/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ #include #include "AliMUONRefitter.h" #include "AliMUONGeometryTransformer.h" #include "AliMUONClusterFinderCOG.h" #include "AliMUONClusterFinderMLEM.h" #include "AliMUONClusterFinderSimpleFit.h" #include "AliMUONPreClusterFinder.h" #include "AliMUONPreClusterFinderV2.h" #include "AliMUONPreClusterFinderV3.h" #include "AliMUONSimpleClusterServer.h" #include "AliMUONReconstructor.h" #include "AliMUONTrackReconstructor.h" #include "AliMUONTrackReconstructorK.h" #include "AliMUONRecoParam.h" #include "AliMUONESDInterface.h" #include "AliMUONVClusterStore.h" #include "AliMUONVTrackStore.h" #include "AliMUONTrack.h" #include "AliMUONTracker.h" #include "AliMUONTrackParam.h" #include "AliLog.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \class AliMUONRefitter /// /// This class has been developped to simplify the re-reconstruction of the MUON tracks /// stored into ESD with different recoParams and/or after having re-calibrated the digits. /// It creates new MUON object from ESD objects given as input (through the ESDInterface) then: /// /// - re-clusterize the ESD clusters using the attached ESD pads /// (several new clusters can be reconstructed per ESD cluster) /// - re-fit the ESD tracks using the attached ESD clusters /// - reconstruct the ESD tracks from ESD pads (i.e. re-clusterized the attached clusters) /// /// note: /// - connexion between an ESD cluster and corresponding MUON clusters from re-clustering /// can be made through the detection element ID /// - connexion between an ESD track and the corresponding refitted MUON track /// can be made through their unique ID /// /// \author Philippe Pillot //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONRefitter) /// \endcond //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRefitter::AliMUONRefitter(const AliMUONRecoParam* recoParam) : TObject(), fkRecoParam(recoParam), fkESDInterface(0x0), fGeometryTransformer(0x0), fClusterServer(0x0), fTracker(0x0) { /// Default constructor CreateGeometryTransformer(); CreateClusterServer(*fGeometryTransformer); if (fClusterServer) fTracker = AliMUONTracker::CreateTrackReconstructor(recoParam,fClusterServer); if (!fClusterServer || !fTracker) { AliFatal("refitter initialization failed"); exit(-1); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONRefitter::~AliMUONRefitter() { /// Destructor delete fGeometryTransformer; delete fClusterServer; delete fTracker; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVTrackStore* AliMUONRefitter::ReconstructFromDigits() { /// re-reconstruct all tracks and attached clusters from the digits /// it is the responsability of the user to delete the returned store if (!fkESDInterface) { AliError("the refitter must be connected to an ESDInterface containing the ESD event to reconstruct"); return 0x0; } // prepare new track(s) AliMUONVTrackStore* newTrackStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewTrackStore(); if (!newTrackStore) return 0x0; // loop over tracks and refit them (create new tracks) AliMUONTrack *track; TIter next(fkESDInterface->CreateTrackIterator()); while ((track = static_cast(next()))) { AliMUONTrack *newTrack = RetrackFromDigits(*track); newTrackStore->Add(newTrack); delete newTrack; } return newTrackStore; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVTrackStore* AliMUONRefitter::ReconstructFromClusters() { /// refit all tracks from the attached clusters /// it is the responsability of the user to delete the returned store if (!fkESDInterface) { AliError("the refitter must be connected to an ESDInterface containing the ESD event to reconstruct"); return 0x0; } // prepare new track(s) AliMUONVTrackStore* newTrackStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewTrackStore(); if (!newTrackStore) return 0x0; // loop over tracks and refit them (create new tracks) AliMUONTrack *track; TIter next(fkESDInterface->CreateTrackIterator()); while ((track = static_cast(next()))) { AliMUONTrack* newTrack = newTrackStore->Add(*track); if (!fTracker->RefitTrack(*newTrack)) newTrackStore->Remove(*newTrack); } return newTrackStore; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTrack* AliMUONRefitter::RetrackFromDigits(UInt_t trackId) { /// refit track "trackId" from the digits (i.e. re-clusterized the attached clusters) /// it is the responsability of the user to delete the returned track if (!fkESDInterface) { AliError("the refitter must be connected to an ESDInterface containing the ESD event to reconstruct"); return 0x0; } // get the track to refit AliMUONTrack* track = fkESDInterface->FindTrack(trackId); return track ? RetrackFromDigits(*track) : 0x0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTrack* AliMUONRefitter::RetrackFromClusters(UInt_t trackId) { /// refit track "trackId" form the clusters (i.e. do not re-clusterize) /// it is the responsability of the user to delete the returned track if (!fkESDInterface) { AliError("the refitter must be connected to an ESDInterface containing the ESD event to reconstruct"); return 0x0; } // get the track to refit AliMUONTrack* track = fkESDInterface->FindTrack(trackId); if (!track) return 0x0; // refit the track (create a new one) AliMUONTrack* newTrack = new AliMUONTrack(*track); if (!fTracker->RefitTrack(*newTrack)) { delete newTrack; return 0x0; } return newTrack; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVClusterStore* AliMUONRefitter::ReClusterize(UInt_t trackId, UInt_t clusterId) { /// re-clusterize cluster numbered "clusterId" in track "trackId" /// several new clusters may be reconstructed /// it is the responsability of the user to delete the returned store if (!fkESDInterface) { AliError("the refitter must be connected to an ESDInterface containing the ESD event to reconstruct"); return 0x0; } // get the cluster to re-clusterize AliMUONVCluster* cluster = fkESDInterface->FindCluster(trackId,clusterId); if (!cluster) return 0x0; // check if digits exist if (cluster->GetNDigits() == 0) { AliError(Form("no digit attached to cluster #%d in track %d",clusterId,trackId)); return 0x0; } // create the cluster store AliMUONVClusterStore* clusterStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewClusterStore(); if (!clusterStore) return 0x0; // re-clusterize TIter next(fkESDInterface->CreateDigitIterator(trackId, clusterId)); fClusterServer->UseDigits(next); fClusterServer->Clusterize(cluster->GetChamberId(),*clusterStore,AliMpArea(),fkRecoParam); return clusterStore; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONVClusterStore* AliMUONRefitter::ReClusterize(UInt_t clusterId) { /// re-clusterize cluster "clusterId" /// several new clusters may be reconstructed /// it is the responsability of the user to delete the returned store if (!fkESDInterface) { AliError("the refitter must be connected to an ESDInterface containing the ESD event to reconstruct"); return 0x0; } // get the cluster to re-clusterize AliMUONVCluster* cluster = fkESDInterface->FindCluster(clusterId); if (!cluster) return 0x0; // check if digits exist if (cluster->GetNDigits() == 0) { AliError(Form("no digit attached to cluster %d",clusterId)); return 0x0; } // create the cluster store AliMUONVClusterStore* clusterStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewClusterStore(); if (!clusterStore) return 0x0; // re-clusterize TIter next(fkESDInterface->CreateDigitIteratorInCluster(clusterId)); fClusterServer->UseDigits(next); fClusterServer->Clusterize(cluster->GetChamberId(),*clusterStore,AliMpArea(),fkRecoParam); return clusterStore; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRefitter::CreateGeometryTransformer() { /// Create geometry transformer (local<->global) /// and load geometry data fGeometryTransformer = new AliMUONGeometryTransformer(); fGeometryTransformer->LoadGeometryData(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRefitter::CreateClusterServer(AliMUONGeometryTransformer& transformer) { /// Create cluster server AliMUONVClusterFinder* clusterFinder = AliMUONReconstructor::CreateClusterFinder(fkRecoParam->GetClusteringMode()); fClusterServer = clusterFinder ? new AliMUONSimpleClusterServer(clusterFinder,transformer) : 0x0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTrack* AliMUONRefitter::RetrackFromDigits(const AliMUONTrack& track) { /// refit the given track from the digits (i.e. re-clusterized the attached clusters): /// several new clusters may be reconstructed per initial ESD cluster: /// -> all the combinations of clusters are considered to build the new tracks /// -> return the best track (largest number of clusters or best chi2 in case of equality) // check if digits exist UInt_t trackId = track.GetUniqueID(); if (fkESDInterface->GetNDigits(trackId) == 0) { AliError(Form("no digit attached to track #%d",trackId)); return 0x0; } // prepare new track(s) AliMUONVTrackStore* newTrackStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewTrackStore(); if (!newTrackStore) return 0x0; newTrackStore->Add(track)->Clear("C"); // prepare new cluster store AliMUONVClusterStore* newClusterStore = AliMUONESDInterface::NewClusterStore(); if (!newClusterStore) { delete newTrackStore; return 0x0; } // loop over clusters, re-clusterize and build new tracks AliMUONVCluster* cluster; TIter nextCluster(fkESDInterface->CreateClusterIterator(trackId)); while ((cluster = static_cast(nextCluster()))) { // reset the new cluster store newClusterStore->Clear(); // re-clusterize current cluster TIter nextDigit(fkESDInterface->CreateDigitIterator(trackId, cluster->GetUniqueID())); fClusterServer->UseDigits(nextDigit); Int_t nNewClusters = fClusterServer->Clusterize(cluster->GetChamberId(),*newClusterStore,AliMpArea(),fkRecoParam); // check that re-clusterizing succeeded if (nNewClusters == 0) { AliWarning(Form("refit gave no cluster (chamber %d)",cluster->GetChamberId())); AliInfo("initial ESD cluster:"); cluster->Print("FULL"); continue; } // add the new cluster(s) to the tracks AddClusterToTracks(*newClusterStore, *newTrackStore); } // refit the tracks and pick up the best one AliMUONTrack *currentTrack, *bestTrack = 0x0; Double_t currentChi2, bestChi2 = 1.e10; Int_t currentNCluster, bestNClusters = 0; TIter next(newTrackStore->CreateIterator()); while ((currentTrack = static_cast(next()))) { // set the track parameters at first cluster if any (used as seed in original tracking) AliMUONTrackParam* param = (AliMUONTrackParam*) currentTrack->GetTrackParamAtCluster()->First(); if (param) *param = *((AliMUONTrackParam*) track.GetTrackParamAtCluster()->First()); // refit the track if (!fTracker->RefitTrack(*currentTrack)) break; // find best track (the one with the higher number of cluster or the best chi2 in case of equality) currentNCluster = currentTrack->GetNClusters(); currentChi2 = currentTrack->GetGlobalChi2(); if (currentNCluster > bestNClusters || (currentNCluster == bestNClusters && currentChi2 < bestChi2)) { bestTrack = currentTrack; bestNClusters = currentNCluster; bestChi2 = currentChi2; } } // copy best track and free memory AliMUONTrack* newTrack = bestTrack ? new AliMUONTrack(*bestTrack) : 0x0; delete newClusterStore; delete newTrackStore; return newTrack; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONRefitter::AddClusterToTracks(const AliMUONVClusterStore &clusterStore, AliMUONVTrackStore &trackStore) { /// add clusters to each of the given tracks /// duplicate the tracks if there are several clusters and add one cluster per copy // create new track store if there are more than 1 cluster to add per track Int_t nClusters = clusterStore.GetSize(); if (nClusters < 1) return; AliMUONTrackParam dummyParam; AliMUONTrack *currentTrack, *track; AliMUONVCluster *newCluster; Int_t nTracks = trackStore.GetSize(); Int_t iTrack = 0; Int_t iCluster = 0; // loop over existing tracks to add the cluster(s) TIter nextTrack(trackStore.CreateIterator()); while ((currentTrack = static_cast(nextTrack())) && (iTrack < nTracks)) { iTrack++; // add the new cluster(s) to the tracks // duplicate the tracks if there are several clusters // the loop after loading the last cluster which is added to the current track iCluster = 0; TIter nextCluster(clusterStore.CreateIterator()); while ((newCluster = static_cast(nextCluster())) && (iCluster < nClusters - 1)) { iCluster++; // add a copy of the current track to the store track = trackStore.Add(AliMUONTrack(*currentTrack)); // only set Z parameter to avoid error in AddTrackParamAtCluster() // the rest will be recomputed during refit dummyParam.SetZ(newCluster->GetZ()); // add new cluster to the new track track->AddTrackParamAtCluster(dummyParam, *newCluster, kTRUE); } // only set Z parameter to avoid error in AddTrackParamAtCluster() // the rest will be recomputed during refit dummyParam.SetZ(newCluster->GetZ()); // add new cluster to the current track currentTrack->AddTrackParamAtCluster(dummyParam, *newCluster, kTRUE); } }