/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /// \class AliMUONRawWriter /// MUON Raw Data generaton in ALICE-MUON /// Raw data structure could be found in Alice-note. /// /// Implemented non-constant buspatch numbers for tracking /// with correct DDL id (first guess) /// (Ch. Finck, dec 2005) /// /// Digits2Raw: /// Generates raw data for MUON tracker and finally for trigger /// Using real mapping (inverse) for tracker /// For trigger there is no mapping (mapping could be found in AliMUONTriggerCircuit) /// Ch. Finck, July 04 /// Use memcpy instead of assignment elt by elt /// Introducing variable DSP numbers, real manu numbers per buspatch for st12 /// Implemented scaler event for Trigger /// Ch. Finck, Jan. 06 /// Using bus itr in DDL instead of simple incrementation /// treat correctly the DDL & buspatch for station 3. /// Using informations from AliMUONTriggerCrateStore for /// empty slots and non-notified cards in trigger crates. /// Ch. Finck, August 06. /// Using AliMpDDLStore::GetBusPatchId. /// /// \author Ch. Finck, Feb. 07. #include "AliMUONRawWriter.h" #include "AliMUONBlockHeader.h" #include "AliMUONBusStruct.h" #include "AliMUONConstants.h" #include "AliMUONDarcHeader.h" #include "AliMUONVDigit.h" #include "AliMUONVDigitStore.h" #include "AliMUONDspHeader.h" #include "AliMUONGlobalTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONLocalStruct.h" #include "AliMUONLocalTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONLocalTriggerBoard.h" #include "AliMUONRegionalTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONRegHeader.h" #include "AliMUONVTriggerStore.h" #include "AliCodeTimer.h" #include "AliMpDDLStore.h" #include "AliMpDDL.h" #include "AliMpTriggerCrate.h" #include "AliMpLocalBoard.h" #include "AliMpDetElement.h" #include "AliMpDEManager.h" #include "AliMpExMap.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliMpPlaneType.h" #include "AliMpSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpStationType.h" #include "AliMpVSegmentation.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliBitPacking.h" #include "AliDAQ.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONRawWriter) // Class implementation in ROOT context /// \endcond //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawWriter::AliMUONRawWriter() : TObject(), fBlockHeader(new AliMUONBlockHeader()), fDspHeader(new AliMUONDspHeader()), fDarcHeader(new AliMUONDarcHeader()), fRegHeader(new AliMUONRegHeader()), fLocalStruct(new AliMUONLocalStruct()), fDDLStore(AliMpDDLStore::Instance()), fScalerEvent(kFALSE), fHeader(), fBufferSize((((43*AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels() + 4)*5 + 10)*5 + 8)*2), fBuffer(new Int_t [fBufferSize]) { /// Standard Constructor AliDebug(1,"Standard ctor"); // setting data key to default value (only for writting) fBlockHeader->SetDataKey(fBlockHeader->GetDefaultDataKey()); fDspHeader->SetDataKey(fDspHeader->GetDefaultDataKey()); } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRawWriter::~AliMUONRawWriter(void) { /// Destructor AliDebug(1,"dtor"); delete fBlockHeader; delete fDspHeader; delete fDarcHeader; delete fRegHeader; delete fLocalStruct; delete[] fBuffer; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRawWriter::LocalWordPacking(UInt_t& word, UInt_t locId, UInt_t locDec, UInt_t trigY, UInt_t posY, UInt_t posX, UInt_t sdevX, UInt_t devX) { /// pack local trigger word AliBitPacking::PackWord(locId,word,19,22); //card id number in crate AliBitPacking::PackWord(locDec,word,15,18); AliBitPacking::PackWord(trigY,word,14,14); AliBitPacking::PackWord(posY,word,10,13); AliBitPacking::PackWord(sdevX,word,9,9); AliBitPacking::PackWord(devX,word,5,8); AliBitPacking::PackWord(posX,word,0,4); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONRawWriter::Digits2Raw(AliMUONVDigitStore* digitStore, AliMUONVTriggerStore* triggerStore) { /// convert digits of the current event to raw data AliCodeTimerAuto("") Int_t idDDL; Char_t name[255]; // tracking chambers if ( digitStore ) { AliCodeTimerAuto("for Tracker") AliMpExMap busPatchMap(true); Int_t nDDLs = AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("MUONTRK"); Int_t nofBusPatches(0); for (Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < nDDLs; ++iDDL ) { AliMpDDL* ddl = fDDLStore->GetDDL(iDDL); nofBusPatches += ddl->GetNofBusPatches(); } busPatchMap.SetSize(nofBusPatches); Digits2BusPatchMap(*digitStore,busPatchMap); for (Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < nDDLs; ++iDDL ) { WriteTrackerDDL(busPatchMap,iDDL); } AliDebug(1,"Tracker written"); } if ( triggerStore ) { AliCodeTimerAuto("for Trigger") // trigger chambers AliFstream* file[2]; // open files idDDL = 0;// MUTR strcpy(name,AliDAQ::DdlFileName("MUONTRG",idDDL)); file[0] = new AliFstream(name); idDDL = 1;// MUTR strcpy(name,AliDAQ::DdlFileName("MUONTRG",idDDL)); file[1] = new AliFstream(name); WriteTriggerDDL(*triggerStore,file); // reset and close delete file[0]; delete file[1]; AliDebug(1,"Trigger written"); } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRawWriter::Digits2BusPatchMap(const AliMUONVDigitStore& digitStore, AliMpExMap& busPatchMap) { /// Create bus patch structures corresponding to digits in the store AliCodeTimerAuto("") static const Int_t kMAXADC = (1<<12)-1; // We code the charge on a 12 bits ADC. // DDL event one per half chamber // raw data Char_t parity = 0x4; UShort_t manuId = 0; UChar_t channelId = 0; UShort_t charge = 0; Int_t busPatchId = 0; UInt_t word; TIter next(digitStore.CreateTrackerIterator()); AliMUONVDigit* digit; while ( ( digit = static_cast(next()) ) ) { charge = digit->ADC(); if ( charge > kMAXADC ) { // This is most probably an error in the digitizer (which should insure // the adc is below kMAXADC), so make it a (non-fatal) error indeed. AliError(Form("adc value %d above 0x%x for DE %d . Setting to 0x%x. Digit is:", charge,kMAXADC,digit->DetElemId(),kMAXADC)); StdoutToAliError(digit->Print()); charge = kMAXADC; } // inverse mapping busPatchId = GetBusPatch(*digit); if (busPatchId<0) continue; if ( digit->ManuId() > 0x7FF || digit->ManuChannel() > 0x3F ) { StdoutToAliError(digit->Print();); AliFatal("ManuId,ManuChannel are invalid for the digit above."); } manuId = ( digit->ManuId() & 0x7FF ); // 11 bits channelId = ( digit->ManuChannel() & 0x3F ); // 6 bits //packing word word = 0; AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)manuId,word,18,28); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)channelId,word,12,17); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)charge,word,0,11); // parity word parity = word & 0x1; for (Int_t i = 1; i <= 30; ++i) { parity ^= ((word >> i) & 0x1); } AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)parity,word,31,31); AliMUONBusStruct* busStruct = static_cast(busPatchMap.GetValue(busPatchId)); if (!busStruct) { busStruct = new AliMUONBusStruct; busStruct->SetDataKey(busStruct->GetDefaultDataKey()); busStruct->SetBusPatchId(busPatchId); busStruct->SetLength(0); busPatchMap.Add(busPatchId,busStruct); } // set sub Event busStruct->AddData(word); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRawWriter::WriteTrackerDDL(AliMpExMap& busPatchMap, Int_t iDDL) { /// Write DDL file for one tracker DDL // buffer size (max'ed out) // (((43 manus max per bus patch *64 channels + 4 bus patch words) * 5 bus patch // + 10 dsp words)*5 dsps + 8 block words)*2 blocks AliCodeTimerAuto("") memset(fBuffer,0,fBufferSize*sizeof(Int_t)); AliMpDDL* ddl = fDDLStore->GetDDL(iDDL); Int_t iDspMax = ddl->GetMaxDsp(); Int_t iBusPerDSP[5]; //number of bus patches per DSP ddl->GetBusPerDsp(iBusPerDSP); Int_t busIter = 0; Int_t totalDDLLength = 0; Int_t index = 0; // two blocks A and B per DDL for (Int_t iBlock = 0; iBlock < 2; ++iBlock) { // block header Int_t length = fBlockHeader->GetHeaderLength(); memcpy(&fBuffer[index],fBlockHeader->GetHeader(),length*4); Int_t indexBlk = index; index += length; // 5 DSP's max per block for (Int_t iDsp = 0; iDsp < iDspMax; ++iDsp) { // DSP header Int_t length = fDspHeader->GetHeaderLength(); memcpy(&fBuffer[index],fDspHeader->GetHeader(),length*4); Int_t indexDsp = index; index += length; // 5 buspatches max per DSP for (Int_t i = 0; i < iBusPerDSP[iDsp]; ++i) { Int_t iBusPatch = ddl->GetBusPatchId(busIter++); // iteration over bus patch in DDL if (iBusPatch == -1) { AliWarning(Form("Error in bus itr in DDL %d\n", iDDL)); continue; } AliMUONBusStruct* busStructPtr = static_cast(busPatchMap.GetValue(iBusPatch)); // check if buspatchid has digit if (busStructPtr) { // add bus patch structure header Int_t length = busStructPtr->GetHeaderLength(); memcpy(&fBuffer[index],busStructPtr->GetHeader(),length*4); index += length; // add bus patch data length = busStructPtr->GetLength(); memcpy(&fBuffer[index],busStructPtr->GetData(),length*4); index += length; } else { // writting anyhow buspatch structure (empty ones) fBuffer[index++] = busStructPtr->GetDefaultDataKey(); // fill it also for empty data size fBuffer[index++] = busStructPtr->GetHeaderLength(); // header length fBuffer[index++] = 0; // raw data length fBuffer[index++] = iBusPatch; // bus patch } } // bus patch // check if totalLength even // set padding word in case // Add one word 0xBEEFFACE at the end of DSP structure Int_t totalDspLength = index - indexDsp; if ((totalDspLength % 2) == 1) { fBuffer[indexDsp + fDspHeader->GetHeaderLength() - 2] = 1; fBuffer[index++] = fDspHeader->GetDefaultPaddingWord(); totalDspLength++; } Int_t dspLength = totalDspLength - fDspHeader->GetHeaderLength(); fBuffer[indexDsp+1] = totalDspLength; // dsp total length fBuffer[indexDsp+2] = dspLength; // data length } // dsp Int_t totalBlkLength = index - indexBlk; Int_t blkLength = totalBlkLength - fBlockHeader->GetHeaderLength(); totalDDLLength += totalBlkLength; fBuffer[indexBlk+1] = totalBlkLength; // total block length fBuffer[indexBlk+2] = blkLength; } // block // writting onto disk // total length in bytes // DDL header Int_t headerSize = sizeof(fHeader)/4; fHeader.fSize = (totalDDLLength + headerSize) * 4; AliFstream* file = new AliFstream(AliDAQ::DdlFileName("MUONTRK",iDDL)); file->WriteBuffer((char*)(&fHeader),headerSize*4); file->WriteBuffer((char*)fBuffer,sizeof(int)*index); delete file; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONRawWriter::GetBusPatch(const AliMUONVDigit& digit) const { /// Determine the BusPatch this digit belongs to. return fDDLStore->GetBusPatchId(digit.DetElemId(),digit.ManuId()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONRawWriter::WriteTriggerDDL(const AliMUONVTriggerStore& triggerStore, AliFstream* file[2]) { /// Write trigger DDL AliCodeTimerAuto("") // DDL event one per half chamber // DDL header size Int_t headerSize = sizeof(AliRawDataHeader)/4; // global trigger for trigger pattern AliMUONGlobalTrigger* gloTrg = triggerStore.Global(); if (!gloTrg) { return 0; } Int_t gloTrigResp = gloTrg->GetGlobalResponse(); UInt_t word; Int_t* buffer = 0; Int_t index; Int_t locCard; UChar_t locDec, trigY, posY, posX, regOut; UInt_t regInpLpt; UInt_t regInpHpt; UInt_t devX; UChar_t sdevX; UInt_t version = 1; // software version UInt_t eventPhys = 1; // trigger type: 1 for physics, 0 for software UInt_t serialNb = 0xF; // serial nb of card: all bits on for the moment Int_t globalFlag = 0; // set to 1 if global info present in DDL else set to 0 // size of headers static const Int_t kDarcHeaderLength = fDarcHeader->GetDarcHeaderLength(); static const Int_t kGlobalHeaderLength = fDarcHeader->GetGlobalHeaderLength(); static const Int_t kDarcScalerLength = fDarcHeader->GetDarcScalerLength(); static const Int_t kGlobalScalerLength = fDarcHeader->GetGlobalScalerLength(); static const Int_t kRegHeaderLength = fRegHeader->GetHeaderLength(); static const Int_t kRegScalerLength = fRegHeader->GetScalerLength(); static const Int_t kLocHeaderLength = fLocalStruct->GetLength(); static const Int_t kLocScalerLength = fLocalStruct->GetScalerLength(); // [16(local)*6 words + 6 words]*8(reg) + 8 words = 824 static const Int_t kBufferSize = (16 * (kLocHeaderLength+1) + (kRegHeaderLength+1))* 8 + kDarcHeaderLength + kGlobalHeaderLength + 2; // [16(local)*51 words + 16 words]*8(reg) + 8 + 10 + 8 words scaler event 6682 words static const Int_t kScalerBufferSize = (16 * (kLocHeaderLength + kLocScalerLength +1) + (kRegHeaderLength + kRegScalerLength +1))* 8 + (kDarcHeaderLength + kDarcScalerLength + kGlobalHeaderLength + kGlobalScalerLength + 2); if(fScalerEvent) eventPhys = 0; //set to generate scaler events if(fScalerEvent) buffer = new Int_t [kScalerBufferSize]; else buffer = new Int_t [kBufferSize]; // reset crate // open DDL file, on per 1/2 chamber for ( Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < 2; ++iDDL ) { index = 0; if (iDDL == 0) // suppose global info in DDL one globalFlag = 1; else globalFlag = 0; word = 0; // set darc status word // see AliMUONDarcHeader.h for details AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)eventPhys,word,30,30); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)serialNb,word,20,23); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)globalFlag,word,10,10); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)version,word,12,19); fDarcHeader->SetWord(word); memcpy(&buffer[index], fDarcHeader->GetHeader(), (kDarcHeaderLength)*4); index += kDarcHeaderLength; // no global input for the moment.... if (iDDL == 0) fDarcHeader->SetGlobalOutput(gloTrigResp); else fDarcHeader->SetGlobalOutput(0); if (fScalerEvent) { // 6 DARC scaler words memcpy(&buffer[index], fDarcHeader->GetDarcScalers(),kDarcScalerLength*4); index += kDarcScalerLength; } // end of darc word buffer[index++] = fDarcHeader->GetEndOfDarc(); // 4 words of global board input + Global board output memcpy(&buffer[index], fDarcHeader->GetGlobalInput(), (kGlobalHeaderLength)*4); index += kGlobalHeaderLength; if (fScalerEvent) { // 10 Global scaler words memcpy(fDarcHeader->GetGlobalScalers(), &buffer[index], kGlobalScalerLength*4); index += kGlobalScalerLength; } // end of global word buffer[index++] = fDarcHeader->GetEndOfGlobal(); // 8 regional cards per DDL for (Int_t iReg = 0; iReg < 8; ++iReg) { // crate info AliMpTriggerCrate* crate = AliMpDDLStore::Instance()->GetTriggerCrate(iDDL, iReg); if (!crate) AliWarning(Form("Missing crate number %d in DDL %d\n", iReg, iDDL)); // regional info tree, make sure that no reg card missing AliMUONRegionalTrigger* regTrg = triggerStore.FindRegional(iReg+iDDL*8); // Regional card header word = 0; // set darc status word fRegHeader->SetDarcWord(word); regOut = regTrg->GetOutput(); regInpHpt = regTrg->GetLocalOutput(0); regInpLpt = regTrg->GetLocalOutput(1); // fill darc word, not darc status for the moment (empty) //see AliMUONRegHeader.h for details AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)eventPhys,word,31,31); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)serialNb,word,19,24); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)version,word,7,14); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)iReg,word,15,18); AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)regOut,word,0,7); fRegHeader->SetWord(word); // fill header later, need local response Int_t indexReg = index; index += kRegHeaderLength; // 11 regional scaler word if (fScalerEvent) { memcpy(&buffer[index], fRegHeader->GetScalers(), kRegScalerLength*4); index += kRegScalerLength; } // end of regional word buffer[index++] = fRegHeader->GetEndOfReg(); // 16 local card per regional board // UShort_t localMask = 0x0; for (Int_t iLoc = 0; iLoc < 16; iLoc++) { // slot zero for Regional card Int_t localBoardId = crate->GetLocalBoardId(iLoc); if (localBoardId) { // if not empty slot AliMpLocalBoard* localBoard = AliMpDDLStore::Instance()->GetLocalBoard(localBoardId); if (localBoard->IsNotified()) {// if notified board AliMUONLocalTrigger* locTrg = triggerStore.FindLocal(localBoardId); locCard = locTrg->LoCircuit(); locDec = locTrg->GetLoDecision(); trigY = locTrg->LoTrigY(); posY = locTrg->LoStripY(); posX = locTrg->LoStripX(); devX = locTrg->LoDev(); sdevX = locTrg->LoSdev(); AliDebug(4,Form("loctrg %d, posX %d, posY %d, devX %d\n", locTrg->LoCircuit(),locTrg->LoStripX(),locTrg->LoStripY(),locTrg->LoDev())); //packing word word = 0; LocalWordPacking(word, (UInt_t)iLoc, (UInt_t)locDec, (UInt_t)trigY, (UInt_t)posY, (UInt_t)posX, (UInt_t)sdevX, (UInt_t)devX); buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetX1Pattern() | (locTrg->GetX2Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetX3Pattern() | (locTrg->GetX4Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetY1Pattern() | (locTrg->GetY2Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrg->GetY3Pattern() | (locTrg->GetY4Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (Int_t)word; // data word } // fill copy card X-Y inputs from the notified cards if (localBoard->GetInputXfrom() && localBoard->GetInputYfrom()) { // not triggered locDec = 0; trigY = 1; posY = 15; posX = 0; devX = 0; sdevX = 1; LocalWordPacking(word, (UInt_t)iLoc, (UInt_t)locDec, (UInt_t)trigY, (UInt_t)posY, (UInt_t)posX, (UInt_t)sdevX, (UInt_t)devX); Int_t localFromId = localBoard->GetInputXfrom(); AliMUONLocalTrigger* locTrgfrom = triggerStore.FindLocal(localFromId); buffer[index++] = 0; // copy only X3-4 & Y1-4 buffer[index++] = (locTrgfrom->GetX3Pattern() | (locTrgfrom->GetX4Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrgfrom->GetY1Pattern() | (locTrgfrom->GetY2Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = (locTrgfrom->GetY3Pattern() | (locTrgfrom->GetY4Pattern() << 16)); buffer[index++] = word; } } else { // fill with 10CDEAD word for empty slots for (Int_t i = 0; i < fLocalStruct->GetLength(); i++) buffer[index++] = fLocalStruct->GetDisableWord(); }// condition localBoard // 45 regional scaler word if (fScalerEvent) { memcpy(&buffer[index], fLocalStruct->GetScalers(), kLocScalerLength*4); index += kLocScalerLength; } // end of local structure words buffer[index++] = fLocalStruct->GetEndOfLocal(); } // local card // fill regional header with local output fRegHeader->SetInput(regInpHpt, 0); fRegHeader->SetInput(regInpHpt, 1); memcpy(&buffer[indexReg],fRegHeader->GetHeader(),kRegHeaderLength*4); } // Regional card // writting onto disk // write DDL's fHeader.fSize = (index + headerSize) * 4;// total length in bytes file[iDDL]->WriteBuffer((char*)(&fHeader),headerSize*4); file[iDDL]->WriteBuffer((char*)buffer,sizeof(int)*index); } delete[] buffer; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRawWriter::SetScalersNumbers() { /// set numbers for scaler events for trigger headers /// since this is provided by the experiment /// put dummy numbers to check the monitoring fDarcHeader->SetScalersNumbers(); fRegHeader->SetScalersNumbers(); fLocalStruct->SetScalersNumbers(); fScalerEvent = kTRUE; }