/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //Authors: Mihaela Gheata, Andrei Gheata 09/10/00 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliMUONRecoDisplay // // // // This class subclasses AliDisplay and provides display of // // reconstructed tracks with following functionality : // // - front/top/side/3D display of MUON reconstructed tracks // // as polylines ; // // - context menu activated when the main pad is right-clicked // // The context menu contains following functions : // // * SetDrawHits() - switches on or off Geant hits ; // // * CutMomentum() - displays only tracks within Pmin - Pmax // // * ListTracks() - prints ID and momentum info. for all // // tracks within momentum range Pmin,Pmax ; // // * Highlight() - shows only one selected reco. track // // and its best matching Geant track; // // * UnHighlight() - self explaining; // // * RecoEfficiency() - compute reco. efficiency for all events// // from galice.root file; also fake track percentage; make // // plots for momentum precision // // * XYPlot() - make X-Y plots of reconstructed and // // generated tracks in all chambers // // // // Starting : generate and reconstruct events, then use the // // MUONrecodisplay.C macro // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliDetector.h" #include "AliConfig.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliPoints.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliMUONRecoDisplay.h" #include "AliMUONRecoEvent.h" #include "AliMUONRecoTrack.h" #include "AliMUONHit.h" ClassImp(AliMUONRecoDisplay) //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliMUONRecoDisplay::AliMUONRecoDisplay(Int_t nevent) : AliDisplay(750) { //************ Constructor of the reco. event display********** // get reconstructed event from file fFile = new TFile("tree_reco.root"); if (!fFile) { cout << "File tree_reco.root not found\n"; gApplication->Terminate(0); } fEvReco = 0; fTree = (TTree *) fFile->Get("TreeRecoEvent"); if (!fTree) { cout << "Tree of reconstructed events not found on file. Abort.\n"; gApplication->Terminate(0); } fEvent = nevent; fEmpty = kFALSE; TBranch *branch = fTree->GetBranch("Event"); branch->SetAddress(&fEvReco); fEvGen = new AliMUONRecoEvent(); TFile *galiceFile = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root"); galiceFile->cd(); if (nevent > gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries() - 1) { cout << "Event number out of range !\n"; gApplication->Terminate(0); } gAlice->GetEvent(nevent); fRecoTracks = 0; fGenTracks = 0; fPolyRecoList = 0; fPolyGenList = 0; fHighlited = -1; fMinMomentum = 0; fMaxMomentum = 999; // map this event MapEvent(nevent); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliMUONRecoDisplay::AliMUONRecoDisplay(const AliMUONRecoDisplay& rhs) : AliDisplay(rhs) { // Protected copy constructor Fatal("AliMUONRecoDisplay", "Not implemented."); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliMUONRecoDisplay::~AliMUONRecoDisplay() { // Destructor of display object if (fPolyRecoList) { fPolyRecoList->Delete(); delete fPolyRecoList; } if (fPolyGenList) { fPolyGenList->Delete(); delete fPolyGenList; } delete fEvGen; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliMUONRecoDisplay& AliMUONRecoDisplay::operator=(const AliMUONRecoDisplay& rhs) { // Protected assignement operator if (this == &rhs) return *this; Fatal("operator=", "Not implemented."); return *this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliMUONRecoDisplay::Event(Int_t nevent) { // Go to event nevent fEvent = nevent; for (Int_t entry=0; entryGetEntries(); entry++) { fTree->GetEntry(entry); if (fEvReco->GetNoEvent() == nevent) return kTRUE; } cout << "Event number " << nevent << " empty\n"; fRecoTracks = 0; fPolyRecoList = 0; fGenTracks = 0; fPolyGenList = 0; fHighlited = -1; fMinMomentum = 0; fMaxMomentum = 999; return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::MapEvent(Int_t nevent) { // get generated event (nevent) from galice.root and corresponding // reconstructed event from tree_reco.root; cout << "mapping event " << nevent << endl; fEvent = nevent; fEmpty = kFALSE; fFile->cd(); // check if the event is not empty and make fEvReco to point to it fEmpty = !Event(nevent); // just testing // if (!fEvReco) { // cout << "failed to load reco event ! Correct this.\n"; // gApplication->Terminate(0); // } if (fEmpty) return; fRecoTracks = fEvReco->TracksPtr(); fPolyRecoList = MakePolyLines3D(fRecoTracks); // clear previous event if (fEvGen) fEvGen->Clear(); fEvGen->SetNoEvent(nevent); // get list of particles // connect MUON module AliDetector *pMUON = gAlice->GetDetector("MUON"); if (!pMUON) { cout << "MUON module not present.\n"; gApplication->Terminate(0); } // get the number of generated tracks Int_t ntracks = (Int_t)pMUON->TreeH()->GetEntries(); // Fill the fEvGen object AliMUONRecoTrack *gtrack = 0; AliMUONHit *hit = 0; TParticle *particle; Int_t ch; // loop all tracks for (Int_t track=0; trackFirstHit(track); if (!hit) continue; particle = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(hit->Track()); if (IsReconstructible(track) && TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())==13) { gtrack = fEvGen->AddEmptyTrack(); gtrack->SetSign(TMath::Sign((Int_t)1, -particle->GetPdgCode())); // reset hits for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) gtrack->SetHitPosition(ch,0,0,0); // loop all hits for (AliMUONHit *muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->FirstHit(track); muonHit; muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->NextHit()) { ch = muonHit->Chamber() - 1; if (ch<0 || ch>9) continue; gtrack->SetHitPosition(ch, muonHit->X(), muonHit->Y(), muonHit->Z()); gtrack->SetMomReconstr(particle->Px(), particle->Py(), particle->Pz()); gtrack->SetVertexPos(particle->Vz()); gtrack->SetChi2r(0.0); } } } fGenTracks = fEvGen->TracksPtr(); fPolyGenList = MakePolyLines3D(fGenTracks); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::XYPlot() { // Plot reco. tracks hits in all chambers for current event: // - open blue squares : generated muons that were reconstructed accurate // - open cyan squares : generated muons that were not reconstructed // - filled green circles : reco. tracks (accurate) // - filled red squares : fake tracks if (fEmpty) return; Double_t kMaxRadius[10]; kMaxRadius[0] = kMaxRadius[1] = 91.5; kMaxRadius[2] = kMaxRadius[3] = 122.5; kMaxRadius[4] = kMaxRadius[5] = 158.3; kMaxRadius[6] = kMaxRadius[7] = 260.0; kMaxRadius[8] = kMaxRadius[9] = 260.0; TH2F *xygenFound[10]; TH2F *xygenLost[10]; TH2F *xyrecoGood[10]; TH2F *xyrecoFake[10]; Double_t x,y,r; Int_t matches[500]; Int_t index, ch; TPad *pad = (TPad*)gROOT->GetSelectedPad(); TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("xy", "Reconstruction efficiency"); canvas->Clear(); canvas->cd(); canvas->Divide(3,4); canvas->cd(11); gPad->Delete(); canvas->cd(12); gPad->Delete(); canvas->cd(1); // Define histograms for x-y plots for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) { xygenFound[ch] = new TH2F("xygen_found","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]); xygenLost[ch] = new TH2F("xygen_lost","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]); xyrecoGood[ch] = new TH2F("xyreco_good","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]); xyrecoFake[ch] = new TH2F("xyreco_fake","",50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch],50,-kMaxRadius[ch],kMaxRadius[ch]); } // find list of matching tracks fPrinted = kTRUE; // no need to print for (index=0; indexGetEntriesFast(); index++) { matches[index] = GetBestMatch(index); } // and fill them for (index=0; indexGetEntriesFast(); index++) { // GEANT Bool_t wasreconst = kFALSE; for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { if (matches[i] == index) { wasreconst = kTRUE; break; } } AliMUONRecoTrack *current = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(index); for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) { x = current->GetPosX(ch); y = current->GetPosY(ch); r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x +y*y); if (r >= 10) { if (wasreconst) { xygenFound[ch]->Fill(x,y); } else {xygenLost[ch]->Fill(x,y);} } } } for (index=0; indexGetEntriesFast(); index++) { // reco AliMUONRecoTrack *current = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(index); for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) { x = current->GetPosX(ch); y = current->GetPosY(ch); r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x +y*y); if (r >= 10) { if (matches[index] >= 0) { xyrecoGood[ch]->Fill(x,y); } else {xyrecoFake[ch]->Fill(x,y);} } } } // finally plot them for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) { canvas->cd(ch+1); xygenFound[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); xygenFound[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(4); xygenFound[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.5); xygenFound[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE); xygenFound[ch]->Draw(); xygenLost[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); xygenLost[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(4); xygenLost[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.5); xygenLost[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE); xygenLost[ch]->Draw("SAME"); xyrecoGood[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); xyrecoGood[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(20); xyrecoGood[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.4); xyrecoGood[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE); xyrecoGood[ch]->Draw("SAME"); xyrecoFake[ch]->SetMarkerColor(kRed); xyrecoFake[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(20); xyrecoFake[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.5); xyrecoFake[ch]->SetStats(kFALSE); xyrecoFake[ch]->Draw("SAME"); } canvas->SetTitle("y vs. x for simulated and reconstructed tracks"); pad->cd(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::RecoEfficiency(Int_t first, Int_t last) { // Loop selected reconstructed events, compute efficiency as total number of // reconstructed tracks (accurate) over total number of generated // reconstructible muons. Make histogram for momentum precision and profile // of mean momentum precision versus total momentum (generated) Int_t nevents = (Int_t)gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries(); if (last > nevents) last = nevents - 1; if (first < 0) first = 0; nevents = last - first + 1; Int_t track; Float_t efficiency; Float_t generated=0, found=0, fake=0; // number of generated/found/fake tracks Double_t pgen, preco, dP; // dP=preco-pgen AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack, *gtrack; // generated/reco. current tracks fPrinted = kTRUE; // no need to print Int_t currentEvent = gAlice->GetHeader()->GetEvent(); TH1F *pReso = new TH1F("Momentum precision", "dP = Prec - Pgen", 100, -5.0, 5.0); pReso->SetXTitle("dP [GeV/c]"); pReso->SetYTitle("dN/dP"); TProfile *dPp = new TProfile("", "dP vs. P", 50, 0, 100, 0, 5); dPp->SetXTitle("P [GeV/c]"); dPp->SetYTitle(" [GeV/c]"); TPad *pad = (TPad*)gROOT->GetSelectedPad(); TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("c", "Reconstruction efficiency"); canvas->Divide(1,2); canvas->cd(1); // loop events for (Int_t event=first; event<=last; event++) { // get the reco. & gen. events TFile *galiceFile = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root"); galiceFile->cd(); gAlice->GetEvent(event); MapEvent(event); if (fEmpty) { // skip empty events fEmpty = kFALSE; continue; } generated += fGenTracks->GetEntriesFast(); // loop reco. tracks for (track=0; trackGetEntriesFast(); track++) { rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(track); preco = rtrack->P(); // find correspondent generated track Int_t ind = GetBestMatch(track); if (ind >=0) { gtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(ind); pgen = gtrack->P(); found += 1; dP = preco - pgen; pReso->Fill(dP); dPp->Fill(pgen, TMath::Abs(dP)); } else { fake += 1; } } } efficiency = found/generated; cout << "=================================================================\n"; cout << "|| Reconstruction efficiency and momentum precision ||\n"; cout << "=================================================================\n"; cout << "Number of events processed " << nevents << endl; cout << "Total number of reconstructible muons : " << (Int_t)generated << endl; cout << "RECONSTRUCTION EFFICIENCY : " << efficiency*100 << " %" << endl; cout << "Fake track rate : " << 100*fake/generated << " %" << endl; cout << "Momentum precision fit : \n" << endl; pReso->Fit("gaus"); cout << "=================================================================\n"; canvas->cd(1); pReso->Draw(); canvas->cd(2); dPp->Draw("HIST"); pad->cd(); ShowNextEvent(currentEvent-last); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::ShowNextEvent(Int_t delta) { // overwritten from AliDisplay in order to get also mapping of next event TFile *galiceFile = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root"); galiceFile->cd(); if (delta) { gAlice->Clear(); Int_t currentEvent = gAlice->GetHeader()->GetEvent(); Int_t newEvent = currentEvent + delta; if (newEvent<0 || newEvent>(gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries() - 1)) return; Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(newEvent); cout << "Event : " << newEvent << " with " << nparticles << " particles\n"; /******************************************************************/ AliConfig* config = AliConfig::Instance(); TFolder* topfold = (TFolder*)config->GetTopFolder(); if (topfold == 0x0) { Error("Exec","Can not get Alice top folder"); return; } TString fmdfoldname(config->GetDataFolderName()+"/"+"MUON"); TFolder* fmdfold = (TFolder*)topfold->FindObject(fmdfoldname); if (fmdfold == 0x0) { Error("Exec","Can not get MUON folder"); return; } TTree* treeH = dynamic_cast(fmdfold->FindObject("TreeH")); if (treeH == 0x0) { Error("Exec","Can not get TreeH"); return; } /******************************************************************/ MapEvent(newEvent); fHighlited = -1; } LoadPoints(); fPad->cd(); Draw(); if (gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("xy")) XYPlot(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliMUONRecoDisplay::IsReconstructible(Int_t track) const { // true if at least three hits in first 2 stations, 3 in last 2 stations // and one in station 3 if (fEmpty) return kFALSE; AliDetector *pMUON = gAlice->GetDetector("MUON"); Bool_t chHit[10]; Int_t ch; for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) chHit[ch] = kFALSE; //loop hits for (AliMUONHit *muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->FirstHit(track); muonHit; muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)pMUON->NextHit()) { ch = muonHit->Chamber() - 1; if (ch<0 || ch>9) continue; chHit[ch] = kTRUE; } Int_t nhits = 0; for (ch=0; ch<4; ch++) nhits += (chHit[ch])?1:0; if (nhits < 3) return kFALSE; nhits = 0; for (ch=4; ch<6; ch++) nhits+= (chHit[ch])?1:0; if (nhits < 1) return kFALSE; for (ch=7; ch<10; ch++) nhits+= (chHit[ch])?1:0; if (nhits < 3) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::DrawView(Float_t theta, Float_t phi, Float_t psi) { // ovewritten from base class to change the range for MUON gPad->SetCursor(kWatch); gPad->SetFillColor(1); gPad->Clear(); Int_t iret; TView *view = new TView(1); Float_t range = fRrange*fRangeSlider->GetMaximum(); view->SetRange(-range, -range, 0, range, range, 5*range); fZoomX0[0] = -1; fZoomY0[0] = -1; fZoomX1[0] = 1; fZoomY1[0] = 1; // Display Alice geometry gAlice->GetGeometry()->Draw("same"); //Loop on all detectors to add their products to the pad DrawHits(); // add itself to the list (last) AppendPad(); view->SetView(phi, theta, psi, iret); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::SetDrawHits(Bool_t hits) { // Turns on/off Geant hits drawing fDrawHits = hits; DrawView(0,-90); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::CutMomentum(Double_t min, Double_t max) { // Define momentum cut for displayed reconstructed tracks fMinMomentum = min; fMaxMomentum = max; if (fHighlited >= 0) UnHighlight(); DrawView(0,-90); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliMUONRecoDisplay::GetBestMatch(Int_t indr, Float_t tolerance) { // Find the index of best Geant track matching a reconstructed track : track // with maximum number of compatible hits (within tolerance*sigma bending and // non-bending resolution) and minimum number of fake hits; // If no match is found within a given tolerance, the method is called recursively // with increasing tolerance, until tolerance = 10; if (fEmpty) return -1; if (indr<0 || indr>=fRecoTracks->GetEntriesFast()) return -1; AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(indr); AliMUONRecoTrack *gtrack = 0; Int_t bestMatch = -1; Int_t maxNcompat = 0; Int_t minNfakes = 10; Double_t xrhit,yrhit,radius,xghit,yghit,dX,dY; // loop over all Geant tracks for (Int_t indg=0; indgGetEntriesFast(); indg++) { gtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(indg); if (!gtrack) continue; Int_t ncompat = 0; // number of compat. hits for this track Int_t nfake = 0; // number of fakes // loop chambers to find compatible hits for (Int_t ch=0; ch<10; ch++) { xrhit = rtrack->GetPosX(ch); yrhit = rtrack->GetPosY(ch); radius = TMath::Sqrt(xrhit*xrhit + yrhit*yrhit); if (radius<10) continue; // skip null hits xghit = gtrack->GetPosX(ch); yghit = gtrack->GetPosY(ch); dX = TMath::Abs(xghit-xrhit); dY = TMath::Abs(yghit-yrhit); if (dX=maxNcompat && nfakeUncheckedAt(indr); Int_t sign = rtrack->GetSign(); cout << "Reconstructed track : " << indr << "(" << sign << ")" << endl; rtrack->TrackInfo(); printf("Best matching Geant track within %i*sgm : %i\n", (Int_t)tolerance, bestMatch); if (bestMatch >=0) { gtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fGenTracks->UncheckedAt(bestMatch); gtrack->TrackInfo(); } cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } fPrinted = kTRUE; return bestMatch; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::Highlight(Int_t track) { // Highlight the specified track if (fEmpty) return; if (fHighlited >=0) UnHighlight(); if (track<0 || track>fPolyRecoList->GetEntries()) return; TPolyLine3D *line = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyRecoList->UncheckedAt(track); line->SetLineColor(kYellow); line->SetLineWidth(1); fHighlited = track; // DrawView(15,-45,135); fPad->cd(); Draw(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::UnHighlight() { // Unhighlight a previous highlighted track if (fHighlited < 0 || fEmpty) return; // nothing to do TPolyLine3D *line = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyRecoList->UncheckedAt(fHighlited); line->SetLineColor(kRed); line->SetLineWidth(1); fHighlited = -1; // DrawView(0,-90); fPad->cd(); Draw(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::DrawHits() { // Draw hits for all ALICE detectors. Overwrites the DrawHits() method of the // base class for reco. track drawing Float_t cutmin, cutmax, etamin, etamax, pmom, smin, smax, eta, theta, r; const Float_t kptcutmax = 2; const Float_t ketacutmax = 1.5; Float_t *pxyz; Int_t ntracks,track; TParticle *particle; TObjArray *points; AliPoints *pm; //Get cut slider smax = fCutSlider->GetMaximum(); smin = fCutSlider->GetMinimum(); cutmin = kptcutmax*smin; if (smax < 0.98) cutmax = kptcutmax*smax; else cutmax = 100000; //Get eta slider smax = fEtaSlider->GetMaximum(); smin = fEtaSlider->GetMinimum(); etamin = ketacutmax*(2*smin-1); etamax = ketacutmax*(2*smax-1); if (smin < 0.02) etamin = -1000; if (smax > 0.98) etamax = 1000; TIter next(gAlice->Modules()); AliModule *module; fHitsCuts = 0; if (fDrawHits) { // draw hits in all modules while((module = (AliModule*)next())) { if (!module->IsActive()) continue; points = module->Points(); if (!points) continue; ntracks = points->GetEntriesFast(); for (track=0;trackUncheckedAt(track); if (!pm) continue; particle = pm->GetParticle(); if (!particle) continue; pmom = particle->P(); if (pmom < cutmin) continue; if (pmom > cutmax) continue; // as a first approximation, take eta of first point pxyz = pm->GetP(); r = TMath::Sqrt(pxyz[0]*pxyz[0] + pxyz[1]*pxyz[1]); theta = TMath::ATan2(r,TMath::Abs(pxyz[2])); if(theta) eta = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5*theta)); else eta = 1e10; if (pxyz[2] < 0) eta = -eta; if (eta < etamin || eta > etamax) continue; pm->Draw(); fHitsCuts += pm->GetN(); } } } // draw reconstructed tracks if (fEmpty) return; TPolyLine3D *line, *gline; Int_t bestMatch; Double_t px,py,pz,p; AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack; if (fHighlited >= 0) { line = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyRecoList->UncheckedAt(fHighlited); line->Draw(); fPrinted = kFALSE; bestMatch = GetBestMatch(fHighlited); if (bestMatch>=0) { gline = (TPolyLine3D*)fPolyGenList->UncheckedAt(bestMatch); gline->SetLineColor(kRed); gline->SetLineWidth(2); gline->SetLineStyle(2); gline->Draw(); } } else { for (track=0; trackGetEntries(); track++) { rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(track); px = rtrack->GetMomReconstr(0); py = rtrack->GetMomReconstr(1); pz = rtrack->GetMomReconstr(2); p = rtrack->P(); if (p>fMinMomentum && pUncheckedAt(track); line->Draw(); } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::ListTracks() { // List momentum information of all reconstructed traccks within fPmin and fPmax // cuts, as well as their best matching Geant tracks if (fEmpty) return; cout << "================================================================\n"; printf("Reconstructed tracks with momentum in range : %g , %g [GeV/c]\n", fMinMomentum, fMaxMomentum); cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; AliMUONRecoTrack *rtrack; Double_t p; Int_t sign; for (Int_t ind=0; indGetEntries(); ind++) { rtrack = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)fRecoTracks->UncheckedAt(ind); p = rtrack->P(); if (p>fMinMomentum && pGetSign(); } } cout << "================================================================\n"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- TClonesArray* AliMUONRecoDisplay::MakePolyLines3D(TClonesArray *tracklist) { // Makes the list of polylines3D corresponding to the list of tracks if (fEmpty) return 0; if (tracklist!=fRecoTracks && tracklist!=fGenTracks) return 0; Bool_t reco = (tracklist==fRecoTracks)?kTRUE:kFALSE; // make sure there is no other list in memory if (reco) { if (fPolyRecoList) { fPolyRecoList->Delete(); delete fPolyRecoList; fPolyRecoList = 0; } } else { if (fPolyGenList) { fPolyGenList->Delete(); delete fPolyGenList; fPolyGenList = 0; } } if (!tracklist->GetEntries()) return 0; AliMUONRecoTrack* track = 0; TClonesArray *polyLines3D = new TClonesArray("TPolyLine3D",1000); TClonesArray &polylist = *polyLines3D; TPolyLine3D *polyline = 0; // loop all tracks for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { track = (AliMUONRecoTrack*)tracklist->UncheckedAt(i); Int_t ch = 0; Double_t x,y,z,r; polyline = new(polylist[i]) TPolyLine3D(2,""); polyline->SetLineColor(kRed); polyline->SetLineWidth(1); polyline->SetNextPoint(0,0,track->GetVertexPos()); // vertex point // loop chambers to fill TPolyLine3D objects for (ch=0; ch<10; ch++) { x = track->GetPosX(ch); y = track->GetPosY(ch); r = TMath::Sqrt(x*x + y*y); if (r < 10) continue; z = track->GetPosZ(ch); polyline->SetNextPoint(x,y,z); } } return polyLines3D; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliMUONRecoDisplay::PolyLineInfo(TClonesArray *line3Dlist) { // Prints information (x, y, z coordinates) for all constructed polylines if (fEmpty) return; if (line3Dlist) { TPolyLine3D *polyline = 0; for(Int_t trackIndex=0; trackIndexGetEntries(); trackIndex++) { polyline = (TPolyLine3D*)line3Dlist->UncheckedAt(trackIndex); polyline->ls(); Float_t *pl = polyline->GetP(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetN() ;i++) { printf(" x[%d]=%g, y[%d]=%g, z[%d]=%g\n",i,pl[3*i],i,pl[3*i+1],i,pl[3*i+2]); } } } }