/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manager and hits classes for set:MUON // //////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Riostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliRunDigitizer.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMUON.h" #include "AliMUONChamberTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONConstants.h" #include "AliMUONHit.h" #include "AliMUONMerger.h" #include "AliMUONPadHit.h" #include "AliMUONRawCluster.h" #include "AliMUONTransientDigit.h" #include "AliMUONTriggerCircuit.h" #include "AliMUONGeometryBuilder.h" #include "AliMUONVGeometryBuilder.h" #include "AliMUONDigitizerv2.h" #include "AliMUONSDigitizerv1.h" #include "AliMUONRawData.h" #include "AliLog.h" // Defaults parameters for Z positions of chambers // taken from values for "stations" in AliMUON::AliMUON // const Float_t zch[7]={528, 690., 975., 1249., 1449., 1610, 1710.}; // and from array "dstation" in AliMUONv1::CreateGeometry // Float_t dstation[5]={20., 20., 20, 20., 20.}; // for tracking chambers, // according to (Z1 = zch - dstation) and (Z2 = zch + dstation) // for the first and second chambers in the station, respectively, // and from "DTPLANES" in AliMUONv1::CreateGeometry // const Float_t DTPLANES = 15.; // for trigger chambers, // according to (Z1 = zch) and (Z2 = zch + DTPLANES) // for the first and second chambers in the station, respectively ClassImp(AliMUON) //__________________________________________________________________ AliMUON::AliMUON() : AliDetector(), fNCh(0), fNTrackingCh(0), fMUONData(0), fSplitLevel(0), fChambers(0), fTriggerCircuits(0), fGeometryBuilder(0), fAccCut(kFALSE), fAccMin(0.), fAccMax(0.), fMaxStepGas(0.), fMaxStepAlu(0.), fMaxDestepGas(0.), fMaxDestepAlu(0.), fMaxIterPad(0), fCurIterPad(0), fMerger(0) { // Default Constructor // fIshunt = 0; } //__________________________________________________________________ AliMUON::AliMUON(const char *name, const char *title) : AliDetector(name,title), fNCh(AliMUONConstants::NCh()), fNTrackingCh(AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh()), fMUONData(0), fSplitLevel(0), fChambers(0), fTriggerCircuits(0), fGeometryBuilder(0), fAccCut(kFALSE), fAccMin(0.), fAccMax(0.), fMaxStepGas(0.1), fMaxStepAlu(0.1), fMaxDestepGas(-1), // Negatives values are ignored by geant3 CONS200 fMaxDestepAlu(-1), // in the calculation of the tracking parameters fMaxIterPad(0), fCurIterPad(0), fMerger(0) { fIshunt = 0; SetMarkerColor(kRed);// // // Creating List of Chambers Int_t ch; fChambers = new TObjArray(AliMUONConstants::NCh()); // Loop over stations for (Int_t st = 0; st < AliMUONConstants::NCh() / 2; st++) { // Loop over 2 chambers in the station for (Int_t stCH = 0; stCH < 2; stCH++) { // // // Default Parameters for Muon Tracking Stations ch = 2 * st + stCH; if (ch < AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh()) { fChambers->AddAt(new AliMUONChamber(ch),ch); } else { fChambers->AddAt(new AliMUONChamberTrigger(ch),ch); } AliMUONChamber* chamber = (AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(ch); //chamber->SetGid(0); // Default values for Z of chambers chamber->SetZ(AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch)); // chamber->InitGeo(AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch)); // Set chamber inner and outer radius to default chamber->SetRInner(AliMUONConstants::Dmin(st)/2); chamber->SetROuter(AliMUONConstants::Dmax(st)/2); // } // Chamber stCH (0, 1) in } // Station st (0...) // cp new design of AliMUONTriggerDecision fTriggerCircuits = new TObjArray(AliMUONConstants::NTriggerCircuit()); for (Int_t circ=0; circAddAt(new AliMUONTriggerCircuit(),circ); } // Geometry builder fGeometryBuilder = new AliMUONGeometryBuilder(this); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliMUON::AliMUON(const AliMUON& rMUON) : AliDetector(rMUON) { // Protected copy constructor AliFatal("Not implemented."); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliMUON::~AliMUON() { // Destructor AliDebug(1,"Calling AliMUON destructor"); fIshunt = 0; if (fMerger) delete fMerger; if (fChambers){ fChambers->Delete(); delete fChambers; } if (fTriggerCircuits){ fTriggerCircuits->Delete(); delete fTriggerCircuits; } delete fMUONData; delete fGeometryBuilder; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliMUON& AliMUON::operator = (const AliMUON& rhs) { // Protected assignement operator if (this == &rhs) return *this; AliFatal("Not implemented."); return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::AddGeometryBuilder(AliMUONVGeometryBuilder* geomBuilder) { // Adds the geometry builder to the list // --- fGeometryBuilder->AddBuilder(geomBuilder); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::BuildGeometry() { // Geometry for event display for (Int_t i=0; i<7; i++) { for (Int_t j=0; j<2; j++) { Int_t id=2*i+j+1; this->Chamber(id-1).SegmentationModel(1)->Draw("eventdisplay"); } } } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetTreeAddress() { GetMUONData()->SetLoader(fLoader); // GetMUONData()->MakeBranch("D,S,RC"); // GetMUONData()->SetTreeAddress("H,D,S,RC"); GetMUONData()->SetTreeAddress("H"); if (fHits != GetMUONData()->Hits()) { if ( gAlice->GetMCApp() ) if ( gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetHitLists() ) { fHits = GetMUONData()->Hits(); gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits); // For purifyKine, only necessary when Hit list is created in AliMUONData } } fHits = GetMUONData()->Hits(); // Added by Ivana to use the methods FisrtHit, NextHit of AliDetector } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetPadSize(Int_t id, Int_t isec, Float_t p1, Float_t p2) { // Set the pad size for chamber id and cathode isec Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i)) ->SetPadSize(isec,p1,p2); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i+1))->SetPadSize(isec,p1,p2); } //___________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetChambersZ(const Float_t *Z) { // Set Z values for all chambers (tracking and trigger) // from the array pointed to by "Z" for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < AliMUONConstants::NCh(); ch++) ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(ch))->SetZ(Z[ch]); return; } //_________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetChambersZToDefault() { // Set Z values for all chambers (tracking and trigger) // to default values SetChambersZ(AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ()); return; } //_________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetChargeSlope(Int_t id, Float_t p1) { // Set the inverse charge slope for chamber id Int_t i=2*(id-1); //PH ((AliMUONChamber*) (*fChambers)[i])->SetSigmaIntegration(p1); //PH ((AliMUONChamber*) (*fChambers)[i+1])->SetSigmaIntegration(p1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i))->SetChargeSlope(p1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i+1))->SetChargeSlope(p1); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetChargeSpread(Int_t id, Float_t p1, Float_t p2) { // Set sigma of charge spread for chamber id Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i))->SetChargeSpread(p1,p2); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i+1))->SetChargeSpread(p1,p2); } //___________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetSigmaIntegration(Int_t id, Float_t p1) { // Set integration limits for charge spread Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i))->SetSigmaIntegration(p1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i+1))->SetSigmaIntegration(p1); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetMaxAdc(Int_t id, Int_t p1) { // Set maximum number for ADCcounts (saturation) Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i))->SetMaxAdc(p1); ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(i+1))->SetMaxAdc(p1); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetMaxStepGas(Float_t p1) { // Set stepsize in gas fMaxStepGas=p1; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetMaxStepAlu(Float_t p1) { // Set step size in Alu fMaxStepAlu=p1; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetMaxDestepGas(Float_t p1) { // Set maximum step size in Gas fMaxDestepGas=p1; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetMaxDestepAlu(Float_t p1) { // Set maximum step size in Alu fMaxDestepAlu=p1; } //___________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetAcceptance(Bool_t acc, Float_t angmin, Float_t angmax) { // Set acceptance cuts fAccCut=acc; fAccMin=angmin*TMath::Pi()/180; fAccMax=angmax*TMath::Pi()/180; Int_t ch; if (acc) { for (Int_t st = 0; st < AliMUONConstants::NCh() / 2; st++) { // Loop over 2 chambers in the station for (Int_t stCH = 0; stCH < 2; stCH++) { ch = 2 * st + stCH; // Set chamber inner and outer radius according to acceptance cuts Chamber(ch).SetRInner(TMath::Abs(AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch)*TMath::Tan(fAccMin))); Chamber(ch).SetROuter(TMath::Abs(AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch)*TMath::Tan(fAccMax))); } // chamber loop } // station loop } } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliMUON::GetMaxStepGas() const { // Return stepsize in gas return fMaxStepGas; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliMUON::GetMaxStepAlu() const { // Return step size in Alu return fMaxStepAlu; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliMUON::GetMaxDestepGas() const { // Return maximum step size in Gas return fMaxDestepGas; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliMUON::GetMaxDestepAlu() const { // Return maximum step size in Gas return fMaxDestepAlu; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetAlign(Bool_t align) { // Sets option for alignement to geometry builder fGeometryBuilder->SetAlign(align); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetSegmentationModel(Int_t id, Int_t isec, AliSegmentation *segmentation) { // Set the segmentation for chamber id cathode isec ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(id))->SetSegmentationModel(isec, segmentation); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetResponseModel(Int_t id, AliMUONResponse *response) { // Set the response for chamber id ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(id))->SetResponseModel(response); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetNsec(Int_t id, Int_t nsec) { // Set number of segmented cathods for chamber id ((AliMUONChamber*) fChambers->At(id))->SetNsec(nsec); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliDigitizer* AliMUON::CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const { return new AliMUONDigitizerv2(manager); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SDigits2Digits() { // write TreeD here if (!fMerger) { AliDebug(1,"Create default AliMUONMerger "); AliDebug(1," no merging, just digitization of 1 event will be done"); fMerger = new AliMUONMerger(); } fMerger->Init(); fMerger->Digitise(); char hname[30]; // sprintf(hname,"TreeD%d",fLoader->GetHeader()->GetEvent()); fLoader->TreeD()->Write(hname,TObject::kOverwrite); fLoader->TreeD()->Reset(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::Hits2SDigits() { // Adaption of AliMUONSDigitizerv1 to be excuted by the AliSimulation framework AliRunLoader* runLoader = fLoader->GetRunLoader(); AliRunDigitizer * manager = new AliRunDigitizer(1,1); manager->SetInputStream(0,runLoader->GetFileName(),AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()); AliMUONDigitizer * dMUON = new AliMUONSDigitizerv1(manager); fLoader->LoadHits("READ"); for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) { runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent); dMUON->Exec(""); } fLoader->UnloadHits(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::Digits2Raw() { // convert digits of the current event to raw data AliMUONRawData* rawData; rawData = new AliMUONRawData(fLoader); if (!rawData->WriteRawData()) AliInfo("pb writting raw data"); delete rawData; return; } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliLoader* AliMUON::MakeLoader(const char* topfoldername) { //builds standard getter (AliLoader type) //if detector wants to use castomized getter, it must overload this method AliDebug(1,Form("Creating standard getter for detector %s. Top folder is %s.", GetName(),topfoldername)); fLoader = new AliLoader(GetName(),topfoldername); fMUONData = new AliMUONData(fLoader,GetName(),GetName()); fMUONData->SetSplitLevel(fSplitLevel); return fLoader; } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliMUONPadHit* AliMUON::FirstPad(AliMUONHit* hit, TClonesArray *clusters) { // to be removed // Initialise the pad iterator // Return the address of the first padhit for hit TClonesArray *theClusters = clusters; Int_t nclust = theClusters->GetEntriesFast(); if (nclust && hit->PHlast() > 0) { fMaxIterPad=hit->PHlast(); fCurIterPad=hit->PHfirst(); return (AliMUONPadHit*) clusters->UncheckedAt(fCurIterPad-1); } else { return 0; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliMUONPadHit* AliMUON::NextPad(TClonesArray *clusters) { // To be removed // Get next pad (in iterator) // fCurIterPad++; if (fCurIterPad <= fMaxIterPad) { return (AliMUONPadHit*) clusters->UncheckedAt(fCurIterPad-1); } else { return 0; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawCluster *AliMUON::RawCluster(Int_t ichamber, Int_t icathod, Int_t icluster) { // // Return rawcluster (icluster) for chamber ichamber and cathode icathod // Obsolete ?? TClonesArray *muonRawCluster = GetMUONData()->RawClusters(ichamber); ResetRawClusters(); TTree *treeR = fLoader->TreeR(); Int_t nent=(Int_t)treeR->GetEntries(); treeR->GetEvent(nent-2+icathod-1); //treeR->GetEvent(icathod); //Int_t nrawcl = (Int_t)muonRawCluster->GetEntriesFast(); AliMUONRawCluster * mRaw = (AliMUONRawCluster*)muonRawCluster->UncheckedAt(icluster); //printf("RawCluster _ nent nrawcl icluster mRaw %d %d %d%p\n",nent,nrawcl,icluster,mRaw); return mRaw; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::SetMerger(AliMUONMerger* merger) { // Set pointer to merger fMerger = merger; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONMerger* AliMUON::Merger() { // Return pointer to merger return fMerger; } /* PH Commented out waiting for correct implementation //________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUON::RemapTrackHitIDs(Int_t* map) { // Remaps the track numbers in the hits arrays, so that they correspond // to the entry indices in the Kine tree. // The correspondance is not direct. To get the real index into the Kine tree // compute the particle index as follows: // // num_primaries = AliStack::GetNprimary(); // num_tracks = AliStack::GetNtracks(); // track = AliMUONHit::Track() // // if (track < num_primaries) // particleindex = track + num_tracks - num_primaries; // else // particleindex = track - num_primaries; // Remap the track numbers based on the specified map. AliMUONData* data = GetMUONData(); TClonesArray* hits = data->Hits(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < hits->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliMUONHit* hit = static_cast( hits->At(i) ); hit->SetTrack( map[hit->Track()] ); }; }; */