// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Matevz Tadel 2007 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, all rights reserved. *) * See http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/AliRoot/License.html for * * full copyright notice. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliOnlineReco.h" #include "AliChildProcTerminator.h" #include "AliDimIntNotifier.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliGRPPreprocessor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //______________________________________________________________________________ // Full description of AliOnlineReco // ClassImp(AliOnlineReco) AliOnlineReco::AliOnlineReco() : TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 400, 400), fRunList(0), fAutoRun(0), fStartButt(0), fStopButt(0), fExitButt(0), fAutoRunTimer(0), fAutoRunScheduled(0), fAutoRunRunning(0), fRun2PidMap(), fTestMode(kFALSE) { // Constructor. // GUI components. fRunList = new TGListBox(this); AddFrame(fRunList, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); TGHorizontalFrame *hf = new TGHorizontalFrame(this, 1, 20); fAutoRun = new TGCheckButton(hf, "AutoRun"); hf->AddFrame(fAutoRun, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); fAutoRun->Connect("Clicked()", "AliOnlineReco", this, "DoAutoRun()"); fStartButt = new TGTextButton(hf, "Start"); hf->AddFrame(fStartButt, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); fStartButt->Connect("Clicked()", "AliOnlineReco", this, "DoStart()"); fStopButt = new TGTextButton(hf, "Stop"); hf->AddFrame(fStopButt, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); fStopButt->Connect("Clicked()", "AliOnlineReco", this, "DoStop()"); fExitButt = new TGTextButton(hf, "Exit"); hf->AddFrame(fExitButt, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); fExitButt->Connect("Clicked()", "AliOnlineReco", this, "DoExit()"); AddFrame(hf, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX)); MapSubwindows(); Layout(); SetWindowName("Alice Online Reconstruction"); // DIM interface. for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (i == 0) { fSOR[i] = new AliDimIntNotifier("/LOGBOOK/SUBSCRIBE/DAQ_SOR_PHYSICS"); fEOR[i] = new AliDimIntNotifier("/LOGBOOK/SUBSCRIBE/DAQ_EOR_PHYSICS"); } else { fSOR[i] = new AliDimIntNotifier(Form("/LOGBOOK/SUBSCRIBE/DAQ_SOR_PHYSICS_%d", i)); fEOR[i] = new AliDimIntNotifier(Form("/LOGBOOK/SUBSCRIBE/DAQ_EOR_PHYSICS_%d", i)); } fSOR[i]->Connect("DimMessage(Int_t)", "AliOnlineReco", this, "StartOfRun(Int_t)"); fEOR[i]->Connect("DimMessage(Int_t)", "AliOnlineReco", this, "EndOfRun(Int_t)"); } const Int_t autoRunDelay = 10; // should go to config fAutoRunTimer = new TTimer(autoRunDelay * 1000l); fAutoRunTimer->Connect("Timeout()", "AliOnlineReco", this, "AutoRunTimerTimeout()"); // Signal handlers // ROOT's TSignalHAndler works not SIGCHLD ... AliChildProcTerminator::Instance()->Connect("ChildProcTerm(Int_t,Int_t)", "AliOnlineReco", this, "ChildProcTerm(Int_t,Int_t)"); } AliOnlineReco::~AliOnlineReco() { // Destructor. delete fAutoRunTimer; } Int_t AliOnlineReco::GetLastRun() const { // Returns the last started run. return fRun2PidMap.empty() ? 0 : fRun2PidMap.rbegin()->first; } Bool_t AliOnlineReco::GetAutoRunMode() const { // Return state of auto-run flag. return fAutoRun->IsOn(); } void AliOnlineReco::SetAutoRunMode(Bool_t ar) { // Set auto-run flag. if (ar == fAutoRun->IsOn()) return; fAutoRun->SetState(ar ? kButtonDown : kButtonUp, kTRUE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AliOnlineReco::mIntInt_i AliOnlineReco::FindMapEntryByPid(Int_t pid) { // Find run-to-pid map iterator by pid. // Requires iteration over map. for (mIntInt_i i = fRun2PidMap.begin(); i != fRun2PidMap.end(); ++i) { if (i->second == pid) return i; } return fRun2PidMap.end(); } void AliOnlineReco::StartAliEve(mIntInt_i& mi) { // Start alieve to process run given my the run-pid entry. Int_t run = mi->first; if (mi->second == 0) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { perror("DoStart -- Fork failed"); return; } if (pid) { mi->second = pid; fRunList->RemoveEntry(run); fRunList->AddEntrySort(TString::Format("%-20d -- RUNNING", run), run); fRunList->Layout(); } else { gCINTMutex = 0; struct sigaction sac; sac.sa_handler = 0; sigemptyset(&sac.sa_mask); sac.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sac, 0); int s; if (fTestMode) { s = execlp("alitestproc", "alitestproc", TString::Format("%d", run).Data(), (char*) 0); } else { Int_t procPID = gSystem->GetPid(); TString logFile = Form("%s/reco/log/run%d_%d.log", gSystem->Getenv("ONLINERECO_BASE_DIR"), run, (Int_t)procPID); Info("DoStart","Reconstruction log will be written to %s",logFile.Data()); gSystem->RedirectOutput(logFile.Data()); gSystem->cd(Form("%s/reco",gSystem->Getenv("ONLINERECO_BASE_DIR"))); TString gdcs; if (RetrieveGRP(run,gdcs) <= 0 || gdcs.IsNull()) gSystem->Exit(1); gSystem->Setenv("DATE_RUN_NUMBER", Form("%d", run)); // Setting CDB // AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); // man->SetDefaultStorage("local:///local/cdb"); // man->SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", // Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); // man->SetSpecificStorage("GRP/CTP/Config", // Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); // man->SetSpecificStorage("ACORDE/Align/Data", // "local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); gSystem->mkdir(Form("run%d_%d", run, (Int_t)procPID)); gSystem->cd(Form("run%d_%d", run, (Int_t)procPID)); TString recMacroPath(gSystem->Getenv("ONLINERECO_MACRO")); if (recMacroPath.IsNull()) { recMacroPath = "$ALICE_ROOT/MONITOR/rec.C"; } s = execlp("alieve", "alieve", "-q", Form("%s(\"mem://@*:\")", gSystem->ExpandPathName(recMacroPath.Data())), (char*) 0); } if (s == -1) { perror("execlp failed - this will not end well"); gSystem->Exit(1); } } } else { Error("DoStart", "Process already running."); } } void AliOnlineReco::KillPid(Int_t pid) { // Terminate process given by pid. // Send terminate signal to process ... if (fTestMode) { kill(pid, SIGTERM); } else { // alieve will auto-destruct on SIGUSR1 kill(pid, SIGUSR1); } } void AliOnlineReco::StartAutoRunTimer(Int_t run) { // Start timer for given run. // If an auto-started run is already active, this call is ignored. // If timer is already active, it is restarted. if (fAutoRunRunning) return; fAutoRunTimer->Reset(); fAutoRunTimer->TurnOn(); fAutoRunScheduled = run; Info("StartAutoRunTimer", "Scheduling run %d for auto-display.", run); } void AliOnlineReco::StopAutoRunTimer() { // Stop auto-run timer. fAutoRunTimer->TurnOff(); fAutoRunScheduled = 0; } void AliOnlineReco::AutoRunTimerTimeout() { // Slot called on auto-timer timeout. Int_t run = fAutoRunScheduled; StopAutoRunTimer(); mIntInt_i i = fRun2PidMap.find(run); if (i == fRun2PidMap.end()) { Warning("AutoRunTimerTimeout", "run no longer active."); return; } Info("AutoRunTimerTimeout", "Starting display for run %d.", run); StartAliEve(i); fAutoRunRunning = run; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handlers of DIM signals. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliOnlineReco::StartOfRun(Int_t run) { // Slot called from DIM handler on start of run. mIntInt_i i = fRun2PidMap.find(run); if (i == fRun2PidMap.end()) { fRun2PidMap[run] = 0; fRunList->AddEntrySort(TString::Format("%d", run), run); fRunList->Layout(); if (fAutoRun->IsOn()) { StartAutoRunTimer(run); } } else { Error("StartOfRun", "Run %d already registered.", run); } } void AliOnlineReco::EndOfRun(Int_t run) { // Slot called from DIM handler on stop of run. mIntInt_i i = fRun2PidMap.find(run); if (i != fRun2PidMap.end()) { Int_t pid = i->second; fRunList->RemoveEntry(run); fRunList->Layout(); fRun2PidMap.erase(i); if (pid) { KillPid(pid); } gClient->NeedRedraw(fRunList); if (fAutoRunRunning == run) { fAutoRunRunning = 0; } } else { Error("EndOfRun", "Run %d not registered.", run); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handlers of OS signals. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliOnlineReco::ChildProcTerm(Int_t pid, Int_t status) { // Slot called on termination of child process. printf("child process termination pid=%d, status=%d...\n", pid, status); mIntInt_i i = FindMapEntryByPid(pid); if (i != fRun2PidMap.end()) { Int_t run = i->first; fRunList->RemoveEntry(run); if (status == 0) { fRunList->AddEntrySort(TString::Format("%-20d -- PROCESSED", run), run); } else { fRunList->AddEntrySort(TString::Format("%-20d -- PROCESSED [%d]", run, status), run); } fRunList->Layout(); i->second = 0; if (fAutoRunRunning == run && fAutoRun->IsOn()) { fAutoRunRunning = 0; StartAutoRunTimer(run); } else { fAutoRunRunning = 0; } } else { Warning("ChildProcTerm", "Process with pid=%d not registered.", pid); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handlers of button signals. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AliOnlineReco::DoAutoRun() { // Slot called from auto-run check-box. Bool_t autoRun = fAutoRun->IsOn(); if (autoRun) fStartButt->SetEnabled(kFALSE); else fStartButt->SetEnabled(kTRUE); } void AliOnlineReco::DoStart() { // Slot called from Start button. Int_t run = fRunList->GetSelected(); mIntInt_i i = fRun2PidMap.find(run); if (i == fRun2PidMap.end()) { Error("DoStart", "no selection"); return; } StartAliEve(i); } void AliOnlineReco::DoStop() { // Slot called from Stop button. Int_t run = fRunList->GetSelected(); mIntInt_i i = fRun2PidMap.find(run); if (i == fRun2PidMap.end()) { Error("DoStop", "no selection"); return; } Int_t pid = i->second; if (pid) { KillPid(pid); } else { Error("DoStop", "Process not running."); } } void AliOnlineReco::DoExit() { // Slot called from Exit button. gSystem->ExitLoop(); } void AliOnlineReco::CloseWindow() { // Virtual method called when window-manager close-window button is pressed. gSystem->ExitLoop(); } Int_t AliOnlineReco::RetrieveGRP(UInt_t run, TString &gdc) { // Retrieve GRP entry for given run from aldaqdb. Int_t ret=AliGRPPreprocessor::ReceivePromptRecoParameters(run, "aldaqdb", 0, "LOGBOOK", "logbook", "alice", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd()), gdc); if(ret>0) Info("RetrieveGRP","Last run of the same type is: %d",ret); else if(ret==0) Warning("RetrieveGRP","No previous run of the same type found"); else if(ret<0) Error("Retrieve","Error code while retrieving GRP parameters returned: %d",ret); return(ret); }