// $Id$ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpRowSegment // --------------------- // Class describing a row segment composed of the // the identic motifs. // Included in AliRoot: 2003/05/02 // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include #include #include "AliMpRowSegment.h" #include "AliMpRow.h" #include "AliMpVMotif.h" #include "AliMpMotifType.h" #include "AliMpMotifTypePadIterator.h" #include "AliMpMotifMap.h" #include "AliMpMotifPosition.h" ClassImp(AliMpRowSegment) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegment::AliMpRowSegment(AliMpRow* row, AliMpVMotif* motif, AliMpIntPair padOffset, Int_t nofMotifs, Int_t motifPositionId, Int_t motifPositionDId) : AliMpVRowSegment(), fNofMotifs(nofMotifs), fPadOffset(padOffset), fOffset(TVector2()), fRow(row), fMotif(motif), fMotifPositionId(motifPositionId), fMotifPositionDId(motifPositionDId) { // // Keep pad offset in the low indices limits SetLowIndicesLimit(padOffset); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegment::AliMpRowSegment() : AliMpVRowSegment(), fNofMotifs(0), fPadOffset(AliMpIntPair()), fOffset(TVector2()), fRow(0), fMotif(0), fMotifPositionId(0), fMotifPositionDId(0) { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegment::AliMpRowSegment(const AliMpRowSegment& right) : AliMpVRowSegment(right) { // Fatal("AliMpRowSegment", "Copy constructor not provided."); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegment::~AliMpRowSegment() { // } // // operators // //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegment& AliMpRowSegment::operator=(const AliMpRowSegment& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; Fatal("operator =", "Assignement operator not provided."); return *this; } // // private methods // //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegment::FirstMotifCenterX() const { // Returns the x coordinate of the first motif center // in global coordinate system. // --- return fOffset.X(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegment::LastMotifCenterX() const { // Returns the x coordinate of the last motif center // in global coordinate system. // --- return fOffset.X() + 2.*(fNofMotifs-1)*fMotif->Dimensions().X(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegment::MotifCenterX(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Returns the x coordinate of the motif specified with // the given position identifier. // --- // Check if x is in the row segment range if (! HasMotifPosition(motifPositionId)) { Error("MotifCenterX", "Outside row segment region"); return 0; } // Find the position number in the segment Int_t num = (motifPositionId - fMotifPositionId) * fMotifPositionDId; return fOffset.X() + num*(fMotif->Dimensions().X() * 2.0); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegment::MotifCenterY(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Returns the y coordinate of the motif specified with // the given position identifier. // --- // Check if x is in the row segment range if (! HasMotifPosition(motifPositionId)) { Error("MotifCenterY", "Outside row segment region"); return 0; } return GetRow()->Position().Y() + fOffset.Y(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpRowSegment::IsInside(const TVector2& position, Bool_t warn) const { // Checks if the position is inside some motif of this row segment. // --- Double_t minY = GetRow()->Position().Y() + fOffset.Y() - fMotif->Dimensions().Y(); Double_t maxY = GetRow()->Position().Y() + fOffset.Y() + fMotif->Dimensions().Y(); if ( position.X() < LeftBorderX() || position.X() > RightBorderX() || position.Y() < minY || position.Y() > maxY ) { if (warn) Error("MotifPositionId", "Outside row segment region"); return false; } else return true; } // // public methods // //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegment::LeftBorderX() const { // Returns the x coordinate of the left row segment border // in global coordinate system. // --- return FirstMotifCenterX() - fMotif->Dimensions().X(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegment::RightBorderX() const { // Returns the x coordinate of the right row segment border // in global coordinate system. // --- return LastMotifCenterX() + fMotif->Dimensions().X(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegment::HalfSizeY() const { // Returns the size in y of this row segment. // --- return fMotif->Dimensions().Y() + fOffset.Y(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVMotif* AliMpRowSegment::FindMotif(const TVector2& position) const { // Returns the motif of this row; // --- if (IsInside(position, false)) return fMotif; else return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpRowSegment::FindMotifPositionId(const TVector2& position) const { // Returns the motif position identified for the given // geometric position. // --- if (!IsInside(position, false)) return 0; // Find the position number in the segment Int_t num = Int_t((position.X() - LeftBorderX()) / (fMotif->Dimensions().X() * 2.0)); // Calculate the position Id return fMotifPositionId + num*fMotifPositionDId; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpRowSegment::HasMotifPosition(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Returns true if the motif specified with the given position identifier // is in this segment. // --- Int_t minId = TMath::Min(fMotifPositionId, fMotifPositionId + (fNofMotifs-1)*fMotifPositionDId); Int_t maxId = TMath::Max(fMotifPositionId, fMotifPositionId + (fNofMotifs-1)*fMotifPositionDId); if (motifPositionId >= minId && motifPositionId <= maxId) { return true; } else return false; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpRowSegment::MotifCenter(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Returns the coordinates of the motif specified with // the given position identifier. // --- return TVector2(MotifCenterX(motifPositionId), MotifCenterY(motifPositionId)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpRowSegment::Position() const { // Returns the position of the row segment centre. // --- Double_t x = (LeftBorderX() + RightBorderX())/2.; Double_t y = GetRow()->Position().Y(); return TVector2(x, y); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpRowSegment::Dimensions() const { // Returns the halflengths of the row segment in x, y. // --- Double_t x = (RightBorderX() - LeftBorderX())/2.; Double_t y = GetRow()->Dimensions().Y(); return TVector2(x, y); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRowSegment::SetOffset(const TVector2& offset) { // Calculates offset from given offset and // stored offset in pads. // --- AliMpMotifTypePadIterator iter(fMotif->GetMotifType()); iter.First(); AliMpIntPair localPos = iter.CurrentItem().GetIndices(); Double_t offsetX = offset.X() + 2.*fPadOffset.GetFirst() * fMotif->GetPadDimensions(localPos).X() + fMotif->Dimensions().X(); Double_t offsetY = offset.Y() + fPadOffset.GetSecond() * fMotif->GetPadDimensions(localPos).Y(); fOffset = TVector2(offsetX, offsetY); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRowSegment::SetGlobalIndices() { // Sets indices limits. // --- AliMpMotifPosition* firstPos = GetRow()->GetMotifMap() ->FindMotifPosition(GetMotifPositionId(0)); AliMpMotifPosition* lastPos = GetRow()->GetMotifMap() ->FindMotifPosition(GetMotifPositionId(GetNofMotifs()-1)); // Check if the motif positions has the limits set if ( !firstPos->HasValidIndices() || !lastPos->HasValidIndices()) Fatal("SetGlobalIndices", "Indices of motif positions have to be set first."); SetLowIndicesLimit(firstPos->GetLowIndicesLimit()); SetHighIndicesLimit(lastPos->GetHighIndicesLimit()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpRowSegment::SetIndicesToMotifPosition(Int_t i, const AliMpIntPair& indices) { // Sets global indices to i-th motif position and returns next index // in x. // --- // Get motif position AliMpMotifPosition* motifPosition = GetRow()->GetMotifMap()->FindMotifPosition(GetMotifPositionId(i)); // Low limit AliMpIntPair low = indices + AliMpIntPair(0, GetLowIndicesLimit().GetSecond()); motifPosition->SetLowIndicesLimit(low); // High limit AliMpMotifType* motifType = motifPosition->GetMotif()->GetMotifType(); AliMpIntPair high = motifPosition->GetLowIndicesLimit() + AliMpIntPair(motifType->GetNofPadsX()-1, motifType->GetNofPadsY()-1); motifPosition->SetHighIndicesLimit(high); // Return next index in x return high.GetFirst()+1; // return motifType->GetNofPadsX(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRow* AliMpRowSegment::GetRow() const { // Returns the row.which this row segment belongs to. // --- return fRow; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpRowSegment::GetNofMotifs() const { // Returns number of motifs in this this row segment. // --- return fNofMotifs; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpRowSegment::GetMotifPositionId(Int_t i) const { // Returns number of motifs in this this row segment. // --- return fMotifPositionId + i*fMotifPositionDId; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVMotif* AliMpRowSegment::GetMotif(Int_t /*i*/) const { // Returns the motif of this row segment. // --- return fMotif; }