// $Id$ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpSectorSegmentation // ----------------------------- // Class describing the segmentation of the sector. // Provides methods related to pads: // conversion between pad indices, pad location, pad position; // finding pad neighbour. // // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include #include #include #include "AliMpSectorSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpSector.h" #include "AliMpZone.h" #include "AliMpSubZone.h" #include "AliMpRow.h" #include "AliMpVRowSegment.h" #include "AliMpMotifMap.h" #include "AliMpVMotif.h" #include "AliMpMotifPosition.h" #include "AliMpConnection.h" #include "AliMpNeighboursPadIterator.h" #include "AliMpSectorAreaHPadIterator.h" #include "AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator.h" #include "AliMpIntPair.h" #include "AliMpArea.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" ClassImp(AliMpSectorSegmentation) #ifdef WITH_ROOT const Double_t AliMpSectorSegmentation::fgkSeparator = 10000.; #endif //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorSegmentation::AliMpSectorSegmentation(const AliMpSector* sector) : AliMpVSegmentation(), fkSector(sector) { // fPadBuffer = new AliMpPad(AliMpPad::Invalid()); FillPadDimensionsMap(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorSegmentation::AliMpSectorSegmentation() : AliMpVSegmentation(), fkSector(0), fPadBuffer(0), fPadDimensionsMap() { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorSegmentation::AliMpSectorSegmentation( const AliMpSectorSegmentation& right) : AliMpVSegmentation(right) { // Fatal("AliMpSectorSegmentation", "Copy constructor not provided."); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorSegmentation::~AliMpSectorSegmentation() { // delete fPadBuffer; } // // operators // //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorSegmentation& AliMpSectorSegmentation::operator=(const AliMpSectorSegmentation& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; Fatal("operator =", "Assignement operator not provided."); return *this; } // // private methods // #ifdef WITH_ROOT //______________________________________________________________________________ Long_t AliMpSectorSegmentation::GetIndex(const TVector2& vector2) const { // Converts the twovector to long. // --- if (vector2.X() >= fgkSeparator || vector2.Y() >= fgkSeparator) Fatal("GetIndex", "Index out of limit."); return Long_t(vector2.X()*fgkSeparator + vector2.Y() + 1.); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpSectorSegmentation::GetVector(Long_t index) const { // Converts the long index to twovector. // --- return TVector2(TMath::Floor((index-1.)/fgkSeparator), (index-1.) - TMath::Floor((index-1.)/fgkSeparator)*fgkSeparator); } #endif //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorSegmentation::FillPadDimensionsMap() { // Fills the maps between zone ids and pad dimensions. // --- for (Int_t i=0; iGetNofZones(); i++) { AliMpZone* zone = fkSector->GetZone(i+1); Int_t zoneID = zone->GetID(); if (!AliMpConstants::IsEqual(zone->GetPadDimensions(), TVector2())) { // regular zone #ifdef WITH_STL fPadDimensionsMap[zoneID*10] = zone->GetPadDimensions(); #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT fPadDimensionsMap.Add((Long_t)(zoneID*10), GetIndex(zone->GetPadDimensions())); #endif } else { // special zone Int_t subIndex = 0; for (Int_t j=0; jGetNofSubZones(); j++) { AliMpSubZone* subZone = zone->GetSubZone(j); AliMpVMotif* motif = subZone->GetMotif(); for (Int_t k=0; kGetNofPadDimensions(); k++) { Int_t index = zoneID*10 + subIndex++; #ifdef WITH_STL fPadDimensionsMap[index] = motif->GetPadDimensions(k); #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT fPadDimensionsMap.Add((Long_t)(index), GetIndex(motif->GetPadDimensions(k))); #endif } } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpMotifPosition* AliMpSectorSegmentation::FindMotifPosition(const AliMpIntPair& indices) const { // Find the motif position which contains the given pad indices // return 0 if not found // --- switch (fkSector->GetDirection()) { case kX : { // Case where all the pads have the same size along X direction for (Int_t irow=0; irowGetNofRows(); ++irow) { AliMpRow* row = fkSector->GetRow(irow); if (row->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetFirst()<=indices.GetFirst() && row->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetFirst()>=indices.GetFirst()) { for (Int_t iseg=0;isegGetNofRowSegments();++iseg){ AliMpVRowSegment* seg = row->GetRowSegment(iseg); if (seg->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetFirst()<=indices.GetFirst() && seg->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetFirst()>=indices.GetFirst()) { AliMpMotifPosition* motifPos; for (Int_t imot=0;imotGetNofMotifs();++imot) { motifPos = fkSector->GetMotifMap() ->FindMotifPosition(seg->GetMotifPositionId(imot)); if (motifPos && motifPos->HasPad(indices)) return motifPos; } } } } } return 0; } break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case kY : { // Case where all the pads have the same size along Y direction // look for the row which contains the indices AliMpRow* row=0; Int_t irow; for (irow=0; irowGetNofRows(); ++irow) { row = fkSector->GetRow(irow); AliMpVRowSegment* lastSeg = row->GetRowSegment(row->GetNofRowSegments()-1); if (lastSeg->GetLowIndicesLimit().GetSecond()<=indices.GetSecond() && lastSeg->GetHighIndicesLimit().GetSecond()>=indices.GetSecond()) break; // NOTE : We use the last row segment in order to ensure that // we are not on a special motif } if (irow==fkSector->GetNofRows()) return 0; // look for the row segment, in the found row, which contains the indices AliMpVRowSegment* seg=0; Int_t iseg; for (iseg=0;isegGetNofRowSegments();++iseg){ seg = row->GetRowSegment(iseg); if (seg->HasIndices(indices)) break; } if (iseg==row->GetNofRowSegments()) return 0; // look for the motif position which contains the indices AliMpMotifPosition* motifPos=0; Int_t imot=0; for (imot=0;imotGetNofMotifs();++imot) { motifPos = fkSector->GetMotifMap() ->FindMotifPosition(seg->GetMotifPositionId(imot)); if (motifPos && motifPos->HasPad(indices)) break; } if (imot==seg->GetNofMotifs()) return 0; return motifPos; } default: return 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorSegmentation::PadByXDirection(const TVector2& startPosition, Double_t maxX) const { // Find the first valid pad from starting position in the // direction of pad lines up to distance dx. // --- // Define step limits Double_t stepX = fkSector->GetMinPadDimensions().X(); // Search in X direction AliMpPad pad; TVector2 position(startPosition); do { pad = PadByPosition(position, false); position += TVector2(stepX, 0.); } while ( !pad.IsValid() && position.X() < maxX ); // Invalidate pad if it is outside limits if ((pad.Position().X() - pad.Dimensions().X()) > maxX) pad = AliMpPad::Invalid(); return pad; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorSegmentation::PadByYDirection(const TVector2& startPosition, Double_t maxY) const { // Find the first valid pad from starting position in the // direction of pad columns up to distance dx. // --- // Define step limits Double_t stepY = fkSector->GetMinPadDimensions().Y(); // Search in Y direction AliMpPad pad; TVector2 position(startPosition); do { pad = PadByPosition(position, false); position += TVector2(0., stepY); } while ( !pad.IsValid() && position.Y() < maxY ); // Invalidate pad if it is outside limits if ((pad.Position().Y() - pad.Dimensions().Y()) > maxY) pad = AliMpPad::Invalid(); return pad; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVPadIterator* AliMpSectorSegmentation::CreateIterator() const { // The inherited method cannot be used Fatal("CreateIterator", "Center pad has to be specified."); return 0; } // // public methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVPadIterator* AliMpSectorSegmentation::CreateIterator(const AliMpArea& area) const { // Creates the are iterator. // (The inherited method cannot be used) // --- switch (fkSector->GetDirection()) { case kX: return new AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator(this, area); ;; case kY: return new AliMpSectorAreaHPadIterator(this, area); ;; } Fatal("CreateIterator", "Incomplete switch on Sector direction"); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVPadIterator* AliMpSectorSegmentation::CreateIterator(const AliMpPad& centerPad, Bool_t includeCenter) const { // Creates the neighbours pad iterator. // (The inherited method cannot be used) return new AliMpNeighboursPadIterator(this, centerPad, includeCenter); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorSegmentation::PadByLocation(const AliMpIntPair& location, Bool_t warning) const { // Find the pad which corresponds to the given location if ((*fPadBuffer).GetLocation()==location) return (*fPadBuffer); AliMpMotifPosition* motifPos = fkSector->GetMotifMap()->FindMotifPosition(location.GetFirst()); if (!motifPos){ if (warning) Warning("PadByLocation","The pad motif position ID doesn't exists"); return AliMpPad::Invalid(); } AliMpVMotif* motif = motifPos->GetMotif(); AliMpIntPair localIndices = motif->GetMotifType()->FindLocalIndicesByGassiNum(location.GetSecond()); if (! localIndices.IsValid()) { if (warning) Warning("PadByLocation","The pad number doesn't exists"); return AliMpPad::Invalid(); } TVector2 delta = motif->PadPositionLocal(localIndices); return (*fPadBuffer) = AliMpPad(location, motifPos->GlobalIndices(localIndices), motifPos->Position()+delta, motif->GetPadDimensions(localIndices)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorSegmentation::PadByIndices(const AliMpIntPair& indices, Bool_t warning ) const { // Find the pad which corresponds to the given indices if ((*fPadBuffer).GetIndices()==indices) return (*fPadBuffer); AliMpMotifPosition* motifPos = FindMotifPosition(indices); if (!motifPos) { if (warning) Warning("PadByIndices","Pad indices not contained in any motif!"); return AliMpPad::Invalid(); } // retrieve the local indices in the found motif AliMpVMotif* motif = motifPos->GetMotif(); AliMpIntPair localIndices = indices - motifPos->GetLowIndicesLimit(); AliMpConnection* connection= motif->GetMotifType()->FindConnectionByLocalIndices(localIndices); if (!connection){ if (warning) Warning("PadByIndices","No connection with the given indices!"); return AliMpPad::Invalid(); } TVector2 localPos = motif->PadPositionLocal(localIndices); return (*fPadBuffer) = AliMpPad(AliMpIntPair(motifPos->GetID(),connection->GetGassiNum()), indices, motifPos->Position()+localPos, motif->GetPadDimensions(localIndices)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorSegmentation::PadByPosition(const TVector2& position, Bool_t warning) const { // Find the pad which corresponds to the given position if ((*fPadBuffer).Position().X()==position.X() && (*fPadBuffer).Position().Y()==position.Y()) return (*fPadBuffer); Int_t motifPosID = fkSector->FindMotifPositionId(position); AliMpMotifPosition* motifPos = fkSector->GetMotifMap() ->FindMotifPosition(motifPosID); if (!motifPos){ if (warning) Warning("PadByPosition","Position outside limits"); return AliMpPad::Invalid(); } AliMpVMotif* motif = motifPos->GetMotif(); AliMpIntPair localIndices = motif->PadIndicesLocal(position-motifPos->Position()); AliMpConnection* connect = motif->GetMotifType()->FindConnectionByLocalIndices(localIndices); if (!connect){ if (warning) Warning("PadByPosition","Position outside motif limits"); return AliMpPad::Invalid(); } return (*fPadBuffer) = AliMpPad(AliMpIntPair(motifPosID,connect->GetGassiNum()), motifPos->GlobalIndices(localIndices), motifPos->Position()+motif->PadPositionLocal(localIndices), motif->GetPadDimensions(localIndices)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorSegmentation::PadByDirection(const TVector2& startPosition, Double_t distance) const { // Find the first valid pad from starting position in the // direction of pad lines/columns up to the specified distance. // Pad lines are the lines of pads in the sector with constant pad y size, // pad columns are the columns of pads in the sector with constant pad x size. // --- switch (fkSector->GetDirection()) { case kX: return PadByYDirection(startPosition, distance); ;; case kY: return PadByXDirection(startPosition, distance); ;; } Fatal("PadByDirection", "Incomplete switch on Sector direction"); return AliMpPad::Invalid(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpSectorSegmentation::HasPad(const AliMpIntPair& indices) const { // Does the pad specified by exist ? // --- return PadByIndices(indices,kFALSE) != AliMpPad::Invalid(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpSectorSegmentation::HasMotifPosition(Int_t motifPositionID) const { // Does the motif position specified by motifPositionID exist ? // --- return (fkSector->GetMotifMap()->FindMotifPosition(motifPositionID) != 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpSectorSegmentation::GetMinPadDimensions() const { // Returnes the dimensions of the smallest pad. // --- return fkSector->GetMinPadDimensions(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpSectorSegmentation::Zone(const AliMpPad& pad, Bool_t warning) const { // Returns the zone index of the zone containing the specified pad. // This zone index is different from the zone ID, // as it is unique for each pad dimensions. // It is composed in this way: // zoneID*10 + specific index // Specific index is present only for zones containing special motifs. // --- if (!pad.IsValid()) { if (warning) Warning("Zone(AliMpPad)", "Invalid pad"); return 0; } #ifdef WITH_STL PadDimensionsMapCIterator it; for (it = fPadDimensionsMap.begin(); it != fPadDimensionsMap.end(); ++it) { if (AliMpConstants::IsEqual(it->second, pad.Dimensions())) return it->first; } #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT PadDimensionsMapCIterator it(&fPadDimensionsMap); Long_t key, value; while ( it.Next(key, value) ) { TVector2 dimensions = GetVector(value); if (AliMpConstants::IsEqual(dimensions, pad.Dimensions())) return (Int_t)key; } return 0; #endif // Should never happen Fatal("Zone(AliMpPad)", "not found"); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpSectorSegmentation::PadDimensions(Int_t zone, Bool_t warning) const { // Returns the pad dimensions for the zone with the specified zone index. // --- #ifdef WITH_STL PadDimensionsMapCIterator it = fPadDimensionsMap.find(zone); if (it != fPadDimensionsMap.end()) return it->second; #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT Long_t value = fPadDimensionsMap.GetValue(zone); if (value) return GetVector(value); #endif if (warning) Warning("PadDimensions(zone)", "not found"); return TVector2(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpSectorSegmentation::CircleTest(const AliMpIntPair& indices) const { // Verifies that all methods for retrieving pads are consistents between them. // Returns true if the pad with specified indices was found and verified, // false otherwise. // --- if (!HasPad(indices)) return false; // Verify the indice->location->position->indice way AliMpIntPair location = PadByIndices(indices).GetLocation(); TVector2 position = PadByLocation(location).Position(); AliMpIntPair retIndices = PadByPosition(position).GetIndices(); if (retIndices != indices) { cout << "Pad " << indices << " lead to inconsistency" << endl; cout << "in indice->location->position->indice way..." << endl; cout << "starting from " << indices << "-->" << location << "-->" << '(' << position.X() << ',' << position.Y() << ')' << " and retIndices: " << retIndices << endl; } // Verify the indice->position->location->indice way position = PadByIndices(indices).Position(); location = PadByPosition(position).GetLocation(); retIndices = PadByLocation(location).GetIndices(); if (retIndices != indices) { cout << "Pad " << indices << " lead to inconsistency" << endl; cout << "in indice->position->location->indice way..." <