/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliITSU.h" #include "AliITSUGeomTGeo.h" #include "AliITSUHit.h" ClassImp(AliITSUHit) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // At the moment the same functionality/data-members as parent AliITShit // except the geometry transformation uses AliITSgeomTGeoUp // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //---------------------------------------------------------------------- AliITSUHit::AliITSUHit(Int_t shunt,Int_t track,Int_t *vol,Float_t edep,Float_t tof, TLorentzVector &x,TLorentzVector &x0,TLorentzVector &p) : AliITShit(shunt,track,vol,edep,tof,x,x0,p) { // ct-r } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSUHit::AliITSUHit(Int_t shunt, Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) : AliITShit(shunt, track, vol, hits) { // c-tor } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSUHit::AliITSUHit(const AliITSUHit &h) : AliITShit(h) { // cp c-tor } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSUHit& AliITSUHit::operator=(const AliITSUHit &h) { // The standard = operator if(this == &h) return *this; AliITShit::operator=(h); return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUHit::GetPositionL(Float_t &x,Float_t &y,Float_t &z,Float_t &tof) { // Returns the position and time of flight of this hit in the local // coordinates of this chip, and in the units of the Monte Carlo. // AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); double g[3]={fX,fY,fZ},l[3]; gm->GetMatrixSens(fModule)->MasterToLocal(g,l); x = l[0]; y = l[1]; z = l[2]; tof = fTof; // } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUHit::GetPositionL0(Double_t &x,Double_t &y,Double_t &z,Double_t &tof) { // Returns the initial position and time of flight of this hit // in the local coordinates of this chip, and in the units of the AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); double g[3]={fx0,fy0,fz0},l[3]; gm->GetMatrixSens(fModule)->MasterToLocal(g,l); x = l[0]; y = l[1]; z = l[2]; tof = ft0; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUHit::GetChipID(Int_t &layer,Int_t &stave,Int_t &sstave, Int_t &mod,Int_t &det) const { // Returns the layer stave and detector number lables for this // ITS chip. Note: indices start from 0! AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); gm->GetChipId(fModule,layer,stave,sstave,mod,det); } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUHit::GetLayer() const { // Returns the layer. Note: indices start from 0! AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); return gm->GetLayer(fModule); } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUHit::GetStave() const { // Returns the stave of TS chip. Note: indices start from 0! AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); return gm->GetStave(fModule); } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUHit::GetHalfStave() const { // Returns the substave of the chip. Note: indices start from 0! AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); return gm->GetHalfStave(fModule); } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUHit::GetModule() const { // Returns the module of the chip. Note: indices start from 0! AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); return gm->GetModule(fModule); } //______________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUHit::GetChipInModule() const // former GetDetector { // Returns the detector within the module(or stave). Note: indices start from 0! AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = ((AliITSU*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"))->GetITSGeomTGeo(); if (!gm) AliFatal("NULL pointer to the geometry!"); return gm->GetChipIdInModule(fModule); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUHit::Print(Option_t */*option*/) const { // print itself printf("Mod%4d Tr:%5d DE:%.2e TOF: %.3e| P:%.3f %.3f %.3f |>%.4f %.4f %.4f >%.4f %.4f %.4f\n", fModule,fTrack,fDestep,fTof,fPx,fPy,fPz, fx0,fy0,fz0,fX,fY,fZ); }