlice->TreeH(); //TClonesArray *hits=TPC->Hits(); Int_t npart=TH->GetEntries(); while (npart--) { AliTPChit *hit0=0; TPC->ResetHits(); TH->GetEvent(npart); AliTPChit *hit = (AliTPChit*) TPC->FirstHit(-1); while(hit) { if(hit->fQ==0.) break; hit = (AliTPChit*) TPC->NextHit(); } if(hit) { hit0 = new AliTPChit(*hit); // Make copy of hit hit=hit0; } else continue; AliTPChit *hit1=(AliTPChit*) TPC->NextHit(); if(hit1==0) continue; if (hit1->fQ != 0.) continue; // Int_t i=hit->fTrack; Int_t i=hit->Track(); //modificata in accordo a nuovo AliTPCComparison TParticle *p = (TParticle*)particles->UncheckedAt(i); if (p->GetFirstMother()>=0) continue; //secondary particle if (good[i] < 0x1000+0x800+2+good_number) continue; if (p->Pt()<0.100) continue; if (TMath::Abs(p->Pz()/p->Pt())>0.999) continue; gt[nt].lab=i; gt[nt].code=p->GetPdgCode(); //**** px py pz - in global coordinate system, x y z - in local ! // gt[nt].px=hit->fX; gt[nt].py=hit->fY; gt[nt].pz=hit->fZ; //modificato tenendo conto di AliTPCComparison gt[nt].px=hit->X(); gt[nt].py=hit->Y(); gt[nt].pz=hit->Z(); Float_t cs,sn; digp->AdjustCosSin(hit1->fSector,cs,sn); //gt[nt].x = hit1->fX*cs + hit1->fY*sn; // gt[nt].y =-hit1->fX*sn + hit1->fY*cs; //modificato tenedo conto di AliTPCComaprison //gt[nt].z = hit1->fZ; gt[nt].x = hit1->X()*cs + hit1->Y()*sn; gt[nt].y =-hit1->X()*sn + hit1->Y()*cs; gt[nt].z = hit1->Z(); gt[nt].pxg = p->Px(); gt[nt].pyg = p->Py(); gt[nt].pzg = p->Pz(); gt[nt].ptg = p->Pt(); gt[nt].flag = 0; nt++; if(hit0) delete hit0; cerr<Close(); printf("after file close\n"); return nt; } //--------------------------------------