#include "iostream.h" void MUONtestrawclust (Int_t evNumber1=0,Int_t evNumber2=0, Int_t ich1=0, Int_t ich2=0) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This macro is a small example of a ROOT macro // illustrating how to read the output of GALICE // and do some analysis. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root"); if (!file) file = new TFile("galice.root"); // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file if (!gAlice) { gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n"); if (!gAlice) gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); } // Create some histograms TH2F *h21 = new TH2F("h21","Hits",100,-100,100,100,-100,100); TH2F *h22 = new TH2F("h22","CoG ",100,-100,100,100,-100,100); TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","Multiplicity",30,-0.5,29.5); TH1F *hmult = new TH1F("hmult","Multiplicity",30,-0.5,29.5); TH1F *hresx = new TH1F("hresx","Residuals",100,-4,4); TH1F *hresy = new TH1F("hresy","Residuals",100,-.1,.1); TH1F *hresym = new TH1F("hresym","Residuals",100,-500,500); TH2F *hchi1 = new TH2F("hchi1","Chi2 vs Residuals",100,0,0.2,100,-500,500); TH2F *hchi2 = new TH2F("hchi2","Chi2 vs Residuals",100,0,20,100,-500,500); // // Loop over events // Int_t Nh=0; Int_t Nh1=0; for (int nev=evNumber1; nev<= evNumber2; nev++) { Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(nev); cout << "nev " << nev <TreeH(); Int_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries(); cout<<"ntracks "<GetModule("MUON"); TClonesArray *Particles = gAlice->Particles(); TTree *TR = gAlice->TreeR(); Int_t nent=TR->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d entries in the tree (must be one per cathode per event! + 1empty)\n",nent); if (MUON) { for (Int_t ich=ich1;ich<=ich2;ich++) { TClonesArray *MUONrawclust = MUON->RawClustAddress(ich); // printf ("MUONrawclust %p \n",MUONrawclust); for (Int_t icat=1; icat<2; icat++) { MUON->ResetRawClusters(); nbytes += TR->GetEvent(icat); Int_t nrawcl = MUONrawclust->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d raw clusters for cathode %d in chamber %d \n" ,nrawcl,icat,ich+1); for (Int_t iraw=0; iraw < nrawcl; iraw++) { mRaw = (AliMUONRawCluster*)MUONrawclust->UncheckedAt(iraw); Int_t mult=mRaw->fMultiplicity[1]; Int_t itrack=mRaw->fTracks[1]; printf("\n mult1 mult2 %d %d chi2 %f itrack %d" ,mRaw->fMultiplicity[0], mRaw->fMultiplicity[1], mRaw->fChi2[0], itrack); h1->Fill(mult,float(1)); Float_t xrec=mRaw->fX[1]; Float_t yrec=mRaw->fY[0]; Float_t R=TMath::Sqrt(xrec*xrec+yrec*yrec); Int_t nres=0; nbytes=0; gAlice->ResetHits(); Int_t nbytes += TH->GetEvent(itrack); for(AliMUONHit* mHit=(AliMUONHit*)MUON->FirstHit(-1); mHit; mHit=(AliMUONHit*)MUON->NextHit()) { Int_t nch = mHit->fChamber; // chamber number Float_t x = mHit->fX; // x-pos of hit Float_t y = mHit->fY; // y-pos if (nch==(ich+1)){ hresx->Fill(xrec-x,float(1)); hresy->Fill(yrec-y,float(1)); hchi1->Fill(mRaw->fChi2[0],(yrec-y)*1e4,float(1)); hchi2->Fill(mRaw->fChi2[0],(yrec-y)*1e4,float(1)); if ((yrec-y)*1e4 <500 ) hresym->Fill((yrec-y)*1e4,float(1)); if (mRaw->fChi2[0]>.3) { h22->Fill(mRaw->fX[1],mRaw->fY[0],float(1)); hmult->Fill(mult,float(1)); } } // chamber } //hit } //iraw } // icat } // ich } // end if MUON } // event loop TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Charge and Residuals",400,10,600,700); c1->Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); hresx->SetFillColor(42); hresx->SetXTitle("xrec-x"); hresx->Draw(); c1->cd(2); hresy->SetFillColor(42); hresy->SetXTitle("yrec-y"); hresy->Draw(); c1->cd(3); h1->SetFillColor(42); h1->SetXTitle("multiplicity"); h1->Draw(); c1->cd(4); hresym->SetFillColor(42); hresym->SetXTitle("yrec-y"); hresym->Fit("gaus"); hresym->Draw(); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Charge and Residuals",400,10,600,700); c2->Divide(2,2); c2->cd(1); h22->SetFillColor(42); h22->SetXTitle("x"); h22->SetYTitle("y"); h22->Draw(); c2->cd(2); hmult->SetFillColor(42); hmult->SetXTitle("multiplicity"); hmult->Draw(); c2->cd(3); hchi1->SetFillColor(42); hchi1->SetXTitle("chi2"); hchi1->Draw(); c2->cd(4); hchi2->SetFillColor(42); hchi2->SetXTitle("chi2"); hchi2->Draw(); }