//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the ITS tracker class // The pattern recongintion based on the "cooked covariance" approach //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliITSUClusterPix.h" #include "AliITSUGeomTGeo.h" #include "AliITSUTrackerCooked.h" #include "AliITSUTrackCooked.h" #include "AliITSUReconstructor.h" ClassImp(AliITSUTrackerCooked) //************************************************ // Constants hardcoded for the moment: //************************************************ // seed "windows" in z and phi: MakeSeeds const Double_t kzWin=0.33; const Double_t kminPt=0.05; // Maximal accepted impact parameters for the seeds const Double_t kmaxDCAxy=3.; const Double_t kmaxDCAz= 3.; // Layers for the seeding const Int_t kSeedingLayer1=6, kSeedingLayer2=4, kSeedingLayer3=5; // Space point resolution const Double_t kSigma2=0.0005*0.0005; // Max accepted chi2 const Double_t kmaxChi2PerCluster=20.; const Double_t kmaxChi2PerTrack=30.; // Tracking "road" from layer to layer const Double_t kRoadY=0.7; const Double_t kRoadZ=0.7; // Minimal number of attached clusters const Int_t kminNumberOfClusters=4; //************************************************ // TODO: //************************************************ // Seeding: // Precalculate cylidnrical (r,phi) for the clusters; // use exact r's for the clusters AliITSUTrackerCooked::AliITSUlayer AliITSUTrackerCooked::fgLayers[AliITSUTrackerCooked::kNLayers]; AliITSUTrackerCooked::AliITSUTrackerCooked(AliITSUReconstructor *rec): AliITSUTrackerGlo(rec), fSeeds(0), fI(kNLayers-1), fBestTrack(0), fTrackToFollow(0), fSAonly(kTRUE) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This default constructor needs to be provided //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const Double_t klRadius[7]={2.34, 3.15, 3.93, 19.61, 24.55, 34.39, 39.34}; //tdr6 AliITSUGeomTGeo *gm = new AliITSUGeomTGeo(kTRUE,kTRUE); AliITSUClusterPix::SetGeom(gm); for (Int_t i=0; iDelete(); delete fSeeds; delete fBestTrack; delete fTrackToFollow; } static Double_t f1(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t x3, Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*y1-b)); Double_t crv=xr*yr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); if (d>0) crv=-crv; return crv; } static Double_t f2(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t x3, Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the x-coordinate of the center of curvature //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t k1=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1), k2=(y3-y2)/(x3-x2); Double_t x0=0.5*(k1*k2*(y1-y3) + k2*(x1+x2) - k1*(x2+x3))/(k2-k1); return x0; } static Double_t f3(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t z1, Double_t z2) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the tangent of the track dip angle //----------------------------------------------------------------- return (z1 - z2)/sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); } Bool_t AliITSUTrackerCooked:: AddCookedSeed(const Float_t r1[3], Int_t l1, Int_t i1, const Float_t r2[3], Int_t l2, Int_t i2, const AliCluster *c3,Int_t l3, Int_t i3) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the main cooking function. // Creates seed parameters out of provided clusters. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t x,a; if (!c3->GetXAlphaRefPlane(x,a)) return kFALSE; Double_t ca=TMath::Cos(a), sa=TMath::Sin(a); Double_t x1 = r1[0]*ca + r1[1]*sa, y1 =-r1[0]*sa + r1[1]*ca, z1 = r1[2]; Double_t x2 = r2[0]*ca + r2[1]*sa, y2 =-r2[0]*sa + r2[1]*ca, z2 = r2[2]; Double_t x3 = x, y3 = c3->GetY(), z3 = c3->GetZ(); Double_t par[5]; par[0]=y3; par[1]=z3; Double_t crv=f1(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); //curvature Double_t x0 =f2(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); //x-coordinate of the center Double_t tgl12=f3(x1, y1, x2, y2, z1, z2); Double_t tgl23=f3(x2, y2, x3, y3, z2, z3); Double_t sf=crv*(x-x0); if (TMath::Abs(sf) >= kAlmost1) return kFALSE; par[2]=sf; par[3]=0.5*(tgl12 + tgl23); Double_t bz=GetBz(); par[4]=(TMath::Abs(bz) < kAlmost0Field) ? kAlmost0 : crv/(bz*kB2C); Double_t cov[15]; /* for (Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) cov[i]=0.; cov[0] =kSigma2*10; cov[2] =kSigma2*10; cov[5] =0.007*0.007*10; //FIXME all these lines cov[9] =0.007*0.007*10; cov[14]=0.1*0.1*10; */ const Double_t dlt=0.0005; Double_t fy=1./(fgLayers[kSeedingLayer3].GetR() - fgLayers[kSeedingLayer2].GetR()); Double_t tz=fy; Double_t cy=(f1(x1, y1, x2, y2+dlt, x3, y3) - crv)/dlt/bz/kB2C; cy*=20; //FIXME: MS contribution to the cov[14] Double_t s2=kSigma2; cov[0]=s2; cov[1]=0.; cov[2]=s2; cov[3]=s2*fy; cov[4]=0.; cov[5]=s2*fy*fy; cov[6]=0.; cov[7]=s2*tz; cov[8]=0.; cov[9]=s2*tz*tz; cov[10]=s2*cy; cov[11]=0.; cov[12]=s2*fy*cy; cov[13]=0.; cov[14]=s2*cy*cy; AliITSUTrackCooked *seed=new AliITSUTrackCooked(); seed->Set(Double_t(x), Double_t(a), par, cov); Float_t dz[2]; seed->GetDZ(GetX(),GetY(),GetZ(),GetBz(),dz); if (TMath::Abs(dz[0]) > kmaxDCAxy) {delete seed; return kFALSE;} if (TMath::Abs(dz[1]) > kmaxDCAz ) {delete seed; return kFALSE;} Double_t xx0 = 0.008; // Rough layer thickness Double_t radl= 9.36; // Radiation length of Si [cm] Double_t rho = 2.33; // Density of Si [g/cm^3] Double_t mass= 0.139;// Pion if (!seed->CorrectForMeanMaterial(xx0, xx0*radl*rho, mass, kTRUE)) { delete seed; return kFALSE; } seed->SetClusterIndex(l1,i1); seed->SetClusterIndex(l2,i2); seed->SetClusterIndex(l3,i3); fSeeds->AddLast(seed); return kTRUE; } Int_t AliITSUTrackerCooked::MakeSeeds() { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the main pattern recongition function. // Creates seeds out of two clusters and another point. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fSeeds) {fSeeds->Delete(); delete fSeeds;} fSeeds=new TObjArray(77777); const Double_t zv=GetZ(); AliITSUlayer &layer1=fgLayers[kSeedingLayer1]; AliITSUlayer &layer2=fgLayers[kSeedingLayer2]; AliITSUlayer &layer3=fgLayers[kSeedingLayer3]; Double_t r1=layer1.GetR(); Double_t r2=layer2.GetR(); Double_t r3=layer3.GetR(); const Double_t maxC = TMath::Abs(GetBz()*kB2C/kminPt); const Double_t kpWin = TMath::ASin(0.5*maxC*r1) - TMath::ASin(0.5*maxC*r2); Int_t nClusters1=layer1.GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t nClusters2=layer2.GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t nClusters3=layer3.GetNumberOfClusters(); for (Int_t n1=0; n1GetLabel(0); // Double_t z1=c1->GetZ(); Float_t xyz1[3]; c1->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz1); Double_t phi1=layer1.GetClusterPhi(n1); Double_t zr2=zv + r2/r1*(z1-zv); Int_t start2=layer2.FindClusterIndex(zr2-kzWin); for (Int_t n2=start2; n2GetLabel(0)!=lab) continue; // Double_t z2=c2->GetZ(); if (z2 > (zr2+kzWin)) break; //check in Z Float_t xyz2[3]; c2->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz2); Double_t phi2=layer2.GetClusterPhi(n2); if (TMath::Abs(phi2-phi1) > kpWin) continue; //check in Phi Double_t zr3=z1 + (r3-r1)/(r2-r1)*(z2-z1); Double_t crv=f1(xyz1[0], xyz1[1], xyz2[0], xyz2[1], GetX(), GetY()); Double_t phir3 = phi1 + 0.5*crv*(r3 - r1); Int_t start3=layer3.FindClusterIndex(zr3-kzWin/2); for (Int_t n3=start3; n3GetLabel(0)!=lab) continue; // Double_t z3=c3->GetZ(); if (z3 > (zr3+kzWin/2)) break; //check in Z Float_t xyz3[3]; c3->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz3); Double_t phi3=layer3.GetClusterPhi(n3); if (TMath::Abs(phir3-phi3) > kpWin/100) continue; //check in Phi AliITSUClusterPix cc(*((AliITSUClusterPix*)c2)); cc.GoToFrameTrk(); AddCookedSeed(xyz1, kSeedingLayer1, n1, xyz3, kSeedingLayer3, n3, &cc, kSeedingLayer2, n2); } } } for (Int_t n1=0; n1GoToFrameTrk(); } for (Int_t n2=0; n2GoToFrameTrk(); } for (Int_t n3=0; n3GoToFrameTrk(); } fSeeds->Sort(); return fSeeds->GetEntriesFast(); } Int_t AliITSUTrackerCooked::Clusters2Tracks(AliESDEvent *event) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the main tracking function // The clusters must already be loaded //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!fSAonly) AliITSUTrackerGlo::Clusters2Tracks(event); Int_t nSeeds=MakeSeeds(); // Possibly, icrement the seeds with additional clusters (Kalman) // Possibly, (re)fit the found tracks Int_t ngood=0; for (Int_t s=0; sAt(s); Double_t x=track->GetX(); Double_t y=track->GetY(); Double_t phi=track->GetAlpha() + TMath::ATan2(y,x); const Float_t pi2 = 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (phi<0.) phi+=pi2; else if (phi >= pi2) phi-=pi2; for (Int_t n=0; nGetZAt(fgLayers[n].GetR(),GetBz(),z); fgLayers[n].SelectClusters(phi,kRoadY,z,kRoadZ); } ResetTrackToFollow(*track); ResetBestTrack(); fI=kSeedingLayer2; fgLayers[fI].ResetTrack(*track); for (FollowProlongation(); fIGetNumberOfClusters() < kminNumberOfClusters) continue; CookLabel(fBestTrack,0.); //For comparison only Int_t label=fBestTrack->GetLabel(); if (label>0) ngood++; AliESDtrack iotrack; iotrack.UpdateTrackParams(fBestTrack,AliESDtrack::kITSin); iotrack.SetLabel(label); event->AddTrack(&iotrack); UseClusters(fBestTrack); } Info("Clusters2Tracks","Seeds: %d",nSeeds); if (nSeeds) Info("Clusters2Tracks","Good tracks/seeds: %f",Float_t(ngood)/nSeeds); if (fSeeds) {fSeeds->Delete(); delete fSeeds;} fSeeds=0; return 0; } void AliITSUTrackerCooked::FollowProlongation() { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Push this track tree branch towards the primary vertex //-------------------------------------------------------------------- while (fI) { fI--; fgLayers[fI].ResetSelectedClusters(); if (!TakeNextProlongation()) return; } //deal with the best track Int_t ncl=fTrackToFollow->GetNumberOfClusters(); Int_t nclb=fBestTrack->GetNumberOfClusters(); if (ncl >= nclb) { Double_t chi2=fTrackToFollow->GetChi2(); if (chi2 < kmaxChi2PerTrack) { if (ncl > nclb || chi2 < fBestTrack->GetChi2()) { ResetBestTrack(); } } } } Int_t AliITSUTrackerCooked::TakeNextProlongation() { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Switch to the next track tree branch //-------------------------------------------------------------------- AliITSUlayer &layer=fgLayers[fI]; const AliCluster *c=0; Int_t ci=-1; const AliCluster *cc=0; Int_t cci=-1; UShort_t volId=-1; Double_t z=0., dz=0., y=0., dy=0., chi2=0.; while ((c=layer.GetNextCluster(ci))!=0) { Int_t id=c->GetVolumeId(); if (id != volId) { volId=id; const AliITSUTrackCooked *t = fgLayers[fI+1].GetTrack(); ResetTrackToFollow(*t); Double_t x=layer.GetXRef(ci); Double_t alpha=layer.GetAlphaRef(ci); if (!fTrackToFollow->Propagate(alpha, x, GetBz())) { //Warning("TakeNextProlongation","propagation failed !\n"); continue; } dz=7*TMath::Sqrt(fTrackToFollow->GetSigmaZ2() + kSigma2); dy=7*TMath::Sqrt(fTrackToFollow->GetSigmaY2() + kSigma2); z=fTrackToFollow->GetZ(); y=fTrackToFollow->GetY(); } //if (TMath::Abs(fTrackToFollow.GetZ()-GetZ())>layer.GetR()+dz) continue; if (TMath::Abs(z - c->GetZ()) > dz) continue; if (TMath::Abs(y - c->GetY()) > dy) continue; Double_t ch2=fTrackToFollow->GetPredictedChi2(c); if (ch2 > kmaxChi2PerCluster) continue; chi2=ch2; cc=c; cci=ci; break; } if (!cc) return 0; if (!fTrackToFollow->Update(cc,chi2,(fI<<28)+cci)) { //Warning("TakeNextProlongation","filtering failed !\n"); return 0; } Double_t xx0 = (fI > 2) ? 0.008 : 0.003; // Rough layer thickness Double_t x0 = 9.36; // Radiation length of Si [cm] Double_t rho = 2.33; // Density of Si [g/cm^3] Double_t mass = fTrackToFollow->GetMass(); fTrackToFollow->CorrectForMeanMaterial(xx0, xx0*x0*rho, mass, kTRUE); layer.ResetTrack(*fTrackToFollow); return 1; } Int_t AliITSUTrackerCooked::PropagateBack(AliESDEvent *event) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Here, we implement the Kalman smoother ? // The clusters must already be loaded //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t n=event->GetNumberOfTracks(); Int_t ntrk=0; Int_t ngood=0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); if (!esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kITSin)) continue; if ( esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCin)) continue;//skip a TPC+ITS track AliITSUTrackCooked track(*esdTrack); ResetTrackToFollow(track); fTrackToFollow->ResetCovariance(10.); fTrackToFollow->ResetClusters(); if (RefitAt(40., fTrackToFollow, &track)) { CookLabel(fTrackToFollow, 0.); //For comparison only Int_t label=fTrackToFollow->GetLabel(); if (label>0) ngood++; esdTrack->UpdateTrackParams(fTrackToFollow,AliESDtrack::kITSout); //UseClusters(fTrackToFollow); ntrk++; } } Info("PropagateBack","Back propagated tracks: %d",ntrk); if (ntrk) Info("PropagateBack","Good tracks/back propagated: %f",Float_t(ngood)/ntrk); if (!fSAonly) AliITSUTrackerGlo::PropagateBack(event); return 0; } Bool_t AliITSUTrackerCooked:: RefitAt(Double_t xx, AliITSUTrackCooked *t, const AliITSUTrackCooked *c) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function refits the track "t" at the position "x" using // the clusters from "c" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t index[kNLayers]; Int_t k; for (k=0; kGetNumberOfClusters(); for (k=0; kGetClusterIndex(k), nl=(idx&0xf0000000)>>28; index[nl]=idx; } Int_t from, to, step; if (xx > t->GetX()) { from=0; to=kNLayers; step=+1; } else { from=kNLayers-1; to=-1; step=-1; } for (Int_t i=from; i != to; i += step) { Int_t idx=index[i]; if (idx>=0) { const AliCluster *cl=GetCluster(idx); Float_t xr,ar; cl->GetXAlphaRefPlane(xr, ar); if (!t->Propagate(Double_t(ar), Double_t(xr), GetBz())) { //Warning("RefitAt","propagation failed !\n"); return kFALSE; } Double_t chi2=t->GetPredictedChi2(cl); if (chi2 < kmaxChi2PerCluster) t->Update(cl, chi2, idx); } else { Double_t r=fgLayers[i].GetR(); Double_t phi,z; if (!t->GetPhiZat(r,phi,z)) { //Warning("RefitAt","failed to estimate track !\n"); return kFALSE; } if (!t->Propagate(phi, r, GetBz())) { //Warning("RefitAt","propagation failed !\n"); return kFALSE; } } Double_t xx0 = (i > 2) ? 0.008 : 0.003; // Rough layer thickness Double_t x0 = 9.36; // Radiation length of Si [cm] Double_t rho = 2.33; // Density of Si [g/cm^3] Double_t mass = t->GetMass(); t->CorrectForMeanMaterial(xx0, -step*xx0*x0*rho, mass, kTRUE); } if (!t->PropagateTo(xx,0.,0.)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } Int_t AliITSUTrackerCooked::RefitInward(AliESDEvent *event) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some final refit, after the outliers get removed by the smoother ? // The clusters must be loaded //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t n=event->GetNumberOfTracks(); Int_t ntrk=0; Int_t ngood=0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); if (!esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kITSout)) continue; if ( esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCin)) continue;//skip a TPC+ITS track AliITSUTrackCooked track(*esdTrack); ResetTrackToFollow(track); fTrackToFollow->ResetCovariance(10.); fTrackToFollow->ResetClusters(); if (!RefitAt(2.1, fTrackToFollow, &track)) continue; //Cross the beam pipe if (!fTrackToFollow->PropagateTo(1.8, 2.27e-3, 35.28*1.848)) continue; CookLabel(fTrackToFollow, 0.); //For comparison only Int_t label=fTrackToFollow->GetLabel(); if (label>0) ngood++; esdTrack->UpdateTrackParams(fTrackToFollow,AliESDtrack::kITSrefit); //esdTrack->RelateToVertex(event->GetVertex(),GetBz(),33.); //UseClusters(fTrackToFollow); ntrk++; } Info("RefitInward","Refitted tracks: %d",ntrk); if (ntrk) Info("RefitInward","Good tracks/refitted: %f",Float_t(ngood)/ntrk); if (!fSAonly) AliITSUTrackerGlo::RefitInward(event); return 0; } Int_t AliITSUTrackerCooked::LoadClusters(TTree *cTree) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function reads the ITSU clusters from the tree, // sort them, distribute over the internal tracker arrays, etc //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!cTree) { AliFatal("No cluster tree !"); return 1; } AliITSUTrackerGlo::LoadClusters(cTree); for (Int_t i=0; iGetClusters(i); switch (i) { case kSeedingLayer1: case kSeedingLayer2: case kSeedingLayer3: fgLayers[i].InsertClusters(clusters,kTRUE,fSAonly); break; default: fgLayers[i].InsertClusters(clusters,kFALSE,fSAonly); break; } } return 0; } void AliITSUTrackerCooked::UnloadClusters() { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function unloads ITSU clusters from the RAM //-------------------------------------------------------------------- AliITSUTrackerGlo::UnloadClusters(); for (Int_t i=0; i> 28; Int_t c=(index & 0x0fffffff) >> 00; return fgLayers[l].GetCluster(c); } AliITSUTrackerCooked::AliITSUlayer::AliITSUlayer(): fR(0), fN(0), fNsel(0), fI(0), fTrack(0) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This default constructor needs to be provided //-------------------------------------------------------------------- for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); Double_t r=0.; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); if (!saOnly) if (c->IsClusterUsed()) continue; c->GoToFrameGlo(); Double_t x=c->GetX(), y=c->GetY(); r += TMath::Sqrt(x*x + y*y); if (!seedingLayer) c->GoToFrameTrk(); //if (!c->Misalign()) AliWarning("Can't misalign this cluster !"); if (InsertCluster(c)) break; } if (fN) fR = r/fN; const Float_t pi2 = 2.*TMath::Pi(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetXAlphaRefPlane(fXRef[i],fAlphaRef[i]); Float_t xyz[3]; c->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); Float_t phi=TMath::ATan2(xyz[1],xyz[0]); if (phi<0.) phi+=pi2; else if (phi >= pi2) phi-=pi2; fPhi[i]=phi; } } void AliITSUTrackerCooked::AliITSUlayer::DeleteClusters() { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load clusters to this layer //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //for (Int_t i=0; i=kMaxClusterPerLayer) { ::Error("InsertCluster","Too many clusters !\n"); return 1; } if (fN==0) fClusters[0]=c; else { Int_t i=FindClusterIndex(c->GetZ()); Int_t k=fN-i; memmove(fClusters+i+1 ,fClusters+i,k*sizeof(AliCluster*)); fClusters[i]=c; } fN++; return 0; } Int_t AliITSUTrackerCooked::AliITSUlayer::FindClusterIndex(Double_t z) const { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the index of the first // with its fZ >= "z". //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fN==0) return 0; Int_t b=0; if (z <= fClusters[b]->GetZ()) return b; Int_t e=b+fN-1; if (z > fClusters[e]->GetZ()) return e+1; Int_t m=(b+e)/2; for (; b fClusters[m]->GetZ()) b=m+1; else e=m; } return m; } void AliITSUTrackerCooked::AliITSUlayer:: SelectClusters(Float_t phi, Float_t dy, Float_t z, Float_t dz) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function selects clusters within the "road" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- fNsel=0; Float_t dphi=dy/fR; Float_t phiMin=phi-dphi; Float_t phiMax=phi+dphi; Float_t zMin=z-dz; Float_t zMax=z+dz; Int_t i=FindClusterIndex(zMin), imax=FindClusterIndex(zMax); for (; i phiMax) continue; AliCluster *c=fClusters[i]; if (c->IsClusterUsed()) continue; fIndex[fNsel++]=i; if (fNsel>=kMaxSelected) break; } } const AliCluster *AliITSUTrackerCooked::AliITSUlayer::GetNextCluster(Int_t &ci){ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns clusters within the "road" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fI