/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AliITSUGeomTGeo is a simple interface class to TGeoManager // // It is used in the simulation and reconstruction in order to // // query the TGeo ITS geometry // // // // author - cvetan.cheshkov@cern.ch // // 15/02/2007 // // adapted to ITSupg 18/07/2012 - ruben.shahoyan@cern.ch // // // // ATTENTION: In opposite to ols AliITSgeomTGeo, all indices start // // from 0, not from 1!!! // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliITSUGeomTGeo.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliAlignObj.h" #include "AliITSsegmentation.h" #include "AliITSUSegmentationPix.h" using namespace TMath; ClassImp(AliITSUGeomTGeo) UInt_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgUIDShift = 16; // bit shift to go from mod.id to modUUID for TGeo TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSVolName = "ITSV"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSLrName = "ITSULayer"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSStaveName = "ITSUStave"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSHalfStaveName = "ITSUHalfStave"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSModuleName = "ITSUModule"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSChipName = "ITSUChip"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSSensName = "ITSUSensor"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSWrapVolName = "ITSUWrapVol"; TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSChipTypeName[AliITSUGeomTGeo::kNChipTypes] = {"Pix"}; // TString AliITSUGeomTGeo::fgITSsegmFileName = "itsSegmentations.root"; //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSUGeomTGeo::AliITSUGeomTGeo(Bool_t build, Bool_t loadSegm) :fVersion(kITSVNA) ,fNLayers(0) ,fNChips(0) ,fNStaves(0) ,fNHalfStaves(0) ,fNModules(0) ,fNChipsPerModule(0) ,fNChipRowsPerModule(0) ,fNChipsPerHalfStave(0) ,fNChipsPerStave(0) ,fNChipsPerLayer(0) ,fLrChipType(0) ,fLastChipIndex(0) ,fMatSens(0) ,fMatT2L(0) ,fSegm(0) { // default c-tor for (int i=AliITSUAux::kMaxLayers;i--;) fLr2Wrapper[i] = -1; if (build) BuildITS(loadSegm); } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSUGeomTGeo::AliITSUGeomTGeo(const AliITSUGeomTGeo &src) :TObject(src) ,fVersion(src.fVersion) ,fNLayers(src.fNLayers) ,fNChips(src.fNChips) ,fNStaves(0) ,fNHalfStaves(0) ,fNModules(0) ,fNChipsPerModule(0) ,fNChipRowsPerModule(0) ,fNChipsPerHalfStave(0) ,fNChipsPerStave(0) ,fNChipsPerLayer(0) ,fLrChipType(0) ,fLastChipIndex(0) ,fMatSens(0) ,fMatT2L(0) ,fSegm(0) { // copy c-tor if (fNLayers) { fNStaves = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerModule = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipRowsPerModule = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fLrChipType = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fLastChipIndex = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerHalfStave = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerStave = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerLayer = new Int_t[fNLayers]; // for (int i=fNLayers;i--;) { fNStaves[i] = src.fNStaves[i]; fNHalfStaves[i] = src.fNHalfStaves[i]; fNModules[i] = src.fNModules[i]; fNChipsPerModule[i] = src.fNChipsPerModule[i]; fNChipRowsPerModule[i] = src.fNChipRowsPerModule[i]; fNChipsPerHalfStave[i] = src.fNChipsPerHalfStave[i]; fNChipsPerStave[i] = src.fNChipsPerStave[i]; fNChipsPerLayer[i] = src.fNChipsPerLayer[i]; fLrChipType[i] = src.fLrChipType[i]; fLastChipIndex[i] = src.fLastChipIndex[i]; } if (src.fMatSens) { fMatSens = new TObjArray(fNChips); fMatSens->SetOwner(kTRUE); for (int i=0;iAt(i); fMatSens->AddAt(new TGeoHMatrix(*mat),i); } } if (src.fMatT2L) { fMatT2L = new TObjArray(fNChips); fMatT2L->SetOwner(kTRUE); for (int i=0;iAt(i); fMatT2L->AddAt(new TGeoHMatrix(*mat),i); } } if (src.fSegm) { int sz = src.fSegm->GetEntriesFast(); fSegm = new TObjArray(sz); fSegm->SetOwner(kTRUE); for (int i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (!sg) continue; fSegm->AddAt(sg->Clone(),i); } } } for (int i=AliITSUAux::kMaxLayers;i--;) fLr2Wrapper[i] = src.fLr2Wrapper[i]; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSUGeomTGeo::~AliITSUGeomTGeo() { //d-tor delete[] fNStaves; delete[] fNHalfStaves; delete[] fNModules; delete[] fLrChipType; delete[] fNChipsPerModule; delete[] fNChipRowsPerModule; delete[] fNChipsPerHalfStave; delete[] fNChipsPerStave; delete[] fNChipsPerLayer; delete[] fLastChipIndex; delete fMatT2L; delete fMatSens; delete fSegm; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSUGeomTGeo& AliITSUGeomTGeo::operator=(const AliITSUGeomTGeo &src) { // cp op. if (this!=&src) { delete[] fNStaves; delete[] fNHalfStaves; delete[] fNModules; delete[] fLrChipType; delete[] fNChipsPerModule; delete[] fNChipRowsPerModule; delete[] fNChipsPerHalfStave; delete[] fNChipsPerStave; delete[] fNChipsPerLayer; delete[] fLastChipIndex; fNStaves = fNHalfStaves = fNModules = fLrChipType = fNChipsPerModule = fLastChipIndex = 0; fVersion = src.fVersion; fNLayers = src.fNLayers; fNChips = src.fNChips; if (src.fMatSens) { delete fMatSens; fMatSens = new TObjArray(fNChips); fMatSens->SetOwner(kTRUE); for (int i=0;iAt(i); fMatSens->AddAt(new TGeoHMatrix(*mat),i); } } if (src.fMatT2L) { delete fMatT2L; fMatT2L = new TObjArray(fNChips); fMatT2L->SetOwner(kTRUE); for (int i=0;iAt(i); fMatT2L->AddAt(new TGeoHMatrix(*mat),i); } } if (src.fSegm) { int sz = src.fSegm->GetEntriesFast(); fSegm = new TObjArray(sz); fSegm->SetOwner(kTRUE); for (int i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if (!sg) continue; fSegm->AddAt(sg->Clone(),i); } } // if (fNLayers) { fNStaves = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNHalfStaves = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNModules = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerModule = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipRowsPerModule = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerHalfStave = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerStave = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerLayer = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fLrChipType = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fLastChipIndex = new Int_t[fNLayers]; for (int i=fNLayers;i--;) { fNStaves[i] = src.fNStaves[i]; fNHalfStaves[i] = src.fNHalfStaves[i]; fNModules[i] = src.fNModules[i]; fNChipsPerModule[i] = src.fNChipsPerModule[i]; fNChipRowsPerModule[i] = src.fNChipRowsPerModule[i]; fNChipsPerHalfStave[i] = src.fNChipsPerHalfStave[i]; fNChipsPerStave[i] = src.fNChipsPerStave[i]; fNChipsPerLayer[i] = src.fNChipsPerLayer[i]; fLrChipType[i] = src.fLrChipType[i]; fLastChipIndex[i] = src.fLastChipIndex[i]; } } } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipIndex(Int_t lay,Int_t sta,Int_t chipInStave) const { // This routine computes the chip index number from the layer, // stave, and chip number in stave. // Inputs: // Int_t lay The layer number. Starting from 0. // Int_t sta The stave number. Starting from 0 // Int_t chipInStave The chip number in the stave. Starting from 0 // return GetFirstChipIndex(lay) + fNChipsPerStave[lay]*sta + chipInStave; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipIndex(Int_t lay,Int_t sta, Int_t substa, Int_t chipInSStave) const { // This routine computes the chip index number from the layer, // stave, substave and chip number in substave. // Inputs: // Int_t lay The layer number. Starting from 0. // Int_t sta The stave number. Starting from 0 // Int_t substa The substave number. Starting from 0 // Int_t chipInSStave The chip number in the sub stave. Starting from 0 // int n = GetFirstChipIndex(lay) + fNChipsPerStave[lay]*sta + chipInSStave; if (fNHalfStaves[lay] && substa>0) n += fNChipsPerHalfStave[lay]*substa; return n; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipIndex(Int_t lay,Int_t sta, Int_t substa, Int_t md, Int_t chipInMod) const { // This routine computes the chip index number from the layer, // stave, substave module and chip number in module. // Inputs: // Int_t lay The layer number. Starting from 0. // Int_t sta The stave number. Starting from 0 // Int_t substa The substave number. Starting from 0 // Int_t module The module number ... // Int_t chipInSStave The chip number in the module. Starting from 0 // int n = GetFirstChipIndex(lay) + fNChipsPerStave[lay]*sta + chipInMod; if (fNHalfStaves[lay] && substa>0) n += fNChipsPerHalfStave[lay]*substa; if (fNModules[lay] && md>0) n += fNChipsPerModule[lay]*md; return n; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetLayer(Int_t index,Int_t &lay,Int_t &indexInLr) const { // This routine computes the layer number a // given the chip index. The // Inputs: // Int_t index The chip index number, starting from zero. // Outputs: // Int_t indexInLr The chip index inside a layer, starting from zero. // Int_t lay The layer number. Starting from 0. // lay = GetLayer(index); indexInLr = index - GetFirstChipIndex(lay); return kTRUE; // } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetLayer(Int_t index) const { // Get chip layer, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; return lay; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetStave(Int_t index) const { // Get chip stave, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); return index/fNChipsPerStave[lay]; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetHalfStave(Int_t index) const { // Get chip substave id in stave, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; if (fNHalfStaves[lay]<0) return -1; index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); index %= fNChipsPerStave[lay]; return index/fNChipsPerHalfStave[lay]; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetModule(Int_t index) const { // Get chip module id in substave, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; if (fNModules[lay]<0) return 0; index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); index %= fNChipsPerStave[lay]; if (fNHalfStaves[lay]) index %= fNChipsPerHalfStave[lay]; return index/fNChipsPerModule[lay]; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipIdInLayer(Int_t index) const { // Get chip number within layer, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); return index; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipIdInStave(Int_t index) const { // Get chip number within stave, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); return index%fNChipsPerStave[lay]; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipIdInHalfStave(Int_t index) const { // Get chip number within stave, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); return index%fNChipsPerHalfStave[lay]; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipIdInModule(Int_t index) const { // Get chip number within module, from 0 // int lay = 0; while(index>fLastChipIndex[lay]) lay++; index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); return index%fNChipsPerModule[lay]; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetChipId(Int_t index,Int_t &lay,Int_t &sta,Int_t &hsta, Int_t &mod, Int_t &chip) const { // // This routine computes the layer, stave, substave, module and chip number // given the chip index number. // Inputs: // Int_t index The chip index number, starting from zero. // Outputs: // Int_t lay The layer number. Starting from 0 // Int_t sta The stave number. Starting from 0 // Int_t ssta The halfstave number. Starting from 0 // Int_t mod The module number. Starting from 0 // Int_t chip The detector number. Starting from 0 // lay = GetLayer(index); index -= GetFirstChipIndex(lay); sta = index/fNChipsPerStave[lay]; index %= fNChipsPerStave[lay]; hsta = fNHalfStaves[lay]>0 ? index/fNChipsPerHalfStave[lay] : -1; index %= fNChipsPerHalfStave[lay]; mod = fNModules[lay]>0 ? index/fNChipsPerModule[lay] : -1; chip = index%fNChipsPerModule[lay]; // return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ const char* AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetSymName(Int_t index) const { // Get the TGeoPNEntry symbolic name // for a given chip identified by 'index' // Int_t lay, index2; if (!GetLayer(index,lay,index2)) return NULL; // return AliGeomManager::SymName((AliGeomManager::ELayerID)((lay-1)+AliGeomManager::kSPD1),index2); // RS: this is not optimal, but we cannod access directly AliGeomManager, since the latter has hardwired layers // TGeoPNEntry* pne = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntryByUID( AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(lay+1,index2) ); TGeoPNEntry* pne = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntryByUID( ChipVolUID(index) ); if (!pne) { AliError(Form("Failed to find alignable entry with index %d: (Lr%d Chip:%d) !",index,lay,index2)); return NULL; } return pne->GetName(); } //______________________________________________________________________ const char* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ComposeSymNameITS() { // sym name of the layer return "ITS"; } //______________________________________________________________________ const char* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ComposeSymNameLayer(Int_t lr) { // sym name of the layer return Form("%s/%s%d",ComposeSymNameITS(),GetITSLayerPattern(),lr); } //______________________________________________________________________ const char* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ComposeSymNameStave(Int_t lr, Int_t stave) { // sym name of the stave at given layer return Form("%s/%s%d",ComposeSymNameLayer(lr),GetITSStavePattern(),stave); } //______________________________________________________________________ const char* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ComposeSymNameHalfStave(Int_t lr, Int_t stave, Int_t substave) { // sym name of the stave at given layer return substave>=0 ? Form("%s/%s%d",ComposeSymNameStave(lr,stave),GetITSHalfStavePattern(),substave) : ComposeSymNameStave(lr,stave); } //______________________________________________________________________ const char* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ComposeSymNameModule(Int_t lr, Int_t stave, Int_t substave, Int_t mod) { // sym name of the substave at given layer/stave return mod>=0 ? Form("%s/%s%d",ComposeSymNameHalfStave(lr,stave,substave),GetITSModulePattern(),mod) : ComposeSymNameHalfStave(lr,stave,substave); } //______________________________________________________________________ const char* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ComposeSymNameChip(Int_t lr, Int_t sta, Int_t substave, Int_t mod, Int_t chip) { // sym name of the chip in the given layer/stave/substave/module return Form("%s/%s%d",ComposeSymNameModule(lr,sta,substave,mod),GetITSChipPattern(),chip); } //______________________________________________________________________ TGeoHMatrix* AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetMatrix(Int_t index) const { // Get the transformation matrix for a given chip 'index' // by quering the TGeoManager static TGeoHMatrix matTmp; TGeoPNEntry *pne = GetPNEntry(index); if (!pne) return NULL; TGeoPhysicalNode *pnode = pne->GetPhysicalNode(); if (pnode) return pnode->GetMatrix(); const char* path = pne->GetTitle(); gGeoManager->PushPath(); // Preserve the modeler state. if (!gGeoManager->cd(path)) { gGeoManager->PopPath(); AliError(Form("Volume path %s not valid!",path)); return NULL; } matTmp = *gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix(); gGeoManager->PopPath(); return &matTmp; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetTranslation(Int_t index, Double_t t[3]) const { // Get the translation vector for a given chip 'index' // by quering the TGeoManager TGeoHMatrix *m = GetMatrix(index); if (!m) return kFALSE; Double_t *trans = m->GetTranslation(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) t[i] = trans[i]; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetRotation(Int_t index, Double_t r[9]) const { // Get the rotation matrix for a given chip 'index' // by quering the TGeoManager TGeoHMatrix *m = GetMatrix(index); if (!m) return kFALSE; Double_t *rot = m->GetRotationMatrix(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) r[i] = rot[i]; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetOrigMatrix(Int_t index, TGeoHMatrix &m) const { // Get the original (ideal geometry) TGeo matrix for // a given chip identified by 'index'. // The method is slow, so it should be used // with great care. m.Clear(); const char *symname = GetSymName(index); if (!symname) return kFALSE; return AliGeomManager::GetOrigGlobalMatrix(symname,m); } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetOrigTranslation(Int_t index, Double_t t[3]) const { // Get the original translation vector (ideal geometry) // for a given chip 'index' by quering the TGeoManager TGeoHMatrix m; if (!GetOrigMatrix(index,m)) return kFALSE; Double_t *trans = m.GetTranslation(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) t[i] = trans[i]; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetOrigRotation(Int_t index, Double_t r[9]) const { // Get the original rotation matrix (ideal geometry) // for a given chip 'index' by quering the TGeoManager TGeoHMatrix m; if (!GetOrigMatrix(index,m)) return kFALSE; Double_t *rot = m.GetRotationMatrix(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) r[i] = rot[i]; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ TGeoHMatrix* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractMatrixT2L(Int_t index) const { // Get the matrix which transforms from the tracking to local r.s. // The method queries directly the TGeoPNEntry TGeoPNEntry *pne = GetPNEntry(index); if (!pne) return NULL; TGeoHMatrix *m = (TGeoHMatrix*) pne->GetMatrix(); if (!m) AliError(Form("TGeoPNEntry (%s) contains no matrix !",pne->GetName())); return m; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetTrackingMatrix(Int_t index, TGeoHMatrix &m) { // Get the matrix which transforms from the tracking r.s. to // the global one. // Returns kFALSE in case of error. m.Clear(); TGeoHMatrix *m1 = GetMatrix(index); if (!m1) return kFALSE; const TGeoHMatrix *m2 = GetMatrixT2L(index); if (!m2) return kFALSE; m = *m1; m.Multiply(m2); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ TGeoHMatrix* AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractMatrixSens(Int_t index) const { // Get the transformation matrix of the SENSOR (not ncessary the same as the chip) // for a given chip 'index' by quering the TGeoManager Int_t lay,stav,sstav,mod,chipInMod; GetChipId(index,lay,stav,sstav,mod,chipInMod); int wrID = fLr2Wrapper[lay]; TString path = Form("/ALIC_1/%s_2/",AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSVolPattern()); if (wrID>=0) path += Form("%s%d_1/",GetITSWrapVolPattern(),wrID); path += Form("%s%d_1/%s%d_%d/",AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSLayerPattern(),lay,AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSStavePattern(),lay,stav); if (fNHalfStaves[lay]>0) path += Form("%s%d_%d/",AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSHalfStavePattern(),lay,sstav); if (fNModules[lay]>0) path += Form("%s%d_%d/",AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSModulePattern(),lay,mod); path += Form("%s%d_%d/%s%d_1",AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSChipPattern(),lay,chipInMod,AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSSensorPattern(),lay); static TGeoHMatrix matTmp; gGeoManager->PushPath(); if (!gGeoManager->cd(path.Data())) { gGeoManager->PopPath(); AliError(Form("Error in cd-ing to %s",path.Data())); return 0; } // end if !gGeoManager matTmp = *gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix(); // matrix may change after cd //RSS // printf("%d/%d/%d %s\n",lay,stav,detInSta,path.Data()); // mat->Print(); // Retstore the modeler state. gGeoManager->PopPath(); return &matTmp; } //______________________________________________________________________ TGeoPNEntry* AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetPNEntry(Int_t index) const { // Get a pointer to the TGeoPNEntry of a chip // identified by 'index' // Returns NULL in case of invalid index, // missing TGeoManager or invalid symbolic name // if (index >= fNChips) { AliError(Form("Invalid ITS chip index: %d (0 -> %d) !",index,fNChips)); return NULL; } if (!gGeoManager || !gGeoManager->IsClosed()) { AliError("Can't get the matrix! gGeoManager doesn't exist or it is still opened!"); return NULL; } TGeoPNEntry* pne = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntryByUID( ChipVolUID(index) ); // TGeoPNEntry* pne = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntry(GetSymName(index)); if (!pne) AliError(Form("The index %d does not correspond to a physical entry!",index)); // return pne; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUGeomTGeo::BuildITS(Bool_t loadSegm) { // exract upg ITS parameters from TGeo if (fVersion!=kITSVNA) {AliWarning("Already built"); return;} // already initialized if (!gGeoManager) AliFatal("Geometry is not loaded"); fNLayers = ExtractNumberOfLayers(); if (!fNLayers) return; // fNStaves = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNHalfStaves = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNModules = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerModule = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipRowsPerModule = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerHalfStave = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerStave = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChipsPerLayer = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fLrChipType = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fLastChipIndex = new Int_t[fNLayers]; fNChips = 0; for (int i=0;iGetVolume(GetITSVolPattern()); if (!itsV) AliFatal(Form("ITS volume %s is not in the geometry",GetITSVolPattern())); SetUIDShift(itsV->GetUniqueID()); // // Loop on all ITSV nodes, count Layer volumes by checking names // Build on the fly layer - wrapper correspondence TObjArray* nodes = itsV->GetNodes(); Int_t nNodes = nodes->GetEntriesFast(); // for (Int_t j=0; jAt(j); const char* name = nd->GetName(); if (strstr(name,GetITSLayerPattern())) { numberOfLayers++; if ( (lrID=ExtractVolumeCopy(name,AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSLayerPattern()))<0 ) { AliFatal(Form("Failed to extract layer ID from the %s",name)); exit(1); } // fLr2Wrapper[lrID] = -1; // not wrapped } else if (strstr(name,GetITSWrapVolPattern())) { // this is a wrapper volume, may cointain layers int wrID = -1; if ( (wrID=ExtractVolumeCopy(name,AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSWrapVolPattern()))<0 ) { AliFatal(Form("Failed to extract wrapper ID from the %s",name)); exit(1); } // TObjArray* nodesW = nd->GetNodes(); int nNodesW = nodesW->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t jw=0; jwAt(jw); if (strstr(ndW->GetName(),GetITSLayerPattern())) { if ( (lrID=ExtractVolumeCopy(ndW->GetName(),AliITSUGeomTGeo::GetITSLayerPattern()))<0 ) { AliFatal(Form("Failed to extract layer ID from the %s",name)); exit(1); } numberOfLayers++; fLr2Wrapper[lrID] = wrID; } } } } // return numberOfLayers; } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractNumberOfStaves(Int_t lay) const { // Determines the number of layers in the Upgrade Geometry // // Inputs: // lay: layer number, starting from 0 // // MS Int_t numberOfStaves = 0; char laynam[30]; snprintf(laynam, 30, "%s%d",GetITSLayerPattern(),lay); TGeoVolume* volLr = gGeoManager->GetVolume(laynam); if (!volLr) { AliFatal(Form("can't find %s volume",laynam)); return -1; } // // Loop on all layer nodes, count Stave volumes by checking names Int_t nNodes = volLr->GetNodes()->GetEntries(); for (Int_t j=0; j %d",lay,j,nNodes,volLr->GetNodes()->At(j)->GetName(),GetITSStavePattern(),numberOfStaves)); if (strstr(volLr->GetNodes()->At(j)->GetName(),GetITSStavePattern())) numberOfStaves++; } // return numberOfStaves; // } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractNumberOfHalfStaves(Int_t lay) const { // Determines the number of substaves in the stave of the layer // // Inputs: // lay: layer number, starting from 0 // // MS if (fgITSHalfStaveName.IsNull()) return 0; // for the setup w/o substave defined the stave and the substave is the same thing Int_t nSS = 0; char stavnam[30]; snprintf(stavnam, 30, "%s%d", GetITSStavePattern(),lay); TGeoVolume* volLd = gGeoManager->GetVolume(stavnam); if (!volLd) AliFatal(Form("can't find %s volume",stavnam)); // // Loop on all stave nodes, count Chip volumes by checking names Int_t nNodes = volLd->GetNodes()->GetEntries(); for (Int_t j=0; jGetNodes()->At(j)->GetName(),GetITSHalfStavePattern())) nSS++; // return nSS; // } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractNumberOfModules(Int_t lay) const { // Determines the number of modules in substave in the stave of the layer // // Inputs: // lay: layer number, starting from 0 // // for the setup w/o modules defined the module and the stave or the substave is the same thing if (fgITSModuleName.IsNull()) return 0; char stavnam[30]; TGeoVolume* volLd = 0; if (!fgITSHalfStaveName.IsNull()) { snprintf(stavnam, 30, "%s%d", GetITSHalfStavePattern(),lay); volLd = gGeoManager->GetVolume(stavnam); } if (!volLd) { // no substaves, check staves snprintf(stavnam, 30, "%s%d", GetITSStavePattern(),lay); volLd = gGeoManager->GetVolume(stavnam); } if (!volLd) return 0; Int_t nMod = 0; // // Loop on all substave nodes, count module volumes by checking names Int_t nNodes = volLd->GetNodes()->GetEntries(); for (Int_t j=0; jGetNodes()->At(j)->GetName(),GetITSModulePattern())) nMod++; // return nMod; // } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractNChipsPerModule(Int_t lay, int &nrow) const { // Determines the number of chips per module on the (sub)stave in the Upgrade Geometry // Also extract the layout: span of module centers in Z and X // Inputs: // lay: layer number from 0 // MS Int_t numberOfChips = 0; char stavnam[30]; TGeoVolume* volLd = 0; if (!fgITSModuleName.IsNull()) { snprintf(stavnam, 30, "%s%d", GetITSModulePattern(),lay); volLd = gGeoManager->GetVolume(stavnam); } if (!volLd) { // no modules on this layer, check substaves if (!fgITSHalfStaveName.IsNull()) { snprintf(stavnam, 30, "%s%d", GetITSHalfStavePattern(),lay); volLd = gGeoManager->GetVolume(stavnam); } } if (!volLd) { // no substaves on this layer, check staves snprintf(stavnam, 30, "%s%d", GetITSStavePattern(),lay); volLd = gGeoManager->GetVolume(stavnam); } if (!volLd) AliFatal(Form("can't find volume containing chips on layer %d",lay)); // // Loop on all stave nodes, count Chip volumes by checking names Int_t nNodes = volLd->GetNodes()->GetEntries(); // double xmin=1e9,xmax=-1e9, zmin=1e9,zmax=-1e9; double lab[3],loc[3]={0,0,0}; double dx=-1,dz=-1; for (Int_t j=0; j %d",lay,j,nNodes,volLd->GetNodes()->At(j)->GetName(),GetITSChipPattern(),numberOfChips)); TGeoNodeMatrix* node = (TGeoNodeMatrix*)volLd->GetNodes()->At(j); if (!strstr(node->GetName(),GetITSChipPattern())) continue; node->LocalToMaster(loc,lab); if (lab[0]>xmax) xmax=lab[0]; if (lab[0]zmax) zmax=lab[2]; if (lab[2]GetVolume()->GetShape(); TGeoBBox* bbox = dynamic_cast(chShape); if (!bbox) { AliFatal(Form("Chip %s volume is of unprocessed shape %s",node->GetName(),chShape->IsA()->GetName())); } else { dx = 2*bbox->GetDX(); dz = 2*bbox->GetDZ(); } } } // double spanX = xmax-xmin; double spanZ = zmax-zmin; nrow = TMath::Nint(spanX/dx + 1); int ncol = TMath::Nint(spanZ/dz + 1); if (nrow*ncol != numberOfChips) AliError(Form("Inconsistency between Nchips=%d and Nrow*Ncol=%d*%d->%d\n" "Extracted chip dimensions (x,z): %.4f %.4f, Module Span: %.4f %.4f", numberOfChips,nrow,ncol,nrow*ncol, dx,dz,spanX,spanZ)); return numberOfChips; // } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractLayerChipType(Int_t lay) const { // Determines the layer detector type the Upgrade Geometry // // Inputs: // lay: layer number from 0 // Outputs: // none // Return: // detector type id for the layer // MS char stavnam[30]; snprintf(stavnam, 30, "%s%d", GetITSLayerPattern(),lay); TGeoVolume* volLd = gGeoManager->GetVolume(stavnam); if (!volLd) {AliFatal(Form("can't find %s volume",stavnam)); return -1;} // return volLd->GetUniqueID(); // } //______________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::ComposeChipTypeID(UInt_t segmId) { if (segmId>=kMaxSegmPerChipType) AliFatalClass(Form("Id=%d is >= max.allowed %d",segmId,kMaxSegmPerChipType)); return segmId + kChipTypePix*kMaxSegmPerChipType; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUGeomTGeo::Print(Option_t *) const { // print printf("Geometry version %d, NLayers:%d NChips:%d\n",fVersion,fNLayers,fNChips); if (fVersion==kITSVNA) return; for (int i=0;iSetOwner(kTRUE); for (int i=0;iAddAt(new TGeoHMatrix(*ExtractMatrixSens(i)),i); CreateT2LMatrices(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUGeomTGeo::CreateT2LMatrices() { // create tracking to local (Sensor!) matrices fMatT2L = new TObjArray(fNChips); fMatT2L->SetOwner(kTRUE); TGeoHMatrix matLtoT; double loc[3]={0,0,0},glo[3]; const double *rotm; for (int isn=0;isnLocalToMaster(loc,glo); rotm = matSens->GetRotationMatrix(); Double_t al = -ATan2(rotm[1],rotm[0]); double sn=Sin(al), cs=Cos(al), r=glo[0]*sn-glo[1]*cs, x=r*sn, y=-r*cs; // sensor plane PCA to origin TGeoHMatrix* t2l = new TGeoHMatrix(); t2l->RotateZ(ATan2(y,x)*RadToDeg()); // rotate in direction of normal to the sensor plane t2l->SetDx(x); t2l->SetDy(y); t2l->MultiplyLeft(&matSens->Inverse()); fMatT2L->AddAt(t2l,isn); /* const double *gtrans = matSens->GetTranslation(); memcpy(&rotMatrix[0], matSens->GetRotationMatrix(), 9*sizeof(Double_t)); Double_t al = -ATan2(rotMatrix[1],rotMatrix[0]); Double_t rSens = Sqrt(gtrans[0]*gtrans[0] + gtrans[1]*gtrans[1]); Double_t tanAl = ATan2(gtrans[1],gtrans[0]) - Pi()/2; //angle of tangent Double_t alTr = tanAl - al; // // The X axis of tracking frame must always look outward loc[1] = rSens/2; matSens->LocalToMaster(loc,glo); double rPos = Sqrt(glo[0]*glo[0] + glo[1]*glo[1]); Bool_t rotOutward = rPos>rSens ? kFALSE : kTRUE; // // Transformation matrix matLtoT.Clear(); matLtoT.SetDx(-rSens*Sin(alTr)); // translation matLtoT.SetDy(0.); matLtoT.SetDz(gtrans[2]); // Rotation matrix rotMatrix[0]= 0; rotMatrix[1]= 1; rotMatrix[2]= 0; // + rotation rotMatrix[3]=-1; rotMatrix[4]= 0; rotMatrix[5]= 0; rotMatrix[6]= 0; rotMatrix[7]= 0; rotMatrix[8]= 1; // TGeoRotation rot; rot.SetMatrix(rotMatrix); matLtoT.MultiplyLeft(&rot); if (rotOutward) matLtoT.RotateZ(180.); // Inverse transformation Matrix fMatT2L->AddAt(new TGeoHMatrix(matLtoT.Inverse()),isn); */ } // } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUGeomTGeo::ExtractVolumeCopy(const char* name, const char* prefix) const { // extract Number following the prefix in the name string TString nms = name; if (!nms.BeginsWith(prefix)) return -1; nms.Remove(0,strlen(prefix)); if (!isdigit(nms.Data()[0])) return -1; return nms.Atoi(); // }