/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //==================================================================================================================================================== // // Support class for various common operation on MFT objects // // Contact author: antonio.uras@cern.ch // //==================================================================================================================================================== #include "AliMUONTrackParam.h" #include "AliMUONTrackExtrap.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliAODDimuon.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "AliMFTConstants.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TDecompLU.h" #include "AliMFTAnalysisTools.h" ClassImp(AliMFTAnalysisTools) //==================================================================================================================================================== Bool_t AliMFTAnalysisTools::ExtrapAODMuonToZ(AliAODTrack *muon, Double_t z, Double_t xy[2]) { if (!(muon->Pz()!=0)) return kFALSE; AliMUONTrackParam *param = new AliMUONTrackParam(); param -> SetNonBendingCoor(muon->XAtDCA()); param -> SetBendingCoor(muon->YAtDCA()); param -> SetZ(AliMFTConstants::fZEvalKinem); param -> SetNonBendingSlope(muon->Px()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetBendingSlope(muon->Py()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetInverseBendingMomentum( muon->Charge() * (1./muon->Pz()) / (TMath::Sqrt(1+TMath::Power(muon->Py()/muon->Pz(),2))) ); AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(param, z); xy[0] = param->GetNonBendingCoor(); xy[1] = param->GetBendingCoor(); delete param; return kTRUE; } //==================================================================================================================================================== Bool_t AliMFTAnalysisTools::ExtrapAODMuonToZ(AliAODTrack *muon, Double_t z, Double_t xy[2], TLorentzVector &kinem) { if (!(muon->Pz()!=0)) return kFALSE; AliMUONTrackParam *param = new AliMUONTrackParam(); param -> SetNonBendingCoor(muon->XAtDCA()); param -> SetBendingCoor(muon->YAtDCA()); param -> SetZ(AliMFTConstants::fZEvalKinem); param -> SetNonBendingSlope(muon->Px()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetBendingSlope(muon->Py()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetInverseBendingMomentum( muon->Charge() * (1./muon->Pz()) / (TMath::Sqrt(1+TMath::Power(muon->Py()/muon->Pz(),2))) ); AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(param, z); xy[0] = param->GetNonBendingCoor(); xy[1] = param->GetBendingCoor(); Double_t massMu = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("mu-")->Mass(); Double_t energy = TMath::Sqrt(massMu*massMu + param->Px()*param->Px() + param->Py()*param->Py() + param->Pz()*param->Pz()); kinem.SetPxPyPzE(param->Px(), param->Py(), param->Pz(), energy); delete param; return kTRUE; } //==================================================================================================================================================== Bool_t AliMFTAnalysisTools::ExtrapAODMuonToZ(AliAODTrack *muon, Double_t z, Double_t xy[2], TLorentzVector &kinem, TMatrixD &cov) { // Extrapolate muon to a given z providing the corresponding (x,y) position and updating kinematics and covariance matrix if (!(muon->Pz()!=0)) return kFALSE; AliMUONTrackParam *param = new AliMUONTrackParam(); param -> SetNonBendingCoor(muon->XAtDCA()); param -> SetBendingCoor(muon->YAtDCA()); param -> SetZ(AliMFTConstants::fZEvalKinem); param -> SetNonBendingSlope(muon->Px()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetBendingSlope(muon->Py()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetInverseBendingMomentum( muon->Charge() * (1./muon->Pz()) / (TMath::Sqrt(1+TMath::Power(muon->Py()/muon->Pz(),2))) ); param -> SetCovariances(ConvertCovMatrixAOD2MUON(muon)); AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZCov(param, z); xy[0] = param->GetNonBendingCoor(); xy[1] = param->GetBendingCoor(); Double_t massMu = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("mu-")->Mass(); Double_t energy = TMath::Sqrt(massMu*massMu + param->Px()*param->Px() + param->Py()*param->Py() + param->Pz()*param->Pz()); kinem.SetPxPyPzE(param->Px(), param->Py(), param->Pz(), energy); cov = param->GetCovariances(); delete param; return kTRUE; } //==================================================================================================================================================== Bool_t AliMFTAnalysisTools::ExtrapAODMuonToXY(AliAODTrack *muon, Double_t xy[2], Double_t &zFinal, TLorentzVector &kinem, TMatrixD &cov) { // Find the point of closest approach between the muon and the direction parallel to the z-axis defined by the given (x,y) // Provide the z of the above point as weel as the updated kinematics and covariance matrix // We look for the above-defined PCA AliMUONTrackParam *param = new AliMUONTrackParam(); param -> SetNonBendingCoor(muon->XAtDCA()); param -> SetBendingCoor(muon->YAtDCA()); param -> SetZ(AliMFTConstants::fZEvalKinem); param -> SetNonBendingSlope(muon->Px()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetBendingSlope(muon->Py()/muon->Pz()); param -> SetInverseBendingMomentum( muon->Charge() * (1./muon->Pz()) / (TMath::Sqrt(1+TMath::Power(muon->Py()/muon->Pz(),2))) ); // here we want to understand in which direction we have to search the minimum... Double_t step = 1.; // initial step, in cm Double_t startPoint = 0.; Double_t r[3]={0}, z[3]={startPoint, startPoint+step, startPoint+2*step}; TVector3 **points = new TVector3*[2]; // points[0] for the muon, points[1] for the direction parallel to the z-axis defined by the given (x,y) for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(param, z[i]); points[0] = new TVector3(param->GetNonBendingCoor(),param->GetBendingCoor(),z[i]); points[1] = new TVector3(xy[0],xy[1],z[i]); r[i] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(points,2); for (Int_t iMu=0; iMu<2; iMu++) delete points[iMu]; } Int_t researchDirection = 0; if (r[0]>r[1] && r[1]>r[2]) researchDirection = +1; // towards z positive else if (r[0]r[2]) { printf("E-AliMFTAnalysisTools::ExtrapAODMuonToXY: Point of closest approach cannot be found (no minima)\n"); delete param; delete points; return kFALSE; } while (TMath::Abs(researchDirection)>0.5) { if (researchDirection>0) { z[0] = z[1]; z[1] = z[2]; z[2] = z[1]+researchDirection*step; } else { z[2] = z[1]; z[1] = z[0]; z[0] = z[1]+researchDirection*step; } if (TMath::Abs(z[0])>900.) { printf("E-AliMFTAnalysisTools::ExtrapAODMuonToXY: Point of closest approach cannot be found (no minima in the fiducial region)\n"); delete param; delete points; return kFALSE; } for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(param, z[i]); points[0] = new TVector3(param->GetNonBendingCoor(),param->GetBendingCoor(),z[i]); points[1] = new TVector3(xy[0],xy[1],z[i]); r[i] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(points,2); for (Int_t iMu=0; iMu<2; iMu++) delete points[iMu]; } researchDirection=0; if (r[0]>r[1] && r[1]>r[2]) researchDirection = +1; // towards z positive else if (r[0]AliMFTConstants::fPrecisionPointOfClosestApproach) { z[0] = z[1]-step; z[2] = z[1]+step; for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(param, z[i]); points[0] = new TVector3(param->GetNonBendingCoor(),param->GetBendingCoor(),z[i]); points[1] = new TVector3(xy[0],xy[1],z[i]); r[i] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(points,2); for (Int_t iMu=0; iMu<2; iMu++) delete points[iMu]; } if (r[0] Add(dimuon->GetMu(0)); muons -> Add(dimuon->GetMu(1)); Bool_t result = CalculatePCA(muons, pca, pcaQuality, kinem); delete muons; return result; } //==================================================================================================================================================== Bool_t AliMFTAnalysisTools::CalculatePCA(TObjArray *muons, Double_t *pca, Double_t &pcaQuality, TLorentzVector &kinem) { const Int_t nMuons = muons->GetEntriesFast(); if (nMuons<2 || nMuons>AliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA) { printf("W-AliMFTAnalysisTools::CalculatePCA: number of muons not valid\n"); return kFALSE; } Double_t fXPointOfClosestApproach=0, fYPointOfClosestApproach=0, fZPointOfClosestApproach=0; AliAODTrack *muon[AliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA] = {0}; AliMUONTrackParam *param[AliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA] = {0}; // Finding AliMUONTrackParam objects for each muon for (Int_t iMu=0; iMuAt(iMu); if (TMath::Abs(muon[iMu]->Pz())<1.e-6) { for(Int_t i=0;i SetNonBendingCoor(muon[iMu]->XAtDCA()); param[iMu] -> SetBendingCoor(muon[iMu]->YAtDCA()); param[iMu] -> SetZ(AliMFTConstants::fZEvalKinem); param[iMu] -> SetNonBendingSlope(muon[iMu]->Px()/muon[iMu]->Pz()); param[iMu] -> SetBendingSlope(muon[iMu]->Py()/muon[iMu]->Pz()); param[iMu] -> SetInverseBendingMomentum( muon[iMu]->Charge() * (1./muon[iMu]->Pz()) / (TMath::Sqrt(1+TMath::Power(muon[iMu]->Py()/muon[iMu]->Pz(),2))) ); } // here we want to understand in which direction we have to search the minimum... Double_t step = 1.; // initial step, in cm Double_t startPoint = 0.; Double_t r[3]={0}, z[3]={startPoint, startPoint+step, startPoint+2*step}; TVector3 **points = new TVector3*[AliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA]; for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { for (Int_t iMu=0; iMuGetNonBendingCoor(),param[iMu]->GetBendingCoor(),z[i]); } r[i] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(points,nMuons); for (Int_t iMu=0; iMur[1] && r[1]>r[2]) researchDirection = +1; // towards z positive else if (r[0]r[2]) { printf("E-AliMFTAnalysisTools::CalculatePCA: Point of closest approach cannot be found for dimuon (no minima)\n"); for (Int_t iMu=0;iMu0.5) { if (researchDirection>0) { z[0] = z[1]; z[1] = z[2]; z[2] = z[1]+researchDirection*step; } else { z[2] = z[1]; z[1] = z[0]; z[0] = z[1]+researchDirection*step; } if (TMath::Abs(z[0])>900.) { printf("E-AliMFTAnalysisTools::CalculatePCA: Point of closest approach cannot be found for dimuon (no minima in the fiducial region)\n"); for (Int_t iMu=0;iMuGetNonBendingCoor(),param[iMu]->GetBendingCoor(),z[i]); } r[i] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(points,nMuons); for (Int_t iMu=0;iMur[1] && r[1]>r[2]) researchDirection = +1; // towards z positive else if (r[0]AliMFTConstants::fPrecisionPointOfClosestApproach) { z[0] = z[1]-step; z[2] = z[1]+step; for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { for (Int_t iMu=0; iMuGetNonBendingCoor(),param[iMu]->GetBendingCoor(),z[i]); } r[i] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(points,nMuons); for (Int_t iMu=0;iMuGetNonBendingCoor(); fYPointOfClosestApproach += param[iMu]->GetBendingCoor(); } fXPointOfClosestApproach /= Double_t(nMuons); fYPointOfClosestApproach /= Double_t(nMuons); pca[0] = fXPointOfClosestApproach; pca[1] = fYPointOfClosestApproach; pca[2] = fZPointOfClosestApproach; // Evaluating the kinematics of the N-muon Double_t pTot[3] = {0}; Double_t ene = 0.; Double_t massMu = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("mu-")->Mass(); for (Int_t iMu=0; iMuPx(); pTot[1] += param[iMu]->Py(); pTot[2] += param[iMu]->Pz(); ene += TMath::Sqrt(massMu*massMu + param[iMu]->Px()*param[iMu]->Px() + param[iMu]->Py()*param[iMu]->Py() + param[iMu]->Pz()*param[iMu]->Pz()); } kinem.SetPxPyPzE(pTot[0], pTot[1], pTot[2], ene); // Evaluating the PCA quality of the N-muon Double_t sum=0.,squareSum=0.; for (Int_t iMu=0; iMu 0.) pcaQuality = (sum-squareSum/sum) / (nMuons-1); else pcaQuality = 0.; for(Int_t iMu=0;iMuAliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA) { printf("W-AliMFTAnalysisTools::GetDistanceBetweenPoints: number of points not valid\n"); return 1.e9; } if (nPoints<2) return 0.; if (nPoints<3) return TMath::Sqrt( (points[0]->X()-points[1]->X()) * (points[0]->X()-points[1]->X()) + (points[0]->Y()-points[1]->Y()) * (points[0]->Y()-points[1]->Y()) + (points[0]->Z()-points[1]->Z()) * (points[0]->Z()-points[1]->Z()) ); const Int_t nEdgesMax = ((AliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA) * (AliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA - 1)) / 2; Int_t startID[nEdgesMax] = {0}; Int_t stopID[nEdgesMax] = {0}; Double_t edgeLength[nEdgesMax] = {0}; Bool_t pointStatus[AliMFTConstants::fNMaxMuonsForPCA] = {0}; Int_t nEdges=0; for (Int_t i=0; iX()-points[j]->X()) * (points[i]->X()-points[j]->X()) + (points[i]->Y()-points[j]->Y()) * (points[i]->Y()-points[j]->Y()) + (points[i]->Z()-points[j]->Z()) * (points[i]->Z()-points[j]->Z()) ); stopID[nEdges] = i; startID[nEdges] = j; nEdges++; } } // Order Edges Double_t min = 0; Int_t iMin = 0; for (Int_t iEdge=0; iEdge GetCovarianceXYZPxPyPz(covAOD); TMatrixD covMUON(5,5); covMUON(0,0) = covAOD[0]; covMUON(1,0) = covAOD[1]; covMUON(1,1) = covAOD[2]; covMUON(2,0) = covAOD[3]; covMUON(2,1) = covAOD[4]; covMUON(2,2) = covAOD[5]; covMUON(3,0) = covAOD[6]; covMUON(3,1) = covAOD[7]; covMUON(3,2) = covAOD[8]; covMUON(3,3) = covAOD[9]; covMUON(4,0) = covAOD[10]; covMUON(4,1) = covAOD[11]; covMUON(4,2) = covAOD[12]; covMUON(4,3) = covAOD[13]; covMUON(4,4) = covAOD[14]; return covMUON; } //==================================================================================================================================================== Bool_t AliMFTAnalysisTools::IsCorrectMatch(AliAODTrack *muon) { for (Int_t iPlane=0; iPlaneGetCocktailHeaders(); Int_t nGenHeaders = genHeaders->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); TString genName = gh->GetName(); Int_t nPart = gh->NProduced(); if (label>=partCounter && label<(partCounter+nPart)) return genName; partCounter += nPart; } TString empty=""; return empty; } //==================================================================================================================================================== void AliMFTAnalysisTools::GetTrackPrimaryGenerator(AliAODTrack *track, AliAODMCHeader *header, TClonesArray *arrayMC, TString &nameGen) { // method to check if a track comes from a given generator Int_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); nameGen = GetGenerator(label,header); // In case the particle is not primary nameGen will contain blank spaces. In this case, we search backward for the primary which originated the chain while (nameGen.IsWhitespace()) { AliAODMCParticle *mcPart = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At(label); if (!mcPart) { printf("AliMFTAnalysisTools::GetTrackPrimaryGenerator - BREAK: No valid AliAODMCParticle at label %i\n",label); break; } Int_t motherLabel = mcPart->GetMother(); if (motherLabel < 0) { printf("AliMFTAnalysisTools::GetTrackPrimaryGenerator - BREAK: Reached primary particle without valid mother\n"); break; } label = motherLabel; nameGen = GetGenerator(label,header); } return; } //==================================================================================================================================================== Bool_t AliMFTAnalysisTools::IsTrackInjected(AliAODTrack *track, AliAODMCHeader *header, TClonesArray *arrayMC){ // method to check if a track comes from the signal event or from the underlying Hijing event TString nameGen; GetTrackPrimaryGenerator(track,header,arrayMC,nameGen); if (nameGen.IsWhitespace() || nameGen.Contains("ijing")) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //====================================================================================================================================================