#include #include #include #include #include "AliITSURecoDet.h" #include "AliITSUGeomTGeo.h" #include "AliITSsegmentation.h" #include "AliITSUClusterPix.h" #include "AliITSUReconstructor.h" ClassImp(AliITSURecoDet) const Char_t* AliITSURecoDet::fgkBeamPipeVolName = "IP_PIPE"; //______________________________________________________ AliITSURecoDet::AliITSURecoDet() : fNLayers(0) ,fNLayersActive(0) ,fRMax(-1) ,fRMin(-1) ,fRITSTPCRef(-1) ,fLayers(0) ,fLayersActive(0) ,fGeom(0) { // def. c-tor } //______________________________________________________ AliITSURecoDet::AliITSURecoDet(AliITSUGeomTGeo* geom, const char* name) : fNLayers(0) ,fNLayersActive(0) ,fRMax(-1) ,fRMin(-1) ,fRITSTPCRef(-1) ,fLayers(0) ,fLayersActive(0) ,fGeom(geom) { // def. c-tor SetNameTitle(name,name); fLayers.SetOwner(kTRUE); // layers belong to this array fLayersActive.SetOwner(kFALSE); // this one just points on active layers in fLayers Build(); } //______________________________________________________ AliITSURecoDet::~AliITSURecoDet() { // def. d-tor fLayersActive.Clear(); fLayers.Clear(); // owned! } //______________________________________________________ void AliITSURecoDet::Print(Option_t* opt) const { //print printf("Detector %s, %d layers, %d active layers\n",GetName(),GetNLayers(),GetNLayersActive()); TString opts = opt; opts.ToLower(); if (opts.Contains("lr")) { for (int i=0;iPrint(opt); printf("ITS-TPC matching reference R: %.3f\n",fRITSTPCRef); } } //______________________________________________________ void AliITSURecoDet::AddLayer(const AliITSURecoLayer* lr) { //add new layer fLayers.AddLast((TObject*)lr); fNLayers++; if (lr->IsActive()) { fLayersActive.AddLast((TObject*)lr); fNLayersActive++; } } //______________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSURecoDet::Build() { // build detector from TGeo // if (!fGeom) AliFatal("Geometry interface is not set"); int nlr = fGeom->GetNLayers(); if (!nlr) AliFatal("No geometry loaded"); // // build active ITS layers for (int ilr=0;ilrGetLayerChipTypeID(ilr); // name layer according its active id, detector type and segmentation tyoe AliITSURecoLayer* lra = new AliITSURecoLayer(Form("Lr%d%s%d",ilr,fGeom->GetChipTypeName(lrTyp), lrTyp%AliITSUGeomTGeo::kMaxSegmPerChipType), ilr,fGeom); lra->SetPassive(kFALSE); AddLayer(lra); } // // build passive ITS layers // double rMin,rMax,zMin,zMax; // beam pipe TGeoVolume *v = gGeoManager->GetVolume(fgkBeamPipeVolName); AliITSURecoLayer* lrp = 0; if (!v) AliWarning("No beam pipe found in geometry"); else { TGeoTube *t=(TGeoTube*)v->GetShape(); rMin = t->GetRmin(); rMax = t->GetRmax(); zMin =-t->GetDz(); zMax = t->GetDz(); lrp = new AliITSURecoLayer("BeamPipe"); lrp->SetRMin(rMin); lrp->SetRMax(rMax); lrp->SetR(0.5*(rMin+rMax)); lrp->SetZMin(zMin); lrp->SetZMax(zMax); lrp->SetPassive(kTRUE); AddLayer(lrp); // } // // TPC-ITS wall const AliITSURecoParam* recopar = AliITSUReconstructor::GetRecoParam(); if (recopar) { lrp = new AliITSURecoLayer("TPC-ITSwall"); lrp->SetRMin(AliITSUReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetTPCITSWallRMin()); lrp->SetRMax(AliITSUReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetTPCITSWallRMax()); lrp->SetR(0.5*(lrp->GetRMin()+lrp->GetRMax())); lrp->SetZMin(-AliITSUReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetTPCITSWallZSpanH()); lrp->SetZMax( AliITSUReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetTPCITSWallZSpanH()); lrp->SetMaxStep( AliITSUReconstructor::GetRecoParam()->GetTPCITSWallMaxStep()); lrp->SetPassive(kTRUE); AddLayer(lrp); } else { AliWarning("RecoParam is not available, TPC-ITS wall is not set"); } // IndexLayers(); Print("lr"); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________ void AliITSURecoDet::IndexLayers() { // sort and index layers const Double_t kRMargin = 1e-2; // 100 micron margin fLayersActive.Sort(); for (int i=0;iSetActiveID(i); fLayers.Sort(); for (int i=0;iSetID(i); if (fNLayers>0) { SetRMin(GetLayer(0)->GetRMin()-kRMargin); SetRMax(GetLayer(fNLayers-1)->GetRMax()+kRMargin); } // // define the reference R for ITS/TPC matching: outside of last layer but before TPC materials const double kOffsLastActR = 5.; // offset of reference layer wrt last active R int lastActive = GetLrIDActive(fNLayersActive-1); AliITSURecoLayer* lrA = GetLayer(lastActive); // last active double rref = lrA->GetRMax() + kOffsLastActR; // if (lastActive < fNLayers-1) { // there are material layers outside ... AliITSURecoLayer* lrL = GetLayer(lastActive+1); if (lrL->GetRMin()<=rref) rref = lrL->GetRMin(); if (rref - lrA->GetRMax()GetRMax())); } } SetRITSTPCRef(rref); // } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSURecoDet::FindLastLayerID(Double_t r, int dir) const { // find the last layer which the particle moving in direction dir (1:outward,-1:inward) // will traverse on its way to radius r int ilr; // if (dir>0) { for (ilr=0;ilrGetR(-dir) ) break; // this layer at least entered } return --ilr; // -1 will correspond to point below the smalles layer } else { for (ilr=fNLayers;ilr--;) { AliITSURecoLayer* lr = GetLayer(ilr); if ( r>lr->GetR(-dir) ) break; // this layer at least entered } ilr++; return ilr0) { for (ilr=0;ilrGetR(dir) ) break; // this layer at least entered } return ilrlr->GetR(dir) ) break; // this layer at least entered } return ilr; // -1 will correspond to point below inner layer } // } //______________________________________________________ void AliITSURecoDet::CreateClusterArrays() { // create cluster arrays for active layers for (int ilr=0;ilrSetOwnsClusterArray(kTRUE); int tpDet = fGeom->GetLayerChipTypeID(ilr)/AliITSUGeomTGeo::kMaxSegmPerChipType; // if (tpDet == AliITSUGeomTGeo::kChipTypePix) { lr->SetClusters(new TClonesArray(AliITSUClusterPix::Class())); } else { AliFatal(Form("Unknown detector type %d",tpDet)); } // } // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSURecoDet::LoadClusters(TTree* treeRP) { // read clusters from the tree, if it is provided if (!treeRP) return 0; for (int ilr=fNLayersActive;ilr--;) { TBranch* br = treeRP->GetBranch(Form("ITSRecPoints%d",ilr)); if (!br) AliFatal(Form("Provided cluster tree does not contain branch for layer %d",ilr)); br->SetAddress( GetLayerActive(ilr)->GetClustersAddress() ); } return treeRP->GetEntry(0); // we are still in 1 ev/tree mode... } Int_t FindIndex(AliITSUClusterPix **parr, Int_t i, AliITSUClusterPix *c) { Int_t b=0; AliITSUClusterPix *cc=parr[b]; if (c->Compare(cc) <= 0) return b; Int_t e=b+i-1; cc=parr[e]; if (c->Compare(cc) > 0) return e+1; Int_t m=(b+e)/2; for (; bCompare(cc) > 0) b=m+1; else e=m; } return m; } //______________________________________________________ void AliITSURecoDet::SortClusters(AliITSUClusterPix::SortMode_t mode) { // process clsuters according to requested mode AliITSUClusterPix::SetSortMode( mode ); for (int ilr=fNLayersActive;ilr--;) { TClonesArray *arr=GetLayerActive(ilr)->GetClusters(); const Int_t kNcl=arr->GetEntriesFast(); AliITSUClusterPix **parr=new AliITSUClusterPix*[kNcl]; parr[0]=(AliITSUClusterPix *)arr->UncheckedAt(0); for (Int_t j=1; jUncheckedAt(j); Int_t i=FindIndex(parr,j,c); Int_t k=j-i; memmove(parr+i+1 ,parr+i,k*sizeof(AliITSUClusterPix*)); parr[i]=c; } TObject **cont=arr->GetObjectRef(); for (Int_t i=0; i