/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ // Category: management //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class AliMpManuStore // -------------------- // The container class for manu serial numbersd // Authors: Ivana Hrivnacova, IPN Orsay // Christian Finck, SUBATECH Nantes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliMpManuStore.h" #include "AliMpDEStore.h" #include "AliMpDEManager.h" #include "AliMpDetElement.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliMpDataStreams.h" #include "AliMpFiles.h" #include "AliMpHelper.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliMpEncodePair.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMpManuStore) /// \endcond AliMpManuStore* AliMpManuStore::fgInstance = 0; Bool_t AliMpManuStore::fgWarnIfDoublon = kFALSE; // // static methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpManuStore* AliMpManuStore::Instance(Bool_t warn) { /// Create the DDL store if it does not yet exist /// and return its instance if ( ! fgInstance && warn ) { AliWarningClass("Manu Store has not been loaded"); } return fgInstance; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpManuStore* AliMpManuStore::ReadData(const AliMpDataStreams& dataStreams, Bool_t warn) { /// Load the DDL store from ASCII data files /// and return its instance if ( fgInstance ) { if ( warn ) AliWarningClass("DDL Store has been already loaded"); return fgInstance; } if ( dataStreams.GetReadFromFiles() ) AliInfoClass("Reading Manu Store from ASCII files."); fgInstance = new AliMpManuStore(dataStreams); return fgInstance; } // // ctors, dtor // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpManuStore::AliMpManuStore(const AliMpDataStreams& dataStreams) : TObject(), fkDataStreams(dataStreams), fManuToSerialNbs(), fSerialNbToManus(), fNofManusInDE(), fNofManus(0) { /// Standard constructor AliDebug(1,""); // Check if DE store is loaded if ( ! AliMpDEStore::Instance(false) ) { AliErrorStream() << "Mapping segmentation has not be loaded. Cannont load Manu store" << endl; return; } ReadManuSerial(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpManuStore::AliMpManuStore(TRootIOCtor* ioCtor) : TObject(), fkDataStreams(ioCtor), fManuToSerialNbs(), fSerialNbToManus(), fNofManusInDE(), fNofManus(0) { /// Constructor for IO AliDebug(1,""); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpManuStore::~AliMpManuStore() { /// Destructor AliDebug(1,""); } // // private methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpManuStore::ReadData(const AliMpDetElement* de, Int_t& nofManus) { /// Read manu serial numbers for the given detection element Int_t deId = de->GetId(); TString deName = de->GetDEName(); AliMp::StationType stationType = AliMpDEManager::GetStationType(de->GetId()); AliMq::Station12Type station12Type = AliMpDEManager::GetStation12Type(de->GetId()); // Nothing to be done for trigger if ( stationType == AliMp::kStationTrigger ) { nofManus = 0; return kTRUE; } static Int_t manuMask = AliMpConstants::ManuMask(AliMp::kNonBendingPlane); istream& in = fkDataStreams. CreateDataStream( AliMpFiles::ManuToSerialPath(deName, stationType, station12Type)); char line[80]; nofManus = 0; while ( in.getline(line,80) ) { if ( line[0] == '#' ) continue; TString tmp(AliMpHelper::Normalize(line)); TObjArray* stringList = tmp.Tokenize(TString(" ")); Int_t manuId = atoi( ((TObjString*)stringList->At(0))->GetName()); Int_t manuSerial = atoi( ((TObjString*)stringList->At(2))->GetName()); TString sPlane = ((TObjString*)stringList->At(1))->GetString(); // filling manuId <> manuSerial if (!sPlane.CompareTo(PlaneTypeName(AliMp::kBendingPlane))) AddManu(deId, manuId, manuSerial); else AddManu(deId, manuId + manuMask, manuSerial); ++nofManus; delete stringList; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpManuStore::ReadManuSerial() { /// Read data files for all detection elements. /// Return true if reading was successful. Bool_t isOk = kTRUE; // Loop over DE AliMpDEIterator it; for ( it.First(); ! it.IsDone(); it.Next() ) { AliMpDetElement* detElement = it.CurrentDE(); Int_t nofManus; Bool_t result = ReadData(detElement, nofManus); fNofManusInDE.Add(detElement->GetId(), nofManus); fNofManus += nofManus; AliDebugStream(2) << "Adding " << nofManus << " manus for de " << detElement->GetId() << endl; isOk = isOk && result; } return isOk; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpManuStore::ReplaceManu(Int_t detElemId, Int_t manuId, Int_t serialNb) { /// Replace manu in the map. /// As TExMap has no replcae function, we have to rebuild map once again. /// Not yet in use, declared private. Long_t index = AliMp::Pair(detElemId, manuId); TExMap newManuToSerialNbs; // Loop over map TExMapIter it(&fManuToSerialNbs); #if ROOT_SVN_REVISION >= 29598 Long64_t key; Long64_t value; #else Long_t key; Long_t value; #endif while ( ( it.Next(key, value) ) ) { if ( key != index ) newManuToSerialNbs.Add(key, value); else newManuToSerialNbs.Add(index, Long_t(serialNb)); } TExMap newSerialNbToManus; // Loop over map TExMapIter it2(&fSerialNbToManus); while ( ( it2.Next(key, value) ) ) { if ( value != index ) newSerialNbToManus.Add(key, value); else newSerialNbToManus.Add(Long_t(serialNb), index); } // And now replace the maps fManuToSerialNbs = newManuToSerialNbs; fSerialNbToManus = newManuToSerialNbs; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpManuStore::WriteData(const TString& outDir) { /// Write data files for all detection elements. /// Return true if reading was successful. /// Not yet in use, declared private. TString curDir = gSystem->pwd(); // Create top directory // if ( gSystem->OpenDirectory(outDir.Data()) ) { AliErrorStream() << "Directory " << outDir.Data() << " already exists" << endl; return kFALSE; } else { AliDebugStream(2) << "Making directory " << outDir.Data() << endl; gSystem->mkdir(outDir.Data()); } // Loop over DE AliMpDEIterator it; for ( it.First(); ! it.IsDone(); it.Next() ) { AliMpDetElement* detElement = it.CurrentDE(); Int_t detElemId = detElement->GetId(); TString deName = detElement->GetDEName(); AliMp::StationType stationType = AliMpDEManager::GetStationType(detElemId); AliMq::Station12Type station12Type = AliMpDEManager::GetStation12Type(detElemId); if ( stationType == AliMp::kStationTrigger ) continue; // Create directory if it does not yet exist // TString dirPath = outDir + AliMpFiles::StationDataDir(stationType, station12Type); if ( ! gSystem->OpenDirectory(dirPath.Data()) ) { AliDebugStream(2) << "Making directory " << dirPath.Data() << endl; gSystem->mkdir(dirPath.Data()); } // Compose output file path // string dataPath = AliMpFiles::ManuToSerialPath(deName, stationType, station12Type).Data(); string top = AliMpFiles::GetTop().Data(); if ( dataPath.find(top) != string::npos ) dataPath.erase(0, top.size()+1); dataPath.erase(0,dataPath.find('/')+1); TString dataPath1 = dataPath; TString filePath = outDir + "/" + dataPath1; // Open file // ofstream out(filePath.Data()); if ( ! out.good() ) { AliErrorStream() << "Cannot open output file " << filePath.Data() << endl; return kFALSE; } // Loop over map TExMapIter it2(&fManuToSerialNbs); #if ROOT_SVN_REVISION >= 29598 Long64_t key; Long64_t value; #else Long_t key; Long_t value; #endif while ( ( it2.Next(key, value) ) ) { Int_t pairFirst = AliMp::PairFirst(key); if ( pairFirst != detElemId ) continue; Int_t manuId = AliMp::PairSecond(key); AliDebugStream(3) << "Go to write " << key << " " << pairFirst << " " << manuId << " " << value << endl; static Int_t manuMask = AliMpConstants::ManuMask(AliMp::kNonBendingPlane); TString planeName = PlaneTypeName(AliMp::kBendingPlane); if ( manuId> manuMask ) { planeName = PlaneTypeName(AliMp::kNonBendingPlane); manuId -= manuMask; } out << manuId << " " << planeName.Data() << " " << value << endl; AliDebugStream(3) << manuId << " " << planeName.Data() << " " << value << endl; } out.close(); } gSystem->cd(curDir); return kTRUE; } // // public methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpManuStore::NofManus() const { /// Return total number of manus in the store return fNofManus; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpManuStore::NofManus(Int_t detElemId) const { /// Return number of manus in given detection element if ( ! AliMpDEManager::IsValidDetElemId(detElemId, kTRUE) ) return 0; return fNofManusInDE.GetValue(detElemId); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpManuStore::AddManu(Int_t detElemId, Int_t manuId, Int_t serialNb) { /// Add manu to the map Long_t index = AliMp::Pair(detElemId, manuId); AliDebugStream(2) << "Adding (" << detElemId << "," << manuId << ") as index=" << index << " and serialNb=" << serialNb << endl; fManuToSerialNbs.Add(index, Long_t(serialNb)); Long_t value = fSerialNbToManus.GetValue(Long_t(serialNb)); if ( value ) { if ( fgWarnIfDoublon ) { AliWarningStream() << "Serial number " << serialNb << " already present for (detElemId, manuId) = " ; AliMp::PairPut(AliWarningStream(), (MpPair_t) value) << endl; } return kFALSE; } else { fSerialNbToManus.Add(Long_t(serialNb), index); return kTRUE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpManuStore::GetManuSerial(Int_t detElemId, Int_t manuId) const { /// Return manu serial number for given detElemId and manuId Long_t index = AliMp::Pair(detElemId, manuId); // cout << index << " " << fManuToSerialNbs.GetValue(index) << endl; return fManuToSerialNbs.GetValue(index); } //______________________________________________________________________________ MpPair_t AliMpManuStore::GetDetElemIdManu(Int_t manuSerial) const { /// Return detElemId and manuId for given manu serial number /// as encoded pair return fSerialNbToManus.GetValue(Long_t(manuSerial)); }