// ARGUMENTS: // 1. number of azymuthal sectors (it's better not to go under 8 or over 40) // 2. the ROOT file to read (WITHOUT exstension) // 3. event number // 4. if specified a string, a fstream named like the argument is opened and // the elapsed CPU time is stored (not useful) // the macro will save a file named, for example "galice_.root" // containing may AliITSneuralTrack objects void ITSneuralTracking (Int_t nsecs = 12, const char* rfile = "galice", Int_t event = 0, const char* save = 0) { TStopwatch timer; Double_t CONVERT = TMath::Pi() / 180.0; const char* wfile = Form("%s_%d.root", rfile, nsecs); cout << "Reading file " << rfile << ".root and saving in " << wfile << endl; // ================================== // ==== CURVATURE CUT DEFINITION ==== // ================================== // These values define the curvature cuts for all steps // within a sector. // For a greater clarity, the cuts are indicated in units // of transverse momentum (GeV/c) but these value have no // exact physical meaning, but are useful to understand // well what means a choice in the value of a certain // curvature constraint // NOTE: becareful to make sure that the 'ncuts' variable // have the same value of the dimension of the allocated arrays Int_t ncuts; Double_t *p, *cut; ncuts = 5; p = new Double_t[5]; cut = new Double_t[5]; p[0] = 2.0; p[1] = 1.0; p[2] = 0.7; p[3] = 0.5; p[4] = 0.3; for (Int_t i = 0; i < ncuts; i++) cut[i] = 0.003 * 0.2 / p[i]; // ========================== // ==== OTHER PARAMETERS ==== // ========================== Bool_t flag = kFALSE; // for now, don't change this line, please... Double_t diff = 0.02; // helicoidal cut Double_t dtheta = 1.0; // delta-theta cut Double_t temp = 1.0; // temperature parameter Double_t var = 0.0001; // stabilization threshold Double_t exp = 7.0; // straight-line excitator Double_t gtoc = 3.0; // gain/cost contribution ratio Double_t min = 0.4; // minimum in random activation initialization Double_t max = 0.6; // maximum in random activation initialization // ========================= // ==== NEURAL TRACKING ==== // ========================= AliITSneuralTracker *ANN = new AliITSneuralTracker(nsecs, ncuts, cut, CONVERT*dtheta); TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(Form("%s.root", rfile)); if (!file) file = new TFile(Form("%s.root", rfile),"UPDATE"); //Double_t Xv = -0.001097; //Double_t Yv = -0.00347647; //Double_t Zv = 0.000631345; //ANN->SetVertex(Xv, Yv, Zv); // You should find the vertex with VertexMacro.C // and then put by hand the found values with // the above method. Int_t points = ANN->ReadFile(Form("%s.root", rfile), event); ANN->SetTemperature(temp); ANN->SetVariationLimit(var); ANN->SetGainToCostRatio(gtoc); ANN->SetExponent(exp); ANN->SetInitLimits(min, max); ANN->SetDiff(diff); cout << points << " points found " << endl << endl; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); ANN->Go(wfile, flag); timer.Stop(); cout << endl; timer.Print(); if (save) { fstream ksave(save, ios::app); ksave << nsecs << " " << timer->CpuTime() << endl; ksave.close(); } // delete gAlice; // gAlice = 0; }