// $Id$ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial // ----------------------------- // Class describing a special outer row segment composed of the // pad rows. // Included in AliRoot: 2003/05/02 // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include #include #include "AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial.h" #include "AliMpRow.h" #include "AliMpPadRow.h" #include "AliMpVPadRowSegment.h" #include "AliMpMotif.h" #include "AliMpMotifType.h" #include "AliMpMotifMap.h" #include "AliMpMotifPosition.h" ClassImp(AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial) //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial(AliMpRow* row, Double_t offsetX) : AliMpVRowSegmentSpecial(row, offsetX) { // } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial() : AliMpVRowSegmentSpecial() { // } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::~AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial() { // } // // private methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVPadRowSegment* AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::FindMostLeftPadRowSegment(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Find the most left pad row segment with this motifPositionId. // --- AliMpVPadRowSegment* found = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetNofPadRowSegments(); j++) { AliMpVPadRowSegment* padRowSegment = padRow->GetPadRowSegment(j); if ( padRowSegment->GetMotifPositionId() == motifPositionId && (!found || padRowSegment->LeftBorderX() < found->LeftBorderX())) found = padRowSegment; } } return found; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::SetGlobalIndicesLow() { // ... // Last normal row segment in the row // (preceding this special row segment) AliMpVRowSegment* rowSegment = GetRow()->GetRowSegment(GetRow()->GetNofRowSegments()-2); // Set low indices limit to continue indices of the // preceding row segment Int_t ix = rowSegment->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetFirst() + 1; Int_t iy = rowSegment->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetSecond(); SetLowIndicesLimit(AliMpIntPair(ix, iy)); } // // protected methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::MotifCenterSlow(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Returns the coordinates of the motif specified with // the given position identifier. // !! Applicable only for motifs that have their most down pad in // this row segment. // --- // Find the first (left, down) pad row segment with this motifPositionId. AliMpVPadRowSegment* downPadRowSegment = FindPadRowSegment(motifPositionId); AliMpVPadRowSegment* leftPadRowSegment = FindMostLeftPadRowSegment(motifPositionId); // Check if the motifPositionId is present if (!downPadRowSegment || !leftPadRowSegment) { Error("MotifCenter", "Outside row segment region"); return 0; } // Check if both pad row segments have the same motif if (downPadRowSegment->GetMotif() != leftPadRowSegment->GetMotif()) { Fatal("MotifCenter", "Outside row segment region"); return 0; } // Get position of found row segment Double_t x = leftPadRowSegment->LeftBorderX(); Double_t y = GetRow()->LowBorderY() ; for (Int_t i=0; iGetPadRow()->GetID(); i++) y += GetPadRow(i)->HalfSizeY()*2.; // Add motifs dimensions x += downPadRowSegment->GetMotif()->Dimensions().X(); y += downPadRowSegment->GetMotif()->Dimensions().Y(); return TVector2(x, y); } // // public methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::LeftBorderX() const { // Returns the x coordinate of the left row segment border // in global coordinate system. // --- // The right edge of the last normal segment Double_t sameBorder = GetOffsetX(); // Consistence check Double_t leftBorder = DBL_MAX; for (Int_t i=0; iGetPadRowSegment(0)->LeftBorderX(); if (border < leftBorder) leftBorder = border; } if (TMath::Abs(sameBorder - leftBorder) > 1.e-04) { Error("LeftBorderX", "WrongBorder"); return sameBorder; } return leftBorder; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::RightBorderX() const { // Returns the x coordinate of the right row segment border // in global coordinate system. // --- Double_t rightBorder = -DBL_MAX; for (Int_t i=0; iGetPadRowSegment(padRow->GetNofPadRowSegments()-1) ->RightBorderX(); if (border > rightBorder) rightBorder = border; } return rightBorder; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::Position() const { // Returns the position of the row segment centre. // The centre is defined as the centre of the rectangular // row segment envelope. // --- // The right edge of the last normal segment Double_t x = GetOffsetX() + Dimensions().X(); Double_t y = GetRow()->Position().Y(); return TVector2(x, y); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpRowSegmentRSpecial::SetIndicesToMotifPosition(Int_t i, const AliMpIntPair& indices) { // Sets global indices to i-th motif position and returns next index in x. // --- // Update low indices limit for this row segment SetGlobalIndicesLow(); // Check for consistence if (GetLowIndicesLimit().GetFirst() != indices.GetFirst()) Fatal("SetIndicesToMotifPosition", "Inconsistent indices"); // Get motif position AliMpMotifPosition* motifPosition = GetRow()->GetMotifMap()->FindMotifPosition(GetMotifPositionId(i)); // Low limit AliMpIntPair low = GetLowIndicesLimit(); if (! motifPosition->GetHighIndicesLimit().IsValid()) { motifPosition->SetLowIndicesLimit(low); } else { if (motifPosition->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetFirst() > low.GetFirst()) motifPosition->SetLowIndicesLimit( AliMpIntPair(low.GetFirst(), motifPosition->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetSecond())); if (motifPosition->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetSecond() > low.GetSecond()) motifPosition->SetLowIndicesLimit( AliMpIntPair(motifPosition->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetFirst(), low.GetSecond())); } // High limit AliMpMotifType* motifType = motifPosition->GetMotif()->GetMotifType(); AliMpIntPair high = motifPosition->GetLowIndicesLimit() + AliMpIntPair(motifType->GetNofPadsX()-1, motifType->GetNofPadsY()-1); motifPosition->SetHighIndicesLimit(high); // No increment index needed (this is always the last element) return indices.GetFirst(); }