/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ #include #include "AliMUONTrackerIO.h" /// \class AliMUONTrackerIO /// /// Reader class for ASCII calibration files for MUON tracker : /// converts those ASCII files into AliMUONVStore (suitable to e.g. feed /// the OCDB). /// /// \author Laurent Aphecetche, Subatech /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONTrackerIO) /// \endcond #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMUONCalibParamNF.h" #include "AliMUONVStore.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliMpDDLStore.h" #include #include #include #include #include //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTrackerIO::AliMUONTrackerIO() { /// ctor } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONTrackerIO::~AliMUONTrackerIO() { /// dtor } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONTrackerIO::ReadPedestals(const char* filename, AliMUONVStore& pedStore) { /// Read pedestal file (produced by the MUONTRKda.exe program for instance) /// and append the read values into the given VStore /// To be used when the input is a file (for instance when reading data /// from the OCDB). TString sFilename(gSystem->ExpandPathName(filename)); std::ifstream in(sFilename.Data()); if (!in.good()) { return kCannotOpenFile; } TString datastring; datastring.ReadFile(in); in.close(); return DecodePedestals(datastring,pedStore); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONTrackerIO::DecodePedestals(TString data, AliMUONVStore& pedStore) { /// Read pedestal Data (produced by the MUONTRKda.exe program for instance) /// and append the read values into the given VStore /// To be used when the input is a TString (for instance when getting data /// from AMORE DB). char line[1024]; Int_t busPatchID, manuID, manuChannel; Float_t pedMean, pedSigma; Int_t n(0); istringstream in(data.Data()); while ( in.getline(line,1024) ) { AliDebugClass(3,Form("line=%s",line)); if ( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' ) continue; std::istringstream sin(line); sin >> busPatchID >> manuID >> manuChannel >> pedMean >> pedSigma; Int_t detElemID = AliMpDDLStore::Instance()->GetDEfromBus(busPatchID); AliDebugClass(3,Form("BUSPATCH %3d DETELEMID %4d MANU %3d CH %3d MEAN %7.2f SIGMA %7.2f", busPatchID,detElemID,manuID,manuChannel,pedMean,pedSigma)); AliMUONVCalibParam* ped = static_cast(pedStore.FindObject(detElemID,manuID)); if (!ped) { ped = new AliMUONCalibParamNF(2,AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels(), detElemID,manuID, AliMUONVCalibParam::InvalidFloatValue()); pedStore.Add(ped); } ped->SetValueAsFloat(manuChannel,0,pedMean); ped->SetValueAsFloat(manuChannel,1,pedSigma); ++n; } return n; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONTrackerIO::ReadGains(const char* filename, AliMUONVStore& gainStore, TString& comment) { /// Read gain file (produced by the MUONTRKda.exe program for instance) /// and append the read values into the given VStore /// To be used when the input is a file (for instance when reading data /// from the OCDB). comment = ""; TString sFilename(gSystem->ExpandPathName(filename)); std::ifstream in(sFilename.Data()); if (!in.good()) { return kCannotOpenFile; } TString datastring; ostringstream stream; char line[1024]; while ( in.getline(line,1024) ) stream << line << "\n"; datastring = TString(stream.str().c_str()); in.close(); return DecodeGains(datastring,gainStore,comment); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONTrackerIO::DecodeGains(TString data, AliMUONVStore& gainStore, TString& comment) { /// Read gain file (produced by the MUONTRKda.exe program for instance) /// and append the read values into the given VStore /// To be used when the input is a TString (for instance when getting data /// from AMORE DB). char line[1024]; istringstream in(data.Data()); Int_t busPatchID, manuID, manuChannel; Float_t a0, a1; Int_t thres; UInt_t qual; const Int_t kSaturation(3000); // FIXME: how to get this number ? Int_t n(0); Int_t runNumber(-1); Int_t* runs(0x0); Int_t* dac(0x0); Int_t nDAC(0); Int_t iDAC(0); while ( in.getline(line,1024) ) { if ( strlen(line) < 10 ) continue; if ( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' ) { TString sline(line); if ( sline.Contains("DUMMY") ) { AliDebugClass(1,"Got a dummy file here"); return kDummyFile; } if ( sline.Contains("* Run") ) { TObjArray* a = sline.Tokenize(":"); if ( a->GetLast() >= 1 ) { TString s = static_cast(a->At(1))->String(); runNumber = s.Atoi(); AliDebugClass(1,Form("runNumber is %d",runNumber)); } } if ( sline.Contains("DAC values") ) { nDAC = TString(sline(2,sline.Length()-2)).Atoi(); AliDebugClass(1,Form("# of DAC values = %d",nDAC)); if ( nDAC > 0 ) { if ( nDAC < 100 ) { runs = new Int_t[nDAC]; dac = new Int_t[nDAC]; // skip two lines in.getline(line,1024); in.getline(line,1024); // then get run and dac values for ( Int_t i = 0; i < nDAC; ++i ) { in.getline(line,1024); Int_t a,b; sscanf(line,"// %d %d",&a,&b); runs[iDAC] = a; dac[iDAC] = b; AliDebugClass(1,Form("RUN %d is DAC %d",runs[iDAC],dac[iDAC])); ++iDAC; } } else { AliErrorClass(Form("Something went wrong, as I get too big nDAC = %d",nDAC)); nDAC = 0; return kFormatError; } } } continue; } sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %f %f %d %x",&busPatchID,&manuID,&manuChannel, &a0,&a1,&thres,&qual); AliDebugClass(3,Form("line=%s",line)); Int_t detElemID = AliMpDDLStore::Instance()->GetDEfromBus(busPatchID); AliDebugClass(3,Form("BUSPATCH %3d DETELEMID %4d MANU %3d CH %3d A0 %7.2f " "A1 %e THRES %5d QUAL %x", busPatchID,detElemID,manuID,manuChannel,a0,a1,thres,qual)); if ( qual == 0 ) continue; AliMUONVCalibParam* gain = static_cast(gainStore.FindObject(detElemID,manuID)); if (!gain) { gain = new AliMUONCalibParamNF(5,AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels(),detElemID,manuID,0); gainStore.Add(gain); } gain->SetValueAsFloat(manuChannel,0,a0); gain->SetValueAsFloat(manuChannel,1,a1); gain->SetValueAsInt(manuChannel,2,thres); gain->SetValueAsInt(manuChannel,3,qual); gain->SetValueAsInt(manuChannel,4,kSaturation); ++n; } comment = ""; if ( runNumber > 0 ) { comment = Form("RUN %d",runNumber); } for ( Int_t i = 0; i < nDAC; ++i ) { comment += Form(";(RUN %d = DAC %d)",runs[i],dac[i]); } delete[] runs; delete[] dac; return n; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMUONTrackerIO::ReadCapacitances(const char* file, AliMUONVStore& capaStore) { /// Read capacitance file /// and append the read values into the given VStore ifstream in(gSystem->ExpandPathName(file)); if (in.bad()) return kCannotOpenFile; Int_t ngenerated(0); char line[1024]; Int_t serialNumber(-1); AliMUONVCalibParam* param(0x0); while ( in.getline(line,1024,'\n') ) { if ( isdigit(line[0]) ) { serialNumber = atoi(line); param = static_cast(capaStore.FindObject(serialNumber)); if (param) { AliErrorClass(Form("serialNumber %d appears several times !",serialNumber)); continue; } param = new AliMUONCalibParamNF(2,AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels(),serialNumber,0,1.0); Bool_t ok = capaStore.Add(param); if (!ok) { AliErrorClass(Form("Could not set serialNumber=%d",serialNumber)); continue; } continue; } Int_t channel; Float_t capaValue; Float_t injectionGain; sscanf(line,"%d %f %f",&channel,&capaValue,&injectionGain); AliDebugClass(1,Form("SerialNumber %10d Channel %3d Capa %f injectionGain %f", serialNumber,channel,capaValue,injectionGain)); param->SetValueAsFloat(channel,0,capaValue); param->SetValueAsFloat(channel,1,injectionGain); ++ngenerated; } in.close(); return ngenerated; }