/* Contact: Jean-Luc Charvet Link: http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/static/Offline/dimuon/muon_html/README_mchda.html Reference Run: 109302 (station 3 only) Run Type: PEDESTAL DA Type: LDC Number of events needed: 400 events for pedestal run Input Files: mutrkpedvalues and config_ldc-MTRK-S3-0 in path : /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jcharvet/public/DA_validation Output Files: local dir (not persistent) -> MUONTRKPEDda.ped FXS -> run<#>_MCH__PEDESTALS Trigger types used: */ /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-02-16 New version: MUONTRKPEDda.cxx,v 1.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for MUONTRKPEDda MUON tracking (A. Baldisseri, J.-L. Charvet) Rem: AliMUON2DMap stores all channels, even those which are not connected if pedMean == -1, channel not connected to a pad & */ extern "C" { #include } #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include #include #include #include #include //AliRoot #include "AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliMUONVStore.h" #include "AliMUON2DMap.h" #include "AliMUONCalibParamND.h" #include "AliMpIntPair.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliRawDataErrorLog.h" #include "AliMUONTrackerIO.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMUONDspHeader.h" #include "AliDAQ.h" //ROOT #include "TFile.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TTimeStamp.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TFitter.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "THashTable.h" #include // //AMORE // #ifdef ALI_AMORE #include #endif #include "AliMUONPedestal.h" #include "AliMUONErrorCounter.h" // main routine int main(Int_t argc, const char **argv) { Int_t status=0, status1=0; TStopwatch timers; timers.Start(kTRUE); // Needed for streamer application gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); // needed for Minuit plugin gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("ROOT::Math::Minimizer", "Minuit", "TMinuitMinimizer", "Minuit", "TMinuitMinimizer(const char*)"); // cout << argv[0]; Int_t skipEvents = 0; Int_t maxEvents = 1000000; Int_t maxDateEvents = 1000000; Int_t errorDetail = 1; Int_t checkTokenlost = 0; Int_t flag_histo=1; TString inputFile; Int_t nDateEvents = 0; Int_t nDateRejEvents = 0; Int_t nGlitchErrors= 0; Int_t nParityErrors= 0; Int_t nPaddingErrors= 0; Int_t nTokenlostErrors= 0; Int_t recoverParityErrors = 1; TString logOutputFile; Char_t flatFile[256]=""; Char_t* detail; TString shuttleFile; Int_t nEventsRecovered = 0; Int_t nEvents = 0; UInt_t runNumber = 0; Int_t nConfig = 1; Int_t nEvthreshold = 100; //below this nb_evt pedestal are not calculated and forced to 4085 (sigma) Int_t nSorting = 1 ; // pedestal sorting (ON by default) Int_t statusDA = 0 ; // DA return code ofstream filcout; // decode the input line for (Int_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) // argument 0 is the executable name { const char* arg = argv[i]; arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] != '-') { // If only one argument and no "-" => DA calling from ECS if (argc == 2) { inputFile=argv[i]; } continue; } nConfig=0; //prefixLDC = "LDC" switch (arg[1]) { case 'f' : i++; inputFile=argv[i]; nConfig=0; break; case 'a' : i++; shuttleFile = argv[i]; break; case 's' : i++; skipEvents=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'm' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&maxDateEvents); break; case 'n' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&maxEvents); break; case 'v' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&errorDetail); break; case 't' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&checkTokenlost); break; case 'h' : i++; printf("\n******************* %s usage **********************",argv[0]); printf("\nOnline (called from ECS) : %s (no inline options)\n",argv[0]); printf("\n%s can be used locally only with options (without DiMuon configuration file: nConfig=%d)",argv[0],nConfig); printf("\n%s -options, the available options are :",argv[0]); printf("\n-h help (this screen)"); printf("\n"); printf("\n Input"); printf("\n-f (default = %s)",inputFile.Data()); printf("\n"); printf("\n Output"); printf("\n-a (default = %s)",shuttleFile.Data()); printf("\n"); printf("\n Options"); printf("\n-m (default = %d)",maxDateEvents); printf("\n-s (default = %d)",skipEvents); printf("\n-n (default = %d)",maxEvents); printf("\n-v (default = %d : 0=low 1=medium 2=high)",errorDetail); printf("\n-t (default = %d : 0=no , 1=yes)",checkTokenlost); printf("\n\n"); exit(-1); default : printf("%s : bad argument %s (please check %s -h)\n",argv[0],argv[i],argv[0]); argc = 2; exit(-1); // exit if error } // end of switch } // end of for i UShort_t manuId; UChar_t channelId; UShort_t charge; const char* prefixDA = "MUONTRKPEDda"; // program prefix const char* prefixLDC = getenv("DATE_ROLE_NAME"); // LDC name if(prefixLDC == NULL) prefixLDC ="MCH" ; printf("%s : -------- Begin execution : %s -------- \n",prefixLDC,prefixDA); //Pedestal object AliMUONPedestal* muonPedestal = new AliMUONPedestal(); muonPedestal->SetprefixDA(prefixDA); muonPedestal->SetprefixLDC(prefixLDC); muonPedestal->SetStatusDA(statusDA); // Output log file initialisations sprintf(flatFile,"%s.log",prefixDA); logOutputFile=flatFile; AliLog::SetStreamOutput(&filcout); // Print details on logfile filcout.open(logOutputFile.Data()); filcout<<"//=================================================" << endl; filcout<<"//" << prefixLDC << " " << prefixDA << endl; filcout<<"//=================================================" << endl; filcout<<"// * Date : " << muonPedestal->GetDate()->AsString("l") << "\n" << endl; muonPedestal->SetAlifilcout(&filcout); cout<GetDate()->AsString("l") << "\n" << endl; Char_t dbfile[256]=""; // nConfig=1 : Reading configuration (or not) status via "mutrkpedvalues" file located in DetDB if(nConfig) { Int_t flag_hist, nEvthres,maxEvts; char line[80]; sprintf(dbfile,"mutrkpedvalues"); status=daqDA_DB_getFile(dbfile,dbfile); if(status) {printf(" !!! Failed : input file %s is missing, status = %d\n",dbfile,status); return -1; } ifstream filein(dbfile,ios::in); filein >> nConfig >> line ; cout << "mutrkpedvalues: " << line << " " << nConfig << " " ; filein >> nEvthres >> line ; if(nEvthres !=0)nEvthreshold=nEvthres; cout << line << " " << nEvthreshold << " " ; filein >> checkTokenlost >> line ; cout << line << " " << checkTokenlost << " " ; filein >> flag_histo >> line ; if(flag_histo !=0) cout << line << " " << flag_histo << " " ; filein >> maxEvts >> line ; if(maxEvts!=0){maxEvents=maxEvts; cout << line << " " << maxEvents;} // filein >> errorDetail >> line ; cout << line << " " << errorDetail << " " ; // filein >> nSorting >> line ; cout << line << " " << nSorting << " " ; cout << endl; } if(!nConfig) printf("%s : *** Config= %d: no configuration ascii file is used \n",prefixLDC,nConfig); muonPedestal->SetconfigDA(nConfig); muonPedestal->SetnEvthreshold(nEvthreshold); muonPedestal->SetnSorting(nSorting); // nConfig=1: configuration ascii file config_$DATE_ROLE_NAME read from DetDB if(nConfig) { sprintf(dbfile,"config_%s",getenv("DATE_ROLE_NAME")); status=daqDA_DB_getFile(dbfile,dbfile); if(status) {printf(" !!! Failed : Configuration file %s is missing, status = %d\n",dbfile,status); return -1; } muonPedestal->LoadConfig(dbfile); } // Rawdeader, RawStreamHP AliRawReader* rawReader = AliRawReader::Create(inputFile); AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP* rawStream = new AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP(rawReader); // rawStream->DisableWarnings(); rawStream->EnabbleErrorLogger(); switch (errorDetail) { case 0: rawStream->SetLoggingDetailLevel(AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::kLowErrorDetail); break;/// Logs minimal information in the error messages. case 1: rawStream->SetLoggingDetailLevel(AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::kMediumErrorDetail); break;/// Logs a medium level of detail in the error messages. case 2: rawStream->SetLoggingDetailLevel(AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::kHighErrorDetail); break;/// Logs a medium level of detail in the error messages. default: rawStream->SetLoggingDetailLevel(AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::kMediumErrorDetail); break; } printf("\n%s : Reading data from file %s\n",prefixLDC,inputFile.Data()); Int_t tabTokenError[20][14]; for ( Int_t i=0 ; i<20 ; i++) { for ( Int_t j=0 ; j<14 ; j++) { tabTokenError[i][j]=0;} } while (rawReader->NextEvent()) { Int_t eventType = rawReader->GetType(); runNumber = rawReader->GetRunNumber(); if(nDateEvents==0) { filcout<<"// ----> RUN = " << runNumber << "\n" << endl;} if (nDateEvents >= maxDateEvents) break; if (nEvents >= maxEvents) break; if (nDateEvents>0 && nDateEvents % 100 == 0) cout<< prefixLDC << " : DATE events = " << nDateEvents << " Used events = " << nEvents << endl; // check shutdown condition if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) break; //Skip events while (skipEvents) { rawReader->NextEvent(); skipEvents--; } nDateEvents++; if (eventType != PHYSICS_EVENT) continue; // for the moment // const char* detail = ""; // First lopp over DDL's to find good events // Error counters per event (counters in the decoding lib are for each DDL) Bool_t eventIsErrorMessage = kFALSE; int eventGlitchErrors = 0; int eventParityErrors = 0; int eventPaddingErrors = 0; int eventTokenlostErrors = 0; rawStream->First(); do { if (rawStream->IsErrorMessage()) eventIsErrorMessage = kTRUE; eventGlitchErrors += rawStream->GetGlitchErrors(); eventParityErrors += rawStream->GetParityErrors(); eventPaddingErrors += rawStream->GetPaddingErrors(); eventTokenlostErrors += rawStream->GetTokenLostErrors(); // cout << nDateEvents << " " << rawStream->GetDDL() << " " << eventTokenlostErrors << endl; if (rawStream->GetTokenLostErrors()) { nTokenlostErrors++; const AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliBlockHeader* blkHeader = 0x0; const AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliDspHeader* dspHeader = 0x0; Int_t nBlock = rawStream->GetBlockCount(); for(Int_t iBlock = 0; iBlock < nBlock ;iBlock++) { blkHeader = rawStream->GetBlockHeader(iBlock); // printf("Block %d Total length %d\n",iBlock,blkHeader->GetTotalLength()); Int_t nDsp = rawStream->GetDspCount(iBlock); // printf("Block %d DSP %d\n",iBlock,nDsp); for(Int_t iDsp = 0; iDsp < nDsp ;iDsp++) { dspHeader = blkHeader->GetDspHeader(iDsp); // printf("Dsp %d Add %X\n",iDsp,dspHeader); if (dspHeader->GetErrorWord()) { Int_t ddl = rawStream->GetDDL() ; // Int_t ddl = AliDAQ::DdlID("MUONTRK", rawStream->GetDDL()) - 2560 ; // format 2560 + ddl Int_t frt = (dspHeader->GetErrorWord() & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16 ; // 4*4bits right shift tabTokenError[ddl][frt]++; // printf(" DDL %d error word %X %d %d\n",ddl,dspHeader->GetErrorWord(),frt,tabTokenError[8][4]); } } } } } while(rawStream->NextDDL()); AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliBusPatch* busPatch; if (!eventIsErrorMessage) { // Good events (no error) -> compute pedestal for all channels rawStream->First(); nEvents++; muonPedestal->SetAliNCurrentEvents(nEvents); while( (busPatch = (AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliBusPatch*) rawStream->Next())) { for(int i = 0; i < busPatch->GetLength(); ++i) { busPatch->GetData(i, manuId, channelId, charge); muonPedestal->MakePed(busPatch->GetBusPatchId(), (Int_t)manuId, (Int_t)channelId, (Int_t)charge); } } } else { // Events with errors if (recoverParityErrors && eventParityErrors && !eventGlitchErrors && !eventPaddingErrors && !(eventTokenlostErrors && checkTokenlost)) { filcout << " ----------- Date Event recovered = " << nDateEvents << " ----------------" << endl; // Recover parity errors -> compute pedestal for all good buspatches if ( TEST_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( rawReader->GetAttributes(), ATTR_ORBIT_BC )) { filcout <<"Event recovered -> Period:"<GetEventId() ) <<" Orbit:"<GetEventId() ) <<" BunchCrossing:"<GetEventId() )< nbInRun:"<GetEventId() ) <<" burstNb:"<GetEventId() ) <<" nbInBurst:"<GetEventId() )<First(); nEvents++; muonPedestal->SetAliNCurrentEvents(nEvents); while( (busPatch = (AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP::AliBusPatch*) rawStream->Next())) { // Check the buspatch -> if error not use it in the pedestal calculation int errorCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < busPatch->GetLength(); ++i) { if (!busPatch->IsParityOk(i)) errorCount++; } if (!errorCount) { // Good buspatch for(int i = 0; i < busPatch->GetLength(); ++i) { busPatch->GetData(i, manuId, channelId, charge); muonPedestal->MakePed(busPatch->GetBusPatchId(), (Int_t)manuId, (Int_t)channelId, (Int_t)charge); } } else { AliMUONErrorCounter* errorCounter; // Bad buspatch -> not used (just print) filcout<<"bpId "<GetBusPatchId()<<" words "<GetLength() <<" parity errors "<GetErrorBuspatchTable()->FindObject(busPatch->GetBusPatchId())))) { // New buspatch errorCounter = new AliMUONErrorCounter(busPatch->GetBusPatchId()); muonPedestal->GetErrorBuspatchTable()->Add(errorCounter); } else { // Existing buspatch errorCounter->Increment(); } // errorCounter->Print(); } // end of if (!errorCount) } // end of while( (busPatch = (AliMUONRawStreamTrackerHP ... // nEvents++; nEventsRecovered++; } //end of if (recoverParityErrors && eventParityErrors && !eventGlitchErrors&& !eventPaddingErrors) else { // Fatal errors reject the event detail = Form(" ----------- Date Event rejected = %d ----------------",nDateEvents); nDateRejEvents++; filcout << detail << endl; if ( TEST_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( rawReader->GetAttributes(), ATTR_ORBIT_BC )) { filcout <<"Event rejected -> Period:"<GetEventId() ) <<" Orbit:"<GetEventId() ) <<" BunchCrossing:"<GetEventId() )< nbInRun:"<GetEventId() ) <<" burstNb:"<GetEventId() ) <<" nbInBurst:"<GetEventId() )<GetGlitchErrors() && !rawStream->GetPaddingErrors() ... filcout<<"Number of errors : Glitch "<IsErrorMessage()) if (eventGlitchErrors) nGlitchErrors++; if (eventParityErrors) nParityErrors++; if (eventPaddingErrors) nPaddingErrors++; } // while (rawReader->NextEvent()) delete rawReader; delete rawStream; sprintf(flatFile,"%s.ped",prefixDA); if(shuttleFile.IsNull())shuttleFile=flatFile; muonPedestal->SetAliNEvents(nEvents); muonPedestal->SetAliRunNumber(runNumber); muonPedestal->Finalize(); status = muonPedestal->GetStatusDA() ; // writing some counters detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of DATE events = %d",prefixLDC,nDateEvents) ; cout << detail; filcout << detail ; detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of Glitch errors = %d",prefixLDC,nGlitchErrors) ; cout << detail; filcout << detail ; detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of Parity errors = %d",prefixLDC,nParityErrors) ; cout << detail; filcout << detail ; detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of Token lost errors = %d",prefixLDC,nTokenlostErrors) ; cout << detail; filcout << detail ; detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of Rejected DATE events = %d",prefixLDC,nDateRejEvents) ; cout << detail; filcout << detail ; detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of recovered events = %d",prefixLDC,nEventsRecovered) ; cout << detail; filcout << detail ; detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of events without errors = %d",prefixLDC,nEvents-nEventsRecovered) ; cout << detail; filcout << detail ; detail=Form("\n%s : Nb of used events = %d (threshold= %d)\n\n",prefixLDC,nEvents,nEvthreshold); cout << detail; filcout << detail ; // Writing Token Error table if(nTokenlostErrors) { detail=Form("%s : Warning: Token Lost occurence \n",prefixLDC); printf("%s",detail); filcout << detail ; for ( Int_t i=0 ; i<20 ; i++) { for ( Int_t j=4 ; j<14 ; j++) { if(tabTokenError[i][j]>0) { Int_t tab=tabTokenError[i][j]; Int_t frt=j/2-1; Int_t station = i/4 +1; if( j % 2 == 0)detail=Form("%s : in DDL= %d (station %d) and FRT%d ( Up ) => %d Token errors (address = 0x%X0000)",prefixLDC,2560+i,station,frt,tab,j); else detail=Form("%s : in DDL= %d (station %d) and FRT%d (Down) => %d Token errors (address = 0x%X0000)",prefixLDC,2560+i,station,frt,tab,j); printf("%s\n",detail); filcout << detail << endl; } } } } if (!shuttleFile.IsNull()) { ofstream out(shuttleFile.Data()); muonPedestal->MakeASCIIoutput(out); /// Generate pedestal output file out.close(); detail=Form("%s : Pedestal file (to SHUTTLE) : %s\n",prefixLDC,shuttleFile.Data()); cout << detail; filcout << detail ; } if(flag_histo) /// Generate pedestal histo rootfile { muonPedestal->MakeControlHistos(); detail=Form("%s : Pedestal Histo file : %s\n",prefixLDC,muonPedestal->GetHistoFileName()); cout << detail; filcout << detail ; } // .log files detail=Form("%s : Output logfile : %s\n",prefixLDC,logOutputFile.Data()); cout << detail; filcout << detail ; // Transferring pedestal file to FES (be sure that env variable DAQDALIB_PATH is set) cout << endl; status1 = daqDA_FES_storeFile(shuttleFile.Data(),"PEDESTALS"); if (status1) { detail=Form("%s: !!! ERROR: Failed to export pedestal file : %s to FES \n",prefixLDC,shuttleFile.Data()); printf("%s",detail); filcout << detail ; status= -1; } //else { detail=Form("%s : ***** STORE Pedestal FILE in FES : OK ****** \n",prefixLDC); printf("%s",detail); filcout << detail ;} // Transferring configuration file to FES (be sure that env variable DAQDALIB_PATH is set) if(nConfig) { cout << endl; status1 = daqDA_FES_storeFile(dbfile,"CONFIG"); if (status1) { detail=Form("%s: !!! ERROR: Failed to export configuration file : %s to FES \n",prefixLDC,dbfile); printf("%s",detail); filcout << detail ; status=-1; } // else {detail=Form("%s : ***** STORE Configuration FILE in FES : OK ****** \n",prefixLDC); printf("%s",detail); filcout << detail ;} } // Copying files to local DB folder defined by DAQ_DETDB_LOCAL Char_t *dir; unsigned int nLastVersions=50; dir= getenv("DAQ_DETDB_LOCAL"); if(dir != NULL) { unsigned int nLastVersions=50; printf("\n%s : *** Local DataBase: %s (Max= %d) ***\n",prefixLDC,dir,nLastVersions); if(!shuttleFile.IsNull())status1 = daqDA_localDB_storeFile(shuttleFile.Data(),nLastVersions); if(flag_histo)status1 = daqDA_localDB_storeFile(muonPedestal->GetHistoFileName(),nLastVersions); status1 = daqDA_localDB_storeFile(logOutputFile.Data(),nLastVersions); } cout << " " << endl; #ifdef ALI_AMORE // //Send objects to the AMORE DB // ostringstream stringout; muonPedestal->MakeASCIIoutput(stringout); amore::da::AmoreDA amoreDA(amore::da::AmoreDA::kSender); TObjString peddata(stringout.str().c_str()); Int_t amoreStatus = amoreDA.Send("Pedestals",&peddata); if ( amoreStatus ) cout << prefixLDC << " : !!! ERROR: Failed to write Pedestals in the AMORE database : " << amoreStatus << endl ; status=-1 ; else cout << prefixLDC << " : amoreDA.Send(Pedestals) ok" << endl; #else cout << prefixLDC << " : Warning: MCH DA not compiled with AMORE support" << endl; #endif filcout.close(); if(!status)printf("\n%s : -------- End execution : %s -------- (status= %d) \n",prefixLDC,prefixDA,status); else { printf("\n%s : -------- %s ending in ERROR !!!! -------- (status= %d) \n",prefixLDC,prefixDA,status);} timers.Stop(); printf("\n Execution time : R:%7.2fs C:%7.2fs\n",timers.RealTime(), timers.CpuTime()); return status; }