#ifndef ALIMUONRAWSTREAMTRACKERHP_H #define ALIMUONRAWSTREAMTRACKERHP_H /* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$*/ /// /// \file AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP.h /// \author Artur Szostak /// \date 29-11-2007 /// \brief Declaration of the high performance decoder for muon trigger chamber raw streams. /// #ifndef ROOT_TObject # include "TObject.h" #endif #include "AliMUONTrackerDDLDecoder.h" #include class AliMUONDDLTracker; class AliRawReader; class AliMUONLogger; class AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP : public TObject { public: class AliDspHeader; class AliBusPatch; /// Values indicating the logging detail level to use for error messages. enum EDetailLevel { kLowErrorDetail, /// Logs minimal information in the error messages. kMediumErrorDetail, /// Logs a medium level of detail in the error messages. kHighErrorDetail /// Logs maximum information in the error messages. }; /// Default constructor. AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP(); /// Constructor for setting the raw reader. AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP(AliRawReader* rawReader); /// Default destructor. virtual ~AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP(); /// Get object for reading the raw data virtual AliRawReader* GetReader() { return fRawReader; } /// Set the raw reader void SetReader(AliRawReader* reader) { fRawReader = reader; } /// Initialize iterator virtual void First(); /// DDL iterator virtual Bool_t NextDDL(); /// Whether the iteration is finished or not virtual Bool_t IsDone() const; /// Advance one step in the iteration. Returns false if finished. virtual Bool_t Next(Int_t& busPatchId, UShort_t& manuId, UChar_t& manuChannel, UShort_t& adc) { return Next(busPatchId,manuId,manuChannel,adc,kTRUE); } /// Advance one step in the iteration. Returns false if finished. virtual Bool_t Next(Int_t& busPatchId, UShort_t& manuId, UChar_t& manuChannel, UShort_t& adc, Bool_t skipParityErrors); /// Construct and return a pointer to the DDL payload object. virtual AliMUONDDLTracker* GetDDLTracker() const; /// Returns the next batch of decoded channel data. const AliBusPatch* Next(); /// Return maximum number of blocks per DDL allowed. virtual Int_t GetMaxBlock() const { return (Int_t) fDecoder.MaxBlocks(); } /// Return maximum number of Dsp per block allowed. virtual Int_t GetMaxDsp() const { return (Int_t) fDecoder.MaxDSPs(); } /// Return maximum number of Buspatch per Dsp allowed. virtual Int_t GetMaxBus() const { return (Int_t) fDecoder.MaxBusPatches(); } /// Set maximum number of blocks per DDL allowed. virtual void SetMaxBlock(Int_t blk); /// Set maximum number of Dsp per block allowed. virtual void SetMaxDsp(Int_t dsp); /// Set maximum number of Buspatch per Dsp allowed. virtual void SetMaxBus(Int_t bus); /// Return number of the current DDL. virtual Int_t GetDDL() const { return fDDL - 1; } /// check error/Warning presence virtual Bool_t IsErrorMessage() const { return fHadError; } /// Get number of parity errors in the DDL last decoded. Int_t GetParityErrors() const { return (Int_t) fDecoder.GetHandler().ParityErrorCount(); } /// Get number of glitch errors in the DDL last decoded. Int_t GetGlitchErrors() const { return (Int_t) fDecoder.GetHandler().GlitchErrorCount(); } /// Get number of padding word errors in the DDL last decoded. Int_t GetPaddingErrors() const { return (Int_t) fDecoder.GetHandler().PaddingErrorCount(); } /// Get number of token lost errors in the DDL last decoded. Int_t GetTokenLostErrors() const { return (Int_t) fDecoder.GetHandler().TokenLostCount(); } /// Set warnings flag to disable warnings on data errors. void DisableWarnings() { fWarnings = kFALSE; } /// Set warnings flag to enable warnings on data errors. void EnableWarnings() { fWarnings = kTRUE; } /// Returns the flag indicating if we should generate a warning for errors. Bool_t IsWarningsEnabled() const { return fWarnings; } /// Returns the "try to recover from errors" flag. Bool_t TryRecover() const { return Bool_t(fDecoder.TryRecover()); } /// Sets the "try to recover from errors" flag. /// i.e. should the decoder try to recover from errors found in the /// payload headers. void TryRecover(Bool_t value) { fDecoder.TryRecover(bool(value)); } /// Returns the auto-detect trailer words flag. Bool_t AutoDetectTrailer() const { return Bool_t(fDecoder.AutoDetectTrailer()); } /// Sets the auto-detect trailer words flag. /// When set to true the decoder will try to detect if the end of DDL /// keys are in the trailer words or not. These are generated by the /// detector but not the older versions of AliRoot simulations. void AutoDetectTrailer(Bool_t value) { fDecoder.AutoDetectTrailer(bool(value)); } /// Returns the flag indicating if the data is expected to have the /// end of DDL keys in the trailer. This flag is ignored if AutoDetectTrailer() /// was set to true. Bool_t CheckForTrailer() const { return Bool_t(fDecoder.CheckForTrailer()); } /// Sets the flag indicating if the trailer words should contain the /// end of DDL key. void CheckForTrailer(Bool_t value) { fDecoder.CheckForTrailer(bool(value)); } /// Light weight interface class to the block header data. class AliBlockHeader { public: /// Default constructor. AliBlockHeader( AliDspHeader* dspArray = NULL, const AliMUONBlockHeaderStruct* header = NULL ) : fNext(NULL), fDspCount(0), fFirstDsp(dspArray), fHeader(header) { } /// Implement shallow copying in the copy constructor. AliBlockHeader(const AliBlockHeader& o) : fNext(o.fNext), fDspCount(o.fDspCount), fFirstDsp(o.fFirstDsp), fHeader(o.fHeader) { } /// Implement shallow copying in the assignment operator. AliBlockHeader& operator = (const AliBlockHeader& object) { memcpy(this, &object, sizeof(AliBlockHeader)); return *this; } /// Default destructor. ~AliBlockHeader() {}; /// Return data key word for CRT header Int_t GetDataKey() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fDataKey;} /// Return total length of block structure (w/o padding word) Int_t GetTotalLength() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fTotalLength;} /// Return length of raw data Int_t GetLength() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fLength;} /// Return Dsp id Int_t GetDspId() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fDSPId;} /// Return L0 trigger word Int_t GetL0Trigger() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fL0Trigger;} /// Return Bunch Crossing for mini-event id (see TDR chapter 8) Int_t GetMiniEventId() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fMiniEventId;} /// Return Event Id in bunch crossing Int_t GetEventId1() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fEventId1;} /// Return Event Id in orbit number Int_t GetEventId2() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fEventId2;} /// Return the header's raw data. const AliMUONBlockHeaderStruct* GetHeader() const {return fHeader;} /// Return the next block header. const AliBlockHeader* Next() const { return fNext; } /// Returns the first AliDspHeader class in this block. const AliDspHeader* GetFirstDspHeader() const { return fFirstDsp; } /// Returns the number of DSPs within this block. UInt_t GetDspCount() const { return fDspCount; } /// Return the i'th DSP in this block. const AliDspHeader* GetDspHeader(UInt_t i) const { return i < fDspCount ? GetFirstDspHeader() + i : NULL; } /// Sets the next block header. void SetNext(const AliBlockHeader* next) { fNext = next; } /// Increments the DSP count. void IncDspCount() { fDspCount++; }; /// Print the contents of the header to screen. void Print() const; private: const AliBlockHeader* fNext; ///< Pointer to next block. UInt_t fDspCount; ///< The number of AliDspHeader objects found in the array pointed to by fFirstDsp. const AliDspHeader* fFirstDsp; ///< The first DSP associated with this block. const AliMUONBlockHeaderStruct* fHeader; ///< Pointer to header in DDL payload. }; /// Light weight interface class to the DSP header data. class AliDspHeader { public: /// Default constructor. AliDspHeader( const AliBlockHeader* block = NULL, const AliBusPatch* busPatchArray = NULL, const AliMUONDSPHeaderStruct* header = NULL ) : fBlock(block), fNext(NULL), fBusPatchCount(0), fFirstBusPatch(busPatchArray), fHeader(header) { } /// Implement shallow copying in the copy constructor. AliDspHeader(const AliDspHeader& o) : fBlock(o.fBlock), fNext(o.fNext), fBusPatchCount(o.fBusPatchCount), fFirstBusPatch(o.fFirstBusPatch), fHeader(o.fHeader) { } /// Implement shallow copying in the assignment operator. AliDspHeader& operator = (const AliDspHeader& object) { memcpy(this, &object, sizeof(AliDspHeader)); return *this; } /// Default destructor. ~AliDspHeader() {}; /// Return Data key word for FRT header Int_t GetDataKey() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fDataKey;} /// Return total length of block structure Int_t GetTotalLength() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fTotalLength;} /// Return length of raw data Int_t GetLength() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fLength;} /// Return Dsp id Int_t GetDspId() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fDSPId;} /// Return L1 accept in Block Structure (CRT) Int_t GetBlkL1ATrigger() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fBlkL1ATrigger;} /// Return Mini Event Id in bunch crossing Int_t GetMiniEventId() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fMiniEventId;} /// Return Number of L1 accept in DSP Structure (FRT) Int_t GetL1ATrigger() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fL1ATrigger;} /// Return Number of L1 reject in DSP Structure (FRT) Int_t GetL1RTrigger() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fL1RTrigger;} /// Return padding dummy word for 64 bits transfer UInt_t GetPaddingWord() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fPaddingWord;} /// Return Error word Int_t GetErrorWord() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fErrorWord;} /// Return raw data of header const AliMUONDSPHeaderStruct* GetHeader() const { return fHeader; } /// Return the parent block header. const AliBlockHeader* GetBlockHeader() const { return fBlock; } /// Return the next DSP header. const AliDspHeader* Next() const { return fNext; } /// Returns the first AliBusPatch class in this DSP. const AliBusPatch* GetFirstBusPatch() const { return fFirstBusPatch; } /// Returns the number of bus patches within this DSP. UInt_t GetBusPatchCount() const { return fBusPatchCount; } /// Return the i'th bus patch in this DSP. const AliBusPatch* GetBusPatch(UInt_t i) const { return i < fBusPatchCount ? GetFirstBusPatch() + i : NULL; } /// Sets the next DSP header. void SetNext(const AliDspHeader* next) { fNext = next; } /// Increments the bus patch count. void IncBusPatchCount() { fBusPatchCount++; }; /// Print the contents of the header to screen. void Print() const; private: const AliBlockHeader* fBlock; ///< Pointer to parent block structure. const AliDspHeader* fNext; ///< Pointer to next DSP. UInt_t fBusPatchCount; ///< The number of AliDspHeader objects found in the array pointed to by fFirstBusPatch const AliBusPatch* fFirstBusPatch; ///< The first bus patch of this DSP. const AliMUONDSPHeaderStruct* fHeader; ///< Pointer to header in DDL payload. }; /// Light weight interface class to the bus patch data. class AliBusPatch { public: /// Default constructor. AliBusPatch( const AliDspHeader* dsp = NULL, const AliMUONBusPatchHeaderStruct* header = NULL, const UInt_t* data = NULL, const Bool_t* parityOk = NULL ) : fDSP(dsp), fNext(NULL), fHeader(header), fData(data), fParityOk(parityOk) { } /// Implement shallow copying in the copy constructor. AliBusPatch(const AliBusPatch& o) : fDSP(o.fDSP), fNext(o.fNext), fHeader(o.fHeader), fData(o.fData), fParityOk(o.fParityOk) { } /// Implement shallow copying in the assignment operator. AliBusPatch& operator = (const AliBusPatch& object) { memcpy(this, &object, sizeof(AliBusPatch)); return *this; } /// Default destructor. ~AliBusPatch() {}; /// Return Data key word for bus patch header. Int_t GetDataKey() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fDataKey;} /// Return total length of buspatch structure Int_t GetTotalLength() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fTotalLength;} /// Return length of raw data Int_t GetLength() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fLength;} /// Return bus patch id Int_t GetBusPatchId() const {assert(fHeader != NULL); return fHeader->fBusPatchId;} /// Return raw data of header const AliMUONBusPatchHeaderStruct* GetHeader() const {return fHeader;} /// Return raw digit data const UInt_t* GetData() const {return fData;} /// Returns the number of raw data words within this bus patch. UInt_t GetDataCount() const { return (UInt_t)GetLength(); } /// Returns the parity bit of the n'th raw data word. Char_t GetParity(UInt_t n) const { assert( fHeader != NULL && n < fHeader->fLength ); return (Char_t)(fData[n] >> 31) & 0x1; } /// Returns the MANU ID of the n'th raw data word. UShort_t GetManuId(UInt_t n) const { assert( fHeader != NULL && n < fHeader->fLength ); return (UShort_t)(fData[n] >> 18) & 0x7FF; } /// Returns the channel ID of the n'th raw data word. UChar_t GetChannelId(UInt_t n) const { assert( fHeader != NULL && n < fHeader->fLength ); return (Char_t)(fData[n] >> 12) & 0x3F; } /// Returns the charge/signal of the n'th raw data word. UShort_t GetCharge(UInt_t n) const { assert( fHeader != NULL && n < fHeader->fLength ); return (UShort_t)(fData[n] & 0xFFF); } /// Returns the n'th raw data word. UInt_t GetData(UInt_t n) const { assert( fHeader != NULL && n < fHeader->fLength ); return fData[n]; } /// Returns kTRUE if the parity of the n'th raw data word is OK /// and kFALSE otherwise. Bool_t IsParityOk(UInt_t n) const { assert( fHeader != NULL && n < fHeader->fLength ); return fParityOk[n]; } /// Unpacks and returns the fields of the n'th raw data word. kTRUE /// is returned if the data word's parity was OK and kFALSE otherwise. Bool_t GetData(UInt_t n, UShort_t& manuId, UChar_t& channelId, UShort_t& adc) const { assert( fHeader != NULL && n < fHeader->fLength ); AliMUONTrackerDDLDecoderEventHandler::UnpackADC(fData[n], manuId, channelId, adc); return fParityOk[n]; } /// Return the parent block header. const AliDspHeader* GetDspHeader() const { return fDSP; } /// Return the next bus patch header. const AliBusPatch* Next() const { return fNext; } /// Sets the next bus patch. void SetNext(const AliBusPatch* next) { fNext = next; } /// Print the contents of the bus patch to screen. void Print(const Option_t* opt = "") const; private: const AliDspHeader* fDSP; ///< The DSP this bus patch belongs to. const AliBusPatch* fNext; ///< Next bus patch object in the DSP. const AliMUONBusPatchHeaderStruct* fHeader; ///< Pointer to bus patch in DDL payload. const UInt_t* fData; ///< Pointer to the bus patch data. const Bool_t* fParityOk; ///< Array of flags indicating if the parity of the given data word in fData is good or not. }; /// Return the number of blocks in the DDL payload. UInt_t GetBlockCount() const { return fDecoder.GetHandler().BlockCount(); } /// Return the first block header. const AliBlockHeader* GetFirstBlockHeader() const { return fDecoder.GetHandler().BlockHeader(0); } /// Return the i'th block header or NULL if not found. const AliBlockHeader* GetBlockHeader(UInt_t i) const { return fDecoder.GetHandler().BlockHeader(i); } /// Returns the number of DSPs for the given block number. UInt_t GetDspCount(UInt_t block) const { const AliBlockHeader* b = GetBlockHeader(block); return b != NULL ? b->GetDspCount() : 0; } /// Returns the i'th DSP header for the given block number or NULL if not found. const AliDspHeader* GetDspHeader(UInt_t block, UInt_t i) const { const AliBlockHeader* b = GetBlockHeader(block); return b != NULL ? b->GetDspHeader(i) : NULL; } /// Returns the number of bus patches for the given block and dsp number. UInt_t GetBusPatchCount(UInt_t block, UInt_t dsp) const { const AliDspHeader* d = GetDspHeader(block, dsp); return d != NULL ? d->GetBusPatchCount() : 0; } /// Returns the i'th bus patch for the given block and dsp. const AliBusPatch* GetBusPatch(UInt_t block, UInt_t dsp, UInt_t i) const { const AliDspHeader* d = GetDspHeader(block, dsp); return d != NULL ? d->GetBusPatch(i) : NULL; } /// Returns the current bus patch being decoded or NULL if none found. const AliBusPatch* CurrentBusPatch() const { return (fkCurrentBusPatch != fDecoder.GetHandler().EndOfBusPatch()) ? fkCurrentBusPatch : NULL; } /// Returns the current DSP being decoded or NULL if none found. const AliDspHeader* CurrentDspHeader() const { const AliBusPatch* busPatch = CurrentBusPatch(); return (busPatch != NULL) ? busPatch->GetDspHeader() : NULL; } /// Returns the current block header being decoded or NULL if none found. const AliBlockHeader* CurrentBlockHeader() const { const AliDspHeader* dsp = CurrentDspHeader(); return (dsp != NULL) ? dsp->GetBlockHeader() : NULL; } /// Enable error logging to the raw reader. \note Kept for backward compatibility. virtual void EnabbleErrorLogger() { EnableRawReaderErrorLogger(); } /// Enable error info logging to AliMUONLogger. void EnableMUONErrorLogger() { fEnableMUONErrorLogger = kTRUE; } /// Disable logging to AliMUONLogger. void DisableMUONErrorLogger() { fEnableMUONErrorLogger = kFALSE; } /// Enable error info logging to raw reader. void EnableRawReaderErrorLogger() { fEnableRawReaderErrorLogger = kTRUE; } /// Disable logging to the raw reader. void DisableRawReaderErrorLogger() { fEnableRawReaderErrorLogger = kFALSE; } /// Check if the AliMUONLogger is enabled for error logging. Bool_t IsMUONErrorLoggerEnabled() const { return fEnableMUONErrorLogger; } /// Check if the AliMUONLogger is enabled for error logging. Bool_t IsRawReaderErrorLoggerEnabled() const { return fEnableRawReaderErrorLogger; } /// Returns the logger object. (constant version) const AliMUONLogger* GetMUONErrorLogger() const { return fLogger; } /// Returns the logger object. AliMUONLogger* GetMUONErrorLogger() { return fLogger; } /// Sets the logger object to use. Ownership of the logger object remains with the caller. void SetMUONErrorLogger(AliMUONLogger* logger) { fLogger = logger; } /// Returns the level of detail used in the error messages. EDetailLevel GetLoggingDetailLevel() const { return fDetailLevel; } /// Sets the level of detail used in the error messages. void SetLoggingDetailLevel(EDetailLevel level) { fDetailLevel = level; } /// Number of glitch errors since First() was called UInt_t NumberOfGlitchErrors() const { return fTotalNumberOfGlitchErrors; } /// Number of padding errors since First() was called UInt_t NumberOfPaddingErrors() const { return fTotalNumberOfPaddingErrors; } /// Number of parity errors since First() was called UInt_t NumberOfParityErrors() const { return fTotalNumberOfParityErrors; } /// Number of token lost errors since First() was called UInt_t NumberOfTokenLostErrors() const { return fTotalNumberOfTokenLostErrors; } /// Whether we got glitch errors or not Bool_t HasGlitchError() const { return NumberOfGlitchErrors() > 0; } /// Whether we got padding errors or not Bool_t HasPaddingError() const { return NumberOfPaddingErrors() > 0; } /// Whether we got parity errors or not Bool_t HasParityError() const { return NumberOfParityErrors() > 0; } /// Whether we got token lost errors or not Bool_t HasTokenLostError() const { return NumberOfTokenLostErrors() > 0; } private: // Do not allow copying of this class. /// Not implemented AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP(const AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP& stream); /// Not implemented AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP& operator = (const AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP& stream); /// Return max number of tracker DDLs Int_t GetMaxDDL() const { return fgkMaxDDL; } /// swap method for Power PC virtual void Swap(UInt_t* buffer, Int_t size) const; /// This is the custom event handler (callback interface) class which /// unpacks raw data words and fills an internal buffer with decoded digits /// as they are decoded by the high performance decoder. class AliDecoderEventHandler : public AliMUONTrackerDDLDecoderEventHandler { public: /// Default constructor. AliDecoderEventHandler(); /// Default destructor. virtual ~AliDecoderEventHandler(); /// Sets the internal arrays based on the maximum number of structures allowed. void SetMaxStructs(UInt_t maxBlocks, UInt_t maxDsps, UInt_t maxBusPatches); /// Sets the raw stream object which should be the parent of this class. void SetRawStream(AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP* rawStream) { fRawStream = rawStream; } /// Return the number of blocks found in the payload. UInt_t BlockCount() const { return fBlockCount; }; /// Return the i'th block structure. const AliBlockHeader* BlockHeader(UInt_t i) const { return i < fBlockCount ? &fBlocks[i] : NULL; } /// Return the first bus patch decoded. const AliBusPatch* FirstBusPatch() const { return fBusPatches; } /// Returns the marker to the end of bus patches. i.e. one position past the last bus patch. const AliBusPatch* EndOfBusPatch() const { return fEndOfBusPatches; } /// Returns the number of parity errors found in the DDL. UInt_t ParityErrorCount() const { return fParityErrors; } /// Returns the number of glitch errors found in the DDL. UInt_t GlitchErrorCount() const { return fGlitchErrors; } /// Returns the number of padding errors found in the DDL. UInt_t PaddingErrorCount() const { return fPaddingErrors; } /// Returns the number of token lost errors found in the DDL. UInt_t TokenLostCount() const { return fTokenLostErrors; } // The following methods are inherited from AliMUONTrackerDDLDecoderEventHandler: /// New buffer handler. void OnNewBuffer(const void* buffer, UInt_t bufferSize); /// End of buffer handler marks the end of bus patches. void OnEndOfBuffer(const void* /*buffer*/, UInt_t /*bufferSize*/) { fEndOfBusPatches = fCurrentBusPatch+1; } /// New block handler is called by the decoder whenever a new block /// structure is found. We just mark the new block and increment the /// internal counter. void OnNewBlock(const AliMUONBlockHeaderStruct* header, const void* /*data*/); /// New DSP handler is called by the decoder whenever a new DSP /// structure is found. We just mark the DSP and increment the /// appropriate counters. void OnNewDSP(const AliMUONDSPHeaderStruct* header, const void* /*data*/); /// New bus patch handler. /// This is called by the high performance decoder when a new bus patch /// is found within the DDL payload. void OnNewBusPatch(const AliMUONBusPatchHeaderStruct* header, const void* data); /// Raw data word handler. void OnData(UInt_t /*data*/, bool parityError) { assert( fCurrentParityOkFlag < fParityOk + fMaxChannels ); *(++fCurrentParityOkFlag) = Bool_t(not parityError); } /// Error handler. void OnError(ErrorCode error, const void* location); private: // Do not allow copying of this class. /// Not implemented AliDecoderEventHandler(const AliDecoderEventHandler& /*obj*/); /// Not implemented AliDecoderEventHandler& operator = (const AliDecoderEventHandler& /*obj*/); AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP* fRawStream; //!< Pointer to the parent raw stream object. const void* fBufferStart; //!< Pointer to the start of the current DDL payload buffer. UInt_t fBlockCount; //!< Number of blocks filled in fBlocks. AliBlockHeader* fBlocks; //!< Array of blocks. [0..fMaxBlocks-1] AliDspHeader* fDSPs; //!< Array of DSPs. [0..fMaxDsps*fMaxBlocks-1] AliBusPatch* fBusPatches; //!< Array of bus patches. [0..fMaxBusPatches*fMaxDsps*fMaxBlocks-1] AliBusPatch* fEndOfBusPatches; //!< Marks the last bus patch. UInt_t fMaxChannels; //!< Maximum number of elements that can be stored in fParityOk. Bool_t* fParityOk; //!< Array of flags for indicating if the parity is good for a raw data word. AliBlockHeader* fCurrentBlock; //!< Current block in fBlocks. AliDspHeader* fCurrentDSP; //!< Current DSP in fDSPs. AliBusPatch* fCurrentBusPatch; //!< Current bus patch in fBusPatches. Bool_t* fCurrentParityOkFlag; //!< Current parity flag to be set in fParityOk. UInt_t fParityErrors; //!< Number of parity errors found in DDL. UInt_t fGlitchErrors; //!< Number of glitch errors found in DDL. UInt_t fPaddingErrors; //!< Number of padding errors found in DDL. UInt_t fTokenLostErrors; //!< Number of token lost errors found in DDL. UInt_t fMaxBlocks; //!< max number of blocks UInt_t fMaxDsps; //!< max number of dsps per block UInt_t fMaxBusPatches; //!< max number of buspatches per dsp }; AliRawReader* fRawReader; //!< Pointer to the raw reader AliMUONLogger* fLogger; //!< Logger object to store error messages. EDetailLevel fDetailLevel; //!< The logging detail level used in the error messages generated in OnError. Bool_t fEnableMUONErrorLogger; //!< whether or not we log errors to AliMUONLogger Bool_t fEnableRawReaderErrorLogger; //!< whether or not we log errors to the raw reader. Bool_t fWarnings; //!< Flag indicating if we should generate a warning for errors. AliMUONTrackerDDLDecoder fDecoder; //!< The decoder for the DDL payload. Int_t fDDL; //!< The current DDL number being handled. Int_t fBufferSize; //!< This is the buffer size in bytes of fBuffer. UChar_t* fBuffer; //!< This is the buffer in which we store the DDL payload read from AliRawReader. const AliBusPatch* fkCurrentBusPatch; //!< The current bus patch being handled by Next(). const UInt_t* fkCurrentData; //!< The current data word to return by Next(). const UInt_t* fkEndOfData; //!< The last data word in the current bus patch. Bool_t fHadError; //!< Flag indicating if there was a decoding error or not. Bool_t fDone; //!< Flag indicating if the iteration is done or not. mutable AliMUONDDLTracker* fDDLObject; //!< Temporary DDL object used by GetDDLTracker() for caching. UInt_t fTotalNumberOfGlitchErrors; //!< number of glitch errors since First() was called UInt_t fTotalNumberOfParityErrors; //!< number of parity errors since First() was called UInt_t fTotalNumberOfPaddingErrors; //!< number of padding errors since First() was called UInt_t fTotalNumberOfTokenLostErrors; //!< number of token lost errors since First() was called static const Int_t fgkMaxDDL; //!< max number of tracker DDLs ClassDef(AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP, 0) // High performance decoder for reading MUON raw digits from tracking chamber DDL data. }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline const AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliBusPatch* AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::Next() { /// Returns the next batch of decoded channel data. if (fkCurrentBusPatch == NULL) return NULL; do { if (fkCurrentBusPatch != fDecoder.GetHandler().EndOfBusPatch()) return fkCurrentBusPatch++; } while (NextDDL()); return NULL; } inline void AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliDecoderEventHandler::OnNewBlock( const AliMUONBlockHeaderStruct* header, const void* /*data*/ ) { /// New block handler is called by the decoder whenever a new block /// structure is found. We just mark the new block and increment the /// internal counter. assert( header != NULL ); assert( fBlockCount < fMaxBlocks ); // Link the block unless it is the first one. if (fBlockCount > 0) fCurrentBlock->SetNext(fCurrentBlock+1); *(++fCurrentBlock) = AliBlockHeader(fCurrentDSP+1, header); fBlockCount++; } inline void AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliDecoderEventHandler::OnNewDSP( const AliMUONDSPHeaderStruct* header, const void* /*data*/ ) { /// New DSP handler is called by the decoder whenever a new DSP /// structure is found. We just mark the DSP and increment the /// appropriate counters. assert( header != NULL ); assert( fCurrentBlock->GetDspCount() < fMaxDsps ); // Link the DSP unless it is the first one. if (fCurrentBlock->GetDspCount() > 0) fCurrentDSP->SetNext(fCurrentDSP+1); *(++fCurrentDSP) = AliDspHeader(fCurrentBlock, fCurrentBusPatch+1, header); fCurrentBlock->IncDspCount(); } inline void AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliDecoderEventHandler::OnNewBusPatch( const AliMUONBusPatchHeaderStruct* header, const void* data ) { /// New bus patch handler. /// This is called by the high performance decoder when a new bus patch /// is found within the DDL payload. assert( header != NULL ); assert( data != NULL ); assert( fCurrentDSP->GetBusPatchCount() < fMaxBusPatches ); // Link the bus patch unless it is the first one. if (fCurrentDSP->GetBusPatchCount() > 0) fCurrentBusPatch->SetNext(fCurrentBusPatch+1); *(++fCurrentBusPatch) = AliBusPatch( fCurrentDSP, header, reinterpret_cast(data), fCurrentParityOkFlag+1 ); fCurrentDSP->IncBusPatchCount(); } #endif // ALIMUONRAWSTREAMTRACKERHP_H