/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \class AliMUONTrackReconstructor /// MUON track reconstructor using the original method /// /// This class contains as data: /// - the parameters for the track reconstruction /// /// It contains as methods, among others: /// - MakeTracks to build the tracks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliMUONTrackReconstructor.h" #include "AliMUONConstants.h" #include "AliMUONHitForRec.h" #include "AliMUONTrack.h" #include "AliMUONTrackParam.h" #include "AliMUONTrackExtrap.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include // Functions to be minimized with Minuit void TrackChi2(Int_t &nParam, Double_t *gradient, Double_t &chi2, Double_t *param, Int_t flag); /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONTrackReconstructor) // Class implementation in ROOT context /// \endcond //************* Parameters for reconstruction const Double_t AliMUONTrackReconstructor::fgkBendingVertexDispersion = 10.; const Double_t AliMUONTrackReconstructor::fgkNonBendingVertexDispersion = 10.; //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTrackReconstructor::AliMUONTrackReconstructor() : AliMUONVTrackReconstructor() { /// Constructor for class AliMUONTrackReconstructor AliInfo("*** Original tracking ***"); } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTrackReconstructor::~AliMUONTrackReconstructor() { /// Destructor } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::MakeTrackCandidates() { /// To make track candidates (assuming linear propagation if the flag fgkMakeTrackCandidatesFast is set to kTRUE): /// Start with segments station(1..) 4 or 5 then follow track in station 5 or 4. /// Good candidates are made of at least three hitForRec's. /// Keep only best candidates or all of them according to the flag fgkTrackAllTracks. TClonesArray *segments; AliMUONTrack *track; Int_t iCandidate = 0; Bool_t hitFound; AliDebug(1,"Enter MakeTrackCandidates"); // Loop over stations(1..) 5 and 4 and make track candidates for (Int_t istat=4; istat>=3; istat--) { // Make segments in the station segments = MakeSegmentsInStation(istat); // Loop over segments for (Int_t iseg=0; isegGetEntriesFast(); iseg++) { AliDebug(1,Form("Making primary candidate(1..) %d",++iCandidate)); // Transform segments to tracks and put them at the end of fRecTracksPtr track = new ((*fRecTracksPtr)[fRecTracksPtr->GetLast()+1]) AliMUONTrack((AliMUONObjectPair*)((*segments)[iseg])); fNRecTracks++; // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 2) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 2)) { cout<GetTrackParamAtHit()->First())->GetCovariances().Print(); } // Look for compatible hitForRec(s) in the other station if (fgkMakeTrackCandidatesFast) hitFound = FollowLinearTrackInStation(*track,7-istat); else hitFound = FollowTrackInStation(*track,7-istat); // Remove track if no hit found if (!hitFound) { fRecTracksPtr->Remove(track); fNRecTracks--; } } // delete the array of segments delete segments; } fRecTracksPtr->Compress(); // this is essential before checking tracks // Keep all different tracks or only the best ones as required if (fgkTrackAllTracks) RemoveIdenticalTracks(); else RemoveDoubleTracks(); AliDebug(1,Form("Number of good candidates = %d",fNRecTracks)); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::FollowTracks() { /// Follow tracks in stations(1..) 3, 2 and 1 AliDebug(1,"Enter FollowTracks"); AliMUONTrack *track, *nextTrack; AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam, *nextTrackParam; Int_t currentNRecTracks; Bool_t hitFound; for (Int_t station = 2; station >= 0; station--) { // Save the actual number of reconstructed track in case of // tracks are added or suppressed during the tracking procedure // !! Do not compress fRecTracksPtr until the end of the loop over tracks !! currentNRecTracks = fNRecTracks; for (Int_t iRecTrack = 0; iRecTrack UncheckedAt(iRecTrack); // Fit the track: // Do not take into account the multiple scattering to speed up the fit // Calculate the track parameter covariance matrix // If "station" is station(1..) 3 then use the vertex to better constrain the fit if (station==2) { SetVertexForFit(*track); track->SetFitWithVertex(kTRUE); } else track->SetFitWithVertex(kFALSE); Fit(*track, kFALSE, kTRUE); // Remove the track if the normalized chi2 is too high if (track->GetNormalizedChi2() > fgkSigmaToCutForTracking * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking) { fRecTracksPtr->Remove(track); fNRecTracks--; continue; } // save parameters from fit into smoothed parameters to complete track afterward if (fgkComplementTracks) { if (station==2) { // save track parameters on stations 4 and 5 // extrapolate track parameters and covariances at each cluster track->UpdateCovTrackParamAtHit(); // save them trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->First(); while (trackParam) { trackParam->SetSmoothParameters(trackParam->GetParameters()); trackParam->SetSmoothCovariances(trackParam->GetCovariances()); trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(trackParam); } } else { // or save track parameters on last station only // save parameters from fit trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->First(); trackParam->SetSmoothParameters(trackParam->GetParameters()); trackParam->SetSmoothCovariances(trackParam->GetCovariances()); // save parameters extrapolated to the second chamber of the same station if it has been hit nextTrackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(trackParam); if (nextTrackParam->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetChamberNumber() < 2*(station+2)) { // reset parameters and covariances nextTrackParam->SetParameters(trackParam->GetParameters()); nextTrackParam->SetZ(trackParam->GetZ()); nextTrackParam->SetCovariances(trackParam->GetCovariances()); // extrapolate them to the z of the corresponding cluster AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZCov(nextTrackParam, nextTrackParam->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetZ()); // save them nextTrackParam->SetSmoothParameters(nextTrackParam->GetParameters()); nextTrackParam->SetSmoothCovariances(nextTrackParam->GetCovariances()); } } } // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 2) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 2)) { cout<GetTrackParamAtHit()->First())->GetCovariances().Print(); } // Look for compatible hitForRec in station(0..) "station" hitFound = FollowTrackInStation(*track,station); // Try to recover track if required if (!hitFound && fgkRecoverTracks) hitFound = RecoverTrack(*track,station); // remove track if no hit found if (!hitFound) { fRecTracksPtr->Remove(track); fNRecTracks--; } } // Compress fRecTracksPtr for the next step fRecTracksPtr->Compress(); // Keep only the best tracks if required if (!fgkTrackAllTracks) RemoveDoubleTracks(); } // Last fit of track candidates with all station // Take into account the multiple scattering and remove bad tracks Int_t trackIndex = -1; track = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->First(); while (track) { trackIndex++; nextTrack = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->After(track); // prepare next track track->SetFitWithVertex(kFALSE); // just to be sure Fit(*track, kTRUE, kTRUE); // Printout for debuging if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 3) { cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..) " << trackIndex << " after final fit" << endl; track->RecursiveDump(); } // Remove the track if the normalized chi2 is too high if (track->GetNormalizedChi2() > fgkSigmaToCutForTracking * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking) { fRecTracksPtr->Remove(track); fNRecTracks--; } // save parameters from fit into smoothed parameters to complete track afterward if (fgkComplementTracks) { // save parameters from fit trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->First(); trackParam->SetSmoothParameters(trackParam->GetParameters()); trackParam->SetSmoothCovariances(trackParam->GetCovariances()); // save parameters extrapolated to the second chamber of the same station if it has been hit nextTrackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(trackParam); if (nextTrackParam->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetChamberNumber() < 2) { // reset parameters and covariances nextTrackParam->SetParameters(trackParam->GetParameters()); nextTrackParam->SetZ(trackParam->GetZ()); nextTrackParam->SetCovariances(trackParam->GetCovariances()); // extrapolate them to the z of the corresponding cluster AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZCov(nextTrackParam, nextTrackParam->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetZ()); // save them nextTrackParam->SetSmoothParameters(nextTrackParam->GetParameters()); nextTrackParam->SetSmoothCovariances(nextTrackParam->GetCovariances()); } } track = nextTrack; } fRecTracksPtr->Compress(); } //__________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMUONTrackReconstructor::FollowTrackInStation(AliMUONTrack &trackCandidate, Int_t nextStation) { /// Follow trackCandidate in station(0..) nextStation and search for compatible HitForRec(s) /// Keep all possibilities or only the best one(s) according to the flag fgkTrackAllTracks: /// kTRUE: duplicate "trackCandidate" if there are several possibilities and add the new tracks at the end of /// fRecTracksPtr to avoid conficts with other track candidates at this current stage of the tracking procedure. /// Remove the obsolete "trackCandidate" at the end. /// kFALSE: add only the best hit(s) to the "trackCandidate". Try to add a couple of hits in priority. AliDebug(1,Form("Enter FollowTrackInStation(1..) %d", nextStation+1)); // Order the chamber according to the propagation direction (tracking starts with chamber 2): // - nextStation == station(1...) 5 => forward propagation // - nextStation < station(1...) 5 => backward propagation Int_t ch1, ch2; if (nextStation==4) { ch1 = 2*nextStation+1; ch2 = 2*nextStation; } else { ch1 = 2*nextStation; ch2 = 2*nextStation+1; } Double_t chi2WithOneHitForRec = 1.e10; Double_t chi2WithTwoHitForRec = 1.e10; Double_t maxChi2WithOneHitForRec = 2. * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking; // 2 because 2 quantities in chi2 Double_t maxChi2WithTwoHitForRec = 4. * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking; // 4 because 4 quantities in chi2 Double_t bestChi2WithOneHitForRec = maxChi2WithOneHitForRec; Double_t bestChi2WithTwoHitForRec = maxChi2WithTwoHitForRec; Bool_t foundOneHit = kFALSE; Bool_t foundTwoHits = kFALSE; AliMUONTrack *newTrack = 0x0; AliMUONHitForRec *hitForRecCh1, *hitForRecCh2; AliMUONTrackParam extrapTrackParam; AliMUONTrackParam extrapTrackParamAtHit1; AliMUONTrackParam extrapTrackParamAtHit2; AliMUONTrackParam bestTrackParamAtHit1; AliMUONTrackParam bestTrackParamAtHit2; Bool_t *hitForRecCh1Used = new Bool_t[fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch1]]; for (Int_t hit1 = 0; hit1 < fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch1]; hit1++) hitForRecCh1Used[hit1] = kFALSE; // Get track parameters AliMUONTrackParam extrapTrackParamAtCh(*(AliMUONTrackParam*)trackCandidate.GetTrackParamAtHit()->First()); // Add MCS effect AliMUONTrackExtrap::AddMCSEffect(&extrapTrackParamAtCh,AliMUONConstants::ChamberThicknessInX0(),1.); // Add MCS in the missing chamber if any (only 1 chamber can be missing according to tracking criteria) if (ch1 < ch2 && extrapTrackParamAtCh.GetHitForRecPtr()->GetChamberNumber() > ch2 + 1) { // extrapolation to the missing chamber AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZCov(&extrapTrackParamAtCh, AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch2 + 1)); // add MCS effect AliMUONTrackExtrap::AddMCSEffect(&extrapTrackParamAtCh,AliMUONConstants::ChamberThicknessInX0(),1.); } //Extrapolate trackCandidate to chamber "ch2" AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZCov(&extrapTrackParamAtCh, AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch2)); // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 2) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 2)) { cout<= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: look for hits in chamber(1..): " << ch2+1 << endl; } // look for candidates in chamber 2 for (Int_t hit2 = 0; hit2 < fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch2]; hit2++) { hitForRecCh2 = (AliMUONHitForRec*) fHitsForRecPtr->UncheckedAt(fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch2]+hit2); // try to add the current hit fast if (!TryOneHitForRecFast(extrapTrackParamAtCh, hitForRecCh2)) continue; // try to add the current hit accuratly chi2WithOneHitForRec = TryOneHitForRec(extrapTrackParamAtCh, hitForRecCh2, extrapTrackParamAtHit2); // if good chi2 then try to attach a hitForRec in the other chamber too if (chi2WithOneHitForRec < maxChi2WithOneHitForRec) { Bool_t foundSecondHit = kFALSE; // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: found one hit in chamber(1..): " << ch2+1 << " (Chi2 = " << chi2WithOneHitForRec << ")" << endl; cout << " look for second hits in chamber(1..): " << ch1+1 << " ..." << endl; } // add MCS effect for next step AliMUONTrackExtrap::AddMCSEffect(&extrapTrackParamAtHit2,AliMUONConstants::ChamberThicknessInX0(),1.); // copy new track parameters for next step extrapTrackParam = extrapTrackParamAtHit2; //Extrapolate track parameters to chamber "ch1" AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(&extrapTrackParam, AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch1)); for (Int_t hit1 = 0; hit1 < fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch1]; hit1++) { hitForRecCh1 = (AliMUONHitForRec*) fHitsForRecPtr->UncheckedAt(fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch1]+hit1); // try to add the current hit fast if (!TryOneHitForRecFast(extrapTrackParam, hitForRecCh1)) continue; // try to add the current hit accuratly chi2WithTwoHitForRec = TryTwoHitForRec(extrapTrackParamAtHit2, hitForRecCh1, extrapTrackParamAtHit1); // if good chi2 then create a new track by adding the 2 hitForRec to the "trackCandidate" if (chi2WithTwoHitForRec < maxChi2WithTwoHitForRec) { foundSecondHit = kTRUE; foundTwoHits = kTRUE; // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: found second hit in chamber(1..): " << ch1+1 << " (Global Chi2 = " << chi2WithTwoHitForRec << ")" << endl; } if (fgkTrackAllTracks) { // copy trackCandidate into a new track put at the end of fRecTracksPtr and add the new hitForRec's newTrack = new ((*fRecTracksPtr)[fRecTracksPtr->GetLast()+1]) AliMUONTrack(trackCandidate); UpdateTrack(*newTrack,extrapTrackParamAtHit1,extrapTrackParamAtHit2); fNRecTracks++; // Tag hitForRecCh1 as used hitForRecCh1Used[hit1] = kTRUE; // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: added two hits in station(1..): " << nextStation+1 << endl; if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 3) newTrack->RecursiveDump(); } } else if (chi2WithTwoHitForRec < bestChi2WithTwoHitForRec) { // keep track of the best couple of hits bestChi2WithTwoHitForRec = chi2WithTwoHitForRec; bestTrackParamAtHit1 = extrapTrackParamAtHit1; bestTrackParamAtHit2 = extrapTrackParamAtHit2; } } } // if no hitForRecCh1 found then consider to add hitForRecCh2 only if (!foundSecondHit) { foundOneHit = kTRUE; if (fgkTrackAllTracks) { // copy trackCandidate into a new track put at the end of fRecTracksPtr and add the new hitForRec's newTrack = new ((*fRecTracksPtr)[fRecTracksPtr->GetLast()+1]) AliMUONTrack(trackCandidate); UpdateTrack(*newTrack,extrapTrackParamAtHit2); fNRecTracks++; // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: added one hit in chamber(1..): " << ch2+1 << endl; if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 3) newTrack->RecursiveDump(); } } else if (!foundTwoHits && chi2WithOneHitForRec < bestChi2WithOneHitForRec) { // keep track of the best single hitForRec except if a couple of hits has already been found bestChi2WithOneHitForRec = chi2WithOneHitForRec; bestTrackParamAtHit1 = extrapTrackParamAtHit2; } } } } // look for candidates in chamber 1 not already attached to a track // if we want to keep all possible tracks or if no good couple of hitForRec has been found if (fgkTrackAllTracks || !foundTwoHits) { // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: look for single hits in chamber(1..): " << ch1+1 << endl; } // add MCS effect for next step AliMUONTrackExtrap::AddMCSEffect(&extrapTrackParamAtCh,AliMUONConstants::ChamberThicknessInX0(),1.); //Extrapolate trackCandidate to chamber "ch1" AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZCov(&extrapTrackParamAtCh, AliMUONConstants::DefaultChamberZ(ch1)); for (Int_t hit1 = 0; hit1 < fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch1]; hit1++) { hitForRecCh1 = (AliMUONHitForRec*) fHitsForRecPtr->UncheckedAt(fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch1]+hit1); if (hitForRecCh1Used[hit1]) continue; // Skip hitForRec already used // try to add the current hit fast if (!TryOneHitForRecFast(extrapTrackParamAtCh, hitForRecCh1)) continue; // try to add the current hit accuratly chi2WithOneHitForRec = TryOneHitForRec(extrapTrackParamAtCh, hitForRecCh1, extrapTrackParamAtHit1); // if good chi2 then consider to add hitForRecCh1 // We do not try to attach a hitForRec in the other chamber too since it has already been done above if (chi2WithOneHitForRec < maxChi2WithOneHitForRec) { foundOneHit = kTRUE; // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: found one hit in chamber(1..): " << ch1+1 << " (Chi2 = " << chi2WithOneHitForRec << ")" << endl; } if (fgkTrackAllTracks) { // copy trackCandidate into a new track put at the end of fRecTracksPtr and add the new hitForRec's newTrack = new ((*fRecTracksPtr)[fRecTracksPtr->GetLast()+1]) AliMUONTrack(trackCandidate); UpdateTrack(*newTrack,extrapTrackParamAtHit1); fNRecTracks++; // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: added one hit in chamber(1..): " << ch1+1 << endl; if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 3) newTrack->RecursiveDump(); } } else if (chi2WithOneHitForRec < bestChi2WithOneHitForRec) { // keep track of the best single hitForRec except if a couple of hits has already been found bestChi2WithOneHitForRec = chi2WithOneHitForRec; bestTrackParamAtHit1 = extrapTrackParamAtHit1; } } } } // fill out the best track if required else clean up the fRecTracksPtr array if (!fgkTrackAllTracks) { if (foundTwoHits) { UpdateTrack(trackCandidate,bestTrackParamAtHit1,bestTrackParamAtHit2); // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: added the two best hits in station(1..): " << nextStation+1 << endl; if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 3) newTrack->RecursiveDump(); } } else if (foundOneHit) { UpdateTrack(trackCandidate,bestTrackParamAtHit1); // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "FollowTrackInStation: added the best hit in chamber(1..): " << bestTrackParamAtHit1.GetHitForRecPtr()->GetChamberNumber()+1 << endl; if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 3) newTrack->RecursiveDump(); } } else { delete [] hitForRecCh1Used; return kFALSE; } } else if (foundOneHit || foundTwoHits) { // remove obsolete track fRecTracksPtr->Remove(&trackCandidate); fNRecTracks--; } else { delete [] hitForRecCh1Used; return kFALSE; } delete [] hitForRecCh1Used; return kTRUE; } //__________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMUONTrackReconstructor::TryTwoHitForRec(const AliMUONTrackParam &trackParamAtHit1, AliMUONHitForRec* hitForRec2, AliMUONTrackParam &trackParamAtHit2) { /// Test the compatibility between the track and the 2 hitForRec together (using trackParam's covariance matrix): /// return the corresponding Chi2 accounting for covariances between the 2 hitForRec /// return trackParamAtHit1 & 2 // extrapolate track parameters at the z position of the second hit trackParamAtHit2.SetParameters(trackParamAtHit1.GetParameters()); trackParamAtHit2.SetZ(trackParamAtHit1.GetZ()); AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(&trackParamAtHit2, hitForRec2->GetZ()); // set pointer to hit2 into trackParamAtHit2 trackParamAtHit2.SetHitForRecPtr(hitForRec2); // Set differences between track and the 2 hitForRec in the bending and non bending directions AliMUONHitForRec* hitForRec1 = trackParamAtHit1.GetHitForRecPtr(); TMatrixD dPos(4,1); dPos(0,0) = hitForRec1->GetNonBendingCoor() - trackParamAtHit1.GetNonBendingCoor(); dPos(1,0) = hitForRec1->GetBendingCoor() - trackParamAtHit1.GetBendingCoor(); dPos(2,0) = hitForRec2->GetNonBendingCoor() - trackParamAtHit2.GetNonBendingCoor(); dPos(3,0) = hitForRec2->GetBendingCoor() - trackParamAtHit2.GetBendingCoor(); // Calculate the error matrix from the track parameter covariances at first hitForRec TMatrixD error(4,4); error.Zero(); if (trackParamAtHit1.CovariancesExist()) { // Save track parameters at first hitForRec AliMUONTrackParam trackParamAtHit1Save(trackParamAtHit1); TMatrixD paramAtHit1Save(trackParamAtHit1Save.GetParameters()); Double_t z1 = trackParamAtHit1Save.GetZ(); // Save track coordinates at second hitForRec Double_t nonBendingCoor2 = trackParamAtHit2.GetNonBendingCoor(); Double_t bendingCoor2 = trackParamAtHit2.GetBendingCoor(); // add MCS effect at first hitForRec AliMUONTrackExtrap::AddMCSEffect(&trackParamAtHit1Save,AliMUONConstants::ChamberThicknessInX0(),1.); // Get the pointer to the parameter covariance matrix at first hitForRec const TMatrixD& kParamCov = trackParamAtHit1Save.GetCovariances(); // Calculate the jacobian related to the transformation between track parameters // at first hitForRec and track coordinates at the 2 hitForRec z-position TMatrixD jacob(4,5); jacob.Zero(); // first derivative at the first hitForRec: jacob(0,0) = 1.; // dx1/dx jacob(1,2) = 1.; // dy1/dy // first derivative at the second hitForRec: TMatrixD dParam(5,1); for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) { // Skip jacobian calculation for parameters with no associated error if (kParamCov(i,i) == 0.) continue; // Small variation of parameter i only for (Int_t j=0; j<5; j++) { if (j==i) { dParam(j,0) = TMath::Sqrt(kParamCov(i,i)); if (j == 4) dParam(j,0) *= TMath::Sign(1.,-paramAtHit1Save(4,0)); // variation always in the same direction } else dParam(j,0) = 0.; } // Set new track parameters at first hitForRec trackParamAtHit1Save.SetParameters(paramAtHit1Save); trackParamAtHit1Save.AddParameters(dParam); trackParamAtHit1Save.SetZ(z1); // Extrapolate new track parameters to the z position of the second hitForRec AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(&trackParamAtHit1Save,hitForRec2->GetZ()); // Calculate the jacobian jacob(2,i) = (trackParamAtHit1Save.GetNonBendingCoor() - nonBendingCoor2) / dParam(i,0); // dx2/dParami jacob(3,i) = (trackParamAtHit1Save.GetBendingCoor() - bendingCoor2 ) / dParam(i,0); // dy2/dParami } // Calculate the error matrix TMatrixD tmp(jacob,TMatrixD::kMult,kParamCov); error = TMatrixD(tmp,TMatrixD::kMultTranspose,jacob); } // Add hitForRec resolution to the error matrix error(0,0) += hitForRec1->GetNonBendingReso2(); error(1,1) += hitForRec1->GetBendingReso2(); error(2,2) += hitForRec2->GetNonBendingReso2(); error(3,3) += hitForRec2->GetBendingReso2(); // invert the error matrix for Chi2 calculation if (error.Determinant() != 0) { error.Invert(); } else { AliWarning(" Determinant error=0"); return 1.e10; } // Compute the Chi2 value TMatrixD tmp2(dPos,TMatrixD::kTransposeMult,error); TMatrixD result(tmp2,TMatrixD::kMult,dPos); return result(0,0); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::UpdateTrack(AliMUONTrack &track, AliMUONTrackParam &trackParamAtHit) { /// Add 1 hit to the track candidate /// Update chi2 of the track // Compute local chi2 AliMUONHitForRec* hit = trackParamAtHit.GetHitForRecPtr(); Double_t deltaX = trackParamAtHit.GetNonBendingCoor() - hit->GetNonBendingCoor(); Double_t deltaY = trackParamAtHit.GetBendingCoor() - hit->GetBendingCoor(); Double_t localChi2 = deltaX*deltaX / hit->GetNonBendingReso2() + deltaY*deltaY / hit->GetBendingReso2(); // Flag hit as being not removable trackParamAtHit.SetRemovable(kFALSE); trackParamAtHit.SetLocalChi2(0.); // --> Local chi2 not used // Update the chi2 of the new track track.SetFitFMin(track.GetFitFMin() + localChi2); // Update TrackParamAtHit track.AddTrackParamAtHit(&trackParamAtHit,trackParamAtHit.GetHitForRecPtr()); track.GetTrackParamAtHit()->Sort(); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::UpdateTrack(AliMUONTrack &track, AliMUONTrackParam &trackParamAtHit1, AliMUONTrackParam &trackParamAtHit2) { /// Add 2 hits to the track candidate /// Update track and local chi2 // Update local chi2 at first hit AliMUONHitForRec* hit1 = trackParamAtHit1.GetHitForRecPtr(); Double_t deltaX = trackParamAtHit1.GetNonBendingCoor() - hit1->GetNonBendingCoor(); Double_t deltaY = trackParamAtHit1.GetBendingCoor() - hit1->GetBendingCoor(); Double_t localChi2AtHit1 = deltaX*deltaX / hit1->GetNonBendingReso2() + deltaY*deltaY / hit1->GetBendingReso2(); trackParamAtHit1.SetLocalChi2(localChi2AtHit1); // Flag first hit as being removable trackParamAtHit1.SetRemovable(kTRUE); // Update local chi2 at second hit AliMUONHitForRec* hit2 = trackParamAtHit2.GetHitForRecPtr(); deltaX = trackParamAtHit2.GetNonBendingCoor() - hit2->GetNonBendingCoor(); deltaY = trackParamAtHit2.GetBendingCoor() - hit2->GetBendingCoor(); Double_t localChi2AtHit2 = deltaX*deltaX / hit2->GetNonBendingReso2() + deltaY*deltaY / hit2->GetBendingReso2(); trackParamAtHit2.SetLocalChi2(localChi2AtHit2); // Flag first hit as being removable trackParamAtHit2.SetRemovable(kTRUE); // Update the chi2 of the new track track.SetFitFMin(track.GetFitFMin() + localChi2AtHit1 + localChi2AtHit2); // Update TrackParamAtHit track.AddTrackParamAtHit(&trackParamAtHit1,trackParamAtHit1.GetHitForRecPtr()); track.AddTrackParamAtHit(&trackParamAtHit2,trackParamAtHit2.GetHitForRecPtr()); track.GetTrackParamAtHit()->Sort(); } //__________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMUONTrackReconstructor::RecoverTrack(AliMUONTrack &trackCandidate, Int_t nextStation) { /// Try to recover the track candidate in the next station /// by removing the worst of the two hits attached in the current station /// Return kTRUE if recovering succeeds AliDebug(1,"Enter RecoverTrack"); // Do not try to recover track until we have attached hit(s) on station(1..) 3 if (nextStation > 1) return kFALSE; Int_t worstHitNumber = -1; Double_t localChi2, worstLocalChi2 = 0.; // Look for the hit to remove for (Int_t hitNumber = 0; hitNumber < 2; hitNumber++) { AliMUONTrackParam *trackParamAtHit = (AliMUONTrackParam*)trackCandidate.GetTrackParamAtHit()->UncheckedAt(hitNumber); // check if current hit is removable if (!trackParamAtHit->IsRemovable()) return kFALSE; // Pick up hit with the worst chi2 localChi2 = trackParamAtHit->GetLocalChi2(); if (localChi2 > worstLocalChi2) { worstLocalChi2 = localChi2; worstHitNumber = hitNumber; } } // Reset best hit as being NOT removable ((AliMUONTrackParam*)trackCandidate.GetTrackParamAtHit()->UncheckedAt((worstHitNumber+1)%2))->SetRemovable(kFALSE); // Remove the worst hit trackCandidate.RemoveTrackParamAtHit((AliMUONTrackParam*)trackCandidate.GetTrackParamAtHit()->UncheckedAt(worstHitNumber)); // Re-fit the track: // Do not take into account the multiple scattering to speed up the fit // Calculate the track parameter covariance matrix trackCandidate.SetFitWithVertex(kFALSE); // To be sure Fit(trackCandidate, kFALSE, kTRUE); // Look for new hit(s) in next station return FollowTrackInStation(trackCandidate,nextStation); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::SetVertexForFit(AliMUONTrack &trackCandidate) { /// Add the vertex as a measured hit to constrain the fit of the "trackCandidate" /// Compute the vertex resolution from natural vertex dispersion and /// multiple scattering effets according to trackCandidate path in absorber /// It is necessary to account for multiple scattering effects here instead of during the fit of /// the "trackCandidate" to do not influence the result by changing track resolution at vertex AliDebug(1,"Enter SetVertexForFit"); Double_t nonBendingReso2 = fgkNonBendingVertexDispersion * fgkNonBendingVertexDispersion; Double_t bendingReso2 = fgkBendingVertexDispersion * fgkBendingVertexDispersion; // add multiple scattering effets AliMUONTrackParam paramAtVertex(*((AliMUONTrackParam*)(trackCandidate.GetTrackParamAtHit()->First()))); paramAtVertex.DeleteCovariances(); // to be sure to account only for multiple scattering AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToVertexUncorrected(¶mAtVertex,0.); const TMatrixD& kParamCov = paramAtVertex.GetCovariances(); nonBendingReso2 += kParamCov(0,0); bendingReso2 += kParamCov(2,2); // Set the vertex AliMUONHitForRec vertex; // Coordinates set to (0.,0.,0.) by default vertex.SetNonBendingReso2(nonBendingReso2); vertex.SetBendingReso2(bendingReso2); trackCandidate.SetVertex(&vertex); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::Fit(AliMUONTrack &track, Bool_t includeMCS, Bool_t calcCov) { /// Fit the track "track" w/wo multiple Coulomb scattering according to "includeMCS". Double_t benC, errorParam, invBenP, nonBenC, x, y; AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam; Double_t arg[1], fedm, errdef, fitFMin; Int_t npari, nparx; Int_t status, covStatus; // Instantiate gMinuit if not already done if (!gMinuit) gMinuit = new TMinuit(6); // Clear MINUIT parameters gMinuit->mncler(); // Give the fitted track to MINUIT gMinuit->SetObjectFit(&track); if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 2) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 2)) { // Define print level arg[0] = 1; gMinuit->mnexcm("SET PRI", arg, 1, status); // Print covariance matrix gMinuit->mnexcm("SHO COV", arg, 0, status); } else { arg[0] = -1; gMinuit->mnexcm("SET PRI", arg, 1, status); } // No warnings gMinuit->mnexcm("SET NOW", arg, 0, status); // Define strategy //arg[0] = 2; //gMinuit->mnexcm("SET STR", arg, 1, status); // set flag w/wo multiple scattering according to "includeMCS" track.SetFitWithMCS(includeMCS); if (includeMCS) { // compute hit weights only once if (!track.ComputeHitWeights()) { AliWarning("cannot take into account the multiple scattering effects"); track.SetFitWithMCS(kFALSE); } } // Set fitting function gMinuit->SetFCN(TrackChi2); // Set fitted parameters (!! The order is very important for the covariance matrix !!) trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) (track.GetTrackParamAtHit()->First()); // could be tried with no limits for the search (min=max=0) ???? // mandatory limits in non Bending to avoid NaN values of parameters gMinuit->mnparm(0, "X", trackParam->GetNonBendingCoor(), 0.03, -500.0, 500.0, status); gMinuit->mnparm(1, "NonBenS", trackParam->GetNonBendingSlope(), 0.001, -0.5, 0.5, status); // mandatory limits in Bending to avoid NaN values of parameters gMinuit->mnparm(2, "Y", trackParam->GetBendingCoor(), 0.10, -500.0, 500.0, status); gMinuit->mnparm(3, "BenS", trackParam->GetBendingSlope(), 0.001, -0.5, 0.5, status); gMinuit->mnparm(4, "InvBenP", trackParam->GetInverseBendingMomentum(), 0.003, -0.4, 0.4, status); // minimization gMinuit->mnexcm("MIGRAD", arg, 0, status); // Calculate the covariance matrix more accurately if required if (calcCov) gMinuit->mnexcm("HESSE", arg, 0, status); // get results into "invBenP", "benC", "nonBenC" ("x", "y") gMinuit->GetParameter(0, x, errorParam); trackParam->SetNonBendingCoor(x); gMinuit->GetParameter(1, nonBenC, errorParam); trackParam->SetNonBendingSlope(nonBenC); gMinuit->GetParameter(2, y, errorParam); trackParam->SetBendingCoor(y); gMinuit->GetParameter(3, benC, errorParam); trackParam->SetBendingSlope(benC); gMinuit->GetParameter(4, invBenP, errorParam); trackParam->SetInverseBendingMomentum(invBenP); // global result of the fit gMinuit->mnstat(fitFMin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, covStatus); track.SetFitFMin(fitFMin); // Get the covariance matrix if required if (calcCov) { // Covariance matrix according to HESSE status // If problem then keep only the diagonal terms (variances) Double_t matrix[5][5]; gMinuit->mnemat(&matrix[0][0],5); if (covStatus == 3) trackParam->SetCovariances(matrix); else trackParam->SetVariances(matrix); } else trackParam->DeleteCovariances(); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void TrackChi2(Int_t & /*nParam*/, Double_t * /*gradient*/, Double_t &chi2, Double_t *param, Int_t /*flag*/) { /// Return the "Chi2" to be minimized with Minuit for track fitting. /// Assumes that the track hits are sorted according to increasing Z. /// Track parameters at each TrackHit are updated accordingly. /// Vertex is used according to the flag "trackBeingFitted->GetFitWithVertex()". /// Multiple Coulomb scattering is taken into account according to the flag "trackBeingFitted->GetFitWithMCS()". AliMUONTrack *trackBeingFitted = (AliMUONTrack*) gMinuit->GetObjectFit(); AliMUONTrackParam* trackParamAtHit = (AliMUONTrackParam*) trackBeingFitted->GetTrackParamAtHit()->First(); Double_t dX, dY; chi2 = 0.; // initialize chi2 // update track parameters trackParamAtHit->SetNonBendingCoor(param[0]); trackParamAtHit->SetNonBendingSlope(param[1]); trackParamAtHit->SetBendingCoor(param[2]); trackParamAtHit->SetBendingSlope(param[3]); trackParamAtHit->SetInverseBendingMomentum(param[4]); trackBeingFitted->UpdateTrackParamAtHit(); // Take the vertex into account in the fit if required if (trackBeingFitted->GetFitWithVertex()) { AliMUONTrackParam paramAtVertex(*trackParamAtHit); AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToZ(¶mAtVertex, 0.); AliMUONHitForRec *vertex = trackBeingFitted->GetVertex(); if (!vertex) { cout<<"Error in TrackChi2: Want to use the vertex in tracking but it has not been created!!"<GetNonBendingCoor() - paramAtVertex.GetNonBendingCoor(); dY = vertex->GetBendingCoor() - paramAtVertex.GetBendingCoor(); chi2 += dX * dX / vertex->GetNonBendingReso2() + dY * dY / vertex->GetBendingReso2(); } // compute chi2 w/wo multiple scattering chi2 += trackBeingFitted->ComputeGlobalChi2(trackBeingFitted->GetFitWithMCS()); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::ComplementTracks() { /// Complete tracks by adding missing clusters (if there is an overlap between /// two detection elements, the track may have two clusters in the same chamber) /// Re-fit track parameters and covariances AliDebug(1,"Enter ComplementTracks"); Int_t chamberId, detElemId; Double_t chi2OfHitForRec, bestChi2OfHitForRec; Bool_t foundOneHit, trackModified; AliMUONHitForRec* hitForRec; AliMUONTrackParam* trackParam, *nextTrackParam; AliMUONTrackParam copyOfTrackParam; AliMUONTrackParam trackParamAtHit; AliMUONTrackParam bestTrackParamAtHit; // Remove double track to complete only "good" tracks RemoveDoubleTracks(); AliMUONTrack *track = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->First(); while (track) { trackModified = kFALSE; trackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*)track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->First(); while (trackParam) { foundOneHit = kFALSE; bestChi2OfHitForRec = 2. * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking * fgkSigmaToCutForTracking; // 2 because 2 quantities in chi2 // prepare nextTrackParam before adding new cluster because of the sorting nextTrackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*)track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(trackParam); chamberId = trackParam->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetChamberNumber(); detElemId = trackParam->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetDetElemId(); // recover track parameters from local fit and put them into a copy of trackParam copyOfTrackParam.SetZ(trackParam->GetZ()); copyOfTrackParam.SetParameters(trackParam->GetSmoothParameters()); copyOfTrackParam.SetCovariances(trackParam->GetSmoothCovariances()); // look for one second candidate in the same chamber for (Int_t hit = 0; hit < fNHitsForRecPerChamber[chamberId]; hit++) { hitForRec = (AliMUONHitForRec*) fHitsForRecPtr->UncheckedAt(fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[chamberId]+hit); // look for a cluster in another detection element if (hitForRec->GetDetElemId() == detElemId) continue; // try to add the current hit fast if (!TryOneHitForRecFast(copyOfTrackParam, hitForRec)) continue; // try to add the current hit accurately chi2OfHitForRec = TryOneHitForRec(copyOfTrackParam, hitForRec, trackParamAtHit); // if better chi2 then prepare to add this cluster to the track if (chi2OfHitForRec < bestChi2OfHitForRec) { bestChi2OfHitForRec = chi2OfHitForRec; bestTrackParamAtHit = trackParamAtHit; foundOneHit = kTRUE; } } // add new cluster if any if (foundOneHit) { UpdateTrack(*track,bestTrackParamAtHit); bestTrackParamAtHit.SetAloneInChamber(kFALSE); trackParam->SetAloneInChamber(kFALSE); trackModified = kTRUE; } trackParam = nextTrackParam; } // re-fit track parameters if needed if (trackModified) Fit(*track, kTRUE, kTRUE); track = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->After(track); } } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::ImproveTracks() { /// Improve tracks by removing clusters with local chi2 highter than the defined cut /// Recompute track parameters and covariances at the remaining clusters AliDebug(1,"Enter ImproveTracks"); Double_t localChi2, worstLocalChi2; Int_t worstChamber, previousChamber; AliMUONTrack *track, *nextTrack; AliMUONTrackParam *trackParamAtHit, *worstTrackParamAtHit, *previousTrackParam, *nextTrackParam; // Remove double track to improve only "good" tracks RemoveDoubleTracks(); track = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->First(); while (track) { // prepare next track in case the actual track is suppressed nextTrack = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->After(track); while (!track->IsImproved()) { // Update track parameters and covariances track->UpdateCovTrackParamAtHit(); // Compute local chi2 of each hits track->ComputeLocalChi2(kTRUE); // Look for the hit to remove worstTrackParamAtHit = NULL; worstLocalChi2 = 0.; trackParamAtHit = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->First(); while (trackParamAtHit) { // Pick up hit with the worst chi2 localChi2 = trackParamAtHit->GetLocalChi2(); if (localChi2 > worstLocalChi2) { worstLocalChi2 = localChi2; worstTrackParamAtHit = trackParamAtHit; } trackParamAtHit = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(trackParamAtHit); } // Check if bad hit found if (!worstTrackParamAtHit) { track->SetImproved(kTRUE); break; } // Check whether the worst chi2 is under requirement or not if (worstLocalChi2 < 2. * fgkSigmaToCutForImprovement * fgkSigmaToCutForImprovement) { // 2 because 2 quantities in chi2 track->SetImproved(kTRUE); break; } // if the worst hit is not removable then remove the entire track if (!worstTrackParamAtHit->IsRemovable() && worstTrackParamAtHit->IsAloneInChamber()) { fRecTracksPtr->Remove(track); fNRecTracks--; break; } // Reset the second hit in the same station as being not removable // or reset the second hit in the same chamber as being alone worstChamber = worstTrackParamAtHit->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetChamberNumber(); previousTrackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->Before(worstTrackParamAtHit); nextTrackParam = (AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(worstTrackParamAtHit); if (worstTrackParamAtHit->IsAloneInChamber()) { // Worst hit removable and alone in chamber if (worstChamber%2 == 0) { // Modify flags in next chamber nextTrackParam->SetRemovable(kFALSE); if (!nextTrackParam->IsAloneInChamber()) // Make sure both hits in second chamber are not removable anymore ((AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(nextTrackParam))->SetRemovable(kFALSE); } else { // Modify flags in previous chamber previousTrackParam->SetRemovable(kFALSE); if (!previousTrackParam->IsAloneInChamber()) // Make sure both hits in second chamber are not removable anymore ((AliMUONTrackParam*) track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->Before(previousTrackParam))->SetRemovable(kFALSE); } } else { // Worst hit not alone in its chamber if (previousTrackParam) previousChamber = previousTrackParam->GetHitForRecPtr()->GetChamberNumber(); else previousChamber = -1; if (previousChamber == worstChamber) { // the second hit on the same chamber is the previous one previousTrackParam->SetAloneInChamber(kTRUE); // transfert the removability to the second hit if (worstTrackParamAtHit->IsRemovable()) previousTrackParam->SetRemovable(kTRUE); } else { // the second hit on the same chamber is the next one nextTrackParam->SetAloneInChamber(kTRUE); // transfert the removability to the second hit if (worstTrackParamAtHit->IsRemovable()) nextTrackParam->SetRemovable(kTRUE); } } // Remove the worst hit track->RemoveTrackParamAtHit(worstTrackParamAtHit); // Re-fit the track: // Take into account the multiple scattering // Calculate the track parameter covariance matrix Fit(*track, kTRUE, kTRUE); // Printout for debuging if ((AliLog::GetDebugLevel("MUON","AliMUONTrackReconstructor") >= 1) || (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel() >= 1)) { cout << "ImproveTracks: track " << fRecTracksPtr->IndexOf(track)+1 << " improved " << endl; } } track = nextTrack; } // compress the array in case of some tracks have been removed fRecTracksPtr->Compress(); } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONTrackReconstructor::Finalize() { /// Fill AliMUONTrack's fHitForRecAtHit array /// Recompute track parameters and covariances at each attached cluster from those at the first one AliMUONTrack *track; AliMUONTrackParam *trackParamAtHit; track = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->First(); while (track) { // update track parameters if not already done if (!track->IsImproved()) track->UpdateCovTrackParamAtHit(); trackParamAtHit = (AliMUONTrackParam*) (track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->First()); while (trackParamAtHit) { // update array of track hit track->AddHitForRecAtHit(trackParamAtHit->GetHitForRecPtr()); trackParamAtHit = (AliMUONTrackParam*) (track->GetTrackParamAtHit()->After(trackParamAtHit)); } track = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->After(track); } }