/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //////////////////////////////////// // // MUON Raw Data generator in ALICE-MUON // // This class version 1 (further details could be found in Alice-note coming soon right in our direction) // Generates raw data for MUON tracker and finally for trigger // * a simple mapping is used (see below) // * the bus patch id is calculated with an absolute number 0 - 999 // * one DDL per 1/2 chamber is created for both cathode. // For trigger there is no mapping (mapping could be found in AliMUONTriggerCircuit) // don't need for digits2raw but needed in raw2Reco // the position are given per local card //////////////////////////////////// #include #include "AliMUONRawData.h" #include "AliMUONDigit.h" #include "AliMUON.h" #include "AliMUONChamber.h" #include "AliMUONConstants.h" #include "AliMUONData.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliBitPacking.h" #include "AliMUONSubEventTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONDDLTracker.h" #include "AliMUONDDLTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONLocalTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONGlobalTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONGeometrySegmentation.h" #include "AliMUONSegmentManuIndex.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRun.h" const Int_t AliMUONRawData::fgkDefaultPrintLevel = 0; ClassImp(AliMUONRawData) // Class implementation in ROOT context //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawData::AliMUONRawData(AliLoader* loader) : TObject(), fDebug(0) { // Standard Constructor fPrintLevel = fgkDefaultPrintLevel; // initialize loader's fLoader = loader; // initialize container fMUONData = new AliMUONData(fLoader,"MUON","MUON"); // initialize array fSubEventArray[0] = new TClonesArray("AliMUONSubEventTracker",1000); fSubEventArray[1] = new TClonesArray("AliMUONSubEventTracker",1000); // initialize array not used for the moment fSubEventTrigArray[0] = new TClonesArray("AliMUONSubEventTrigger",1000); fSubEventTrigArray[1] = new TClonesArray("AliMUONSubEventTrigger",1000); // ddl pointer fDDLTracker = new AliMUONDDLTracker(); fDDLTrigger = new AliMUONDDLTrigger(); } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawData::AliMUONRawData() : TObject(), fMUONData(0), fPrintLevel(fgkDefaultPrintLevel), fDebug(0), fLoader(0) { // Default Constructor } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawData::AliMUONRawData (const AliMUONRawData& rhs) : TObject(rhs) { // Protected copy constructor AliFatal("Not implemented."); } //_______________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawData & AliMUONRawData::operator=(const AliMUONRawData& rhs) { // Protected assignement operator if (this == &rhs) return *this; AliFatal("Not implemented."); return *this; } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawData::~AliMUONRawData(void) { if (fMUONData) delete fMUONData; if (fSubEventArray[0]) fSubEventArray[0]->Delete(); //using delete cos allocating memory in copy ctor. if (fSubEventArray[1]) fSubEventArray[1]->Delete(); if (fSubEventTrigArray[0]) fSubEventTrigArray[0]->Delete(); if (fSubEventTrigArray[1]) fSubEventTrigArray[1]->Delete(); if (fDDLTracker) delete fDDLTracker; if (fDDLTrigger) delete fDDLTrigger; return; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONRawData::WriteRawData() { // convert digits of the current event to raw data Int_t idDDL; Char_t name[20]; fLoader->LoadDigits("READ"); fMUONData->SetTreeAddress("D,GLT"); // tracking chambers for (Int_t ich = 0; ich < AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh(); ich++) { // open files idDDL = ich * 2 + 0x900; sprintf(name, "MUON_%d.ddl",idDDL); fFile1 = fopen(name,"w"); idDDL = (ich * 2) + 1 + 0x900; sprintf(name, "MUON_%d.ddl",idDDL); fFile2 = fopen(name,"w"); WriteTrackerDDL(ich); // reset and close fclose(fFile1); fclose(fFile2); fMUONData->ResetDigits(); } // trigger chambers // open files idDDL = 0xA00; sprintf(name, "MUTR_%d.ddl",idDDL); fFile1 = fopen(name,"w"); idDDL = 0xA00 + 1; sprintf(name, "MUTR_%d.ddl",idDDL); fFile2 = fopen(name,"w"); WriteTriggerDDL(); // reset and close fclose(fFile1); fclose(fFile2); fMUONData->ResetTrigger(); fLoader->UnloadDigits(); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONRawData::WriteTrackerDDL(Int_t iCh) { // resets TClonesArray* muonDigits = 0; fSubEventArray[0]->Clear(); fSubEventArray[1]->Clear(); // TArrayI nbInBus[2]; nbInBus[0].Set(5000); nbInBus[1].Set(5000); nbInBus[0].Reset(); nbInBus[1].Reset(); // DDL header AliRawDataHeader header = fDDLTracker->GetHeader(); Int_t headerSize = fDDLTracker->GetHeaderSize(); // DDL event one per half chamber AliMUONSubEventTracker* subEvent; // data format Char_t parity = 0x4; UShort_t manuId = 0; UChar_t channelId = 0; UShort_t charge = 0; Int_t busPatchId = 0; UInt_t word; Int_t nEntries = 0; Int_t* buffer = 0; Int_t index; Int_t indexDsp; Int_t indexBlk; Int_t padX; Int_t padY; Int_t cathode = 0; Int_t detElemId; Int_t nDigits; const AliMUONDigit* digit; // AliMUON *pMUON; // AliMUONChamber* iChamber = 0x0; // AliMUONGeometrySegmentation* segmentation2[2]; // pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // iChamber = &(pMUON->Chamber(iCh)); // segmentation2[0]=iChamber->SegmentationModel2(1); // cathode 0 // segmentation2[1]=iChamber->SegmentationModel2(2); // cathode 1 AliDebug(1, Form("WriteDDL chamber %d\n", iCh+1)); // for (Int_t iCath = 0; iCath < 2; iCath++) { fMUONData->ResetDigits(); fMUONData->GetDigits(); muonDigits = fMUONData->Digits(iCh); nDigits = muonDigits->GetEntriesFast(); if (fPrintLevel == 2) printf("ndigits = %d\n",nDigits); // open DDL file, on per 1/2 chamber for (Int_t idig = 0; idig < nDigits; idig++) { digit = (AliMUONDigit*) muonDigits->UncheckedAt(idig); padX = digit->PadX(); padY = digit->PadY(); charge = digit->Signal(); charge &= 0xFFF; cathode = digit->Cathode(); detElemId = digit->DetElemId(); // mapping // if (detElemId == 0) { // AliWarning("\ndetElemId = 0, old segmentation !\n"); GetDummyMapping(iCh, cathode, digit, busPatchId, manuId, channelId); // } else { // // mapping (not far from real one) // AliMUONSegmentManuIndex* connect = segmentation2[iCath]->GetMpConnection(detElemId, padX, padY); // if (connect != 0x0) { // busPatchId = connect->GetBusPatchId(); // manuId = connect->GetManuId(); // channelId = connect->GetManuChannelId(); // AliDebug(3,Form("busPatchId %d, manuId: %d, channelId: %d\n", busPatchId, manuId, channelId)); // } else { // busPatchId = 0; // manuId = 0; // channelId = 0; // } // } //packing word AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)parity,word,29,31); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)manuId,word,18,28); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)channelId,word,12,17); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)charge,word,0,11); // set sub Event subEvent = new AliMUONSubEventTracker(); subEvent->AddData(word); subEvent->SetBusPatchId(busPatchId); if (digit->PadX() > 0) { nbInBus[0][busPatchId]++; AddData1(subEvent); } else { nbInBus[1][busPatchId]++; AddData2(subEvent); } delete subEvent; } // } fSubEventArray[0]->Sort(); fSubEventArray[1]->Sort(); // gather datas from same bus patch for (Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < 2; iDDL++) { nEntries = fSubEventArray[iDDL]->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { AliMUONSubEventTracker* temp = (AliMUONSubEventTracker*)fSubEventArray[iDDL]->At(i); busPatchId = temp->GetBusPatchId(); // add bus patch header, length and total length managed by subevent class temp->SetTriggerWord(0xdeadbeef); for (Int_t j = 0; j < nbInBus[iDDL][busPatchId]-1; j++) { AliMUONSubEventTracker* temp1 = (AliMUONSubEventTracker*)fSubEventArray[iDDL]->At(++i); temp->AddData(temp1->GetData(0)); fSubEventArray[iDDL]->RemoveAt(i) ; } } fSubEventArray[iDDL]->Compress(); if (fPrintLevel == 3) { nEntries = fSubEventArray[iDDL]->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { AliMUONSubEventTracker* temp = (AliMUONSubEventTracker*)fSubEventArray[iDDL]->At(i); printf("busPatchid back %d\n",temp->GetBusPatchId()); for (Int_t j = 0; j < temp->GetLength(); j++) { printf("manuId back %d, ",temp->GetManuId(j)); printf("channelId back %d, ",temp->GetChannelId(j)); printf("charge back %d\n",temp->GetCharge(j)); } } printf("\n"); } } Int_t iBusPatch; Int_t iEntries; Int_t length; for (Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < 2; iDDL++) { // filling buffer nEntries = fSubEventArray[iDDL]->GetEntriesFast(); buffer = new Int_t [(2048+24)*50]; // 24 words in average for one buspatch and 2048 manu info at most indexBlk = 0; indexDsp = 0; index = 0; iBusPatch = 0; iEntries = 0; for (Int_t iBlock = 0; iBlock < 2; iBlock++) { // block header // fDDLTracker->SetTotalBlkLength(0xFFFFFFFF); length = fDDLTracker->GetBlkHeaderLength(); memcpy(&buffer[index],fDDLTracker->GetBlkHeader(),length*4); indexBlk = index; index += length; for (Int_t iDsp = 0; iDsp < 5; iDsp++) { // DSP header // fDDLTracker->SetTotalDspLength(0xEEEEEEEE); length = fDDLTracker->GetDspHeaderLength(); memcpy(&buffer[index],fDDLTracker->GetDspHeader(),length*4); indexDsp = index; index += length; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { iBusPatch = i + iBlock*25 + iDsp*5 + 50*(2*iCh + iDDL); AliMUONSubEventTracker* temp = (AliMUONSubEventTracker*)fSubEventArray[iDDL]->At(iEntries); if (nEntries > 0) busPatchId = temp->GetBusPatchId(); else busPatchId = -1; if (busPatchId == iBusPatch) { // add bus patch structure length = temp->GetHeaderLength(); memcpy(&buffer[index],temp->GetAddress(),length*4); index += length; for (Int_t j = 0; j < temp->GetLength(); j++) buffer[index++] = temp->GetData(j); if (iEntries < nEntries-1) iEntries++; } else { buffer[index++] = 4; // total length buffer[index++] = 0; // raw data length buffer[index++] = iBusPatch; // bus patch buffer[index++] = 0xdeadbeef; // trigger word } } // bus patch buffer[indexDsp] = index - indexDsp; // dsp length buffer[indexDsp+1] = index - indexDsp - fDDLTracker->GetDspHeaderLength(); if ((index - indexDsp) % 2 == 0) buffer[indexDsp+7] = 0; else buffer[indexDsp+7] = 1; } // dsp buffer[indexBlk] = index - indexBlk; // block length buffer[indexBlk+1] = index - indexBlk - fDDLTracker->GetBlkHeaderLength(); } if (iDDL == 0) { // write DDL 1 header.fSize = (index + headerSize) * 4;// total length in bytes fwrite((char*)(&header),headerSize*4,1,fFile1); fwrite(buffer,sizeof(int),index,fFile1); } if (iDDL == 1) { // write DDL 2 header.fSize = (index + headerSize) * 4;// total length in bytes fwrite((char*)(&header),headerSize*4,1,fFile2); fwrite(buffer,sizeof(int),index,fFile2); } delete[] buffer; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONRawData::WriteTriggerDDL() { // DDL event one per half chamber AliMUONSubEventTrigger* subEvent = 0x0; // stored local id number TArrayI isFired(256); isFired.Reset(); // DDL header AliRawDataHeader header = fDDLTrigger->GetHeader(); Int_t headerSize = fDDLTrigger->GetHeaderSize(); Int_t length; TClonesArray* localTrigger; TClonesArray* globalTrigger; AliMUONGlobalTrigger* gloTrg; AliMUONLocalTrigger* locTrg = 0x0; fMUONData->GetTriggerD(); // global trigger for trigger pattern globalTrigger = fMUONData->GlobalTrigger(); gloTrg = (AliMUONGlobalTrigger*)globalTrigger->UncheckedAt(0); Int_t gloTrigPat = GetGlobalTriggerPattern(gloTrg); // local trigger localTrigger = fMUONData->LocalTrigger(); UInt_t word; Int_t* buffer = 0; Int_t index; Int_t iEntries = 0; Int_t iLocCard, locCard; Char_t locDec, trigY, posY, devX, posX,regOut; Int_t version = 1; // software version Int_t eventType = 1; // trigger type: 1 for physics ? Int_t serialNb = 0xF; // serial nb of card: all bits on for the moment Int_t globalFlag = 1; // set to 2 if global info present in DDL else set to 1 Int_t nEntries = (Int_t) (localTrigger->GetEntries());// 234 local cards // stored the local card id that's fired for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { locTrg = (AliMUONLocalTrigger*)localTrigger->At(i); isFired[locTrg->LoCircuit()] = 1; } if (!nEntries) AliError("No Trigger information available"); buffer = new Int_t [672]; // [16(local)*5 words + 3 words]*8(reg) + 8 words = 672 for (Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < 2; iDDL++) { index = 0; // DDL enhanced header word = 0; AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)iDDL+1,word,28,31); //see AliMUONDDLTrigger.h for details AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)serialNb,word,24,27); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)version,word,16,23); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)eventType,word,12,15); if (iDDL == 0) // suppose global info in DDL one globalFlag = 2; else globalFlag = 1; AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)globalFlag,word,8,11); fDDLTrigger->SetDDLWord(word); if (iDDL == 0) fDDLTrigger->SetGlobalOutput(gloTrigPat);// no global input for the moment.... else fDDLTrigger->SetGlobalOutput(0); length = fDDLTrigger->GetHeaderLength(); memcpy(&buffer[index],fDDLTrigger->GetEnhancedHeader(),length*4); index += length; for (Int_t iReg = 0; iReg < 8; iReg++) { subEvent = new AliMUONSubEventTrigger(); // Regional card header word = 0; regOut = 0; AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)serialNb,word,24,28); //see AliMUONSubEventTrigger.h for details AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)version,word,16,23); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)iReg,word,12,15); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)regOut,word,0,7); // whenever regional output will be implemented subEvent->SetRegWord(word); memcpy(&buffer[index++],subEvent->GetAddress(),4); buffer[index++] = 0;// 2 words of regional input buffer[index++] = 0; for (Int_t iLoc = 0; iLoc < 16; iLoc++) { iLocCard = iLoc + iReg*16 + iDDL*128; if (isFired[iLocCard]) { locTrg = (AliMUONLocalTrigger*)localTrigger->At(iEntries); locCard = locTrg->LoCircuit(); locDec = locTrg->GetLoDecision(); trigY = 0; posY = locTrg->LoStripY(); posX = locTrg->LoStripX(); devX = locTrg->LoDev(); if (fPrintLevel == 4) printf("loctrg %d, posX %d, posY %d, devX %d\n", locTrg-> LoCircuit(),locTrg->LoStripX(),locTrg->LoStripY(),locTrg->LoDev()); } else { //no trigger (see PRR chpt 3.4) locCard = -1; locDec = 0; trigY = 1; posY = 15; posX = 0; devX = 0x8000; } //packing word word = 0; AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)(iLocCard % 16),word,19,22); //card id number in crate AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)locDec,word,15,18); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)trigY,word,14,14); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)posY,word,10,13); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)devX,word,5,9); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)posX,word,0,4); if (locCard == iLocCard) { // add local cards structure buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetX1Pattern() | (locTrg->GetX2Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetX3Pattern() | (locTrg->GetX4Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetY1Pattern() | (locTrg->GetY2Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetY3Pattern() | (locTrg->GetY4Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (Int_t)word; // data word if (iEntries < nEntries-1) iEntries++; } else { buffer[index++] = 0; // 4 words for x1, x2, y1, y2 buffer[index++] = 0; buffer[index++] = 0; buffer[index++] = 0; buffer[index++] = (Int_t)word; // data word } } // local card delete subEvent; } // Regional card buffer[index++] = fDDLTrigger->GetEoD(); // End of DDL word buffer[index++] = fDDLTrigger->GetEoD(); // End of DDL word for 64 bits transfer purpose if (iDDL == 0) { // write DDL 1 header.fSize = (index + headerSize) * 4;// total length in bytes fwrite((char*)(&header),headerSize*4,1,fFile1); fwrite(buffer,sizeof(int),index,fFile1); } if (iDDL == 1) { // write DDL 2 header.fSize = (index + headerSize) * 4;// total length in bytes fwrite((char*)(&header),headerSize*4,1,fFile2); fwrite(buffer,sizeof(int),index,fFile2); } } delete[] buffer; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRawData::GetDummyMapping(Int_t iCh, Int_t iCath, const AliMUONDigit* digit, Int_t &busPatchId, UShort_t &manuId, UChar_t &channelId) { // Dummy mapping for tracker Int_t offsetX = 0; // offet row Int_t offsetY = 0; // offset columns Int_t offsetCath = 0; //offset from one cathod to the other Int_t maxChannel = 0; // maximum nb of channel in 1/2 chamber Int_t id; switch (iCh+1) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: offsetX = 512; offsetY = 256; offsetCath = 65536; maxChannel = (offsetY * offsetX + 2* offsetY + offsetCath); break; case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: offsetX = 1024; offsetY = 0; offsetCath = 65536; maxChannel = (256 * offsetX + offsetX + offsetCath); break; } // dummy mapping // manu Id directly from a matrix 8*8, same segmentation for B and NB // 50 buspatches for 1/2 chamber id = (TMath::Abs(digit->PadX()) * offsetX + digit->PadY() + offsetY + offsetCath * iCath); Int_t chPerBus = maxChannel/50; busPatchId = id/chPerBus; // start at zero if (digit->PadX() > 0) busPatchId += 50*iCh*2; else busPatchId += 50*(2*iCh+1); // 64 manu cards for one buspatch manuId = (id % chPerBus)/64; //start at zero manuId &= 0x7FF; // 11 bits // channel id channelId = (id % chPerBus) % 64; //start at zero channelId &= 0x3F; // 6 bits AliDebug(2,Form("id: %d, busPatchId %d, manuId: %d, channelId: %d, maxchannel: %d, chPerBus %d\n", id, busPatchId, manuId, channelId, maxChannel, chPerBus)); AliDebug(2,Form("id: %d, busPatchId %d, manuId: %d, channelId: %d, padx: %d pady %d, charge %d\n", id, busPatchId, manuId, channelId, digit->PadX(), digit->PadY(), digit->Signal())); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONRawData::GetGlobalTriggerPattern(const AliMUONGlobalTrigger* gloTrg) { // global trigger pattern calculation Int_t gloTrigPat = 0; if (gloTrg->SinglePlusLpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x1; if (gloTrg->SinglePlusHpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x2; if (gloTrg->SinglePlusApt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x4; if (gloTrg->SingleMinusLpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x8; if (gloTrg->SingleMinusHpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x10; if (gloTrg->SingleMinusApt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x20; if (gloTrg->SingleUndefLpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x40; if (gloTrg->SingleUndefHpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x80; if (gloTrg->SingleUndefApt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x100; if (gloTrg->PairUnlikeLpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x200; if (gloTrg->PairUnlikeHpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x400; if (gloTrg->PairUnlikeApt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x800; if (gloTrg->PairLikeLpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x1000; if (gloTrg->PairLikeHpt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x2000; if (gloTrg->PairLikeApt()) gloTrigPat|= 0x4000; return gloTrigPat; }