Slat file format : A slat is defined by the list of its PCB, described starting from the beam and going outward. One PCB per line, preceded by the keyword PCB Other lines not matching this syntax are ignored. After the PCB is the list of manu ids for this PCB. Example : PCB X 1-3;24-20;42;44;53 PCB X 1-14 PCB Y 100-90 PCB Z 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;12;120 defines a slat with 4 PCBs : XXYZ The manu to motif relationship is attached to the fact that we're counting counter-clockwise, starting on the lower-left of the PCB. (and the pcb files have to follow this convention to defined their motifs, otherwise all this won't work). Note that the definition of the PCBs have to be in files with extension .pcb (X.pcb, Y.pcb, Z.pcb)