// $Id$ // // Class AliMUONGeometrySVMap // ------------------------------------ // As the detection element frame is different from the // frame of the sensitive volume(s) defined in Geant, // the sensitive volumes have to be mapped to the detection // elements. In the map, fSVMap, the sensitive voolumes are specified // by the full path in the volume hierarchy, defined as: // /volname.copyNo/volName.copyNo1/... // // The array of global positions of sensitive volumes fSVPositions // is included to make easier the verification of the assignements // in the fSVMap. // // Author: Ivana Hrivnacova, IPN Orsay #include #include #include #include "AliMUONGeometrySVMap.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliMUONGeometrySVMap) // // Class AliMUONStringIntMap // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONStringIntMap::AliMUONStringIntMap() : TObject(), fNofItems(0), fFirstArray(100), fSecondArray(100) { // Standard constructor fFirstArray.SetOwner(true); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONStringIntMap::AliMUONStringIntMap(const AliMUONStringIntMap& rhs) : TObject(rhs) { AliFatal("Copy constructor is not implemented."); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONStringIntMap& AliMUONStringIntMap::operator = (const AliMUONStringIntMap& rhs) { // check assignement to self if (this == &rhs) return *this; AliFatal("Assignment operator is not implemented."); return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONStringIntMap::~AliMUONStringIntMap() { // Destructor fFirstArray.Delete(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMUONStringIntMap::Add(const TString& first, Int_t second) { // Add map element if first not yet present // --- Int_t second2 = Get(first); if ( second2 > 0 ) { AliError(Form("%s is already present in the map", first.Data())); return false; } // Resize TArrayI if needed if (fSecondArray.GetSize() == fNofItems) fSecondArray.Set(2*fNofItems); fFirstArray.Add(new TObjString(first)); fSecondArray.AddAt(second, fNofItems); fNofItems++; return true; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONStringIntMap::Get(const TString& first) const { // Find the element with specified key (first) // --- for (Int_t i=0; iGetString() == first ) return fSecondArray.At(i); } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONStringIntMap::GetNofItems() const { // Returns the number of elements // --- return fNofItems; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONStringIntMap::Clear() { // Deletes the elements // --- cout << "######### clearing map " << endl; fNofItems = 0; fFirstArray.Delete(); fSecondArray.Reset(); cout << "######### clearing map done " << endl; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONStringIntMap::Print(const char* /*option*/) const { // Prints the map elements for (Int_t i=0; iGetString() << " " << setw(5) << fSecondArray.At(i) << endl; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONStringIntMap::Print(const TString& key, ofstream& out) const { // Prints the map elements for (Int_t i=0; iGetString() << " " << setw(5) << fSecondArray.At(i) << endl; } } // // Class AliMUONGeometrySVMap // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONGeometrySVMap::AliMUONGeometrySVMap(Int_t initSize) : TObject(), fSVMap(), fSVPositions(initSize) { // Standard constructor fSVPositions.SetOwner(true); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONGeometrySVMap::AliMUONGeometrySVMap() : TObject(), fSVMap(), fSVPositions() { // Default constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONGeometrySVMap::AliMUONGeometrySVMap(const AliMUONGeometrySVMap& rhs) : TObject(rhs) { AliFatal("Copy constructor is not implemented."); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONGeometrySVMap::~AliMUONGeometrySVMap() { // fSVPositions.Delete(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONGeometrySVMap& AliMUONGeometrySVMap::operator = (const AliMUONGeometrySVMap& rhs) { // check assignement to self if (this == &rhs) return *this; AliFatal("Assignment operator is not implemented."); return *this; } // // private methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ const TGeoCombiTrans* AliMUONGeometrySVMap::FindByName(const TString& name) const { // Finds TGeoCombiTrans in the array of positions by name // --- for (Int_t i=0; iGetTitle()) == name ) return transform; } return 0; } // // public methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::Add(const TString& volumePath, Int_t detElemId) { // Add the specified sensitive volume path and the detElemId // to the map // --- fSVMap.Add(volumePath, detElemId); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::AddPosition(const TString& volumePath, const TGeoTranslation& globalPosition) { // Add global position for the sensitive volume specified by volumePath // in the array of transformations if this volumePath is not yet present. // --- TGeoTranslation* newTransform = new TGeoTranslation(globalPosition); Int_t detElemId = fSVMap.Get(volumePath); TString detElemIdString(""); detElemIdString += detElemId; newTransform->SetName(detElemIdString); newTransform->SetTitle(volumePath); // cout << ".. adding " << volumePath << " " << detElemId << endl; // Add to the map if ( !FindByName(volumePath )) { newTransform->SetUniqueID(detElemId); // Set detector element id as unique id fSVPositions.Add(newTransform); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::Clear() { // Clears the sensitive volumes map fSVMap.Clear(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::ClearPositions() { // Clears the array of transformations fSVPositions.Delete(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::SortPositions() { // Sort the array of positions by names. // --- fSVPositions.Sort(fSVPositions.GetEntriesFast()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::Print(const char* option) const { // Prints the map of sensitive volumes and detector elements // --- fSVMap.Print(option); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::PrintPositions() const { // Prints the sensitive volumes global positions // --- for (Int_t i=0; iGetUniqueID(); cout << " name: " << matrix->GetTitle() << endl; const double* translation = matrix->GetTranslation(); cout << " translation: " #if defined (__DECCXX) << translation[0] << ", " << translation[1] << ", " << translation[2] << endl; #else << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(4) << translation[0] << ", " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(4) << translation[1] << ", " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(4) << translation[2] << endl; #endif } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONGeometrySVMap::WriteMap(ofstream& out) const { // Prints the map of sensitive volumes and detector elements // into specified stream // --- fSVMap.Print("SV", out); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONGeometrySVMap::GetDetElemId(const TString& volumePath) const { // Returns detection element Id for the sensitive volume specified by path // --- return fSVMap.Get(volumePath); }