// $Id$ // Category: basic // // Class AliMpTransformer // ------------------------ // Class contains definition of transformation and // provides functions for transforming pads. // Included in AliRoot: 2003/05/02 // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include "AliMpTransformer.h" ClassImp(AliMpTransformer) ///_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTransformer::AliMpTransformer(const TVector2& offset, const AliMpIntPair& scale) : TObject(), fOffset(offset), fScale(scale) { // } ///_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTransformer::AliMpTransformer() : TObject(), fOffset(TVector2()), fScale(AliMpIntPair(1,1)) { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTransformer::~AliMpTransformer() { // } // // private methods // //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpTransformer::CutInterval(Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t x0, Double_t s, Double_t& pos, Double_t& dx) const { // Cuts the interval into // by position x0 in direction of s*x. // Returns the centre of the new interval (pos) and its half size. // --- // Transform values Double_t sx0 = s * x0; Double_t sx1 = s * x1; Double_t sx2 = s * x2; if (s < 0) { // when inversion, replace x1 and x2 Double_t tmp = sx1; sx1 = sx2; sx2 = tmp; } if (sx0 > sx2) { // the interval outside region pos = 0.; dx = -1.; } else if (sx0 > sx1) { // x0 cuts the interval dx = (sx2 - sx0)/2.; pos = s * (sx0 + dx); } else { // the interval inside region dx = (sx2 - sx1)/2.; pos = s * ((sx2 + sx1)/2.); } } // // public methods // //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpIntPair AliMpTransformer::Scale(const AliMpIntPair& pair) const { // Returns the pair with values scaled by the given scale. // --- return pair * fScale; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpTransformer::Scale(const TVector2& vector) const { // Returns vector with values scaled by the given scale. // --- return TVector2(vector.X()*fScale.GetFirst(), vector.Y()*fScale.GetSecond()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpIntPair AliMpTransformer::ScaleLocation(const AliMpIntPair& orig) const { // Returns location with values scaled by the given scale. // --- return AliMpIntPair(orig.GetFirst() * fScale.GetSecond(), orig.GetSecond(), orig.IsValid()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpTransformer::Scale(const AliMpPad& pad) const { // Returns pad with indices scaled by the given scale. // --- return AliMpPad(ScaleLocation(pad.GetLocation()), Scale(pad.GetIndices()), Scale(pad.Position()), pad.Dimensions(), pad.IsValid()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpTransformer::Transform(const TVector2& vector) const { // Transforms given vector with scale and corresponding translation // from sector (local) to plane (global). // --- return Scale(vector) + fOffset; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpTransformer::ITransform(const TVector2& vector) const { // Transforms given vector with scale and corresponding translation // from plane (global) to sector (local). // --- return Scale(vector - fOffset); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpTransformer::Transform(const AliMpPad& pad) const { // Returns pad with characteristics transformed with given scale and // corresponding translation from sector (local) to plane (global). // --- return AliMpPad(ScaleLocation(pad.GetLocation()), Scale(pad.GetIndices()), Transform(pad.Position()), pad.Dimensions(), pad.IsValid()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpTransformer::ITransform(const AliMpPad& pad) const { // Returns pad with characteristics transformed with given scale and // corresponding translation from plane (global) to sector (local). // --- return AliMpPad(ScaleLocation(pad.GetLocation()), Scale(pad.GetIndices()), ITransform(pad.Position()), pad.Dimensions(), pad.IsValid()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpArea AliMpTransformer::CutArea(const AliMpArea& area) const { // Cuts the area with its offset in the quadrant defined by scale // and transforms its position into its local system. // --- Double_t posx, dx; CutInterval(area.LeftBorder(), area.RightBorder(), fOffset.X(), fScale.GetFirst(), posx, dx); Double_t posy, dy; CutInterval(area.DownBorder(), area.UpBorder(), fOffset.Y(), fScale.GetSecond(), posy, dy); return AliMpArea(ITransform(TVector2(posx, posy)), TVector2(dx, dy)); }