/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ // $MpId: AliMpTriggerSegmentation.cxx,v 1.7 2006/05/24 13:58:52 ivana Exp $ #include "AliMpTriggerSegmentation.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMpConnection.h" #include "AliMpMotif.h" #include "AliMpMotifPosition.h" #include "AliMpMotifType.h" #include "AliMpPCB.h" #include "AliMpSlat.h" #include "AliMpSlatSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpTrigger.h" /// /// \class AliMpTriggerSegmentation /// /// Implementation of AliMpVSegmentation for trigger slats. /// /// \todo Implement CreateIterator method, if needed. /// /// \author Laurent Aphecetche /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMpTriggerSegmentation) /// \endcond //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTriggerSegmentation::AliMpTriggerSegmentation() : AliMpVSegmentation(), fkSlat(0), fNofStrips(0) { // // Default ctor. Not to be used really. // AliDebug(1,Form("this=%p Empty ctor",this)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTriggerSegmentation::AliMpTriggerSegmentation(const AliMpTrigger* slat) : AliMpVSegmentation(), fkSlat(slat), fNofStrips(0) { // // Normal ctor. // AliDebug(1,Form("this=%p Normal ctor slat=%p",this,slat)); // Compute the number of strips. // We have to loop over all possible pads, in order to properly take // into account the fact that a given strip might be part of several // layer. Otherwise we would double count pads. for ( Int_t ix = 0; ix <= MaxPadIndexX(); ++ix ) { for ( Int_t iy = 0; iy <= MaxPadIndexY(); ++iy ) { if ( HasPad(AliMpIntPair(ix,iy)) ) { ++fNofStrips; } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTriggerSegmentation::AliMpTriggerSegmentation(const AliMpTriggerSegmentation& right) : AliMpVSegmentation(right), fkSlat(right.fkSlat), fNofStrips(right.fNofStrips) { /// Protected copy constructor (not implemented) AliFatal("Copy constructor not provided."); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTriggerSegmentation::~AliMpTriggerSegmentation() { // // Dtor (empty). // AliDebug(1,Form("this=%p",this)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpTriggerSegmentation& AliMpTriggerSegmentation::operator=(const AliMpTriggerSegmentation& right) { /// Protected assignement operator (not implemented) // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; AliFatal("Assignement operator not provided."); return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpVPadIterator* AliMpTriggerSegmentation::CreateIterator(const AliMpArea&) const { // // Returns an iterator to loop over the pad contained within given area. // Not implemented for trigger. return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliMpTriggerSegmentation::Dimensions() const { return Slat()->Dimensions(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpTriggerSegmentation::GetAllElectronicCardIDs(TArrayI& ecn) const { Slat()->GetAllLocalBoardNumbers(ecn); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliMpTriggerSegmentation::GetName() const { // Name of that segmentation = TriggerSegmentation + slatName TString name("TriggerSegmentation"); if ( fkSlat) { name += "."; name += fkSlat->GetName(); } return name.Data(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpTriggerSegmentation::HasPad(const AliMpIntPair& indices) const { // // Test if this slat has a pad located at the position referenced // by the integer indices. // return PadByIndices(indices,kFALSE) != AliMpPad::Invalid(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpTriggerSegmentation::MaxPadIndexX() const { // // Returns the value of the largest pad index in x-direction. // return fkSlat->GetNofPadsX()-1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpTriggerSegmentation::MaxPadIndexY() const { // // Returns the value of the largest pad index in y-direction. // return fkSlat->GetMaxNofPadsY()-1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpTriggerSegmentation::PadByLocation(const AliMpIntPair& location, Bool_t warning) const { // // Returns the pad specified by its location, where location is the // pair (ManuID,ManuChannel). // If warning=kTRUE and the pad does not exist, a warning message is // printed. // // AliMpPad::Invalid() is returned if there's no pad at the given location. // AliMpPad pad; AliMpIntPair invloc; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < fkSlat->GetSize(); ++i ) { const AliMpSlat* slat = fkSlat->GetLayer(i); AliMpSlatSegmentation seg(slat); AliMpPad pi = seg.PadByLocation(location,kFALSE); if ( pi.IsValid() ) { if ( !pad.IsValid() ) { pad = AliMpPad(invloc,pi.GetIndices(),pi.Position(),pi.Dimensions()); pad.AddLocation(pi.GetLocation()); } else { pad.AddLocation(pi.GetLocation()); } } } if ( warning && !pad.IsValid() ) { AliWarning(Form("No pad found at location (%d,%d)",location.GetFirst(), location.GetSecond())); } return pad; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpTriggerSegmentation::PadByIndices(const AliMpIntPair& indices, Bool_t warning) const { // // Returns the pad specified by its integer indices. // If warning=kTRUE and the pad does not exist, a warning message is // printed. // // AliMpPad::Invalid() is returned if there's no pad at the given location. // // AliMpPad pad; AliMpIntPair invloc; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < fkSlat->GetSize(); ++i ) { const AliMpSlat* slat = fkSlat->GetLayer(i); AliMpSlatSegmentation seg(slat); AliMpPad pi = seg.PadByIndices(indices,kFALSE); if ( pi.IsValid() ) { if ( !pad.IsValid() ) { pad = AliMpPad(invloc,pi.GetIndices(),pi.Position(),pi.Dimensions()); pad.AddLocation(pi.GetLocation()); } else { pad.AddLocation(pi.GetLocation()); } } } if ( warning && !pad.IsValid() ) { AliWarning(Form("No pad found at indices (%d,%d)",indices.GetFirst(), indices.GetSecond())); } return pad; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpTriggerSegmentation::PadByPosition(const TVector2& position, Bool_t warning) const { // // Returns the pad specified by its (floating point) position. // If warning=kTRUE and the pad does not exist, a warning message is // printed. // // AliMpPad::Invalid() is returned if there's no pad at the given location. // AliMpPad pad; AliMpIntPair invloc; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < fkSlat->GetSize(); ++i ) { const AliMpSlat* slat = fkSlat->GetLayer(i); AliMpSlatSegmentation seg(slat); AliMpPad pi = seg.PadByPosition(position,kFALSE); if ( pi.IsValid() ) { if ( !pad.IsValid() ) { pad = AliMpPad(invloc,pi.GetIndices(),pi.Position(),pi.Dimensions()); pad.AddLocation(pi.GetLocation()); } else { pad.AddLocation(pi.GetLocation()); } } } if ( warning && !pad.IsValid() ) { AliWarning(Form("No pad found at position (%e,%e)",position.X(), position.Y())); } return pad; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPlaneType AliMpTriggerSegmentation::PlaneType() const { return Slat()->PlaneType(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ const AliMpTrigger* AliMpTriggerSegmentation::Slat() const { // // Returns the pointer to the referenced slat. // return fkSlat; }