/* Version 2 for MUONTRGda MUON trigger Working version for: reading back raw data Versionning of the Mtg file DA for ELECTRONICS_CALIBRATION_RUN (calib) checking dead channels DA for DETECTOR_CALIBRATION_RUN (ped) checking the noisy channels Interfaced with online database and file exchange server November 2007 Ch. Finck To be done: Writing into the online database (need update of daqDAlib) Looking at scalers outputs */ extern "C" { #include } #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include #include #include //AliRoot #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliMUONRawStreamTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONDarcHeader.h" #include "AliMUONRegHeader.h" #include "AliMUONLocalStruct.h" #include "AliMUONDDLTrigger.h" #include "AliMUONVCalibParam.h" #include "AliMUONVStore.h" #include "AliMUONCalibParamND.h" #include "AliMUON1DArray.h" #include "AliMUONTriggerIO.h" //ROOT #include "TString.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TTimeStamp.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TArrayI.h" #include "TArrayS.h" // global variables const Int_t gkNLocalBoard = AliMpConstants::NofLocalBoards(); TString gCommand("ped"); TString gCurrentFileName("MtgCurrent.dat"); TString gLastCurrentFileName("MtgLastCurrent.dat"); TString gSodName; Int_t gSodFlag = 0; TString gDAName; Int_t gDAFlag = 0; TString gGlobalFileName; TString gRegionalFileName; TString gLocalMaskFileName; TString gLocalLutFileName; TString gSignatureFileName; Int_t gGlobalFileVersion; Int_t gRegionalFileVersion; Int_t gLocalMaskFileVersion; Int_t gLocalLutFileVersion; Int_t gSignatureFileVersion; Int_t gGlobalFileLastVersion; Int_t gRegionalFileLastVersion; Int_t gLocalMaskFileLastVersion; Int_t gLocalLutFileLastVersion; UInt_t gRunNumber = 0; Int_t gNEvents = 0; Int_t gPrintLevel = 0; AliMUONVStore* gLocalMasks = 0x0; AliMUONVStore* gRegionalMasks = 0x0; AliMUONVCalibParam* globalMasks = 0x0; AliMUONTriggerIO gTriggerIO; AliMUONVStore* gPatternStore = new AliMUON1DArray(gkNLocalBoard+9); Char_t gHistoFileName[256]; Float_t gkThreshold = 0.8; //__________________________________________________________________ void UpdateLocalMask(Int_t localBoardId, Int_t connector, Int_t strip) { // update local mask AliMUONVCalibParam* localMask = static_cast(gLocalMasks->FindObject(localBoardId)); UShort_t mask = localMask->ValueAsInt(connector,0); mask ^= (0x1 << strip); // set strip mask to zero localMask->SetValueAsInt(connector,0, mask); } //__________________________________________________________________ void WriteLastCurrentFile(TString currentFile = gLastCurrentFileName) { // write last current file ofstream out; TString file; file = currentFile; out.open(file.Data()); out << gSodName << " " << gSodFlag << endl; out << gDAName << " " << gDAFlag << endl; out << gGlobalFileName << " " << gGlobalFileVersion << endl; out << gRegionalFileName << " " << gRegionalFileVersion << endl; out << gLocalMaskFileName << " " << gLocalMaskFileVersion << endl; out << gLocalLutFileName << " " << gLocalLutFileVersion << endl; out << gSignatureFileName << " " << gSignatureFileVersion << endl; out.close(); } //___________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t ReadCurrentFile(TString currentFile = gCurrentFileName, Bool_t lastCurrentFlag = false) { // read last current file name and version char line[80]; char name[80]; TString file; file = currentFile; std::ifstream in(gSystem->ExpandPathName(file.Data())); if (!in.good()) { printf("Cannot open last current file %s\n",currentFile.Data()); return false; } // read SOD in.getline(line,80); sscanf(line, "%s %d", name, &gSodFlag); gSodName = name; if (gPrintLevel) printf("Sod Flag %d\n", gSodFlag); //read DA in.getline(line,80); sscanf(line, "%s %d", name, &gDAFlag); gDAName = name; if (gPrintLevel) printf("DA Flag: %d\n", gDAFlag); // read global in.getline(line,80); TString tmp(line); Int_t pos = tmp.First(" "); gGlobalFileName = tmp(0, pos); if (!lastCurrentFlag) { gGlobalFileVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Global File Name: %s version: %d\n", gGlobalFileName.Data(), gGlobalFileVersion); } else { gGlobalFileLastVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Global File Name: %s last version: %d\n", gGlobalFileName.Data(), gGlobalFileLastVersion); } // read regional in.getline(line,80); tmp = line; pos = tmp.First(" "); gRegionalFileName = tmp(0, pos); if (!lastCurrentFlag) { gRegionalFileVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Regional File Name: %s version: %d\n", gRegionalFileName.Data(), gRegionalFileVersion); } else { gRegionalFileLastVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Regional File Name: %s last version: %d\n", gRegionalFileName.Data(), gRegionalFileLastVersion); } // read mask in.getline(line,80); tmp = line; pos = tmp.First(" "); gLocalMaskFileName = tmp(0, pos); if (!lastCurrentFlag) { gLocalMaskFileVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Mask File Name: %s version: %d\n", gLocalMaskFileName.Data(), gLocalMaskFileVersion); } else { gLocalMaskFileLastVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Mask File Name: %s last version: %d\n", gLocalMaskFileName.Data(), gLocalMaskFileLastVersion); } // read Lut in.getline(line,80); tmp = line; pos = tmp.First(" "); gLocalLutFileName = tmp(0, pos); if (!lastCurrentFlag) { gLocalLutFileVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Lut File Name: %s version: %d\n", gLocalLutFileName.Data(), gLocalLutFileVersion); } else { gLocalLutFileLastVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Lut File Name: %s last version: %d\n", gLocalLutFileName.Data(), gLocalLutFileLastVersion); } in.getline(line,80); tmp = line; pos = tmp.First(" "); gSignatureFileName = tmp(0, pos); gSignatureFileVersion = atoi(tmp(pos+1, tmp.Length()-pos).Data()); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Lut File Name: %s version: %d\n", gSignatureFileName.Data(), gSignatureFileVersion); return true; } //_____________ void ReadFileNames() { // if last current file does not exist than read current file if (!ReadCurrentFile(gLastCurrentFileName, true)) { ReadCurrentFile(gCurrentFileName, true); WriteLastCurrentFile(); } // any case read current file ReadCurrentFile(); } //__________________ Bool_t ExportFiles() { // Export files to FES // Export files to DB not yet done, waiting for a version > 1.2 of daqDAlib // env variables have to be set (suppose by ECS ?) // setenv DATE_FES_PATH // setenv DATE_RUN_NUMBER // setenv DATE_ROLE_NAME // setenv DATE_DETECTOR_CODE // to be sure that env variable is set gSystem->Setenv("DAQDALIB_PATH", "$DATE_SITE/infoLogger"); // update files Int_t status = 0; Bool_t modified = false; ofstream out; TString fileExp("ExportedFiles.dat"); TString file; out.open(fileExp.Data()); if (!out.good()) { printf("Failed to create file: %s\n",file.Data()); return false; } if (gGlobalFileLastVersion != gGlobalFileVersion) { file = gGlobalFileName.Data(); status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(file.Data(), file.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to export file: %s\n",gGlobalFileName.Data()); return false; } out << gGlobalFileName.Data() << endl; if(gPrintLevel) printf("Export file: %s\n",gGlobalFileName.Data()); } if (gLocalMaskFileLastVersion != gLocalMaskFileVersion) { modified = true; file = gLocalMaskFileName; status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(file.Data(), file.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to export file: %s\n",gLocalMaskFileName.Data()); return false; } if(gPrintLevel) printf("Export file: %s\n",gLocalMaskFileName.Data()); out << gLocalMaskFileName.Data() << endl; } if (gLocalLutFileLastVersion != gLocalLutFileVersion) { file = gLocalLutFileName; modified = true; status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(file.Data(), file.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to export file: %s\n",gLocalLutFileName.Data()); return false; } if(gPrintLevel) printf("Export file: %s\n",gLocalLutFileName.Data()); out << gLocalLutFileName.Data() << endl; } // exported regional file whenever mask or/and Lut are modified if ( (gRegionalFileLastVersion != gRegionalFileVersion) || modified) { file = gRegionalFileName; status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(file.Data(), file.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to export file: %s\n",gRegionalFileName.Data()); return false; } if(gPrintLevel) printf("Export file: %s\n",gRegionalFileName.Data()); out << gRegionalFileName.Data() << endl; } out.close(); // export Exported file to FES anyway status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(fileExp.Data(), fileExp.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to export file: %s\n", fileExp.Data()); return false; } if(gPrintLevel) printf("Export file: %s\n",fileExp.Data()); return true; } //__________________ Bool_t ImportFiles() { // copy locally a file from daq detector config db // The current detector is identified by detector code in variable // DATE_DETECTOR_CODE. It must be defined. // If environment variable DAQDA_TEST_DIR is defined, files are copied from DAQDA_TEST_DIR // instead of the database. The usual environment variables are not needed. // to be sure that env variable is set gSystem->Setenv("DAQDALIB_PATH", "$DATE_SITE/db"); Int_t status = 0; status = daqDA_DB_getFile(gCurrentFileName.Data(), gCurrentFileName.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to get current config file from DB: %s\n",gCurrentFileName.Data()); return false; } ReadFileNames(); status = daqDA_DB_getFile(gGlobalFileName.Data(), gGlobalFileName.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to get current config file from DB: %s\n", gGlobalFileName.Data()); return false; } status = daqDA_DB_getFile(gRegionalFileName.Data(), gRegionalFileName.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to get current config file from DB: %s\n",gRegionalFileName.Data()); return false; } status = daqDA_DB_getFile(gLocalMaskFileName.Data(), gLocalMaskFileName.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to get current config file from DB: %s\n",gLocalMaskFileName.Data()); return false; } status = daqDA_DB_getFile(gLocalLutFileName.Data(), gLocalLutFileName.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to get current config file from DB: %s\n",gLocalLutFileName.Data()); return false; } return true; } //_____________ void ReadMaskFiles() { // read mask files gLocalMasks = new AliMUON1DArray(gkNLocalBoard+9); gRegionalMasks = new AliMUON1DArray(16); TString localFile = gLocalMaskFileName; TString regionalFile = gRegionalFileName; TString globalFile = gGlobalFileName; gTriggerIO.ReadMasks(localFile.Data(), regionalFile.Data(), globalFile.Data(), gLocalMasks, gRegionalMasks, globalMasks, false); } //__________ void MakePattern(Int_t localBoardId, TArrayS& xPattern, TArrayS& yPattern) { // calculate the hit map for each strip in x and y direction AliMUONVCalibParam* pat = static_cast(gPatternStore->FindObject(localBoardId)); if (!pat) { pat = new AliMUONCalibParamND(2, 64, localBoardId, 0,0.); // put default wise 0. gPatternStore->Add(pat); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { Int_t xMask = xPattern[i]; Int_t yMask = yPattern[i]; Int_t index = 16*i + j; Double_t patOcc = 0.; if ( (xMask >> j ) & 0x1 ) { patOcc = pat->ValueAsDouble(index, 0) + 1.; pat->SetValueAsDouble(index, 0, patOcc); } if ( (yMask >> j ) & 0x1 ) { patOcc = pat->ValueAsDouble(index, 0) + 1.; pat->SetValueAsDouble(index, 0, patOcc); } } } } //__________ void MakePatternStore(Bool_t pedestal = true) { // calculates the occupancy (option: store in a root file) // check noisy strip (pedestal true, software trigger) // check dead channel (pesdetal false, FET trigger) Int_t localBoardId = 0; Bool_t updated = false; // histo Char_t name[255]; Char_t title[255]; TH1F* xOccHisto[243]; TH1F* yOccHisto[243]; TH1F* xPatOccHisto = 0x0; TH1F* yPatOccHisto = 0x0; TFile* histoFile = 0x0; if (gHistoFileName[0] != 0) { histoFile = new TFile(gHistoFileName,"RECREATE","MUON Tracking pedestals"); sprintf(name,"pat_x"); sprintf(title,"Occupancy for x strip"); Int_t nx = 200; Float_t xmin = -0.2; Float_t xmax = 1.2; xPatOccHisto = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax); xPatOccHisto ->SetDirectory(histoFile); sprintf(name,"pat_y"); sprintf(title,"Occupancy for y strip"); yPatOccHisto = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax); yPatOccHisto->SetDirectory(histoFile); } // iterator over pedestal TIter next(gPatternStore->CreateIterator()); AliMUONVCalibParam* pat; while ( ( pat = dynamic_cast(next() ) ) ) { localBoardId = pat->ID0(); if (gHistoFileName[0] != 0) { Int_t nx = 64; Float_t xmin = 0; Float_t xmax = 64; sprintf(name,"pat_x_%d",localBoardId); sprintf(title,"Occupancy for x strip, board %d",localBoardId); xOccHisto[localBoardId] = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax); sprintf(name,"pat_y_%d",localBoardId); sprintf(title,"Occupancy for y strip, board %d",localBoardId); yOccHisto[localBoardId] = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax); } for (Int_t index = 0; index < pat->Size() ; ++index) {// 64 bits for X and 64 bits for Y strips Double_t patXOcc = pat->ValueAsDouble(index, 0)/(Double_t)gNEvents; Double_t patYOcc = pat->ValueAsDouble(index, 1)/(Double_t)gNEvents; pat->SetValueAsDouble(index, 0, patXOcc); pat->SetValueAsDouble(index, 1, patYOcc); // check for x strip if ( (patXOcc > gkThreshold && pedestal) || (patXOcc < 1.- gkThreshold && !pedestal) ) { UShort_t strip = index % 16; Int_t connector = index/16; UpdateLocalMask(localBoardId, connector, strip); updated = true; } // check for y strip if ( (patYOcc > gkThreshold && pedestal) || (patYOcc < 1.- gkThreshold && !pedestal) ) { UShort_t strip = index % 16; Int_t connector = index/16 + 4; UpdateLocalMask(localBoardId, connector, strip); updated = true; } if (gHistoFileName[0] != 0) { xPatOccHisto->Fill(patXOcc); yPatOccHisto->Fill(patYOcc); xOccHisto[localBoardId]->Fill(index, patXOcc); yOccHisto[localBoardId]->Fill(index, patYOcc); } } } if (gHistoFileName[0] != 0) { histoFile->Write(); histoFile->Close(); } if (updated) { // update version gLocalMaskFileVersion++; TString tmp(gLocalMaskFileName); Int_t pos = tmp.First("-"); gLocalMaskFileName = tmp(0,pos+1) + Form("%d",gLocalMaskFileVersion) + ".dat"; // write last current file WriteLastCurrentFile(); gTriggerIO.WriteMasks(gLocalMaskFileName, gRegionalFileName, " ", gLocalMasks, gRegionalMasks , 0); } } //*************************************************************// // main routine int main(Int_t argc, Char_t **argv) { // needed for streamer application gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); Int_t skipEvents = 0; Int_t maxEvents = 1000000; Char_t inputFile[256]; TString flatOutputFile; TString configFile; // option handler // decode the input line for (Int_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) // argument 0 is the executable name { Char_t* arg; arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] != '-') continue; switch (arg[1]) { case 'f' : i++; sprintf(inputFile,argv[i]); break; case 'c' : i++; configFile = argv[i]; break; case 'e' : i++; gCommand = argv[i]; break; case 'd' : i++; gPrintLevel=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 's' : i++; skipEvents=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'n' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&maxEvents); break; case 'r' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%s",gHistoFileName); break; case 'h' : i++; printf("\n******************* %s usage **********************",argv[0]); printf("\n%s -options, the available options are :",argv[0]); printf("\n-h help (this screen)"); printf("\n"); printf("\n Input"); printf("\n-f (default = %s)",inputFile); printf("\n"); printf("\n output"); printf("\n-r (default = %s)",gHistoFileName); printf("\n"); printf("\n Options"); printf("\n-d (default = %d)",gPrintLevel); printf("\n-s (default = %d)",skipEvents); printf("\n-n (default = %d)",maxEvents); printf("\n-e (default = %s)",gCommand.Data()); printf("\n\n"); exit(-1); default : printf("%s : bad argument %s (please check %s -h)\n",argv[0],argv[i],argv[0]); argc = 2; exit(-1); // exit if error } // end of switch } // end of for i // set command to lower case gCommand.ToLower(); // decoding the events Int_t status; Int_t nDateEvents = 0; void* event; // containers AliMUONDDLTrigger* ddlTrigger = 0x0; AliMUONDarcHeader* darcHeader = 0x0; AliMUONRegHeader* regHeader = 0x0; AliMUONLocalStruct* localStruct = 0x0; TStopwatch timers; timers.Start(kTRUE); // comment out, since we do not retrieve files from database if (!ImportFiles()) { printf("Import from DB failed\n"); printf("For local test set DAQDA_TEST_DIR to the local directory where the Mtg files are located \n"); return -1; } if (!gDAFlag) { if(!ExportFiles()) return -1; return 0; } ReadMaskFiles(); status = monitorSetDataSource(inputFile); if (status) { cerr << "ERROR : monitorSetDataSource status (hex) = " << hex << status << " " << monitorDecodeError(status) << endl; return -1; } status = monitorDeclareMp("MUON Trigger monitoring"); if (status) { cerr << "ERROR : monitorDeclareMp status (hex) = " << hex << status << " " << monitorDecodeError(status) << endl; return -1; } cout << "MUONTRKda : Reading data from file " << inputFile <= maxEvents) break; if (gNEvents && gNEvents % 100 == 0) cout<<"Cumulated events " << gNEvents << endl; // check shutdown condition if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) break; // Skip Events if needed while (skipEvents) { status = monitorGetEventDynamic(&event); skipEvents--; } // starts reading status = monitorGetEventDynamic(&event); if (status < 0) { cout<<"EOF found"<GetType(); gRunNumber = rawReader->GetRunNumber(); if (eventType != PHYSICS_EVENT) continue; // for the moment gNEvents++; if (gPrintLevel) printf("\nEvent # %d\n",gNEvents); // decoding MUON payload AliMUONRawStreamTrigger* rawStream = new AliMUONRawStreamTrigger(rawReader); //rawStream->SetMaxReg(1); Int_t index = 0; // loops over DDL while((status = rawStream->NextDDL())) { if (gPrintLevel) printf("iDDL %d\n", rawStream->GetDDL()); ddlTrigger = rawStream->GetDDLTrigger(); darcHeader = ddlTrigger->GetDarcHeader(); if (gPrintLevel) printf("Global output %x\n", (Int_t)darcHeader->GetGlobalOutput()); // loop over regional structures Int_t nReg = darcHeader->GetRegHeaderEntries(); for(Int_t iReg = 0; iReg < nReg; ++iReg){ //REG loop if (gPrintLevel) printf("RegionalId %d\n", iReg); regHeader = darcHeader->GetRegHeaderEntry(iReg); // loop over local structures Int_t nLocal = regHeader->GetLocalEntries(); for(Int_t iLocal = 0; iLocal < nLocal; ++iLocal) { localStruct = regHeader->GetLocalEntry(iLocal); Int_t localBoardId = gTriggerIO.LocalBoardId(index++); if (gPrintLevel) printf("local %d\n", localBoardId ); TArrayS xPattern(4); TArrayS yPattern(4); localStruct->GetXPattern(xPattern); localStruct->GetYPattern(yPattern); MakePattern(localBoardId, xPattern, yPattern); if (gPrintLevel) printf("X pattern %x %x %x %x, Y pattern %x %x %x %x\n", localStruct->GetX1(), localStruct->GetX2(),localStruct->GetX3(),localStruct->GetX4(), localStruct->GetY1(), localStruct->GetY2(),localStruct->GetY3(),localStruct->GetY4()); } // iLocal } // iReg } // NextDDL delete rawReader; delete rawStream; } // while (1) if (gCommand.Contains("ped")) MakePatternStore(); if (gCommand.Contains("cal")) MakePatternStore(false); if (!ExportFiles()) return -1; timers.Stop(); cout << "MUONTRKda : Run number : " << gRunNumber << endl; cout << "MUONTRKda : Histo file generated : " << gHistoFileName << endl; cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of DATE events = " << nDateEvents << endl; cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of events used = " << gNEvents << endl; printf("Execution time : R:%7.2fs C:%7.2fs\n", timers.RealTime(), timers.CpuTime()); delete gLocalMasks; delete gRegionalMasks; delete globalMasks; // in case delete gPatternStore; return status; }