/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Segment for reconstruction // in // ALICE // dimuon // spectrometer: // two hits for reconstruction in the two chambers of one station // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliMUON.h" #include "AliMUONChamber.h" #include "AliMUONHitForRec.h" #include "AliMUONSegment.h" #include "AliMUONTrackParam.h" #include "AliRun.h" // for gAlice ClassImp(AliMUONSegment) // Class implementation in ROOT context //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONSegment::AliMUONSegment() { // Default constructor fHitForRecPtr1 = 0; // pointer to HitForRec in first chamber fHitForRecPtr2 = 0; // pointer to HitForRec in second chamber // Bending plane: fBendingCoor = 0.0; // Coordinate in bending plane fBendingSlope = 0.0; // Slope in bending plane // Covariance in bending plane: fBendingCoorReso2 = 0.0; // Covariance(coordinate C1 in first chamber) fBendingSlopeReso2 = 0.0; // Covariance(slope) fBendingCoorSlopeReso2 = 0.0; // Covariance(C1,slope) fBendingImpact = 0.0; // Impact parameter in bending plane // Non Bending plane: fNonBendingCoor = 0.0; // Coordinate in non bending plane fNonBendingSlope = 0.0; // Slope in non bending plane // Covariance in non bending plane: fNonBendingCoorReso2 = 0.0; // Covariance(coordinate C1 in first chamber) fNonBendingSlopeReso2 = 0.0; // Covariance(slope) fNonBendingCoorSlopeReso2 = 0.0; // Covariance(C1,slope) fNonBendingImpact = 0.0; // Impact parameter in non bending plane fInTrack = kFALSE; // TRUE if segment belongs to one track } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONSegment::AliMUONSegment(AliMUONHitForRec* Hit1, AliMUONHitForRec* Hit2) { // Constructor for AliMUONSegment from two HitForRec's, // one, in the first chamber of the station, pointed to by "Hit1", // the other one, in the second chamber of the station, pointed to by "Hit1". // Fills the pointers to both hits, // the slope, the covariance for (coordinate in first chamber, slope), // and the impact parameter at vertex (Z=0), // in bending and non bending planes. // Puts the "fInTrack" flag to "kFALSE". Double_t dz; // pointers to HitForRec's fHitForRecPtr1 = Hit1; fHitForRecPtr2 = Hit2; dz = Hit1->GetZ() - Hit2->GetZ(); // bending plane fBendingCoor = Hit1->GetBendingCoor(); fBendingSlope = (fBendingCoor - Hit2->GetBendingCoor()) / dz; fBendingImpact = fBendingCoor - Hit1->GetZ() * fBendingSlope; fBendingCoorReso2 = Hit1->GetBendingReso2(); fBendingSlopeReso2 = ( Hit1->GetBendingReso2() + Hit2->GetBendingReso2() ) / dz / dz; fBendingCoorSlopeReso2 = Hit1->GetBendingReso2() / dz; // non bending plane fNonBendingCoor = Hit1->GetNonBendingCoor(); fNonBendingSlope = (fNonBendingCoor - Hit2->GetNonBendingCoor()) / dz; fNonBendingImpact = fNonBendingCoor - Hit1->GetZ() * fNonBendingSlope; fNonBendingCoorReso2 = Hit1->GetNonBendingReso2(); fNonBendingSlopeReso2 = ( Hit1->GetNonBendingReso2() + Hit2->GetNonBendingReso2() ) / dz / dz; fNonBendingCoorSlopeReso2 = Hit1->GetNonBendingReso2() / dz; // "fInTrack" flag to "kFALSE" fInTrack = kFALSE; return; } AliMUONSegment::AliMUONSegment (const AliMUONSegment& MUONSegment) { // Dummy copy constructor } AliMUONSegment & AliMUONSegment::operator=(const AliMUONSegment& MUONSegment) { // Dummy assignment operator return *this; } //__________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONSegment::Compare(const TObject* Segment) const { // "Compare" function to sort with increasing absolute value // of the "impact parameter" in bending plane. // Returns -1 (0, +1) if |impact parameter| of current Segment // is smaller than (equal to, larger than) |impact parameter| of Segment if (TMath::Abs(((AliMUONSegment*)this)->fBendingImpact) < TMath::Abs(((AliMUONSegment*)Segment)->fBendingImpact)) return(-1); // continuous parameter, hence no need for testing equal case else return(+1); } //__________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMUONSegment::NormalizedChi2WithSegment(AliMUONSegment* Segment, Double_t Sigma2Cut) { // Calculate the normalized Chi2 between the current Segment (this) // and the Segment pointed to by "Segment", // i.e. the square deviations between the coordinates and the slopes, // in both the bending and the non bending plane, // divided by the variance of the same quantities and by "Sigma2Cut". // Returns 5 if none of the 4 quantities is OK, // something smaller than or equal to 4 otherwise. // Would it be more correct to use a real chi square // including the non diagonal term ???? Double_t chi2, chi2Max, diff, normDiff; chi2 = 0.0; chi2Max = 5.0; // coordinate in bending plane diff = this->fBendingCoor - Segment->fBendingCoor; normDiff = diff * diff / (this->fBendingCoorReso2 + Segment->fBendingCoorReso2) / Sigma2Cut; if (normDiff > 1.0) return chi2Max; chi2 = chi2 + normDiff; // slope in bending plane diff = this->fBendingSlope - Segment->fBendingSlope; normDiff = diff * diff / (this->fBendingSlopeReso2 + Segment->fBendingSlopeReso2) / Sigma2Cut; if (normDiff > 1.0) return chi2Max; chi2 = chi2 + normDiff; // coordinate in non bending plane diff = this->fNonBendingCoor - Segment->fNonBendingCoor; normDiff = diff * diff / (this->fNonBendingCoorReso2 + Segment->fNonBendingCoorReso2) / Sigma2Cut; if (normDiff > 1.0) return chi2Max; chi2 = chi2 + normDiff; // slope in non bending plane diff = this->fNonBendingSlope - Segment->fNonBendingSlope; normDiff = diff * diff / (this->fNonBendingSlopeReso2 + Segment->fNonBendingSlopeReso2) / Sigma2Cut; if (normDiff > 1.0) return chi2Max; chi2 = chi2 + normDiff; return chi2; } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONSegment* AliMUONSegment::CreateSegmentFromLinearExtrapToStation (Int_t Station, Double_t MCSfactor) { // Extrapolates linearly the current Segment (this) to station (0..) "Station". // Multiple Coulomb scattering calculated from "MCSfactor" // corresponding to one chamber, // with one chamber for the coordinate, two chambers for the angle, // due to the arrangement in stations. // Valid from station(1..) 4 to 5 or vice versa. // Returns the pointer to the created AliMUONSegment object // corresponding to this extrapolation. // The caller has the responsibility to delete this object. AliMUONSegment* extrapSegment = new AliMUONSegment(); // creates empty new segment // dZ from first hit of current Segment to first chamber of station "Station" AliMUON *pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ???? Double_t dZ = (&(pMUON->Chamber(2 * Station)))->Z() - (this->fHitForRecPtr1)->GetZ(); // Data in bending plane // coordinate extrapSegment->fBendingCoor = this->fBendingCoor + this->fBendingSlope * dZ; // slope extrapSegment->fBendingSlope = this->fBendingSlope; // covariance, including multiple Coulomb scattering over dZ due to one chamber extrapSegment->fBendingCoorReso2 = this->fBendingCoorReso2 + (this->fBendingSlopeReso2 + MCSfactor) * dZ * dZ; // missing non diagonal term: "2.0 * this->fBendingCoorSlopeReso2 * dZ" !!!! extrapSegment->fBendingSlopeReso2 = this->fBendingSlopeReso2 + 2.0 * MCSfactor; extrapSegment->fBendingCoorSlopeReso2 = this->fBendingCoorSlopeReso2 + this->fBendingSlopeReso2 * dZ; // missing: contribution from multiple Coulomb scattering !!!! // Data in non bending plane // coordinate extrapSegment->fNonBendingCoor = this->fNonBendingCoor + this->fNonBendingSlope * dZ; // slope extrapSegment->fNonBendingSlope = this->fNonBendingSlope; // covariance, including multiple Coulomb scattering over dZ due to one chamber extrapSegment->fNonBendingCoorReso2 = this->fNonBendingCoorReso2 + (this->fNonBendingSlopeReso2 + MCSfactor) *dZ * dZ; // missing non diagonal term: "2.0 * this->fNonBendingCoorSlopeReso2 * dZ" !!!! extrapSegment->fNonBendingSlopeReso2 = this->fNonBendingSlopeReso2 + 2.0 * MCSfactor; extrapSegment->fNonBendingCoorSlopeReso2 = this->fNonBendingCoorSlopeReso2 + this->fNonBendingSlopeReso2 * dZ; // missing: contribution from multiple Coulomb scattering !!!! return extrapSegment; } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONHitForRec* AliMUONSegment::CreateHitForRecFromLinearExtrapToChamber (Int_t Chamber, Double_t MCSfactor) { // Extrapolates linearly the current Segment (this) to chamber(0..) "Chamber". // Multiple Coulomb scattering calculated from "MCSfactor" // corresponding to one chamber. // Valid from station(1..) 4 to 5 or vice versa. // Returns the pointer to the created AliMUONHitForRec object // corresponding to this extrapolation. // The caller has the responsibility to delete this object. AliMUONHitForRec* extrapHitForRec = new AliMUONHitForRec(); // creates empty new HitForRec // dZ from first hit of current Segment to chamber AliMUON *pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ???? Double_t dZ = (&(pMUON->Chamber(Chamber)))->Z() - (this->fHitForRecPtr1)->GetZ(); // Data in bending plane // coordinate extrapHitForRec->SetBendingCoor(this->fBendingCoor + this->fBendingSlope * dZ); // covariance, including multiple Coulomb scattering over dZ due to one chamber extrapHitForRec->SetBendingReso2(this->fBendingCoorReso2 + (this->fBendingSlopeReso2 + MCSfactor) * dZ * dZ); // missing non diagonal term: "2.0 * this->fBendingCoorSlopeReso2 * dZ" !!!! // Data in non bending plane // coordinate extrapHitForRec ->SetNonBendingCoor(this->fNonBendingCoor + this->fNonBendingSlope * dZ); // covariance, including multiple Coulomb scattering over dZ due to one chamber extrapHitForRec-> SetNonBendingReso2(this->fNonBendingCoorReso2 + (this->fNonBendingSlopeReso2 + MCSfactor) * dZ * dZ); // missing non diagonal term: "2.0 * this->fNonBendingCoorSlopeReso2 * dZ" !!!! return extrapHitForRec; } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONSegment::UpdateFromStationTrackParam(AliMUONTrackParam *TrackParam, Double_t MCSfactor, Double_t Dz1, Double_t Dz2, Double_t Dz3, Int_t Station, Double_t InverseMomentum) { // Fill data members with values calculated from the array of track parameters // pointed to by "TrackParam" (index = 0 and 1 for first and second chambers // of the station, respectively). // Multiple Coulomb scattering is taking into account with "MCSfactor" // corresponding to one chamber, // with one chamber for the coordinate, two chambers for the angle, // due to the arrangement in stations. // Resolution coming from: // coordinate in closest station at "Dz1" from current "Station", // slope between closest stations, with "Dz2" interval between them, // interval "Dz3" between chambers of closest station, // extrapolation over "Dz1" from closest station, // "InverseMomentum". // When called, "fBendingCoorReso2" and "fNonBendingCoorReso2" // are assumed to be filled // with the variance on bending and non bending coordinates. // The "road" is parametrized from the old reco_muon.F // with 8 cm between stations. AliMUONTrackParam *param0; // Double_t cReso2, sReso2; // parameters to define the widths of the searching roads in station 0,1,2 // width = p0 + p1/ (momentum)^2 // station number: 0 1 2 // static Double_t p0BendingCoor[3] = { 6.43e-2, 1.64e-2, 0.034 }; // static Double_t p1BendingCoor[3] = { 986., 821., 446. }; // static Double_t p0BendingSlope[3] = { 3.54e-6, 3.63e-6, 3.6e-6 }; // static Double_t p1BendingSlope[3] = { 4.49e-3, 4.8e-3, 0.011 }; // static Double_t p0NonBendingCoor[3] = { 4.66e-2, 4.83e-2, 0.049 }; // static Double_t p1NonBendingCoor[3] = { 1444., 866., 354. }; // static Double_t p0NonBendingSlope[3] = { 6.14e-4, 6.49e-4, 6.85e-4 }; // static Double_t p1NonBendingSlope[3] = { 0., 0., 0. }; static Double_t p0BendingCoor[3] = { 6.43e-2, 6.43e-2, 6.43e-2 }; static Double_t p1BendingCoor[3] = { 986., 986., 986. }; static Double_t p0BendingSlope[3] = { 3.6e-6, 3.6e-6, 3.6e-6 }; static Double_t p1BendingSlope[3] = { 1.1e-2, 1.1e-2, 1.1e-2 }; static Double_t p0NonBendingCoor[3] = { 0.049, 0.049, 0.049 }; static Double_t p1NonBendingCoor[3] = { 1444., 1444., 1444. }; static Double_t p0NonBendingSlope[3] = { 6.8e-4, 6.8e-4, 6.8e-4 }; static Double_t p1NonBendingSlope[3] = { 0., 0., 0. }; param0 = &(TrackParam[0]); // OLD version // // Bending plane // fBendingCoor = param0->GetBendingCoor(); // coordinate // fBendingSlope = param0->GetBendingSlope(); // slope // cReso2 = fBendingCoorReso2; // sReso2 = 2.0 * cReso2 / Dz2 / Dz2; // fBendingCoorReso2 = cReso2 + (sReso2 + MCSfactor) * Dz1 * Dz1; // fBendingSlopeReso2 = sReso2 + 2.0 * MCSfactor; // // Non bending plane // fNonBendingCoor = param0->GetNonBendingCoor(); // coordinate // fNonBendingSlope = param0->GetNonBendingSlope(); // slope // cReso2 = fNonBendingCoorReso2; // sReso2 = 2.0 * cReso2 / Dz2 / Dz2; // fNonBendingCoorReso2 = cReso2 + (sReso2 + MCSfactor) * Dz1 * Dz1; // fNonBendingSlopeReso2 = sReso2 + 2.0 * MCSfactor; // Coordinate and slope // Bending plane fBendingCoor = param0->GetBendingCoor(); // coordinate fBendingSlope = param0->GetBendingSlope(); // slope // Non bending plane fNonBendingCoor = param0->GetNonBendingCoor(); // coordinate fNonBendingSlope = param0->GetNonBendingSlope(); // slope // Resolutions // cReso2 and sReso2 have to be subtracted here from the parametrization // because they are added in the functions "NormalizedChi2WithSegment" // and "NormalizedChi2WithHitForRec" // Bending plane // cReso2 = fBendingCoorReso2; // sReso2 = (2. * cReso2 )/ (Dz3*Dz3) ; fBendingCoorReso2 = p0BendingCoor[Station] + p1BendingCoor[Station]*InverseMomentum*InverseMomentum ; // - cReso2 fBendingSlopeReso2 = p0BendingSlope[Station] + p1BendingSlope[Station]*InverseMomentum*InverseMomentum; // - sReso2; // Non bending plane // cReso2 = fNonBendingCoorReso2; // sReso2 = (2. * cReso2 )/ (Dz3*Dz3) ; fNonBendingCoorReso2 = p0NonBendingCoor[Station] + p1NonBendingCoor[Station]*InverseMomentum*InverseMomentum; // - cReso2; fNonBendingSlopeReso2 = p0NonBendingSlope[Station] + p1NonBendingSlope[Station]*InverseMomentum*InverseMomentum; // - sReso2; return; } // OLD function, with roads automatically calculated instead from being parametrized // kept because it would be a better solution, // if one can really find the right values. // //__________________________________________________________________________ // void AliMUONSegment::UpdateFromStationTrackParam(AliMUONTrackParam *TrackParam, Double_t MCSfactor, Double_t Dz1, Double_t Dz2) // { // // Fill data members with values calculated from the array of track parameters // // pointed to by "TrackParam" (index = 0 and 1 for first and second chambers // // of the station, respectively). // // Multiple Coulomb scattering is taking into account with "MCSfactor" // // corresponding to one chamber, // // with one chamber for the coordinate, two chambers for the angle, // // due to the arrangement in stations. // // Resolution coming from: // // coordinate in closest station at "Dz1", // // slope between closest stations, with "Dz2" interval between them, // // extrapolation over "Dz" from closest station. // // When called, "fBendingCoorReso2" and "fNonBendingCoorReso2" // // are assumed to be filled // // with the variance on bending and non bending coordinates. // AliMUONTrackParam *param0; // Double_t cReso2, sReso2; // param0 = &(TrackParam[0]); // // Bending plane // fBendingCoor = param0->GetBendingCoor(); // coordinate // fBendingSlope = param0->GetBendingSlope(); // slope // cReso2 = fBendingCoorReso2; // sReso2 = 2.0 * cReso2 / Dz2 / Dz2; // fBendingCoorReso2 = cReso2 + (sReso2 + MCSfactor) * Dz1 * Dz1; // fBendingSlopeReso2 = sReso2 + 2.0 * MCSfactor; // // Non bending plane // fNonBendingCoor = param0->GetNonBendingCoor(); // coordinate // fNonBendingSlope = param0->GetNonBendingSlope(); // slope // cReso2 = fNonBendingCoorReso2; // sReso2 = 2.0 * cReso2 / Dz2 / Dz2; // fNonBendingCoorReso2 = cReso2 + (sReso2 + MCSfactor) * Dz1 * Dz1; // fNonBendingSlopeReso2 = sReso2 + 2.0 * MCSfactor; // return; // }