// $Id$ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpZone // --------------- // Class describing a zone composed of the zone segments. // The zone contains pads of the same dimensions. // // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include "AliMpZone.h" #include "AliMpSubZone.h" ClassImp(AliMpZone) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpZone::AliMpZone(Int_t id) : TObject(), fID(id), fPadDimensions(TVector2()) { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpZone::AliMpZone() : TObject(), fID(0), fPadDimensions(TVector2()) { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpZone::~AliMpZone() { // for (Int_t i=0; iGetMotif() == motif) return subZone; } return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMpZone::GetNofSubZones() const { // Returns number of row segments. // --- #ifdef WITH_STL return fSubZones.size(); #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT return fSubZones.GetEntriesFast(); #endif } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSubZone* AliMpZone::GetSubZone(Int_t i) const { // Returns i-th sub zone. // --- if (i<0 || i>=GetNofSubZones()) { Warning("GetSubZone", "Index outside range"); return 0; } #ifdef WITH_STL return fSubZones[i]; #endif #ifdef WITH_ROOT return (AliMpSubZone*)fSubZones[i]; #endif }