/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ #include "AliMUONMchViewApplication.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCodeTimer.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMUONAlignmentCompareDialog.h" #include "AliMUONChamberPainter.h" #include "AliMUONDEPainter.h" #include "AliMUONPainterDataRegistry.h" #include "AliMUONPainterDataSourceFrame.h" #include "AliMUONPainterEnv.h" #include "AliMUONPainterHelper.h" #include "AliMUONPainterGroup.h" #include "AliMUONPainterMasterFrame.h" #include "AliMUONPainterMatrix.h" #include "AliMUONPainterRegistry.h" #include "AliMUONTrackerDataCompareDialog.h" #include "AliMUONTrackerDataWrapper.h" #include "AliMUONVTrackerData.h" #include "AliMUONVTrackerDataMaker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /// \class AliMUONMchViewApplication /// /// Main class for the mchview program /// ///\author Laurent Aphecetche, Subatech using std::cout; using std::endl; /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMUONMchViewApplication) /// \endcond CLASSIMP const Int_t AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkFILESAVEAS(1); const Int_t AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkFILEOPEN(2); const Int_t AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkFILEEXIT(3); const Int_t AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkFILEPRINTAS(4); const Int_t AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkABOUT(5); const Int_t AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkCOMPAREDATA(6); const Int_t AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkCOMPAREALIGNMENTS(7); const char* AliMUONMchViewApplication::fgkFileTypes[] = { "ROOT files", "*.root", "All files", "*", 0, 0 }; //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONMchViewApplication::AliMUONMchViewApplication(const char* name, int* argc, char** argv, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t ox, UInt_t oy) : TRint(name,argc,argv), fMainFrame(0x0), fPainterMasterFrameList(new TList), fTabs(0x0) { /// ctor /// (w,h) is the size in pixel (if 0,0 it will be computed as 70%,90% of display size) /// (ox,oy) is the offset from the top-left of the display if (!w || !h) { w = (UInt_t)(gClient->GetDisplayWidth()*0.7); h = (UInt_t)(gClient->GetDisplayHeight()*0.9); } fMainFrame = new TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(),w,h); CreateMenuBar(w); const Int_t kbs = 2; // h -= 60; // menubar fTabs = new TGTab(fMainFrame,w,h); TGCompositeFrame* t = fTabs->AddTab("Painter Master Frame"); fPainterMasterFrameList->SetOwner(kTRUE); AliMUONPainterMasterFrame* pmf = new AliMUONPainterMasterFrame(t,t->GetWidth()-kbs*2,t->GetHeight()-kbs*2, GenerateStartupMatrix()); fPainterMasterFrameList->Add(pmf); t->AddFrame(pmf, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,kbs,kbs,kbs,kbs)); t = fTabs->AddTab("Data Sources"); AliMUONPainterDataSourceFrame* dsf = new AliMUONPainterDataSourceFrame(t,t->GetWidth()-kbs*2,t->GetHeight()-kbs*2); t->AddFrame(dsf,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,kbs,kbs,kbs,kbs)); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fTabs,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,0,0,0,0)); fMainFrame->SetWindowName("mchview - Visualization of MUON Tracker detector"); fMainFrame->MapSubwindows(); fMainFrame->Resize(); pmf->Update(); fMainFrame->MapWindow(); fMainFrame->Connect("CloseWindow()","AliMUONMchViewApplication",this,"Terminate()"); // fMainFrame->MoveResize(ox,oy, w, h); fMainFrame->SetWMPosition(ox, oy); // fMainFrame->SetWMSizeHints(w,h,w,h,0,0); // fMainFrame->SetWMSizeHints(w,h,w,h,10,10); cout << "***************************************************" << endl; cout << " Welcome to mchview" << endl; cout << " " << FullVersion() << endl; cout << "***************************************************" << endl; // Trying to see if we're requested to draw something specific instead // of the global view of all the chambers AliMUONVPainter* painter(0x0); TObjArray args; args.SetOwner(kTRUE); for ( int i = 1; i < argc[0]; ++i ) { args.Add(new TObjString(argv[i])); } for ( Int_t i = 0; i <= args.GetLast(); ++i ) { TString a(static_cast(args.At(i))->String()); AliMUONAttPainter att; att.SetPlane(kTRUE,kFALSE); att.SetCathode(kFALSE,kFALSE); att.SetViewPoint(kTRUE,kFALSE); if ( a == "--de" ) { Int_t detElemId = static_cast(args.At(i+1))->String().Atoi(); painter = new AliMUONDEPainter(att,detElemId); painter->SetOutlined("*",kFALSE); painter->SetOutlined("BUSPATCH",kTRUE); painter->SetLine(1,4,3); ++i; } if ( a == "--chamber" ) { Int_t chamberId = static_cast(args.At(i+1))->String().Atoi(); painter = new AliMUONChamberPainter(att,chamberId-1); painter->SetOutlined("*",kFALSE); painter->SetOutlined("DE",kTRUE); painter->SetLine(1,4,3); ++i; } } if ( painter ) { pmf->ShiftClicked(painter,0x0); pmf->Update(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONMchViewApplication::~AliMUONMchViewApplication() { /// dtor delete fPainterMasterFrameList; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMUONPainterMatrix* AliMUONMchViewApplication::GenerateStartupMatrix() { /// Kind of bootstrap method to trigger the generation of all contours AliCodeTimerAuto("",0); AliMUONAttPainter att; att.SetViewPoint(kTRUE,kFALSE); att.SetCathode(kFALSE,kFALSE); att.SetPlane(kTRUE,kFALSE); AliMUONPainterMatrix* matrix = new AliMUONPainterMatrix("Tracker",5,2); for ( Int_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { AliMUONVPainter* painter = new AliMUONChamberPainter(att,i); painter->SetResponder("Chamber"); painter->SetOutlined("*",kFALSE); painter->SetOutlined("MANU",kTRUE); for ( Int_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) { painter->SetLine(j,1,4-j); } matrix->Adopt(painter); } AliMUONPainterRegistry::Instance()->Register(matrix); return matrix; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::CompareAlignments() { /// Launch compare data dialog TGTransientFrame* t = new AliMUONAlignmentCompareDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), gClient->GetRoot(), 400,400); t->MapSubwindows(); t->Resize(); t->MapWindow(); t->CenterOnParent(); // set names t->SetWindowName("mchview compare alignments tool"); t->SetIconName("mchview compare alignments tool"); t->MapRaised(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::CompareData() { /// Launch compare data dialog TGTransientFrame* t = new AliMUONTrackerDataCompareDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), gClient->GetRoot(), 400,400); t->MapSubwindows(); t->Resize(); t->MapWindow(); t->CenterOnParent(); // set names t->SetWindowName("mchview compare data tool"); t->SetIconName("mchview compare data tool"); t->MapRaised(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::CreateMenuBar(UInt_t w) { /// Create the application menu bar TGPopupMenu* file = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); file->AddEntry("&Open...",fgkFILEOPEN); file->AddEntry("&Save As...",fgkFILESAVEAS); file->AddEntry("&Print As...",fgkFILEPRINTAS); file->AddEntry("&Exit",fgkFILEEXIT); TGMenuBar* bar = new TGMenuBar(fMainFrame,w); TGPopupMenu* tools = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); tools->AddEntry("&Compare data",fgkCOMPAREDATA); tools->AddEntry("&Compare alignments",fgkCOMPAREALIGNMENTS); TGPopupMenu* about = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); about->AddEntry(FullVersion(),fgkABOUT); file->Connect("Activated(Int_t)","AliMUONMchViewApplication",this,"HandleMenu(Int_t)"); about->Connect("Activated(Int_t)","AliMUONMchViewApplication",this,"HandleMenu(Int_t)"); tools->Connect("Activated(Int_t)","AliMUONMchViewApplication",this,"HandleMenu(Int_t)"); bar->AddPopup("&File",file,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsTop)); bar->AddPopup("&Tools",tools,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsTop)); bar->AddPopup("&About",about,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight|kLHintsTop)); fMainFrame->AddFrame(bar,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsExpandX)); AliMUONPainterRegistry::Instance()->SetMenuBar(bar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::HandleMenu(Int_t i) { /// Handle the click of one menu item switch (i) { case fgkFILEEXIT: Terminate(1); break; case fgkFILEOPEN: Open(); break; case fgkFILESAVEAS: Save(); break; case fgkFILEPRINTAS: PrintAs(); break; case fgkABOUT: ReleaseNotes(); break; case fgkCOMPAREDATA: CompareData(); break; case fgkCOMPAREALIGNMENTS: CompareAlignments(); break; default: break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::Open() { /// Open file dialog TGFileInfo fileInfo; fileInfo.fFileTypes = fgkFileTypes; delete[] fileInfo.fIniDir; AliMUONPainterEnv* env = AliMUONPainterHelper::Instance()->Env(); fileInfo.fIniDir = StrDup(env->String("LastOpenDir",".")); new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(),gClient->GetRoot(), kFDOpen,&fileInfo); env->Set("LastOpenDir",fileInfo.fIniDir); env->Save(); Open(gSystem->ExpandPathName(Form("%s",fileInfo.fFilename))); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::Open(const char* filename) { /// Open a given file containing saved VTrackerDataMaker objects TString sfilename(gSystem->ExpandPathName(filename)); if ( sfilename.Contains(TRegexp("^alien")) ) { // insure we've initialized the grid... if (!gGrid) { TGrid::Connect("alien://"); } } TFile* f = TFile::Open(filename); ReadDir(*f); delete f; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::ReadDir(TDirectory& dir) { /// Read the given directory and import VTrackerData objects found TList* keys = dir.GetListOfKeys(); TIter next(keys); TKey* k; while ( ( k = static_cast(next()) ) ) { TObject* object = k->ReadObj(); if ( object->InheritsFrom("TDirectory") ) { TDirectory* d = static_cast(object); ReadDir(*d); continue; } if ( object->InheritsFrom("AliMUONVTrackerDataMaker") ) { AliMUONVTrackerDataMaker* maker = dynamic_cast(object); if ( maker ) { AliMUONPainterDataRegistry::Instance()->Register(maker); } } if ( object->InheritsFrom("AliMUONVTrackerData") ) { // this is for backward compatibility. Early versions of mchview // wrote VTrackerData objects, and not VTrackerDataMaker ones. AliMUONVTrackerData* data = dynamic_cast(object); if ( data ) { AliMUONVTrackerDataMaker* maker = new AliMUONTrackerDataWrapper(data); AliMUONPainterDataRegistry::Instance()->Register(maker); } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::PrintAs() { /// Print as... TGFileInfo fileInfo; new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(),gClient->GetRoot(), kFDSave,&fileInfo); TIter next(fPainterMasterFrameList); AliMUONPainterMasterFrame* pmf; Bool_t first(kTRUE); while ( ( pmf = static_cast(next()) ) ) { pmf->SaveAs(gSystem->ExpandPathName(Form("%s",fileInfo.fFilename)), first ? "RECREATE" : "UPDATE"); first = kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::ReleaseNotes() { /// Display release notes UInt_t width = 600; UInt_t height = 400; TGTransientFrame* t = new TGTransientFrame(gClient->GetRoot(),gClient->GetRoot(),width,height); TGTextView* rn = new TGTextView(t); rn->AddLine("1.16"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Default OCDB is now raw:// (following the fact that 'code' OCDB is not longer installed"); rn->AddLine("If you want a purely local execution you'll need a local copy of the OCDB and use the --ocdb option to point mchview to it"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.15"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Fixing display of data at pad level (pads were hollow)"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.14"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Fixing anti-aliasing problem on MacOSX"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.13"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Make default OCDB = 2013 one"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.11"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Adding [Compare alignments] in the Tools menu + make default OCDB be 2012's version"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.10"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Make the raw OCDB more obvious in the data source tab"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.08"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Changed the default OCDB to 2011 version"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.07"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Added the RejectList as a possible OCDB data source"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.06"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Changed a bit the HV display. Now a trip is indicated with a value of -1"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.05"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Added the possibility to select an event range when reading raw data"); rn->AddLine("Usefull e.g. to look at a single suspect event..."); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.04"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Changed the default OCDB to 2010 version"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.03"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Add Print buttons"); rn->AddLine("Add the automatic creation of often used canvases when using pedestal source"); // Internal reorganization to allow several independent tabs to be created to // show different master frames (not used yet). Important for the moment // is the ability to create a PainterMatrix and pass it to the PainterMasterFrame rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.02"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Internal change (merging of AliMUONTrackerACFDataMaker and AliMUONTrackerOCDBDataMaker into AliMUONTrackerConditionDataMaker)"); rn->AddLine("Added --ocdb option"); rn->AddLine("Corrected the display of the configuration"); rn->AddLine("Corrected the interpretation of the switches for the HV display"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.01"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Added the configuration as a possible OCDB data source"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("1.00"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Added the Status and StatusMap as a possible OCDB data source"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Added one (computed) dimension to the Gains data source = 1/a1/0.2 (mV/fC)"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.99a"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Added the --de and --chamber options"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.99"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("The chamberid in the label (top right of panel) is now starting at 1 as in common usage"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.98"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Added --asciimapping option"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.97"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Adding calibration option with Emelec (aka injection) gain"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.96a"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Internal reorganization of the contour computations, that lead to improved performance. "); rn->AddLine("Improved enough to be able to remove completely the usage of the padstore.root file with precomputed contours."); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.96"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("New features"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("- Can now read raw data from memory (using the mem://@gdc: syntax)"); rn->AddLine("- Raw data decoder now automatically skips buspatches with parity errors"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.95"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("New features"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("- Can now read and display HV values from OCDB"); rn->AddLine("- New program option --geometry to force geometry of the window"); rn->AddLine("- Added possibility, in painters' context menu, to include or exclude part of the detector"); rn->AddLine(" (which will be used later on to communicate with LC2 which parts should be read out or not)"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Improvement"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("- When displaying Gains, the quality information is now decoded"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.94"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("New features"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Can now read ASCII calibration files produced by the DA"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("0.93"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("New features"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("- Adding a Lock button under the color slider to lock the range shown"); rn->AddLine(" when switching between views"); rn->AddLine("- Default display now shows bending plane (instead of cathode 0 before)"); rn->AddLine("- If pad is responder and there's some histo for that pad, "); rn->AddLine(" clicking on it will display an histo"); rn->AddLine("- Right-click on a painter will now display several histogram options"); rn->AddLine(" (e.g. raw charge as before, but also simple distributions of mean"); rn->AddLine(" and sigma"); rn->AddLine("- In the Data Sources Tab, each data source can now be removed and saved"); rn->AddLine("- There's a new Tool menu which allow to produce a TrackerData from two others"); rn->AddLine(" in order to compare data."); rn->AddLine(" - The --use option can now reference alien files"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("Bug fixes"); rn->AddLine(""); rn->AddLine("- Can now read Capacitances from OCDB"); rn->Resize(width,height); t->AddFrame(rn, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); t->MapSubwindows(); t->Resize(); t->MapWindow(); t->CenterOnParent(); // set names t->SetWindowName("mchview release notes"); t->SetIconName("mchview release notes"); // t->SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll | kMWMDecorResizeH | kMWMDecorMaximize | // kMWMDecorMinimize | kMWMDecorMenu, // kMWMFuncAll | kMWMFuncResize | kMWMFuncMaximize | // kMWMFuncMinimize, // kMWMInputModeless); t->MapRaised(); // gClient->WaitFor(t); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::Save() { /// Open "Save VTrackerData objects to file" dialog TGFileInfo fileInfo; new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(),gClient->GetRoot(), kFDSave,&fileInfo); Save(gSystem->ExpandPathName(Form("%s",fileInfo.fFilename))); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMUONMchViewApplication::Save(const char* filename) { /// Save VTrackerDataMaker objects into file of given name AliMUONPainterDataRegistry* reg = AliMUONPainterDataRegistry::Instance(); TFile f(filename,"RECREATE"); for ( Int_t i = 0; i < reg->NumberOfDataMakers(); ++i ) { AliMUONVTrackerDataMaker* maker = reg->DataMaker(i); maker->Write(); } f.Close(); }