#include "AliITSUTrackHyp.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliCluster.h" #include "AliITSUAux.h" ClassImp(AliITSUTrackHyp) //__________________________________________________________________ AliITSUTrackHyp::AliITSUTrackHyp(Int_t nlr) : fNLayers(nlr) ,fITSLabel(0) ,fESDTrack(0) ,fLayerSeeds(0) { // def. c-tor if (fNLayers>0) fLayerSeeds = new TObjArray[fNLayers]; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliITSUTrackHyp::~AliITSUTrackHyp() { // d-tor delete[] fLayerSeeds; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliITSUTrackHyp::AliITSUTrackHyp(const AliITSUTrackHyp &src) : AliKalmanTrack(src) , fNLayers(src.fNLayers) , fITSLabel(src.fITSLabel) , fESDTrack(src.fESDTrack) , fLayerSeeds(0) { // copy c-tor if (fNLayers>0) { fLayerSeeds = new TObjArray[fNLayers]; for (int ilr=fNLayers;ilr--;) { int ns = src.GetNSeeds(ilr); for (int isd=0;isdIsKilled()) continue; AddSeed(sd,ilr); } } } // } //__________________________________________________________________ AliITSUTrackHyp &AliITSUTrackHyp::operator=(const AliITSUTrackHyp &src) { // copy if (this == &src) return *this; this->~AliITSUTrackHyp(); new(this) AliITSUTrackHyp(src); return *this; // } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliITSUTrackHyp::Print(Option_t* ) const { printf("Track Hyp.#%4d. NSeeds:",GetUniqueID()); for (int i=0;i0 ? GetSeed(0,0) : 0; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliITSUSeed* AliITSUTrackHyp::DefineWinner(int lr, int id) { // assign best candidate if (GetNSeeds(lr)<=id) return 0; AliITSUSeed* winner = GetSeed(lr,id); this->AliExternalTrackParam::operator=(*winner); SetChi2(winner->GetChi2GloNrm()); SetNumberOfClusters(winner->GetNLayersHit()); return winner; } //__________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliITSUTrackHyp::GetPredictedChi2(const AliCluster *cl) const { // calculate chi2 to cluster Double_t p[2]={cl->GetY(), cl->GetZ()}; Double_t cov[3]={cl->GetSigmaY2(), cl->GetSigmaYZ(), cl->GetSigmaZ2()}; return AliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(p,cov); } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUTrackHyp::PropagateTo(Double_t /*xr*/, Double_t /*x0*/, Double_t /*rho*/) { // NA AliFatal("Not to be used"); return 0; } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSUTrackHyp::Update(const AliCluster* /*c*/, Double_t /*chi2*/, Int_t /*index*/) { // NA AliFatal("Not to be used"); return kFALSE; } //__________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliITSUTrackHyp::Update(const AliCluster* cl) { // update with cluster Double_t p[2]={cl->GetY(), cl->GetZ()}; Double_t cov[3]={cl->GetSigmaY2(), cl->GetSigmaYZ(), cl->GetSigmaZ2()}; double chi2 = AliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(p,cov); if (!AliExternalTrackParam::Update(p,cov)) return -1; SetChi2(GetChi2()+chi2); return chi2; } //__________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUTrackHyp::FetchClusterInfo(Int_t *clIDarr) const { // fill cl.id's in the array. The clusters of layer L will be set at slots // clID[2L] (and clID[2L+1] if there is an extra cluster). for (int i=fNLayers<<1;i--;) clIDarr[i]=-1; Int_t lr,ncl=0; AliITSUSeed* seed = GetWinner(); if (!seed) { AliFatal("The winner is not set"); return ncl; } while(seed) { int clID = seed->GetLrCluster(lr); if (clID>=0) { int slotLr = lr<<1; clIDarr[ clIDarr[slotLr]<0 ? slotLr : slotLr+1 ] = clID; ncl++; } seed = (AliITSUSeed*)seed->GetParent(); } return ncl; } //__________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUTrackHyp::GetNumberOfClusters() const { // This is a temporary (slow) way of accessing number of clusters // TODO: add dedicated data members filled by winner AliITSUSeed* seed = GetWinner(); int ncl = 0; if (!seed) { AliFatal("The winner is not set"); return ncl; } return seed->GetNClusters(); // } //__________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSUTrackHyp::GetClusterIndex(Int_t ind) const { // This is a temporary (slow) way of accessing cluster index // TODO: add dedicated data members filled by winner AliITSUSeed* seed = GetWinner(); // int ncl = 0; if (!seed) { AliFatal("The winner is not set"); return -1; } return seed->GetClusterIndex(ind); // }