// $Id$ /*! \page README_geometry Geometry \section geometry_s1 General Information about MUON Geometry Our geometry is described in the geometry builder classes. The main geometrical constants are set in the class AliMUONConstants. The geometry is built from the code during running simulation and it is automatically exported in a geometry.root file via the framework. Then aliroot takes this geometry.root file as a unique geometrical info of our apparatus during the generation and the reconstruction and analysis (if needed) The macros MakeMUONZeroMisAlignment.C, MakeMUONResMisAlignment.C and MakeMUONFullMisAlignment.C generate the mis-alignment data (see more in the chapter \ref geometry_s4 below). The code can also generate the special geometry data files, transform.dat and svmap.dat, via the macro MUONGenerateGeometryData.C (see more in the chapter \ref geometry_s5 below). The svmap.dat data file have to be recreated each time the code of the geometry is modified. The info (well updated) in this file is needed during the simulation. We can also decide to use the transform.dat file as input of our geometry. This allows for changing the position of our detection elements and/or half-planes (half-chambers in code jargon) without modifying and recompiling the code. Misalignments are in the official AliRoot code applied to the geometry.root file. \section geometry_s2 How to check the geometry with the Root geometrical modeler \see ftp://root.cern.ch/root/doc/chapter16.pdf \see http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a05212
\section geometry_s3 How to check the overlaps with the Root geometrical modeler \see ftp://root.cern.ch/root/doc/chapter16.pdf \see http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a05212
More extensive, but also more time consuming checking, can be performed in this way:
\section geometry_s4 Macro MUONGenerateGeometryData.C Macro for generating the geometry data files: - MUON/data/svmap.dat file contains all the information to link each geant volume (it can be extended to other virtual MC) with a detection element. The point here is that a given detection element, i.e. a slat chamber can consist of more geant volumes. the correspondence is then defined in an input file. Each time there is a change in the definition of MC geometry, these input files must be re-generated via the macro MUONGenerateGeometryData.C - MUON/data/transform.dat file contains the transformations data (translation and rotation) for all alignable objects (modules & detection elements) To be run from aliroot:
.x MUONGenerateGeometryData.C
The generated files do not replace the existing ones but have different names (with extension ".out"). Replacement with new files has to be done manually. \section geometry_s5 Macros to generate Mis-alignment data Macros for generating the geometry mis-alignment data: - MakeMUONFullMisAlignment.C - MakeMUONResMisAlignment.C - MakeMUONZeroMisAlignment.C To be run from aliroot:
.x MakeMUONFullMisAlignment.C
etc. If the environment variable TOCDB is not set to "kTRUE", the misalignment data are generated in a local file: MUONfullMisalignment.root, etc. If the data are stored in CDB, the storage can be specified in the environment variable STORAGE. The misalignment data are then generated in the CDB folder (defaults are ResMisAlignCDB and FullMisAlignCDB in the working directory). Inside the local CDB the path for the alignment data is (and must be) "MUON/Align/Data/". Residual misalignment: Default is our current estimate of misalignment after all our alignment procedure has been applied. Full misalignment: Default is our current estimate of initial misalignment. The mis-alignment data can be then retrieved from a file and applied to ideal geometry in this way.
TFile f("MUONfullMisalignment.root"); 
TClonesArray* misAlignObjsArray = (TClonesArray*)f.Get("MUONAlignObjs");
Mis-aligned geometry can be then inspected in the same way as described in the chapters \ref geometry_s2 and \ref geometry_s3. \section geometry_s6 How to check the alignment software The script AlirootRun_MUONtestAlign.sh allows you to check the software for the alignment with physics tracks. The script will: - Generate a misaligned geometry in a local CDB (default FullMisAlignCDB) - Simulate 1000 events using previously misaligned geometry - Reconstruct the events using perfect geometry - Run the alignment code over the above events using MUONAlignment.C To run you need to type:
The results of the test are saved in test_align/ directory. The file measShifts.root contains useful graphs for studying the alignment performances. A local CDB containing the realigned geometry is also created (default is ReAlignCDB). The file $ALICE_ROOT/MUON/data/transform2ReAlign.dat contains the transformations describing the realigned geometry to be compared with the used misaligned geometry $ALICE_ROOT/MUON/data/transform2.dat. IMPORTANT NOTE: For a useful test of the alignment performances, the order of 100 000 tracks is needed, it is then advisable to generate and reconstruct enough events separately and run MUONAlignment.C providing a file list afterwards. \section geometry_s7 Macro MUONCheckMisAligner.C The macro MUONCheckMisAligner.C performs the misalignment on an existing muon arm geometry based on the standard definition of the detector elements. It uses AliMUONGeometryAligner : - Creates a new AliMUONGeometryTransformer and AliMUONGeometryAligner - Reads the transformations in from the transform.dat file (make sure that this file is the _standard_ one by comparing it to the one in CVS) - Creates a second AliMUONGeometryTransformer by misaligning the existing one using AliMUONAligner::MisAlign User has to specify the magnitude of the alignments, in the Cartesian co-ordiantes (which are used to apply translation misalignments) and in the spherical co-ordinates (which are used to apply angular displacements) User can also set misalignment ranges by hand using the methods : SetMaxCartMisAlig, SetMaxAngMisAlig, SetXYAngMisAligFactor (last method takes account of the fact that the misalingment is greatest in the XY plane, since the detection elements are fixed to a support structure in this plane. Misalignments in the XZ and YZ plane will be very small compared to those in the XY plane, which are small already - of the order of microns) Default behavior generates a "residual" misalignment using gaussian distributions. Uniform distributions can still be used, see AliMUONGeometryAligner. User can also generate module misalignments using SetModuleCartMisAlig and SetModuleAngMisAlig Note : If the detection elements are allowed to be misaligned in all directions, this has consequences for the alignment algorithm, which needs to know the number of free parameters. Eric only allowed 3 : x,y,theta_xy, but in principle z and the other two angles are alignable as well. \section geometry_s8 Geometry data files format \subsection geometry_s8_sub1 transform.dat List of transformations for chambers geometry modules and detection elements; in format:
 KEY   ID  [nofDE]  pos: posX posY posZ  rot: theX phiX theY phiY theZ phiZ
 where  KEY  = CH or DE
        ID   = chamberId or detElemId
	pos: posX posY posZ  = position in cm
	rot: theX phiX theY phiY theZ phiZ = rotation angles as in Geant3 in deg
\subsection geometry_s8_sub2 svmap.dat Map of sensitive volumes to detction element Ids; in format:
 KEY  volpath  detElemId
 where  KEY  = SV
	volpath   = volume path in format /volname1_copyNo1/volname2_copyNo2/...
        detElemId = detection element Id
This chapter is defined in the READMEgeometry.txt file. */