#ifndef ALIMUONSURVEYDETELEM_H #define ALIMUONSURVEYDETELEM_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /// \ingroup geometry /// \class AliMUONSurveyDetElem /// \brief Class for survey of detection elements of the muon spectrometer // // Author: Javier Castillo #include "AliMUONSurveyObj.h" class AliMUONSurveyChamber; class AliMUONSurveyDetElem:public AliMUONSurveyObj { public: AliMUONSurveyDetElem(Int_t lDetElemId); AliMUONSurveyDetElem(Int_t lDetElemId, AliMUONSurveyChamber *lSurveyChamber); virtual Int_t AddStickerTargets(TString stBaseName, Int_t lTargetMax = 9); virtual Int_t AddGButtonTargets(TString btBaseName, Int_t lTargetMax = 9); virtual Int_t AddStickerTargets(TObjArray *pArray, TString stBaseName, Int_t lTargetMax = 9); virtual Int_t AddGButtonTargets(TObjArray *pArray, TString btBaseName, Int_t lTargetMax = 9); virtual ~AliMUONSurveyDetElem(); virtual void SetLocalTransformation(TGeoCombiTrans *localTrf, Bool_t ownerLocalTrf = kFALSE); virtual void PrintLocalTrf(); virtual void PrintAlignTrf(); private: /// Not implemented AliMUONSurveyDetElem(const AliMUONSurveyDetElem& right); // Not implemented AliMUONSurveyDetElem& operator = (const AliMUONSurveyDetElem& right); Int_t fDetElemId; ///< Detection element id AliMUONSurveyChamber *fSurveyChamber; ///< Pointer to mother survey chamber object ClassDef(AliMUONSurveyDetElem, 0) //Class for survey det. elem. of muon spectrometer }; #endif