/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ // $MpId: AliMpDDLStore.cxx,v 1.4 2006/05/24 13:58:34 ivana Exp $ // Category: management // // Class AliMpDDLStore // -------------------- // The top container class for DDLs, det elements and bus patched // It provides acces to DDL, det element and bus patches objects // via various characteristics. // Authors: Ivana Hrivnacova, IPN Orsay // Christian Finck, SUBATECH Nantes #include "AliMpDDLStore.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliMpDEStore.h" #include "AliMpDDL.h" #include "AliMpFiles.h" #include "AliMpHelper.h" #include "AliMpDEManager.h" #include "AliMpDetElement.h" #include "AliMpBusPatch.h" #include "AliMpTriggerCrate.h" #include "AliMpLocalBoard.h" #include "AliMpSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpVSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpStringObjMap.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMpDDLStore) /// \endcond AliMpDDLStore* AliMpDDLStore::fgInstance = 0; const Int_t AliMpDDLStore::fgkNofDDLs = 20; const Int_t AliMpDDLStore::fgkNofTriggerDDLs = 2; // // static methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpDDLStore* AliMpDDLStore::Instance() { /// Create the DDL store if it does not yet exist /// and return its instance if ( ! fgInstance ) fgInstance = new AliMpDDLStore(); return fgInstance; } // // ctors, dtor // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpDDLStore::AliMpDDLStore() : TObject(), fDDLs(fgkNofDDLs+fgkNofTriggerDDLs), // FIXEME fDetElements(AliMpDEStore::Instance()), fBusPatches(true), fTriggerCrates(true), fLocalBoards(true), fManuList12() { /// Standard constructor AliDebug(1,""); fDDLs.SetOwner(true); fBusPatches.SetOwner(true); fBusPatches.SetSize(900); fTriggerCrates.SetOwner(true); fTriggerCrates.SetSize(16); fLocalBoards.SetOwner(true); fLocalBoards.SetSize(242); // included non-identied board // Create all detection elements ReadDDLs(); ReadTriggerDDLs(); SetManus(); SetPatchModules(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpDDLStore::AliMpDDLStore(TRootIOCtor* /*ioCtor*/) : TObject(), fDDLs(), fDetElements(0), fBusPatches() { /// Constructor for IO AliDebug(1,""); fgInstance = this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpDDLStore::~AliMpDDLStore() { /// Destructor AliDebug(1,""); delete fDetElements; // DDL objects are deleted with fDDLs // Bus patches objects are deleted with fBusPatches fgInstance = 0; } // // private methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetManuListIndex(Int_t detElemId) const { /// Return the index of the manu list for given detElemId return AliMpDEManager::GetChamberId(detElemId)*4 + (detElemId % 100); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetBusPatchIndex(Int_t detElemId, Int_t manuId) const { /// Calculate the index of the buspatch from manuId Int_t pos = 0; AliMp::StationType stationType = AliMpDEManager::GetStationType(detElemId); static Int_t manuMask = AliMpConstants::ManuMask(AliMp::kNonBendingPlane) - 1; if( stationType == AliMp::kStation345) { pos = (manuId & manuMask)/100; } else { Int_t idx = GetManuListIndex(detElemId); // using array defined from DetElemIdToBusPatch.dat file for (pos = fManuList12[idx].GetSize()-1; pos >= 0; --pos) if ( manuId >= fManuList12[idx].At(pos)) break; } return pos; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpDDLStore::ReadDDLs() { /// Read ddl <-> bus patch file TString infile = AliMpFiles::BusPatchFilePath(); ifstream in(infile, ios::in); if (!in) { AliErrorStream() << "Data file " << infile << " not found."; return false; } char line[255]; while ( in.getline(line,255) ) { if ( line[0] == '#' ) continue; TString tmp(AliMpHelper::Normalize(line)); Int_t blankPos = tmp.First(' '); Int_t blankPos1 = tmp.Last(' '); Int_t length = 0; TString sDE(tmp(0, blankPos)); Int_t idDE = atoi(sDE.Data()); // reading 1st manu Id for each bus patch (station 1 & 2) if(AliMpDEManager::GetStationType(idDE) != AliMp::kStation345) { TString sManu(tmp(blankPos1 + 1, tmp.Length()-blankPos1)); AliMpHelper::DecodeName(sManu,',',fManuList12[GetManuListIndex(idDE)]); TString tmp1(tmp(blankPos + 1, blankPos1 - blankPos)); blankPos1 = blankPos + tmp1.First(' ') + 1; length = tmp.Last(' ') - blankPos1; } else { length = tmp.Length()-blankPos1; } TString sDDL(tmp(blankPos1 + 1, length)); Int_t iDDL = atoi(sDDL.Data()); TString busPatch(tmp(blankPos + 1,blankPos1-blankPos-1)); AliDebugStream(3) << "idDE " << idDE << " buspatch " << busPatch.Data() << " iDDL " << iDDL << endl; if ( iDDL < 0 || iDDL >= fgkNofDDLs ) { AliErrorStream() << "DDL id "<< iDDL << " outside limits." << endl; return false; } if ( ! AliMpDEManager::IsValidDetElemId(idDE, false) ) { AliErrorStream() << "DetElemId "<< idDE << " not valid." << endl; return false; } AliMpDDL* ddl = GetDDL(iDDL, false); if ( !ddl) { ddl = new AliMpDDL(iDDL); fDDLs.AddAt(ddl, iDDL); } ddl->AddDE(idDE); TArrayI busPatchList; // decoding range of buspatch AliMpHelper::DecodeName(busPatch,';',busPatchList); // Update DE AliMpDetElement* de = AliMpDEManager::GetDetElement(idDE); de->SetDdlId(iDDL); // filling buspatch -> idDE for (Int_t i = 0; i < busPatchList.GetSize(); i++) { fBusPatches.Add(busPatchList[i], new AliMpBusPatch(busPatchList[i], idDE, iDDL)); de->AddBusPatch(busPatchList[i]); } } // Fill bus patch Ids array in DDLs now for ( Int_t i=0; iFillBusPatchIds(); } in.close(); return true; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpDDLStore::ReadTriggerDDLs() { /// create trigger DDL object ddl<->Crate<->local board AliMpStringObjMap inputXfromMap; AliMpStringObjMap inputXtoMap; AliMpStringObjMap inputYfromMap; AliMpStringObjMap inputYtoMap; Int_t nonNotified = 0; Int_t iDDL = -1; TString infile = AliMpFiles::LocalTriggerBoardMapping(); ifstream in(infile, ios::in); if (!in) { AliError(Form("Local Trigger Board Mapping File %s not found", infile.Data())); return kFALSE; } AliMpLocalBoard* board = 0x0; AliMpTriggerCrate* crate = 0x0; TString localNumber; Int_t localNumberId = 0; TArrayI list; char line[255]; while (in.getline(line, 255)) { // files contains lines with some blank caracters ??? if (line[0] == ' ' && strlen(line) < 12) continue; TString tmp(AliMpHelper::Normalize(line)); if (tmp.IsNull()) continue; // Ignore empty lines if (tmp.Contains("Board")) { // extract id, name, slot & crate name TObjArray* stringList = tmp.Tokenize(TString(" ")); TString localNumber = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(1))->GetString(); if (localNumber.CompareTo("nn") != 0) // Notified cards localNumberId = localNumber.Atoi(); else localNumberId = AliMpConstants::NofLocalBoards() + (++nonNotified); TString localName = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(4))->GetString(); TString slotName = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(10))->GetString(); AliDebug(3, Form("%d %s %d\n", localNumberId, localName.Data(), slotName.Atoi())); board = new AliMpLocalBoard(localNumberId, localName.Data(), slotName.Atoi()); // not notified board if (localNumber.CompareTo("nn") == 0) board->SetNotified(false); // compose name with number and side (Right or Left) TString crateNumber = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(6))->GetString(); TString crateSide = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(7))->GetString(); TString crateName = crateNumber + crateSide; // set crate name board->SetCrate(crateName); // determine ddl number vs crate side if (crateName.Contains("R")) iDDL = fgkNofDDLs; // starts where tracker ends else iDDL = fgkNofDDLs + 1; AliMpDDL* ddl = GetDDL(iDDL, false); if ( !ddl) { ddl = new AliMpDDL(iDDL); fDDLs.AddAt(ddl, iDDL); } Int_t crateId; if (crateNumber.CompareTo("2-3") != 0) crateId = crateNumber.Atoi(); else crateId = 23; // add trigger crate number for given ddl if not present if ( !ddl->HasTriggerCrateId(crateId) ) ddl->AddTriggerCrate(crateId); // if crate not existing then creating if (!GetTriggerCrate(crateName, false)) { crate = new AliMpTriggerCrate(crateName.Data(), iDDL); fTriggerCrates.Add(crateName.Data(), crate); } // create list of local board in this crate crate->AddLocalBoard(localNumberId); delete stringList; } if (tmp.Contains("DetElemId")) { list.Reset(); AliMpDDL* ddl = GetDDL(iDDL, true); // add DE for local board and DDL TString detElem = &tmp[tmp.First(" ")+1]; AliMpHelper::DecodeName(detElem,' ',list); for (Int_t i = 0; i < list.GetSize(); ++i) { board->AddDE(list[i]); if(!ddl->HasDEId(list[i])) ddl->AddDE(list[i]); } } // map the different copies between cards in X and Y inputs // when copying Xinput, Yinput are copied as well if (tmp.Contains("X3input1")) { TObjArray* stringList = tmp.Tokenize(TString(" ")); TString copyX = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(3))->GetString(); TString input = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(2))->GetString();; if (copyX.Contains("(1)")) { inputXfromMap.Add(input, board); inputYfromMap.Add(input, board); } if (copyX.Contains("(2)")) { inputXtoMap.Add(input, board); inputYtoMap.Add(input, board); } delete stringList; } if (tmp.Contains("Y1input1")) { TObjArray* stringList = tmp.Tokenize(TString(" ")); TString copyY = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(3))->GetString(); TString input = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(2))->GetString();; if (copyY.Contains("(1)")) inputYfromMap.Add(input, board); if (copyY.Contains("(2)")) inputYtoMap.Add(input, board); delete stringList; } if (tmp.Contains("transv")) { // set transverse connector Int_t blankPos = tmp.Last(' '); TString transv(tmp(blankPos+1, tmp.Length()-blankPos)); transv.ToUpper(); if (transv.CompareTo("NONE") == 0) board->SetTC(false); } if (tmp.Contains("Switch")) { list.Reset(); in.getline(line, 255);// skip one line in.getline(line, 255); TString tmp(AliMpHelper::Normalize(line)); // decode switches AliMpHelper::DecodeName(tmp,' ',list); // store switches AliMpArrayI switches; for (Int_t i = 0; i < list.GetSize(); ++i) board->AddSwitch(list[i]); // add local board into map fLocalBoards.Add(board->GetId(), board); } } // set copy card number to where the X-Y inputs are copied and // from where the X-Y inputs come. // deleting the first item (TString) done by AliMpStringObjMap itself // keep AliMpLocalBoard object undelete TString value; for (inputXfromMap.First(); !inputXfromMap.IsDone(); inputXfromMap.Next()) { value = inputXfromMap.CurrentKey(); AliMpLocalBoard* boardFrom = (AliMpLocalBoard*)inputXfromMap.CurrentItem(); AliMpLocalBoard* boardTo = (AliMpLocalBoard*)inputXtoMap.Get(value); boardFrom->SetInputXto(boardTo->GetId()); boardTo->SetInputXfrom(boardFrom->GetId()); AliDebug(3, Form("copy xInputs from local id %d_%s_%d to %d_%s_%d\n", boardTo->GetInputXfrom(), boardFrom->GetCrate().Data(), boardFrom->GetSlot(), boardFrom->GetInputXto(), boardTo->GetCrate().Data(), boardTo->GetSlot())); } for (inputYfromMap.First(); !inputYfromMap.IsDone(); inputYfromMap.Next()) { value = inputYfromMap.CurrentKey(); AliMpLocalBoard* boardFrom = (AliMpLocalBoard*)inputYfromMap.CurrentItem(); AliMpLocalBoard* boardTo = (AliMpLocalBoard*)inputYtoMap.Get(value); boardFrom->SetInputYto(boardTo->GetId()); boardTo->SetInputYfrom(boardFrom->GetId()); AliDebug(3, Form("copy yInputs from local id %d_%s_%d to %d_%s_%d\n", boardTo->GetInputYfrom(), boardFrom->GetCrate().Data(), boardFrom->GetSlot(), boardFrom->GetInputYto(), boardTo->GetCrate().Data(), boardTo->GetSlot())); } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpDDLStore::SetManus() { /// Set manus for each bus patch Int_t manuMask = AliMpConstants::ManuMask(AliMp::kNonBendingPlane) - 1; // loop over DDL for (Int_t iDDL = 0; iDDL < fgkNofDDLs; ++iDDL) { AliDebug(3, Form("DDL # %d\n", iDDL)); AliMpDDL* ddl = GetDDL(iDDL); // loop over DE in the given DDL for (Int_t detElemIdx = 0; detElemIdx < ddl->GetNofDEs(); ++detElemIdx) { Int_t detElemId = ddl->GetDEId(detElemIdx); AliMpDetElement* detElement = GetDetElement(detElemId); AliMp::StationType stationType = AliMpDEManager::GetStationType(detElemId); // list of manu per DE on both cathode TList manuList; for ( Int_t cath = 0; cath < 2 ; ++cath ) { const AliMpVSegmentation* seg = AliMpSegmentation::Instance()->GetMpSegmentation(detElemId,AliMp::GetCathodType(cath)); AliMp::PlaneType planeType = detElement->GetPlaneType(AliMp::GetCathodType(cath)); TArrayI manus; seg->GetAllElectronicCardIDs(manus); // filling TList manu for ( Int_t im = 0; im < manus.GetSize(); ++im ) { AliMpIntPair* manu = 0x0; if( stationType == AliMp::kStation345) manu = new AliMpIntPair((manus[im] & manuMask), planeType, kTRUE); //remove offset for NB else manu = new AliMpIntPair(manus[im], planeType, kTRUE); //keep offset for NB manuList.Add(manu); } }// cathode manuList.Sort(); // sort regardless B or NB plane // filling manu to the corresponding buspatch for (Int_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < manuList.GetEntries(); ++iEntry) { AliMpIntPair* manuPtr = (AliMpIntPair*)manuList.At(iEntry); Int_t manuId = manuPtr->GetFirst(); Int_t pos = GetBusPatchIndex(detElemId, manuId); if (pos > detElement->GetNofBusPatches()) { AliError(Form("pos greater %d than size %d manuId %d detElemId %d \n", pos, detElement->GetNofBusPatches(), manuId, detElemId)); return false; } // get buspatch and fill manus Int_t busPatchId = detElement->GetBusPatchId(pos); AliMpBusPatch* busPatch = GetBusPatch(busPatchId); if( stationType == AliMp::kStation345) { if (manuPtr->GetSecond()) busPatch->AddManu(manuId+manuMask+1); // add offset again after sorted else busPatch->AddManu(manuId); } else { busPatch->AddManu(manuId); } } manuList.Delete(); if (AliDebugLevel() == 3) { // print out for checking for(Int_t pos = 0; pos < detElement->GetNofBusPatches(); ++pos) { Int_t busPatchId = detElement->GetBusPatchId(pos); AliMpBusPatch* busPatch = GetBusPatch(busPatchId); printf("BusPatch: %d\n", busPatch->GetId()); for (Int_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < busPatch->GetNofManus(); ++iEntry) printf("manu Id: %d\n", busPatch->GetManuId(iEntry)); } } } // detection element loop }// DDL loop return true; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpDDLStore::SetPatchModules() { /// Compute the number of manu per PCB for each buspatch Bool_t result = true; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fBusPatches.GetSize(); ++i) { AliMpBusPatch* busPatch = (AliMpBusPatch*)fBusPatches.GetObject(i); Bool_t newResult = busPatch->SetNofManusPerModule(); result = result && newResult; if (AliDebugLevel() == 3) { // print out for checking printf("\nbus patch %d\n", busPatch->GetId()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < busPatch->GetNofPatchModules(); ++i) printf("manu per %dth pcb %d\n", i, busPatch->GetNofManusPerModule(i)); } } return result; } //________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetLocalBoardId(TString name) const { /// return the first board with a given side and line TExMapIter i = fLocalBoards.GetIterator(); Long_t key, value; while ( i.Next(key, value) ) { AliMpLocalBoard* local = (AliMpLocalBoard*)value; TString tmp(&local->GetName()[4], 2); if (name.Contains(tmp)) if (name[0] == local->GetName()[0]) return local->GetId(); } return 0; } // // public methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpDDL* AliMpDDLStore::GetDDL(Int_t ddlId, Bool_t warn) const { /// Return DDL for given ddlId AliMpDDL* ddl = (AliMpDDL*)fDDLs.At(ddlId); if ( ! ddl && warn ) { AliErrorStream() << "DDL with Id = " << ddlId << " not defined." << endl; } return ddl; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpDetElement* AliMpDDLStore::GetDetElement(Int_t detElemId, Bool_t warn) const { /// Return detection element with given detElemId return fDetElements->GetDetElement(detElemId, warn); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpBusPatch* AliMpDDLStore::GetBusPatch(Int_t busPatchId, Bool_t warn) const { /// Return bus patch with given Id AliMpBusPatch* busPatch = (AliMpBusPatch*) fBusPatches.GetValue(busPatchId); if ( ! busPatch && warn ) { AliErrorStream() << "Bus patch with Id = " << busPatchId << " not defined." << endl; } return busPatch; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpLocalBoard* AliMpDDLStore::GetLocalBoard(Int_t localBoardId, Bool_t warn) const { /// Return bus patch with given Id AliMpLocalBoard* localBoard = (AliMpLocalBoard*) fLocalBoards.GetValue(localBoardId); if ( ! localBoard && warn ) { AliErrorStream() << "Local board with Id = " << localBoardId << " not defined." << endl; } return localBoard; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTriggerCrate* AliMpDDLStore::GetTriggerCrate(TString name, Bool_t warn) const { /// Return trigger crate with given name AliMpTriggerCrate* crate = (AliMpTriggerCrate*) fTriggerCrates.GetValue(name.Data()); if ( ! crate && warn ) { AliErrorStream() << "Trigger crate with name = " << name.Data() << " not defined." << endl; } return crate; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTriggerCrate* AliMpDDLStore::GetTriggerCrate(Int_t ddlId, Int_t index, Bool_t warn) const { /// Return trigger crate with given ddl and index crate AliMpDDL* ddl = GetDDL(ddlId, warn); if ( ! ddl ) return 0; if ( index >= ddl->GetNofTriggerCrates() ) { AliError(Form("crate id %d greater than array[%d]", index, ddl->GetNofTriggerCrates())); return 0; } Int_t crateId = ddl->GetTriggerCrateId(index); TString name = AliMpTriggerCrate::GenerateName(crateId, ddlId, fgkNofDDLs); return GetTriggerCrate(name, warn); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetDEfromBus(Int_t busPatchId) const { /// Return detection element Id for given busPatchId AliMpBusPatch* busPatch = GetBusPatch(busPatchId); if ( ! busPatch ) { AliErrorStream() << "Bus patch with Id = " << busPatchId << " not defined." << endl; return 0; } return busPatch->GetDEId(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetDEfromLocalBoard(Int_t localBoardId, Int_t chamberId) const { /// Return detElemId for local board Id and chamber id. AliMpLocalBoard* localBoard = GetLocalBoard(localBoardId); if ( ! localBoard ) { AliErrorStream() << "Loacl board with Id = " << localBoardId << " not defined." << endl; return 0; } return localBoard->GetDEIdByChamber(chamberId); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetDDLfromBus(Int_t busPatchId) const { /// Return DDL Id for given busPatchId AliMpBusPatch* busPatch = GetBusPatch(busPatchId); if ( ! busPatch ) { AliErrorStream() << "Bus patch with Id = " << busPatchId << " not defined." << endl; return 0; } return busPatch->GetDdlId(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetBusPatchId(Int_t detElemId, Int_t manuId) const { /// Return bus patch for a given manuId AliMpDetElement* detElement = GetDetElement(detElemId); Int_t pos = GetBusPatchIndex(detElemId, manuId); if ( pos > detElement->GetNofBusPatches() ) { AliErrorStream() << "Pos = " << pos << " greater than the size = " << detElement->GetNofBusPatches() << " for detElemId = " << detElemId << " manuId = " << manuId << endl; return -1; } return detElement->GetBusPatchId(pos); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpIntPair AliMpDDLStore::GetDetElemIdManu(Int_t manuSerial) const { /// Return the detElemId and manuId for given serial manu number return fDetElements->GetDetElemIdManu(manuSerial); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpDDLStore::PrintAllManu() const { /// Print all manu Ids and their serial numbers sorted by detection element /// and bus patch. \n /// As serial manu numbers are filled in a different way than manu Ids this /// printing allows to check that both ways are consistent // Loop over DE AliMpDEIterator it; for ( it.First(); ! it.IsDone(); it.Next() ) { AliMpDetElement* de = it.CurrentDE(); cout << "DE: " << de->GetId() << endl; // Loop over bus patches in this DE for ( Int_t i=0; i< de->GetNofBusPatches(); ++i ) { AliMpBusPatch* busPatch = GetBusPatch(de->GetBusPatchId(i)); cout << " busPatch: " << busPatch->GetId() << endl; cout << " Manu : "; for ( Int_t j=0; jGetNofManus(); ++j ) { cout << std::setw(6) << busPatch->GetManuId(j) << " "; } cout << endl; cout << " Manu serial: "; for ( Int_t k=0; kGetNofManus(); ++k ) { cout << std::setw(6) << de->GetManuSerialFromId(busPatch->GetManuId(k)) << " "; } cout << endl; } } } //________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetNextDEfromLocalBoard(Int_t localBoardId, Int_t chamberId ) const { /// return the next detection element in line AliMpLocalBoard* localBoard = GetLocalBoard(localBoardId); TString name(localBoard->GetName()); Int_t line = localBoard->GetPosition().GetFirst(); ++line; name.Replace(4,1,Form("%d", line)); Int_t nextLocalId; if ((nextLocalId = GetLocalBoardId(name))) return GetDEfromLocalBoard(nextLocalId, chamberId); else return 0; return 0; } //________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpDDLStore::GetPreviousDEfromLocalBoard(Int_t localBoardId, Int_t chamberId) const { /// return the previous detection element in line AliMpLocalBoard* localBoard = GetLocalBoard(localBoardId); TString name(localBoard->GetName()); Int_t line = localBoard->GetPosition().GetFirst(); --line; name.Replace(4,1,Form("%d", line)); Int_t prevLocalId; if ((prevLocalId = GetLocalBoardId(name))) return GetDEfromLocalBoard(prevLocalId, chamberId); else return 0; }