// $Id$ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpSector // ----------------- // Class describing the sector of the MUON chamber of station 1. // Included in AliRoot: 2003/05/02 // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include #include #include "AliMpSector.h" #include "AliMpSectorPadIterator.h" #include "AliMpZone.h" #include "AliMpRow.h" #include "AliMpVRowSegment.h" #include "AliMpVMotif.h" #include "AliMpMotifMap.h" #include "AliMpIntPair.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" ClassImp(AliMpSector) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSector::AliMpSector(const TString& id, Int_t nofZones, Int_t nofRows, AliMpDirection direction) : TObject(), fID(id), fOffset(TVector2(0., 0.)), fZones(), fRows(), fDirection(direction), fMinPadDimensions(TVector2(1.e6, 1.e6)) { // fMotifMap = new AliMpMotifMap(); #ifdef WITH_STL for (Int_t izone = 0; izoneFindRowSegment(position.X()); return rowSegment; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSector::SetRowOffsets() { // For each row checks consitency of the row segments // and calculates the row offset. // --- Double_t offset = fOffset.Y(); for (Int_t irow=0; irowSetOffsetY(offset); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSector::SetMotifPositions() { // Creates motif positions objects and fills them in the motif map. // --- for (Int_t i=0; iSetMotifPositions(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSector::SetGlobalIndices() { // Set the indices limits to all indexed elements // (row, row segment, motif positions). // --- AliMpIntPair indices(0,0); AliMpRow* rowBefore=0; for (Int_t i=0; iSetGlobalIndices(fDirection, rowBefore); rowBefore = GetRow(i); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSector::SetMinPadDimensions() { // Sets the minimal pad dimensions. // --- for (Int_t i=1; iGetPadDimensions(); if ( fDirection == kX && padDimensions.Y() > 0. && padDimensions.Y() < fMinPadDimensions.Y() || fDirection == kY && padDimensions.X() > 0. && padDimensions.X() < fMinPadDimensions.X()) fMinPadDimensions = padDimensions; } } // // public methods // //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSector::SetRowSegmentOffsets() { // For all rows sets offset to all row segments. // --- for (Int_t irow=0; irowSetRowSegmentOffsets(fOffset); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSector::Initialize() { // Makes needed settings after sector is read from // data files. // --- SetRowOffsets(); SetMotifPositions(); SetGlobalIndices(); SetMinPadDimensions(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSector::PrintGeometry() const { // Prints the positions of rows, rows segments // --- for (Int_t i=0; iGetID() << " center Y " << row->Position().Y() << endl; for (Int_t j=0; jGetNofRowSegments(); j++) { AliMpVRowSegment* rowSegment = row->GetRowSegment(j); cout << " ROW Segment " << j << " borders " << rowSegment->LeftBorderX() << " " << rowSegment->RightBorderX() << " x-size " << 2*rowSegment->Dimensions().X() << " " << endl; } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRow* AliMpSector::FindRow(const TVector2& position) const { // Finds the row for the specified y position. // If y is on border the lowest row is returned. // --- Double_t y = position.Y(); #ifdef WITH_STL for (Int_t i=0; i= fRows[i]->LowBorderY() && y <= fRows[i]->UpperBorderY()) return fRows[i]; } #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT for (Int_t i=0; i= ((AliMpRow*)fRows[i])->LowBorderY() && y <= ((AliMpRow*)fRows[i])->UpperBorderY()) return (AliMpRow*)fRows[i]; } #endif return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVMotif* AliMpSector::FindMotif(const TVector2& position) const { // Finds the motif in the specified position. // Returns 0 if no motif is found. // --- // Find the row segment AliMpVRowSegment* rowSegment = FindRowSegment(position); if (!rowSegment) return 0; // Find motif return rowSegment->FindMotif(position); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpSector::FindMotifPositionId(const TVector2& position) const { // Finds the motif position ID in the specified position. // Returns 0 if no motif is found. // --- // Find the row segment AliMpVRowSegment* rowSegment = FindRowSegment(position); if (!rowSegment) return 0; // Find motif position ID return rowSegment->FindMotifPositionId(position); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRow* AliMpSector::FindRow(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Finds the row with the the specified motif position. // Returns 0 if no row is found. // --- AliMpVRowSegment* segment = FindRowSegment(motifPositionId); if (segment) return segment->GetRow(); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVRowSegment* AliMpSector::FindRowSegment(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Finds the row segment with the the specified motif position. // Returns 0 if no row segment is found. // --- for (Int_t irow=0; irowGetNofRowSegments(); iseg++) { AliMpVRowSegment* segment = row->GetRowSegment(iseg); if (segment->HasMotifPosition(motifPositionId)) return segment; } } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpSector::FindPosition(Int_t motifPositionId) const { // Finds the position of the motif specified by its position Id. // Returns 0 if no row segment is found. // --- AliMpVRowSegment* segment = FindRowSegment(motifPositionId); if (!segment) { Warning("FindPosition", "Given motifPositionId not found."); return TVector2(); } return segment->MotifCenter(motifPositionId); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpZone* AliMpSector::FindZone(const TVector2& padDimensions) const { // Finds the zone with specified padDimensions. // --- for (Int_t i=0; iGetPadDimensions())) return zone; } // Return 0 if not found return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpSector::Position() const { // Returns the offset. // --- return fOffset; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpSector::Dimensions() const { // Returns the maximum halflength in x, y. // --- Double_t x = 0.; Double_t y = 0.; for (Int_t i=0; iDimensions().X() > x) x = fRows[i]->Dimensions().X(); // add all rows y dimensions y += fRows[i]->Dimensions().Y(); #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT // take the largest x row dimension if ( ((AliMpRow*)fRows[i])->Dimensions().X() > x) x = ((AliMpRow*)fRows[i])->Dimensions().X(); // add all rows y dimensions y += ((AliMpRow*)fRows[i])->Dimensions().Y(); #endif } return TVector2(x, y); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpSector::GetNofZones() const { // Returns the number of zones. // --- #ifdef WITH_STL return fZones.size(); #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT return fZones.GetEntriesFast(); #endif } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpZone* AliMpSector::GetZone(Int_t zoneID) const { // Returns zone with specified ID. // --- if (zoneID < 1 || zoneID > GetNofZones()) { Warning("GetZone", "Index outside range"); return 0; } #ifdef WITH_STL return fZones[zoneID-1]; #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT return (AliMpZone*)fZones[zoneID-1]; #endif } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpSector::GetNofRows() const { // Returns the number of rows. // --- #ifdef WITH_STL return fRows.size(); #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT return fRows.GetEntriesFast(); #endif } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpRow* AliMpSector::GetRow(Int_t rowID) const { // Returns row with specified ID. // --- if (rowID < 0 || rowID >= GetNofRows()) { Warning("GetRow", "Index outside range"); return 0; } #ifdef WITH_STL return fRows[rowID]; #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT return (AliMpRow*)fRows[rowID]; #endif }