//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OADB container for filling scheme information (BX ids, name ...) // Author: Michele Floris, CERN //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliOADBFillingScheme.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TBrowser.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include using namespace std; ClassImp(AliOADBFillingScheme) AliOADBFillingScheme::AliOADBFillingScheme() : TNamed("AliOADBFillingScheme", "OADB object storing filling scheme infos"), fFSName(""), fBXIds(0){ // default ctor } AliOADBFillingScheme::AliOADBFillingScheme(char* name) : TNamed(name, "OADB object storing filling scheme infos"), fFSName(""), fBXIds(0){ // ctor Init(); } void AliOADBFillingScheme::Init() { // initialize pointers fBXIds = new TMap(); fFSName = ""; } AliOADBFillingScheme::~AliOADBFillingScheme(){ // dtor if(fBXIds) delete fBXIds; } AliOADBFillingScheme::AliOADBFillingScheme(const AliOADBFillingScheme& cont) { // Copy ctor AliError("To be implemented"); } AliOADBFillingScheme& AliOADBFillingScheme::operator=(const AliOADBFillingScheme& cont) { //Assignment operator AliError("To be implemented"); } // Getters const char * AliOADBFillingScheme::GetBXIDs(const char * beamSide) const { // Returns the bunch crossing numbers for the different beam classes. By default this is empty if (!strcmp(beamSide, "AC")) { TString bxa = ((TObjString*)fBXIds->GetValue("A"))->String(); TString bxc = ((TObjString*)fBXIds->GetValue("C"))->String(); if(!bxa && !bxc) return ""; if(!bxc) return bxa.Data(); if(!bxa) return bxa.Data(); TString bxBoth = bxa.Data(); bxBoth += bxc.Data(); return bxBoth.Data(); } TString bx = ((TObjString*)fBXIds->GetValue(beamSide))->String(); if(!bx) return ""; return bx.Data(); } void AliOADBFillingScheme::Browse(TBrowser *b) { // Browse this object. // If b=0, there is no Browse call TObject::Browse(0) instead. // This means TObject::Inspect() will be invoked indirectly if (b) { // Creates a folder for each beam type containing the list of corresponding bx ids b->Add(new TObjString(Form("Filling Scheme %s",GetFillingSchemeName()))); TIterator * mapIter = fBXIds->MakeIterator(); TObjString * key = 0; while ((key = (TObjString*) mapIter->Next())) { TFolder * folder = new TFolder(key->String().Data(), "beam side"); TObjString * value = (TObjString*) fBXIds->GetValue(key); TObjArray * tokens = value->String().Tokenize(" "); TIterator * tokIter = tokens->MakeIterator(); TObjString * bxNum = 0; while ((bxNum = (TObjString*) tokIter->Next())){ folder->Add(bxNum); } b->Add(folder); delete tokIter; } delete mapIter; } else TObject::Browse(b); } void AliOADBFillingScheme::Print(Option_t* option) const { // Print Class contents // Option is passed to TMap::Print cout << "Filling scheme Name " << fFSName.Data() << endl; fBXIds->Print(option); }