#ifndef ALIMUONTRACKLIGHT_H #define ALIMUONTRACKLIGHT_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ // Revision of includes 06/09/2006 /// \ingroup evaluation /// \class AliMUONTrackLight /// \brief Compact information for the muon generated tracks /// /// Compact information for the muon generated tracks in the MUON arm /// useful at the last stage of the analysis chain /// provides a link between the reconstructed track and the generated particle /// stores kinematical information at gen. and rec. level and /// the decay history of the muon, allowing the identification of the /// mother process /// /// To be used together with AliMUONPairLight /// /// \author This class was prepared by INFN Cagliari, July 2006 /// (authors: H.Woehri, A.de Falco) // ROOT classes #include "TLorentzVector.h" class AliMUONTrack; class AliESDMuonTrack; class AliStack; class TParticle; class AliMUONVTrackStore; class AliMUONTrackLight : public TObject { public: AliMUONTrackLight(); AliMUONTrackLight(AliESDMuonTrack* muonTrack); AliMUONTrackLight(const AliMUONTrackLight &muonCopy); virtual ~AliMUONTrackLight(); /// Set 4-momentum of the generated particle void SetPGen(TLorentzVector pgen) {fPgen = pgen;} /// Return 4-momentum of the generated particle TLorentzVector GetPGen() const {return fPgen;} /// Set reconstructed 4-momentum void SetPRec(TLorentzVector prec) {fPrec = prec;} /// Return reconstructed 4-momentum TLorentzVector GetPRec() const {return fPrec;} /// Set primary vertex position from the ITS void SetVertex(Double_t *xyz) {for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) fXYZ[i]=xyz[i];} /// Return primary vertex x position from the ITS Double_t GetX() { return fXYZ[0]; } /// Return primary vertex y position from the ITS Double_t GetY() { return fXYZ[1]; } /// Return primary vertex z position from the ITS Double_t GetZ() { return fXYZ[2]; } /// Return primary vertex position from the ITS Double_t* GetVertex() { return fXYZ; } /// Set chi2 / ndf in the MUON track fit void SetChi2(Double_t chi2) {fChi2=chi2;} /// Return chi2 / ndf in the MUON track fit Double_t GetChi2() { return fChi2; } /// Set weight assigned to the muon void SetWeight(Double_t w) {fWeight=w;} /// Return weight assigned to the muon Double_t GetWeight() { return fWeight; } /// Set muon charge void SetCharge(Int_t charge) {fCharge = charge;} /// Return muon charge Int_t GetCharge() const {return fCharge;} /// Return hadronised parents and grandparents Int_t GetParentPDGCode(Int_t index = 0) const { return fParentPDGCode[index]; } /// Return line of Pythia output for hadronised parents & grandparents Int_t GetParentPythiaLine(Int_t index = 0) const { return fParentPythiaLine[index]; } /// Return pdg of the string [0], quarks/gluons [1,2], sometimes proton [3] Int_t GetQuarkPDGCode(Int_t index = 0) const { return fQuarkPDGCode[index]; } /// Return line of Pythia output for string [0] and quarks [1,2], sometimes proton [3] Int_t GetQuarkPythiaLine(Int_t index = 0) const { return fQuarkPythiaLine[index]; } /// Return line of Pythia output for string [0] and quarks [1,2], sometimes proton [3] Int_t GetTrackPythiaLine() const {return fTrackPythiaLine;} /// Return pdg code of the rec. track (in general will be a muon) Int_t GetTrackPDGCode() const {return fTrackPDGCode;} /// Set line of kin. stack where rec. track (in general, the muon) is stored void SetTrackPythiaLine(Int_t trackLine) {fTrackPythiaLine = trackLine;} /// Set pdg code of the rec. track (in general will be a muon) void SetTrackPDGCode(Int_t trackPdg) {fTrackPDGCode = trackPdg;} void FillFromESD(AliESDMuonTrack* muonTrack, Double_t zvert=-9999); void FillFromAliMUONTrack(AliMUONTrack *trackReco,Double_t zvert=-9999); /// Return info if is a muon Bool_t IsAMuon() const { return (TMath::Abs(fTrackPDGCode)==13); } Bool_t IsParentPionOrKaon(Int_t idParent = 0); void SetPxPyPz(Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz); /// Set flag for trigger void SetTriggered(Bool_t isTriggered) { fIsTriggered = isTriggered; } /// Return flag for trigger Bool_t IsTriggered() const { return fIsTriggered; } /// Return acually filled no. of *fragmented* parents Int_t GetNParents() const {return fNParents;} void FillMuonHistory(AliStack *stack, TParticle *part); Bool_t IsB0(Int_t intTest) const;//checks if the provided PDG code corresponds to a neutral B meson Bool_t IsMotherAResonance(Int_t index=0) const; /// Return flag for oscillation Bool_t GetOscillation() const {return fOscillation;} virtual void PrintInfo(const Option_t* opt); //"H" muon's decay history //"K" muon kinematics //"A" all variables Int_t GetParentFlavour(Int_t idParent=0) const; Bool_t IsDiquark(Int_t pdg); protected: static const Int_t fgkNParentsMax = 5; ///< maximum number of parents TLorentzVector fPrec; ///< reconstructed 4-momentum Double_t fXYZ[3]; ///< primary vertex position from the ITS Bool_t fIsTriggered; ///< flag for trigger Int_t fCharge; ///< muon charge Double_t fChi2; ///< chi2 / ndf in the MUON track fit Float_t fCentr; ///< centrality TLorentzVector fPgen; ///< 4-momentum of the generated particle Int_t fTrackPythiaLine; ///< line of kin. stack where rec. track (in general, the muon) is stored Int_t fTrackPDGCode; ///< pdg code of the rec. track (in general will be a muon) Int_t fParentPDGCode[fgkNParentsMax]; ///< hadronised parents and grandparents Int_t fParentPythiaLine[fgkNParentsMax];///< line of Pythia output for hadronised parents & grandparents Int_t fQuarkPDGCode[4]; ///< pdg of the string [0], quarks/gluons [1,2], sometimes proton [3] Int_t fQuarkPythiaLine[4]; ///< line of Pythia output for string [0] and quarks [1,2], sometimes proton [3] Bool_t fOscillation; ///< flag for oscillation Int_t fNParents; ///< acually filled no. of *fragmented* parents Double_t fWeight; ///< weight assigned to the muon /// Set flag for oscillation void SetOscillation(Bool_t oscillation) { fOscillation = oscillation; } /// Set hadronised parents and grandparents void SetParentPDGCode(Int_t index, Int_t pdg) { fParentPDGCode[index] = pdg; } /// Set line of Pythia output for hadronised parents & grandparents void SetParentPythiaLine(Int_t index, Int_t line) { fParentPythiaLine[index] = line; } /// Set pdg of the string [0], quarks/gluons [1,2], sometimes proton [3] void SetQuarkPDGCode(Int_t index, Int_t pdg){ fQuarkPDGCode[index] = pdg; } /// Set line of Pythia output for string [0] and quarks [1,2], sometimes proton [3] void SetQuarkPythiaLine(Int_t index, Int_t line){ fQuarkPythiaLine[index] = line; } void ResetQuarkInfo(); ClassDef(AliMUONTrackLight,1) /// Muon Track for analysis }; #endif