#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KMCDetector.h" #endif TObjArray* CreateTrackConditions(const char* nm); TObjArray summary; TObject* gDet=0; // ptBins to generate double pts[] = {0.15,0.175,0.2,0.225,0.25,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.8,1.1,1.6,2,4,8,13,20}; //double pts[] = {0.2, 1., 10.}; void testDetKMC(int nev=10000, // n events to generate per bin int setVer=0, // optional version to pass for detector building double mass=0.14, // particle mass to generate double eta=0.45, // eta to test Bool_t aliceNew=kTRUE,Bool_t tpc=kFALSE, Double_t eff=0.95, // detector settings Double_t vtxConstr=-1., // use vertex constraint in the fit const char* sumOut="trsumDef.root" // output file name ) { if (!gROOT->GetClass("KMCDetector")) gROOT->LoadMacro("KMCDetector.cxx+"); // // Detector, tracking initialization >>> // if (vtxConstr>0) KMCDetector::SetVtxConstraint(vtxConstr,vtxConstr); KMCLayer::SetDefEff(eff); // KMCDetector *itsdet = new KMCDetector((char*)"ALICE",(char*)"ITS"); gDet = itsdet; KMCDetector &its = *itsdet; its.SetAvgRapidity(eta); if (aliceNew) its.MakeAliceAllNew(tpc,1, setVer); // its sa else its.MakeAliceCurrent(tpc,0); // its sa //its.MakeAliceCurrent(0,1); // with tpc its.SetMaxSeedToPropagate(300); its.SetUseBackground(); // // min hits per track to validate it its.RequireMinITSHits( its.GetNActiveITSLayers() - 2 );//(int)TMath::Max(4.0,(3./4.)*its.GetNActiveITSLayers())); printf("Min number of hits requested: %d\n",its.GetMinITSHits()); // // max cluster-track chi2 its.RequireMaxChi2Cl(16.); // max chi2/NDF of the Kalman fit its.RequireMaxNormChi2NDF(5.); // penalty to chi2 from missing hit KMCProbe::SetMissingHitPenalty(6); // // Detector, tracking initialization <<< its.InitMCWatchHistos(); summary.Clear(); // int npt = sizeof(pts)/sizeof(double); double ptMin = pts[0]; double ptMax = pts[npt-1]; // for (int ip=npt;ip--;) { // int nevR = nev; double pt = pts[ip];//1./(ptminI+dpt*ip); // ptmin+ip*(ptmax-ptmin)/npt; double chi2Cl = 16. - (16.-9.)*(1./pt-1./ptMax)/(1./ptMin-1./ptMax); // if (pt<0.3) nevR = int(0.25*nevR); // else if (pt<0.5) nevR = int(0.7*nevR); printf("Doing pt(%d)=%.3f for mass %.3f, %d ev | chi2Cl=%.2f\n",ip,pt,mass,nevR,chi2Cl); TString smn = Form("pt%d",ip); TObjArray* trSum = CreateTrackConditions(smn.Data()); if (trSum) summary.AddLast(trSum); // its.SolveSingleTrack(mass, pt, eta, trSum, nevR); } // TString smout = sumOut; if (!smout.IsNull()) { gSystem->ExpandPathName(smout); TFile* fl = TFile::Open(smout.Data(),"recreate"); if (!fl) {printf("Failed to open %s file\n",smout.Data()); return;} fl->WriteObject(&summary,"trSum","kSingleKey"); fl->Close(); delete fl; } } //_____________________________________________________________ TObjArray* CreateTrackConditions(const char* nm) { // create set of track criteria to extract the summary KMCTrackSummary *sm = 0; TObjArray* arr = new TObjArray(); // int nlr = KMCProbe::GetNITSLayers(); //-------------------- put here user code ------------------- // summary for ideal correct tracks sm = new KMCTrackSummary("corrAll","corrAll",nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITS(nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(0,0); sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); arr->AddLast(sm); // // summary for good correct tracks sm = new KMCTrackSummary("corr4h","corr4h",nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITS(4); sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(0,0); sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); arr->AddLast(sm); // // summary for good correct tracks with enough points at inner single layers sm = new KMCTrackSummary("corr4hs2in","corr4hs2in",nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITS(4); sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(0,0); sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(1,0)); // the innermost 2 layers must have correct cluster sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,1)); arr->AddLast(sm); // // summary for good correct tracks with enough points at inner double layers sm = new KMCTrackSummary("corr4hd2in","corr5hd2in",nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITS(4); sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(0,0); sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(1)); // the innermost 2 double layers must have correct cluster sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,1,1)); arr->AddLast(sm); // // // summary for golden tracks with AllNew RS setup: good pattern for offset and pt measurement sm = new KMCTrackSummary("corr4hdGoodPatt","corr4hdGoodPatt",nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITS(4); sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(0,0); sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(1,1)); // the innermost 2 double layers must have correct cluster sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,0,1)); // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,0,0,1,1)); // measurement in the middle (would be prefereable 2 points!) // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,0,0, 0,0, 1,1)); // measurement at large radius // arr->AddLast(sm); // // summary for golden tracks with curr setup: good pattern for offset and pt measurement sm = new KMCTrackSummary("corr4hdGoodPatt","corr4hdGoodPatt",nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITS(4); sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(0,0); sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(1,0)); // the innermost 2 double layers must have correct cluster sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,1)); // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,0,1,1)); // measurement in the middle (would be prefereable 2 points!) // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,0, 0,0, 1,1)); // measurement at large radius // arr->AddLast(sm); // // summary for tracks with at least 1 fake cluster sm = new KMCTrackSummary("fakeAny","fakeAny",nlr); sm->SetMinMaxClITS(4); sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(1); sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); arr->AddLast(sm); // // // summary for tracks with at least 1 fake cluster (but still acceptable?) // sm = new KMCTrackSummary("corrF","corrF",nlr); // sm->SetMinMaxClITS(4); // sm->SetMinMaxClITSCorr(3); // at least 3 correct clusters // sm->SetMinMaxClITSFake(1); // at least 1 fake clusters // // /* // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(1)); // the innermost 2 layers must have correct cluster // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,1,1)); // // */ // // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(1,1)); // // // sm->AddPatternITSCorr( sm->Bits(0,0,1,1,1,1)); // // sm->AddPatternITSFakeExcl( sm->Bits(1,1,1)); // no fakes in innermost 3 layers // sm->SetNamePrefix(nm); // arr->AddLast(sm); // //----------------------------------------------------------- return arr->GetEntries()>0 ? arr : 0; }