/* Version 1 for MUONTRKda MUON tracking Working version for pedestal Framework for gain computing (Ch. Finck) Rem: AliMUON2DMap stores all channels, even those which are not connected if pedMean == -1, channel not connected to a pad */ extern "C" { #include } #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include #include #include //AliRoot #include "AliMUONRawStreamTracker.h" #include "AliMUONDspHeader.h" #include "AliMUONBlockHeader.h" #include "AliMUONBusStruct.h" #include "AliMUONDDLTracker.h" #include "AliMUONVStore.h" #include "AliMUON2DMap.h" #include "AliMUONCalibParamND.h" #include "AliMpIntPair.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" //ROOT #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TTimeStamp.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TFitter.h" #define NFITPARAMS 4 // global variables AliMUONVStore* pedestalStore = new AliMUON2DMap(kFALSE); const Int_t kNchannels = AliMpConstants::ManuNofChannels(); Int_t nManu = 0; Int_t nChannel = 0; UInt_t runNumber = 0; Int_t nEvents = 0; TH1F* pedMeanHisto = 0x0; TH1F* pedSigmaHisto = 0x0; Char_t histoFileName[256]; TString command("ped"); // funtions //________________ Double_t fitFunc(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { //fit function for gains Double_t xx = x[0]; Double_t f; if (xx < par[3]) f = par[0] + par[1]*xx; else f= par[0] + par[1]*xx + par[2]*xx*xx; return f; } //__________ void MakePed(Int_t busPatchId, Int_t manuId, Int_t channelId, Int_t charge) { AliMUONVCalibParam* ped = static_cast(pedestalStore->FindObject(busPatchId, manuId)); if (!ped) { nManu++; ped = new AliMUONCalibParamND(2, kNchannels,busPatchId, manuId, -1.); // put default wise -1, not connected channel pedestalStore->Add(ped); } if (nEvents == 1) { ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, 0.); ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, 0.); } Double_t pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0) + charge; Double_t pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1) + charge*charge; ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, pedMean); ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, pedSigma); } //________________ void MakePedStore(TString flatOutputFile = "") { TTimeStamp date; Double_t pedMean; Double_t pedSigma; ofstream fileout; Int_t busPatchId; Int_t manuId; Int_t channelId; // histo sprintf(histoFileName,"mutrkped-%d.root",runNumber); TFile* histoFile = new TFile(histoFileName,"RECREATE","MUON Tracking pedestals"); Char_t name[255]; Char_t title[255]; sprintf(name,"pedmean_allch"); sprintf(title,"Pedestal mean all channels"); Int_t nx = 1000; Int_t xmin = 0; Int_t xmax = 1000; pedMeanHisto = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax); pedMeanHisto->SetDirectory(histoFile); sprintf(name,"pedsigma_allch"); sprintf(title,"Pedestal sigma all channels"); nx = 200; xmin = 0; xmax = 50; pedSigmaHisto = new TH1F(name,title,nx,xmin,xmax); pedSigmaHisto->SetDirectory(histoFile); TTree* tree = new TTree("t","Pedestal tree"); tree->Branch("bp",&busPatchId,"bp/I"); tree->Branch("manu",&manuId,",manu/I"); tree->Branch("channel",&channelId,",channel/I"); if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) { fileout.open(flatOutputFile.Data()); fileout<<"//===========================================================================" << endl; fileout<<"// Pedestal file calculated by MUONTRKda"<CreateIterator()); AliMUONVCalibParam* ped; while ( ( ped = dynamic_cast(next() ) ) ) { busPatchId = ped->ID0(); manuId = ped->ID1(); for (channelId = 0; channelId < ped->Size() ; ++channelId) { pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0); if (pedMean > 0) { // connected channels ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 0, pedMean/(Double_t)nEvents); pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0); pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1); ped->SetValueAsDouble(channelId, 1, TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pedSigma/(Double_t)nEvents - pedMean*pedMean))); pedMean = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0) + 0.5 ; pedSigma = ped->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1); if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) { fileout << "\t" << busPatchId << "\t" << manuId <<"\t"<< channelId << "\t" << pedMean <<"\t"<< pedSigma << endl; } pedMeanHisto->Fill(pedMean); pedSigmaHisto->Fill(pedSigma); tree->Fill(); } } } // file outputs if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) fileout.close(); histoFile->Write(); histoFile->Close(); // delete tree; // not usable need an update of DATE ->5.28, but it compiles // uncomment when DATE version ok. // setenv DATE_FES_PATH // setenv DATE_RUN_NUMBER // setenv DATE_ROLE_NAME // setenv DATE_DETECTOR_CODE // if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) { // flatOutputFile.Prepend("./"); // status = daqDA_FES_storeFile(flatOutputFile.Data(),"MUONTRKda_results"); // if (status) { // printf("Failed to export file : %d\n",status); // return -1; // } // } } //________________ void MakePedStoreForGain() { // store pedestal map in root file Int_t injCharge = 200; TTree* tree = 0x0; // compute and store pedestals MakePedStore(); // store in root file sprintf(histoFileName,"mutrkgain.root"); TString mode("UPDATE"); if (command.Contains("cre")) { mode = "RECREATE"; } TFile* histoFile = new TFile(histoFileName, mode.Data(), "MUON Tracking Gains"); // second argument should be the injected charge, taken from config crocus file // put also info about run number could be usefull AliMpIntPair* pair = new AliMpIntPair(runNumber, injCharge); if (mode.CompareTo("UPDATE") == 0) { tree = (TTree*)histoFile->Get("t"); tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&pair); tree->SetBranchAddress("ped",&pedestalStore); } else { tree = new TTree("t","Pedestal tree"); tree->Branch("run", "AliMpIntPair",&pair); tree->Branch("ped", "AliMUON2DMap",&pedestalStore); tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&pair); tree->SetBranchAddress("ped",&pedestalStore); } tree->Fill(); tree->Write("t", TObject::kOverwrite); // overwrite the tree histoFile->Close(); delete pair; } //________________ void MakeGainStore(TString flatOutputFile) { // open file mutrkgain.root // read again the pedestal for the calibration runs (9 runs ?) // need the injection charge from config file (to be done) // For each channel make a TGraphErrors (mean, sigma) vs injected charge // Fit with a polynomial fct // store the result in a flat file. Double_t pedMean[10]; Double_t pedSigma[10]; Double_t injCharge[10]; Double_t injChargeErr[10]; ofstream fileout; TTimeStamp date; if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) { fileout.open(flatOutputFile.Data()); fileout<<"//===========================================================================" << endl; fileout<<"// Pedestal file calculated by MUONTRKda"<Get("t"); Int_t nEntries = tree->GetEntries(); // read back info for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) { map[i] = 0x0; run[i] = 0x0; tree->SetBranchAddress("ped",&map[i]); tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&run[i]); tree->GetEvent(i); } // Q = f(ADC) TF1* func = new TF1("func",fitFunc, 0., 2500., NFITPARAMS); // TF1* func = new TF1("func","pol1"); // iterates over the first pedestal run TIter next(map[0]->CreateIterator()); AliMUONVCalibParam* p; while ( ( p = dynamic_cast(next() ) ) ) { ped[0] = p; Int_t busPatchId = p->ID0(); Int_t manuId = p->ID1(); // read back pedestal from the other runs for the given (bupatch, manu) for (Int_t i = 1; i < nEntries; ++i) { ped[i] = static_cast(map[i]->FindObject(busPatchId, manuId)); } // compute for each channel the gain parameters for ( Int_t channelId = 0; channelId < ped[0]->Size() ; ++channelId ) { Int_t n = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) { if (!ped[i]) continue; //shouldn't happen. pedMean[i] = ped[i]->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 0); pedSigma[i] = ped[i]->ValueAsDouble(channelId, 1); injCharge[i] = (Double_t)run[i]->GetSecond(); injChargeErr[i] = 1.; if (pedMean[i] < 0) continue; // not connected if (pedSigma[i] <= 0) pedSigma[i] = 1.; // should not happen. n++; } if (n > NFITPARAMS) { // if (n > 1) { //fit TGraph *gain = new TGraphErrors(n, pedMean, injCharge, pedSigma, injChargeErr); //should set some initial parameters func->SetParameter(0,-300); // a0 func->SetParameter(1, 1.); // a1 func->SetParameter(2, 0.00001);// a2 func->SetParameter(3, 1100.); // xlim in ADC gain->Fit("func","q"); cout << setw(8) << func->GetParameter(0) <<"\t"<< setw(8) << func->GetParameter(1) << endl; if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) { fileout << "\t" << busPatchId << "\t" << manuId <<"\t"<< channelId << "\t" << setw(8) << func->GetParameter(0) <<"\t"<< setw(8) << func->GetParameter(1) << setw(8) << func->GetParameter(2) <<"\t"<< setw(5) << func->GetParameter(3) << "\t" << func->GetChisquare() << endl; } delete gain; } } } // file outputs for gain if (!flatOutputFile.IsNull()) fileout.close(); delete func; } //*************************************************************// // main routine int main(Int_t argc, Char_t **argv) { // needed for streamer application gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); TFitter *minuitFit = new TFitter(NFITPARAMS); TVirtualFitter::SetFitter(minuitFit); Int_t printLevel = 0; // Global variable defined as extern in the others .cxx files Int_t skipEvents = 0; Int_t maxEvents = 1000000; Double_t nSigma = 3; Int_t threshold = -1; Char_t inputFile[256]; TString flatOutputFile; TString crocusOutputFile; TString crocusConfigFile; // option handler // decode the input line for (Int_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) // argument 0 is the executable name { Char_t* arg; arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] != '-') continue; switch (arg[1]) { case 'f' : i++; sprintf(inputFile,argv[i]); break; case 'a' : i++; flatOutputFile = argv[i]; break; case 'o' : i++; crocusOutputFile = argv[i]; break; case 'c' : i++; crocusConfigFile = argv[i]; break; case 'e' : i++; command = argv[i]; break; case 'd' : i++; printLevel=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 's' : i++; skipEvents=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'n' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&maxEvents); break; case 'p' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&nSigma); break; case 't' : i++; sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&threshold); break; case 'h' : i++; printf("\n******************* %s usage **********************",argv[0]); printf("\n%s -options, the available options are :",argv[0]); printf("\n-h help (this screen)"); printf("\n"); printf("\n Input"); printf("\n-f (default = %s)",inputFile); printf("\n-c (default = %s)",crocusConfigFile.Data()); printf("\n"); printf("\n Output"); printf("\n-a (default = %s)",flatOutputFile.Data()); printf("\n-o (default = %s)",crocusOutputFile.Data()); printf("\n"); printf("\n Options"); printf("\n-d (default = %d)",printLevel); printf("\n-s (default = %d)",skipEvents); printf("\n-n (default = %d)",maxEvents); printf("\n-p (default = %f)",nSigma); printf("\n-t (default = %d)",threshold); printf("\n-e (default = %s)",command.Data()); printf("\n-e make gain & create a new root file"); printf("\n-e make gain & update root file"); printf("\n-e make gain & compute gains"); printf("\n\n"); exit(-1); default : printf("%s : bad argument %s (please check %s -h)\n",argv[0],argv[i],argv[0]); argc = 2; exit(-1); // exit if error } // end of switch } // end of for i // set command to lower case command.ToLower(); // decoding the events Int_t status; Int_t nDateEvents = 0; void* event; pedMeanHisto = 0x0; pedSigmaHisto = 0x0; TStopwatch timers; timers.Start(kTRUE); // once we have a configuration file in db // copy locally a file from daq detector config db // The current detector is identified by detector code in variable // DATE_DETECTOR_CODE. It must be defined. // If environment variable DAQDA_TEST_DIR is defined, files are copied from DAQDA_TEST_DIR // instead of the database. The usual environment variables are not needed. if (!crocusConfigFile.IsNull()) { status = daqDA_DB_getFile("myconfig", crocusConfigFile.Data()); if (status) { printf("Failed to get config file : %d\n",status); return -1; } } status = monitorSetDataSource(inputFile); if (status) { cerr << "ERROR : monitorSetDataSource status (hex) = " << hex << status << " " << monitorDecodeError(status) << endl; return -1; } status = monitorDeclareMp("MUON Tracking monitoring"); if (status) { cerr << "ERROR : monitorDeclareMp status (hex) = " << hex << status << " " << monitorDecodeError(status) << endl; return -1; } cout << "MUONTRKda : Reading data from file " << inputFile <= maxEvents) break; if (nEvents && nEvents % 100 == 0) cout<<"Cumulated events " << nEvents << endl; // check shutdown condition if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) break; // Skip Events if needed while (skipEvents) { status = monitorGetEventDynamic(&event); skipEvents--; } // starts reading status = monitorGetEventDynamic(&event); if (status < 0) { cout<<"EOF found"<GetType(); runNumber = rawReader->GetRunNumber(); if (eventType != PHYSICS_EVENT) continue; // for the moment nEvents++; // decoding MUON payload AliMUONRawStreamTracker* rawStream = new AliMUONRawStreamTracker(rawReader); // loops over DDL rawStream->First(); while( (status = rawStream->Next(busPatchId, manuId, channelId, charge)) ) { if (nEvents == 1) nChannel++; if (printLevel) printf("manuId: %d, channelId: %d charge: %d\n", manuId, channelId, charge); MakePed(busPatchId, (Int_t)manuId, (Int_t)channelId, (Int_t)charge); } // Next digit delete rawReader; delete rawStream; } // while (1) if (command.CompareTo("ped") == 0) MakePedStore(flatOutputFile); // option gain -> update root file with pedestal results // gain + create -> recreate root file // gain + comp -> update root file and compute gain parameters if (command.Contains("gain")) MakePedStoreForGain(); if (command.Contains("comp")) MakeGainStore(flatOutputFile); delete pedestalStore; delete minuitFit; TVirtualFitter::SetFitter(0); timers.Stop(); if (!(crocusConfigFile.IsNull())) cout << "MUONTRKda : CROCUS command file generated : " << crocusOutputFile.Data() << endl; else cout << "MUONTRKda : WARNING no CROCUS command file generated" << endl; cout << "MUONTRKda : Flat ASCII file generated : " << flatOutputFile << endl; cout << "MUONTRKda : Histo file generated : " << histoFileName << endl; cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of DATE events = " << nDateEvents << endl; cout << "MUONTRKda : Nb of events used = " << nEvents << endl; printf("Execution time : R:%7.2fs C:%7.2fs\n", timers.RealTime(), timers.CpuTime()); return status; }