/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \class AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM /// /// Splitter class for the MLEM algorithm. Performs fitting procedure /// with up to 3 hit candidates and tries to split clusters if the number /// of candidates exceeds 3. /// /// \author Laurent Aphecetche (for the "new" C++ structure) and /// Alexander Zinchenko, JINR Dubna, for the hardcore of it ;-) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM.h" #include "AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM.h" // for status flag constants #include "AliMUONCluster.h" #include "AliMUONPad.h" #include "AliMUONPad.h" #include "AliMUONConstants.h" #include "AliMpDEManager.h" #include "AliMUONMathieson.h" #include "AliMpEncodePair.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM) /// \endcond //const Double_t AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::fgkCouplMin = 1.e-3; // threshold on coupling const Double_t AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::fgkCouplMin = 1.e-2; // threshold on coupling //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM(Int_t detElemId, TObjArray* pixArray, Double_t lowestPixelCharge, Double_t lowestPadCharge, Double_t lowestClusterCharge) : TObject(), fPixArray(pixArray), fMathieson(0x0), fDetElemId(detElemId), fNpar(0), fQtot(0), fnCoupled(0), fDebug(0), fLowestPixelCharge(lowestPixelCharge), fLowestPadCharge(lowestPadCharge), fLowestClusterCharge(lowestClusterCharge) { /// Constructor AliMq::Station12Type stationType = AliMpDEManager::GetStation12Type(fDetElemId); Float_t kx3 = AliMUONConstants::SqrtKx3(); Float_t ky3 = AliMUONConstants::SqrtKy3(); Float_t pitch = AliMUONConstants::Pitch(); if ( stationType == AliMq::kStation1 ) { kx3 = AliMUONConstants::SqrtKx3St1(); ky3 = AliMUONConstants::SqrtKy3St1(); pitch = AliMUONConstants::PitchSt1(); } fMathieson = new AliMUONMathieson; fMathieson->SetPitch(pitch); fMathieson->SetSqrtKx3AndDeriveKx2Kx4(kx3); fMathieson->SetSqrtKy3AndDeriveKy2Ky4(ky3); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::~AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM() { /// Destructor delete fMathieson; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::AddBin(TH2 *mlem, Int_t ic, Int_t jc, Int_t mode, Bool_t *used, TObjArray *pix) { /// Add a bin to the cluster Int_t nx = mlem->GetNbinsX(); Int_t ny = mlem->GetNbinsY(); Double_t cont1, cont = mlem->GetCellContent(jc,ic); AliMUONPad *pixPtr = 0; Int_t ie = TMath::Min(ic+1,ny), je = TMath::Min(jc+1,nx); for (Int_t i = TMath::Max(ic-1,1); i <= ie; ++i) { for (Int_t j = TMath::Max(jc-1,1); j <= je; ++j) { if (i != ic && j != jc) continue; if (used[(i-1)*nx+j-1]) continue; cont1 = mlem->GetCellContent(j,i); if (mode && cont1 > cont) continue; used[(i-1)*nx+j-1] = kTRUE; if (cont1 < fLowestPixelCharge) continue; if (pix) pix->Add(BinToPix(mlem,j,i)); else { pixPtr = new AliMUONPad (mlem->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(j), mlem->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(i), 0, 0, cont1); fPixArray->Add(pixPtr); } AddBin(mlem, i, j, mode, used, pix); // recursive call } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::AddCluster(Int_t ic, Int_t nclust, TMatrixD& aijcluclu, Bool_t *used, Int_t *clustNumb, Int_t &nCoupled) { /// Add a cluster to the group of coupled clusters for (Int_t i = 0; i < nclust; ++i) { if (used[i]) continue; if (aijcluclu(i,ic) < fgkCouplMin) continue; used[i] = kTRUE; clustNumb[nCoupled++] = i; AddCluster(i, nclust, aijcluclu, used, clustNumb, nCoupled); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::BinToPix(TH2 *mlem, Int_t jc, Int_t ic) { /// Translate histogram bin to pixel Double_t yc = mlem->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(ic); Double_t xc = mlem->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(jc); Int_t nPix = fPixArray->GetEntriesFast(); AliMUONPad *pixPtr = NULL; // Compare pixel and bin positions for (Int_t i = 0; i < nPix; ++i) { pixPtr = (AliMUONPad*) fPixArray->UncheckedAt(i); if (pixPtr->Charge() < fLowestPixelCharge) continue; if (TMath::Abs(pixPtr->Coord(0)-xc)<1.e-4 && TMath::Abs(pixPtr->Coord(1)-yc)<1.e-4) { //return (TObject*) pixPtr; return pixPtr; } } AliError(Form(" Something wrong ??? %f %f ", xc, yc)); return NULL; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::ChargeIntegration(Double_t x, Double_t y, const AliMUONPad& pad) { /// Compute the Mathieson integral on pad area, assuming the center /// of the Mathieson is at (x,y) TVector2 lowerLeft(TVector2(x,y)-pad.Position()-pad.Dimensions()); TVector2 upperRight(lowerLeft + pad.Dimensions()*2.0); return fMathieson->IntXY(lowerLeft.X(),lowerLeft.Y(), upperRight.X(),upperRight.Y()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::Fcn1(const AliMUONCluster& cluster, Int_t & /*fNpar*/, Double_t * /*gin*/, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag) { /// Computes the functional to be minimized Int_t indx, npads=0; Double_t charge, delta, coef=0, chi2=0, qTot = 0; static Double_t qAver = 0; Int_t mult = cluster.Multiplicity(), iend = fNpar / 3; for (Int_t j = 0; j < mult; ++j) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if ( pad->Status() !=1 || pad->IsSaturated() ) continue; if ( pad->Status() != AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetUseForFitFlag() || pad->Charge() == 0 ) continue; if (iflag == 0) { if ( pad->IsReal() ) npads++; // exclude virtual pads qTot += pad->Charge(); } charge = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i <= iend; ++i) { // sum over hits indx = 3 * i; coef = Param2Coef(i, coef, par); charge += ChargeIntegration(par[indx],par[indx+1],*pad) * coef; } charge *= fQtot; delta = charge - pad->Charge(); delta *= delta; delta /= pad->Charge(); chi2 += delta; } // for (Int_t j=0; if (iflag == 0) qAver = qTot / npads; f = chi2 / qAver; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::Param2Coef(Int_t icand, Double_t coef, Double_t *par) const { /// Extract hit contribution scale factor from fit parameters if (fNpar == 2) return 1.; if (fNpar == 5) return icand==0 ? par[2] : TMath::Max(1.-par[2],0.); if (icand == 0) return par[2]; if (icand == 1) return TMath::Max((1.-par[2])*par[5], 0.); return TMath::Max(1.-par[2]-coef,0.); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::Fit(const AliMUONCluster& cluster, Int_t iSimple, Int_t nfit, const Int_t *clustFit, TObjArray **clusters, Double_t *parOk, TObjArray& clusterList, TH2 *mlem) { /// Steering function and fitting procedure for the fit of pad charge distribution // AliDebug(2,Form("iSimple=%d nfit=%d",iSimple,nfit)); Double_t xmin = mlem->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() - mlem->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Double_t xmax = mlem->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() + mlem->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Double_t ymin = mlem->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() - mlem->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Double_t ymax = mlem->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() + mlem->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Double_t xPad = 0, yPad = 99999; // Number of pads to use and number of virtual pads Int_t npads = 0, nVirtual = 0, nfit0 = nfit; //cluster.Print("full"); Int_t mult = cluster.Multiplicity(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < mult; ++i ) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(i); if ( !pad->IsReal() ) ++nVirtual; //if ( pad->Status() !=1 || pad->IsSaturated() ) continue; if ( pad->Status() != AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetUseForFitFlag() ) continue; if ( pad->IsReal() ) { ++npads; if (yPad > 9999) { xPad = pad->X(); yPad = pad->Y(); } else { if (pad->DY() < pad->DX() ) { yPad = pad->Y(); } else { xPad = pad->X(); } } } } fNpar = 0; fQtot = 0; if (npads < 2) return 0; // FIXME : AliWarning("Reconnect the following code for hit/track passing ?"); // Int_t tracks[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; /* Int_t digit = 0; AliMUONDigit *mdig = 0; for (Int_t cath=0; cath<2; cath++) { for (Int_t i=0; i= 0) mdig = fInput->Digit(cath,digit); else mdig = fInput->Digit(TMath::Even(cath),-digit-1); //if (!mdig) mdig = fInput->Digit(TMath::Even(cath),digit); if (!mdig) continue; // protection for cluster display if (mdig->Hit() >= 0) { if (tracks[0] < 0) { tracks[0] = mdig->Hit(); tracks[1] = mdig->Track(0); } else if (mdig->Track(0) < tracks[1]) { tracks[0] = mdig->Hit(); tracks[1] = mdig->Track(0); } } if (mdig->Track(1) >= 0 && mdig->Track(1) != tracks[1]) { if (tracks[2] < 0) tracks[2] = mdig->Track(1); else tracks[2] = TMath::Min (tracks[2], mdig->Track(1)); } } // for (Int_t i=0; } // for (Int_t cath=0; */ // Get number of pads in X and Y //const Int_t kStatusToTest(1); const Int_t kStatusToTest(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetUseForFitFlag()); Long_t nofPads = cluster.NofPads(kStatusToTest); Int_t nInX = AliMp::PairFirst(nofPads); Int_t nInY = AliMp::PairSecond(nofPads); if (fDebug) { Int_t npadOK = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < cluster.Multiplicity(); ++j) { AliMUONPad *pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if (pad->Status() == 1 && !pad->IsSaturated()) npadOK++; if (pad->Status() == AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetUseForFitFlag() && !pad->IsSaturated()) npadOK++; } cout << " Number of pads to fit: " << npadOK << endl; cout << " nInX and Y: " << nInX << " " << nInY << endl; } Int_t nfitMax = 3; nfitMax = TMath::Min (nfitMax, (npads + 1) / 3); if (nfitMax > 1) { if (((nInX < 3) && (nInY < 3)) || ((nInX == 3) && (nInY < 3)) || ((nInX < 3) && (nInY == 3))) nfitMax = 1; // not enough pads in each direction } if (nfit > nfitMax) nfit = nfitMax; // Take cluster maxima as fitting seeds TObjArray *pix; AliMUONPad *pixPtr; Int_t npxclu; Double_t cont, cmax = 0, xseed = 0, yseed = 0, errOk[8], qq = 0; Double_t xyseed[3][2], qseed[3], xyCand[3][2] = {{0},{0}}, sigCand[3][2] = {{0},{0}}; for (Int_t ifit = 1; ifit <= nfit0; ++ifit) { cmax = 0; pix = clusters[clustFit[ifit-1]]; npxclu = pix->GetEntriesFast(); //qq = 0; for (Int_t clu = 0; clu < npxclu; ++clu) { pixPtr = (AliMUONPad*) pix->UncheckedAt(clu); cont = pixPtr->Charge(); fQtot += cont; if (cont > cmax) { cmax = cont; xseed = pixPtr->Coord(0); yseed = pixPtr->Coord(1); } qq += cont; xyCand[0][0] += pixPtr->Coord(0) * cont; xyCand[0][1] += pixPtr->Coord(1) * cont; sigCand[0][0] += pixPtr->Coord(0) * pixPtr->Coord(0) * cont; sigCand[0][1] += pixPtr->Coord(1) * pixPtr->Coord(1) * cont; } xyseed[ifit-1][0] = xseed; xyseed[ifit-1][1] = yseed; qseed[ifit-1] = cmax; } // for (Int_t ifit=1; xyCand[0][0] /= qq; // xyCand[0][1] /= qq; // sigCand[0][0] = sigCand[0][0]/qq - xyCand[0][0]*xyCand[0][0]; // - ^2 sigCand[0][0] = sigCand[0][0] > 0 ? TMath::Sqrt (sigCand[0][0]) : 0; sigCand[0][1] = sigCand[0][1]/qq - xyCand[0][1]*xyCand[0][1]; // - ^2 sigCand[0][1] = sigCand[0][1] > 0 ? TMath::Sqrt (sigCand[0][1]) : 0; if (fDebug) cout << xyCand[0][0] << " " << xyCand[0][1] << " " << sigCand[0][0] << " " << sigCand[0][1] << endl; Int_t nDof, maxSeed[3];//, nMax = 0; if ( nfit0 < 0 || nfit0 > 3 ) { AliErrorStream() << "Wrong nfit0 value: " << nfit0 << endl; return nfit; } TMath::Sort(nfit0, qseed, maxSeed, kTRUE); // in decreasing order Double_t step[3]={0.01,0.002,0.02}, fmin, chi2o = 9999, chi2n; Double_t *gin = 0, func0, func1, param[8], step0[8]; Double_t param0[2][8]={{0},{0}}, deriv[2][8]={{0},{0}}; Double_t shift[8], stepMax, derMax, parmin[8], parmax[8], func2[2], shift0; Double_t delta[8], scMax, dder[8], estim, shiftSave = 0; Int_t min, max, nCall = 0, nLoop, idMax = 0, iestMax = 0, nFail; Double_t rad, dist[3] = {0}; // Try to fit with one-track hypothesis, then 2-track. If chi2/dof is // lower, try 3-track (if number of pads is sufficient). Int_t iflag = 0; // for the first call of fcn1 for (Int_t iseed = 0; iseed < nfit; ++iseed) { Int_t memory[8] = {0}; if (iseed) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fNpar; ++j) { param[j] = parOk[j]; } param[fNpar] = 0.6; parmin[fNpar] = 0; parmax[fNpar++] = 1; } if (nfit == 1) { param[fNpar] = xyCand[0][0]; // take COG } else { param[fNpar] = xyseed[maxSeed[iseed]][0]; //param[fNpar] = fNpar==0 ? -16.1651 : -15.2761; } parmin[fNpar] = xmin; parmax[fNpar++] = xmax; if (nfit == 1) { param[fNpar] = xyCand[0][1]; // take COG } else { param[fNpar] = xyseed[maxSeed[iseed]][1]; //param[fNpar] = fNpar==1 ? -15.1737 : -15.8487; } parmin[fNpar] = ymin; parmax[fNpar++] = ymax; for (Int_t j = 0; j < fNpar; ++j) { step0[j] = shift[j] = step[j%3]; } if (iseed) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fNpar; ++j) { param0[1][j] = 0; } } if (fDebug) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fNpar; ++j) cout << param[j] << " "; cout << endl; } // Try new algorithm min = nLoop = 1; stepMax = func2[1] = derMax = 999999; nFail = 0; while (1) { max = !min; Fcn1(cluster,fNpar, gin, func0, param, iflag); nCall++; iflag = 1; //cout << " Func: " << func0 << endl; func2[max] = func0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < fNpar; ++j) { param0[max][j] = param[j]; delta[j] = step0[j]; param[j] += delta[j] / 10; if (j > 0) param[j-1] -= delta[j-1] / 10; Fcn1(cluster,fNpar, gin, func1, param, iflag); nCall++; deriv[max][j] = (func1 - func0) / delta[j] * 10; // first derivative //cout << j << " " << deriv[max][j] << endl; dder[j] = param0[0][j] != param0[1][j] ? (deriv[0][j] - deriv[1][j]) / (param0[0][j] - param0[1][j]) : 0; // second derivative } param[fNpar-1] -= delta[fNpar-1] / 10; if (nCall > 2000) break; min = func2[0] < func2[1] ? 0 : 1; nFail = min == max ? 0 : nFail + 1; stepMax = derMax = estim = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < fNpar; ++j) { // Estimated distance to minimum shift0 = shift[j]; if (nLoop == 1) { shift[j] = TMath::Sign (step0[j], -deriv[max][j]); // first step } else if (TMath::Abs(deriv[0][j]) < 1.e-3 && TMath::Abs(deriv[1][j]) < 1.e-3) { shift[j] = 0; } else if (((deriv[min][j]*deriv[!min][j] > 0) && (TMath::Abs(deriv[min][j]) > TMath::Abs(deriv[!min][j]))) || (TMath::Abs(deriv[0][j]-deriv[1][j]) < 1.e-3) || (TMath::Abs(dder[j]) < 1.e-6)) { shift[j] = -TMath::Sign (shift[j], (func2[0]-func2[1]) * (param0[0][j]-param0[1][j])); if (min == max) { if (memory[j] > 1) { shift[j] *= 2; } memory[j]++; } } else { shift[j] = dder[j] != 0 ? -deriv[min][j] / dder[j] : 0; memory[j] = 0; } Double_t es = TMath::Abs(shift[j]) / step0[j]; if (es > estim) { estim = es; iestMax = j; } // Too big step if (TMath::Abs(shift[j])/step0[j] > 10) shift[j] = TMath::Sign(10.,shift[j]) * step0[j]; // // Failed to improve minimum if (min != max) { memory[j] = 0; param[j] = param0[min][j]; if (TMath::Abs(shift[j]+shift0) > 0.1*step0[j]) { shift[j] = (shift[j] + shift0) / 2; } else { shift[j] /= -2; } } // Too big step if (TMath::Abs(shift[j]*deriv[min][j]) > func2[min]) { shift[j] = TMath::Sign (func2[min]/deriv[min][j], shift[j]); } // Introduce step relaxation factor if (memory[j] < 3) { scMax = 1 + 4 / TMath::Max(nLoop/2.,1.); if (TMath::Abs(shift0) > 0 && TMath::Abs(shift[j]/shift0) > scMax) { shift[j] = TMath::Sign (shift0*scMax, shift[j]); } } param[j] += shift[j]; // Check parameter limits if (param[j] < parmin[j]) { shift[j] = parmin[j] - param[j]; param[j] = parmin[j]; } else if (param[j] > parmax[j]) { shift[j] = parmax[j] - param[j]; param[j] = parmax[j]; } //cout << " xxx " << j << " " << shift[j] << " " << param[j] << endl; stepMax = TMath::Max (stepMax, TMath::Abs(shift[j]/step0[j])); if (TMath::Abs(deriv[min][j]) > derMax) { idMax = j; derMax = TMath::Abs (deriv[min][j]); } } // for (Int_t j=0; j 150) break; // minimum was found nLoop++; // Check for small step if (shift[idMax] == 0) { shift[idMax] = step0[idMax]/10; param[idMax] += shift[idMax]; continue; } if (!memory[idMax] && derMax > 0.5 && nLoop > 10) { if (dder[idMax] != 0 && TMath::Abs(deriv[min][idMax]/dder[idMax]/shift[idMax]) > 10) { if (min == max) dder[idMax] = -dder[idMax]; shift[idMax] = -deriv[min][idMax] / dder[idMax] / 10; param[idMax] += shift[idMax]; stepMax = TMath::Max (stepMax, TMath::Abs(shift[idMax])/step0[idMax]); if (min == max) shiftSave = shift[idMax]; } if (nFail > 10) { param[idMax] -= shift[idMax]; shift[idMax] = 4 * shiftSave * (gRandom->Rndm(0) - 0.5); param[idMax] += shift[idMax]; } } } // while (1) fmin = func2[min]; nDof = npads - fNpar + nVirtual; if (!nDof) nDof++; chi2n = fmin / nDof; if (fDebug) cout << " Chi2 " << chi2n << " " << fNpar << endl; //if (fNpar > 2) cout << param0[min][fNpar-3] << " " << chi2n * (1+TMath::Min(1-param0[min][fNpar-3],0.25)) << endl; //if (chi2n*1.2+1.e-6 > chi2o ) if (fNpar > 2 && (chi2n > chi2o || ((iseed == nfit-1) && (chi2n * (1+TMath::Min(1-param0[min][fNpar-3],0.25)) > chi2o)))) { fNpar -= 3; break; } // Save parameters and errors if (nInX == 1) { // One pad per direction //for (Int_t i=0; i 0) { // Find distance to the nearest neighbour dist[0] = dist[1] = TMath::Sqrt ((param0[min][0]-param0[min][2])* (param0[min][0]-param0[min][2]) +(param0[min][1]-param0[min][3])* (param0[min][1]-param0[min][3])); if (iseed > 1) { dist[2] = TMath::Sqrt ((param0[min][0]-param0[min][5])* (param0[min][0]-param0[min][5]) +(param0[min][1]-param0[min][6])* (param0[min][1]-param0[min][6])); rad = TMath::Sqrt ((param0[min][2]-param0[min][5])* (param0[min][2]-param0[min][5]) +(param0[min][3]-param0[min][6])* (param0[min][3]-param0[min][6])); if (dist[2] < dist[0]) dist[0] = dist[2]; if (rad < dist[1]) dist[1] = rad; if (rad < dist[2]) dist[2] = rad; } cout << dist[0] << " " << dist[1] << " " << dist[2] << endl; if (dist[TMath::LocMin(iseed+1,dist)] < 1.) { fNpar -= 3; break; } } */ for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNpar; ++i) { parOk[i] = param0[min][i]; //errOk[i] = fmin; errOk[i] = chi2n; // Bounded params parOk[i] = TMath::Max (parOk[i], parmin[i]); parOk[i] = TMath::Min (parOk[i], parmax[i]); } chi2o = chi2n; if (fmin < 0.1) break; // !!!??? } // for (Int_t iseed=0; if (fDebug) { for (Int_t i=0; i 1) { // Find distance to the nearest neighbour dist[0] = dist[1] = TMath::Sqrt ((parOk[0]-parOk[2])* (parOk[0]-parOk[2]) +(parOk[1]-parOk[3])* (parOk[1]-parOk[3])); if (nfit > 2) { dist[2] = TMath::Sqrt ((parOk[0]-parOk[5])* (parOk[0]-parOk[5]) +(parOk[1]-parOk[6])* (parOk[1]-parOk[6])); rad = TMath::Sqrt ((parOk[2]-parOk[5])* (parOk[2]-parOk[5]) +(parOk[3]-parOk[6])* (parOk[3]-parOk[6])); if (dist[2] < dist[0]) dist[0] = dist[2]; if (rad < dist[1]) dist[1] = rad; if (rad < dist[2]) dist[2] = rad; } } Int_t indx; Double_t coef = 0; if (iSimple) fnCoupled = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nfit; ++j) { indx = 3 * j; coef = Param2Coef(j, coef, parOk); //void AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::AddRawCluster(Double_t x, Double_t y, // Double_t qTot, Double_t fmin, // Int_t nfit, Int_t *tracks, // Double_t /*sigx*/, // Double_t /*sigy*/, // Double_t /*dist*/) if ( coef*fQtot >= fLowestClusterCharge ) { //AZ AliMUONCluster* cluster1 = new AliMUONCluster(); AliMUONCluster* cluster1 = new AliMUONCluster(cluster); cluster1->SetCharge(coef*fQtot,coef*fQtot); cluster1->SetPosition(TVector2(parOk[indx],parOk[indx+1]),TVector2(sigCand[0][0],sigCand[0][1])); //cluster1->SetChi2(dist[TMath::LocMin(nfit,dist)]); Int_t idx = TMath::LocMin(nfit,dist); if ( idx < 0 || idx > 2 ) { AliErrorStream() << "Wrong index value: " << idx << endl; return nfit; } cluster1->SetChi2(dist[idx]); // FIXME: we miss some information in this cluster, as compared to // the original AddRawCluster code. AliDebug(2,Form("Adding RawCluster detElemId %4d mult %2d charge %5d (xl,yl)=(%9.6g,%9.6g)", fDetElemId,cluster1->Multiplicity(),(Int_t)cluster1->Charge(), cluster1->Position().X(),cluster1->Position().Y())); clusterList.Add(cluster1); } // AddRawCluster (parOk[indx], // double x // parOk[indx+1], // double y // coef*qTot, // double charge // errOk[indx], // double fmin // nfit0+10*nfit+100*nMax+10000*fnCoupled, // int nfit // tracks, // int* tracks // sigCand[0][0], // double sigx // sigCand[0][1], // double sigy // dist[TMath::LocMin(nfit,dist)] // double dist // ); } return nfit; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::Split(const AliMUONCluster& cluster, TH2 *mlem, Double_t *coef, TObjArray& clusterList) { /// The main steering function to work with clusters of pixels in anode /// plane (find clusters, decouple them from each other, merge them (if /// necessary), pick up coupled pads, call the fitting function) Int_t nx = mlem->GetNbinsX(); Int_t ny = mlem->GetNbinsY(); Int_t nPix = fPixArray->GetEntriesFast(); Double_t cont; Int_t nclust = 0, indx, indx1, nxy = ny * nx; Bool_t *used = new Bool_t[nxy]; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nxy; ++j) used[j] = kFALSE; TObjArray *clusters[200]={0}; TObjArray *pix; // Find clusters of histogram bins (easier to work in 2-D space) for (Int_t i = 1; i <= ny; ++i) { for (Int_t j = 1; j <= nx; ++j) { indx = (i-1)*nx + j - 1; if (used[indx]) continue; cont = mlem->GetCellContent(j,i); if (cont < fLowestPixelCharge) continue; pix = new TObjArray(20); used[indx] = 1; pix->Add(BinToPix(mlem,j,i)); AddBin(mlem, i, j, 0, used, pix); // recursive call if (nclust >= 200) AliFatal(" Too many clusters !!!"); clusters[nclust++] = pix; } // for (Int_t j=1; j<=nx; j++) { } // for (Int_t i=1; i<=ny; if (fDebug) cout << nclust << endl; delete [] used; // Compute couplings between clusters and clusters to pads Int_t npad = cluster.Multiplicity(); // Exclude pads with overflows /* for (Int_t j = 0; j < npad; ++j) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); if ( pad->IsSaturated() ) { pad->SetStatus(-5); } else { pad->SetStatus(0); } } */ // Compute couplings of clusters to pads (including overflows) TMatrixD aijclupad(nclust,npad); aijclupad = 0; Int_t npxclu; for (Int_t iclust = 0; iclust < nclust; ++iclust) { pix = clusters[iclust]; npxclu = pix->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < npxclu; ++i) { indx = fPixArray->IndexOf(pix->UncheckedAt(i)); for (Int_t j = 0; j < npad; ++j) { //AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if ( pad->Status() < 0 && pad->Status() != -5) continue; if (coef[j*nPix+indx] < fgkCouplMin) continue; aijclupad(iclust,j) += coef[j*nPix+indx]; } } } // Compute couplings between clusters (exclude overflows) TMatrixD aijcluclu(nclust,nclust); aijcluclu = 0; for (Int_t iclust = 0; iclust < nclust; ++iclust) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < npad; ++j) { // Exclude overflows //if ( cluster.Pad(j)->Status() < 0) continue; if ( cluster.Pad(j)->IsSaturated()) continue; if (aijclupad(iclust,j) < fgkCouplMin) continue; for (Int_t iclust1=iclust+1; iclust1 1) aijcluclu.Print(); // Find groups of coupled clusters used = new Bool_t[nclust]; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nclust; ++j) used[j] = kFALSE; Int_t *clustNumb = new Int_t[nclust]; Int_t nCoupled, nForFit, minGroup[3], clustFit[3], nfit = 0; //Double_t parOk[8]; Double_t parOk[8] = {0}; //AZ for (Int_t igroup = 0; igroup < nclust; ++igroup) { if (used[igroup]) continue; used[igroup] = kTRUE; clustNumb[0] = igroup; nCoupled = 1; // Find group of coupled clusters AddCluster(igroup, nclust, aijcluclu, used, clustNumb, nCoupled); // recursive if (fDebug) { cout << " nCoupled: " << nCoupled << endl; for (Int_t i=0; i 0) { if (nCoupled < 4) { nForFit = nCoupled; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nCoupled; ++i) clustFit[i] = clustNumb[i]; } else { // Too many coupled clusters to fit - try to decouple them // Find the lowest coupling of 1, 2, min(3,nLinks/2) pixels with // all the others in the group for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) minGroup[j] = -1; Double_t coupl = MinGroupCoupl(nCoupled, clustNumb, aijcluclu, minGroup); // Flag clusters for fit nForFit = 0; while (minGroup[nForFit] >= 0 && nForFit < 3) { if (fDebug) cout << clustNumb[minGroup[nForFit]] << " "; clustFit[nForFit] = clustNumb[minGroup[nForFit]]; clustNumb[minGroup[nForFit]] -= 999; nForFit++; } if (fDebug) cout << " nForFit " << nForFit << " " << coupl << endl; } // else // Select pads for fit. if (SelectPad(cluster,nCoupled, nForFit, clustNumb, clustFit, aijclupad) < 3 && nCoupled > 1) { // Deselect pads for (Int_t j = 0; j < npad; ++j) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if ( pad->Status()==1 ) pad->SetStatus(0); //if ( pad->Status()==-9) pad->SetStatus(-5); if ( pad->Status() == AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetUseForFitFlag() || pad->Status() == AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetCoupledFlag()) pad->SetStatus(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetZeroFlag()); } // Merge the failed cluster candidates (with too few pads to fit) with // the one with the strongest coupling Merge(cluster,nForFit, nCoupled, clustNumb, clustFit, clusters, aijcluclu, aijclupad); } else { // Do the fit nfit = Fit(cluster,0, nForFit, clustFit, clusters, parOk, clusterList, mlem); if (nfit == 0) { //cout << " (nfit == 0) " << fNpar << " " << cluster.Multiplicity() << endl; fNpar = 0; // should be 0 by itself but just in case ... } } // Subtract the fitted charges from pads with strong coupling and/or // return pads for further use UpdatePads(cluster,nfit, parOk); // Mark used pads for (Int_t j = 0; j < npad; ++j) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if ( pad->Status()==1 ) pad->SetStatus(-2); //if ( pad->Status()==-9) pad->SetStatus(-5); if ( pad->Status() == AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetUseForFitFlag() ) pad->SetStatus(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetModifiedFlag()); } // Sort the clusters (move to the right the used ones) Int_t beg = 0, end = nCoupled - 1; while (beg < end) { if (clustNumb[beg] >= 0) { ++beg; continue; } for (Int_t j = end; j > beg; --j) { if (clustNumb[j] < 0) continue; end = j - 1; indx = clustNumb[beg]; clustNumb[beg] = clustNumb[j]; clustNumb[j] = indx; break; } ++beg; } nCoupled -= nForFit; if (nCoupled > 3) { // Remove couplings of used clusters for (Int_t iclust = nCoupled; iclust < nCoupled+nForFit; ++iclust) { indx = clustNumb[iclust] + 999; for (Int_t iclust1 = 0; iclust1 < nCoupled; ++iclust1) { indx1 = clustNumb[iclust1]; aijcluclu(indx,indx1) = aijcluclu(indx1,indx) = 0; } } // Update the remaining clusters couplings (subtract couplings from // the used pads) - overflows excluded for (Int_t j = 0; j < npad; ++j) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if ( pad->Status() != -2) continue; if ( pad->Status() != AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetModifiedFlag()) continue; for (Int_t iclust=0; iclustSetStatus(-8); pad->SetStatus(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetOverFlag()); } // for (Int_t j=0; j 3) } // while (nCoupled > 0) } // for (Int_t igroup=0; igroupClear(); delete pix; } delete [] clustNumb; delete [] used; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::Merge(const AliMUONCluster& cluster, Int_t nForFit, Int_t nCoupled, const Int_t *clustNumb, const Int_t *clustFit, TObjArray **clusters, TMatrixD& aijcluclu, TMatrixD& aijclupad) { /// Merge the group of clusters with the one having the strongest coupling with them Int_t indx, indx1, npxclu, npxclu1, imax=0; TObjArray *pix, *pix1; Double_t couplMax; for (Int_t icl = 0; icl < nForFit; ++icl) { indx = clustFit[icl]; pix = clusters[indx]; npxclu = pix->GetEntriesFast(); couplMax = -1; for (Int_t icl1 = 0; icl1 < nCoupled; ++icl1) { indx1 = clustNumb[icl1]; if (indx1 < 0) continue; if ( aijcluclu(indx,indx1) > couplMax) { couplMax = aijcluclu(indx,indx1); imax = indx1; } } // for (Int_t icl1=0; // Add to it pix1 = clusters[imax]; npxclu1 = pix1->GetEntriesFast(); // Add pixels for (Int_t i = 0; i < npxclu; ++i) { pix1->Add(pix->UncheckedAt(i)); pix->RemoveAt(i); } //Add cluster-to-cluster couplings for (Int_t icl1 = 0; icl1 < nCoupled; ++icl1) { indx1 = clustNumb[icl1]; if (indx1 < 0 || indx1 == imax) continue; aijcluclu(indx1,imax) += aijcluclu(indx,indx1); aijcluclu(imax,indx1) = aijcluclu(indx1,imax); } aijcluclu(indx,imax) = aijcluclu(imax,indx) = 0; //Add cluster-to-pad couplings Int_t mult = cluster.Multiplicity(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < mult; ++j) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if ( pad->Status() < 0 && pad->Status() != -5 ) continue;// exclude used pads if ( pad->Status() != AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetZeroFlag()) continue;// exclude used pads aijclupad(imax,j) += aijclupad(indx,j); aijclupad(indx,j) = 0; } } // for (Int_t icl=0; icl 3) { padpix = new Double_t[npad]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < npad; ++i) padpix[i] = 0.; } Int_t nOK = 0, indx, indx1; for (Int_t iclust = 0; iclust < nForFit; ++iclust) { indx = clustFit[iclust]; for (Int_t j = 0; j < npad; ++j) { if ( aijclupad(indx,j) < fgkCouplMin) continue; AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); /* if ( pad->Status() == -5 ) pad->SetStatus(-9); // flag overflow if ( pad->Status() < 0 ) continue; // exclude overflows and used pads if ( !pad->Status() ) { pad->SetStatus(1); ++nOK; // pad to be used in fit } */ if ( pad->Status() != AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetZeroFlag() || pad->IsSaturated() ) continue; // used pads and overflows pad->SetStatus(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetUseForFitFlag()); ++nOK; // pad to be used in fit if (nCoupled > 3) { // Check other clusters for (Int_t iclust1 = 0; iclust1 < nCoupled; ++iclust1) { indx1 = clustNumb[iclust1]; if (indx1 < 0) continue; if ( aijclupad(indx1,j) < fgkCouplMin ) continue; padpix[j] += aijclupad(indx1,j); } } // if (nCoupled > 3) } // for (Int_t j=0; jSetStatus(-1); // exclude pads with strong coupling to the other clusters cluster.Pad(j)->SetStatus(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetCoupledFlag()); // exclude pads with strong coupling to the other clusters nOK--; } delete [] padpix; return nOK; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONClusterSplitterMLEM::UpdatePads(const AliMUONCluster& cluster, Int_t /*nfit*/, Double_t *par) { /// Subtract the fitted charges from pads with strong coupling Int_t indx, mult = cluster.Multiplicity(), iend = fNpar/3; Double_t charge, coef=0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < mult; ++j) { AliMUONPad* pad = cluster.Pad(j); //if ( pad->Status() != -1 ) continue; if ( pad->Status() != AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetCoupledFlag() ) continue; if (fNpar != 0) { charge = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i <= iend; ++i) { // sum over hits indx = 3 * i; coef = Param2Coef(i, coef, par); charge += ChargeIntegration(par[indx],par[indx+1],*pad) * coef; } charge *= fQtot; pad->SetCharge(pad->Charge()-charge); } // if (fNpar != 0) //if (pad->Charge() > 6 /*fgkZeroSuppression*/) pad->SetStatus(0); if (pad->Charge() > fLowestPadCharge) pad->SetStatus(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetZeroFlag()); // return pad for further using // FIXME: remove usage of zerosuppression here else pad->SetStatus(AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM::GetOverFlag()); // do not use anymore } // for (Int_t j=0; }