// $Id$ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpRow // -------------- // Class describing a row composed of the row segments. // // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include #include #include #include "AliMpRow.h" #include "AliMpVRowSegment.h" #include "AliMpRowSegmentSpecial.h" #include "AliMpVMotif.h" #include "AliMpMotifType.h" #include "AliMpMotifPosition.h" #include "AliMpMotifMap.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" ClassImp(AliMpRow) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRow::AliMpRow(Int_t id, AliMpMotifMap* motifMap) : AliMpVIndexed(), fID(id), fOffsetY(0.), fSegments(), fMotifMap(motifMap) { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRow::AliMpRow() : AliMpVIndexed(), fID(0), fOffsetY(0.), fSegments(), fMotifMap(0) { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRow::~AliMpRow() { // for (Int_t i=0; i= ix. // --- for (Int_t i=0; i(segment) && segment->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetFirst() >= ix) return segment; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpMotifPosition* AliMpRow::FindMotifPosition(AliMpVRowSegment* segment, Int_t ix) const { // Finds first motif position in the specified row segment // with high indices limit >= ix. // --- if (!segment) return 0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetNofMotifs(); i++){ AliMpMotifPosition* motifPosition = GetMotifMap()->FindMotifPosition(segment->GetMotifPositionId(i)); if(!motifPosition) { Fatal("FindMotifPosition", "Not found."); return 0; } if (motifPosition->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetFirst()>=ix) return motifPosition; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRow::SetHighIndicesLimits(Int_t iy) { // Sets the global indices high limit to its row segments, // motif positions with a given value. // Keeps ix unmodified. // --- for (Int_t j=0; jSetHighIndicesLimit( AliMpIntPair(rowSegment->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetFirst(),iy)); for (Int_t k=0; kGetNofMotifs(); k++) { Int_t motifPositionId = rowSegment->GetMotifPositionId(k); AliMpMotifPosition* motifPosition = GetMotifMap()->FindMotifPosition(motifPositionId); motifPosition ->SetHighIndicesLimit( AliMpIntPair(motifPosition->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetFirst(), iy)); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRow::CheckEmpty() const { // Give a fatal if row is empty. // --- if (GetNofRowSegments() == 0) Fatal("CheckEmpty", "Empty row"); } // // public methods // //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRow::AddRowSegment(AliMpVRowSegment* rowSegment) { // Adds row segment at the end. // --- fSegments.push_back(rowSegment); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRow::AddRowSegmentInFront(AliMpVRowSegment* rowSegment) { // Inserts row segment in the first vector position. // --- fSegments.insert(fSegments.begin(), rowSegment); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVRowSegment* AliMpRow::FindRowSegment(Double_t x) const { // Finds the row segment for the specified x position; // returns 0 if no row segment is found. // --- for (Int_t i=0; i= rs->LeftBorderX() && x <= rs->RightBorderX()) return rs; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRow::LowBorderY() const { // Returns the lowest row offset (the Y coordinate of the position of the // low border of motif). // --- CheckEmpty(); return fOffsetY - GetRowSegment(0)->HalfSizeY(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRow::UpperBorderY() const { // Returns the uppermost row offset (the Y coordinate of the position of the // upper border of motif). // --- CheckEmpty(); return fOffsetY + GetRowSegment(0)->HalfSizeY(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVPadIterator* AliMpRow::CreateIterator() const { // Iterator is not yet implemented. // --- Fatal("CreateIterator", "Iterator is not yet implemented."); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRow::SetMotifPositions() { // Creates motif positions objects and fills them in the motif map. // --- CheckEmpty(); for (Int_t j=0; jGetNofMotifs(); k++) { // Get values Int_t motifPositionId = rowSegment->GetMotifPositionId(k); AliMpVMotif* motif = rowSegment->GetMotif(k); TVector2 position = rowSegment->MotifCenter(motifPositionId); AliMpMotifPosition* motifPosition = new AliMpMotifPosition(motifPositionId, motif, position); // set the initial value to of HighIndicesLimit() Invalid() // (this is used for calculation of indices in case of // special row segments) motifPosition->SetHighIndicesLimit(AliMpIntPair::Invalid()); Bool_t warn = (rowSegment->GetNofMotifs()==1); // supress warnings for special row segments // which motifs can overlap the row borders Bool_t added = GetMotifMap()->AddMotifPosition(motifPosition, warn); if (!added) delete motifPosition; } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRow::SetGlobalIndices(AliMpDirection constPadSizeDirection, AliMpRow* rowBefore) { // Sets the global indices limits to its row segments, // motif positions. // --- Int_t ix = AliMpConstants::StartPadIndex(); Int_t iy = AliMpConstants::StartPadIndex(); for (Int_t j=0; jGetLowIndicesLimit().GetFirst(); for (Int_t k=0; kGetNofMotifs(); k++) { // Find the y index value of the low edge if (rowBefore) { if (constPadSizeDirection == kY) { iy = rowBefore->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetSecond()+1; } else { AliMpVRowSegment* seg = rowBefore->FindRowSegment(ix); AliMpMotifPosition* motPos = FindMotifPosition(seg, ix); if (!motPos) Fatal("SetGlobalIndices", "Motif position in rowBefore not found."); iy = motPos->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetSecond()+1; } } // Set (ix, iy) to k-th motif position and update ix ix = rowSegment->SetIndicesToMotifPosition(k, AliMpIntPair(ix, iy)); } rowSegment->SetGlobalIndices(); } SetLowIndicesLimit(GetRowSegment(0)->GetLowIndicesLimit()); SetHighIndicesLimit(GetRowSegment(GetNofRowSegments()-1)->GetHighIndicesLimit()); return ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpRow::Position() const { // Returns the position of the row centre. // --- Double_t x = (GetRowSegment(0)->LeftBorderX() + GetRowSegment(GetNofRowSegments()-1)->RightBorderX())/2.; Double_t y = fOffsetY; return TVector2(x, y); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpRow::Dimensions() const { // Returns the maximum halflengths of the row in x, y. // --- Double_t x = (GetRowSegment(GetNofRowSegments()-1)->RightBorderX() - GetRowSegment(0)->LeftBorderX())/2.; Double_t y = GetRowSegment(0)->HalfSizeY(); return TVector2(x, y); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRow::SetRowSegmentOffsets(const TVector2& offset) { // Sets the row segments offsets in X . // --- CheckEmpty(); AliMpVRowSegment* previous = 0; for (Int_t j=0; jRightBorderX(); else offsetX = offset.X(); rowSegment->SetOffset(TVector2(offsetX, 0.)); previous = rowSegment; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRow::SetOffsetY(Double_t offsetY) { // Sets the row offset (the Y coordinate of the position of the // center of motif) and returns the offset of the top border. // --- CheckEmpty(); AliMpVRowSegment* first = GetRowSegment(0); Double_t rowSizeY = first->HalfSizeY(); // Check if all next row segments have motif of // the same size in y for (Int_t i=1; iHalfSizeY(); if (TMath::Abs(sizeY - rowSizeY) >= AliMpConstants::LengthTolerance()) { cout << GetID() << "th row " << i << "th segment " << sizeY << " " << rowSizeY << endl; Fatal("SetOffsetY", "Motif with different Y size in one row"); return 0.; } } offsetY += rowSizeY ; fOffsetY = offsetY; return offsetY += rowSizeY; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpRow::GetNofRowSegments() const { // Returns number of row segments. return fSegments.size(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVRowSegment* AliMpRow::GetRowSegment(Int_t i) const { if (i<0 || i>=GetNofRowSegments()) { Warning("GetRowSegment", "Index outside range"); return 0; } return fSegments[i]; }