#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include #include #include #include "MONITOR/AliMonitorProcess.h" #include "MONITOR/AliMonitorControl.h" #endif void monitor(const char* alienHost = "alien://", const char* alienDir = ".") { // load libraries if (strcmp(gSystem->Getenv("ALIHLT_USEPACKAGE"), "ALIROOT") == 0) { if (!gROOT->GetClass("AliLevel3")) { gSystem->Load("libAliL3Src.so"); gSystem->Load("libAliL3Misc.so"); gSystem->Load("libAliL3Hough.so"); gSystem->Load("libAliL3Comp.so"); } } if (!gROOT->GetClass("AliMonitorProcess")) { gSystem->Load("libMONITOR.so"); } // make sure galice.root and compression tables are there if (!gSystem->Which(".", "galice.root")) { // gInterpreter->ExecuteMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/MONITOR/galice.C"); ::Error("monitor.C", "no galice.root file found.\n" "please copy a galice.root file with the correct TPC and ITS" "parameters\n and the correct magnetic field to the current" "directory"); return; } if (!gSystem->Which(".", "Table0.dat")) { gSystem->Exec("cp $ALICE_ROOT/RAW/Table*.dat ."); } // start the monitoring AliMonitorProcess *process = new AliMonitorProcess(alienHost, alienDir); // process->Run(); new AliMonitorControl(process); }