'Version' '5.0' 'Description: ' 'MRST fit: hep-ph/0110215' 'This set has 4 member PDFs. However, the publication only contains' 'parametric information of 2 members.' ' mem=1 --> MRST2001nlo: Best fit (alpha_S=0.119)' ' mem=2 --> MRST2001nlo: Lower Alpha_s fit (alpha_S=0.1170)' ' mem=3 --> MRST2001nlo: Higher Alpha_s fit (alpha_S=0.1210)' ' mem=4 --> MRST2001J: Jet data fit (alpha_S=0.121)' 'Note that the best fit (mem=0) has been set equal' 'to MRST2001' 'Evolution:' 'nlo',1.0,1.0 'QCDNUM_MRST' 'MRST.large.grid',400,1d-6,1d0,112,1.d0,1d10 'Alphas:' 'Variable','nlo','MRSTalfa' 1,91.71,1.43,4.30,180.0 'QCDparams:' 4,0 0.323,0.224 0.323,0.224 0.290,0.199 0.362,0.254 0.353,0.247 'Parametrization:' 'MRST',-1,6 'uv','x-taylor' 2.0,5 2,3,4,5,6 'dv','x-taylor' 2.0,5 7,8,9,10,11 'g1','x-taylor' 2.0,5 12,13,14,15,16 'g2','x-taylor' 1.0,3 17,18,19 'S','x-taylor' 2.0,5 20,21,22,23,24 'Delta','x-taylor' 1.0,5 25,26,27,28,29 'Compose:' 'tbar','none' 'bbar','treshold' 4.30 'cbar','treshold' 1.43 'sbar','composite' 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.1,0.0 'ubar','composite' 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.2,-0.5 'dbar','composite' 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.2,0.5 'g','composite' 0.0,0.0,1.0,-1.0,0.0,0.0 'd','composite' 0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.2,0.5 'u','composite' 1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.2,-0.5 's','composite' 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.1,0.0 'c','treshold' 1.43 'b','treshold' 4.30 'tbar','none' 'Parameterlist:' 'list',4,29 0.119015, 0.156678, 0.247800, 3.331000, 5.608000, 55.490000, 0.040503, 0.271400, 3.882700, 52.730000, 30.650000, 1.904000, 0.093430, 3.704000, 1.264000, -1.425000, 0.211000, -0.328600, 10.000000, 0.222100, -0.258900, 7.104000, 3.420000, 10.300000, 1.201163, 1.242000, 9.104000, 14.050000,-45.520000 0.119015, 0.156678, 0.247800, 3.331000, 5.608000, 55.490000, 0.040503, 0.271400, 3.882700, 52.730000, 30.650000, 1.904000, 0.093430, 3.704000, 1.264000, -1.425000, 0.211000, -0.328600, 10.000000, 0.222100, -0.258900, 7.104000, 3.420000, 10.300000, 1.195000, 1.242000, 9.104000, 14.050000,-45.520000 0.116900, 0.168800, 0.251600, 3.373000, 5.910000, 49.930000, 0.023810, 0.213600, 3.944700, 70.420000, 74.620000, 2.368000, 0.064950, 4.188000, 0.950500, -1.598000, 0.210000, -0.344600, 8.213000, 0.209700, -0.261400, 7.147000, 4.065000, 10.800000, 1.176000, 1.217000, 9.147000, 13.150000,-43.650000 0.121345, 0.146200, 0.242100, 3.274000, 5.500000, 63.620000, 0.026030, 0.272100, 3.823000, 84.590000, 47.660000, 24.390000, 0.834100, 4.052000, -2.475000, 2.140000, 0.042430, -0.488100, 10.000000, 0.242300, -0.253600, 7.220000, 2.669000, 9.979000, 1.467000, 1.299000, 9.220000, 12.670000,-41.340000 0.120830, 0.199700, 0.278900, 3.293000, 4.760000, 44.320000, 0.033390, 0.261700, 3.948800, 56.920000, 59.100000,123.500000, 1.158000, 4.691000, -3.566000, 3.408000, 0.037720, -0.500000, 10.000000, 0.274600, -0.242900, 8.553000, 0.838500, 18.360000, 2.060000, 1.312000, 10.553000, 8.711000,-31.230000 'End:'