#include "pdf/pilot.h" C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C SUBROUTINE STRUCTA(X,SCALE,ANO, + UPV,DNV,USEA,DSEA,STR,CHM,BOT,TOP,GL) C C ********************************************************************* C * * C * Main steering routine for all sets of structure functions * C * * C * * C * Input: X = x value of parton * C * SCALE = QCD scale in GeV * C * ANO = atomic mass number of a nucleus * C * * C * Output: UPV = up valence quark * Ruv-Npdf * C * DNV = down valence quark * Rdv-Npdf * C * USEA = sea (up_bar) * Rub-Npdf * C * DSEA = sea (down_bar) * Rdb-Npdf * C * STR = strange quark * Rs-Npdf * C * CHM = charm quark * Rc-Npdf * C * BOT = bottom quark * Rb-Npdf * C * TOP = top quark * Rt-Npdf * C * GL = gluon * Rg-Npdf * C * * C * * C * The variables NPTYPE, NGROUP and NSET and * C * the variables NATYPE, NAGROUP and NASET should be, * C * could be provided by the user via a call to the * C * subroutine PDFSET at the initialization phase, where * C * * C * NPTYPE = Particle type for proton PDF's * C * (number or character string, * C * 1,2,3 or 'NU','PI','PH') * C * of desired structure functions set * C * (Default: NPTYPE = 1 or 'NU' * C * NGROUP = author group for proton PDF's * C * (number or character string, * C * 1 to 7 or i.e. 'DFLM','MRS','MT','GRV',etc) * C * of desired structure functions set * C * (Default: NGROUP = 5 or 'GRV') * C * NSET = number of desired structure functions set * C * for proton PDF's * C * (Default: NSET = 3) * C * NATYPE = 4 for Nuclear Corrections * C * (Default: NATYPE = 4) * C * NAGROUP= author group of Nuclear Corrections * C * (number or character string, 1 or i.e. 'EKS')* C * of desired uclear Corrections set * C * (Default: NAGROUP = 1) * C * NASET = number of desired Nuclear Corrections set * C * (Default: NASET = 1) * C * * C * for each set of structure function. * C * * C * The internal COMMON blocks * C * * C * COMMON/W50511/ NPTYPE,NGROUP,NSET * C * COMMON/W50511a/ NATYPE,NAGROUP,NASET * C * * C * are filled then by the subroutine PDFSET. * C * * C * * C * Note: STRUCTA returns * C * X * parton distribution function * Nuclear Correction ! * C * * C * * C * Author: H. Plothow-Besch * C * CERN-ETT/TT, CH - 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland * C * * C * Please return any problems, questions, suggestions * C * to the author * C * * C ********************************************************************* C C #include "pdf/impdp.inc" C #include "pdf/w5051p1.inc" #include "pdf/w5051p2.inc" #include "pdf/w5051p7.inc" #include "pdf/w50510.inc" #include "pdf/w50511.inc" #include "pdf/w50511a.inc" #include "pdf/w50512.inc" #include "pdf/w50513.inc" #include "pdf/w50514.inc" #include "pdf/w50514w.inc" #include "pdf/w50515.inc" #include "pdf/w50516.inc" #include "pdf/w50517.inc" #include "pdf/w50519.inc" #include "pdf/w505120.inc" #include "pdf/w505121.inc" CHARACTER*20 PARM(NCHDIM) #include "pdf/expdp.inc" + VAL(NCHDIM) DATA ZEROD/0.D0/,ONED/1.D0/,TWOD/2.D0/ SAVE /W50514/, /W50514W/, /W50516/ C. #include "pdf/w50511c.inc" C. C User wants new version (4.0 or bigger) of PDFLIB format IF (IFLSET.NE.1) THEN IF(FIRST) THEN WRITE(N6,*) ' Warning : NO initialisation via PDFSET made !!' WRITE(N6,*) + ' ALL Parameters set to default (Nucleon PDFs) !!' ENDIF NPTYPE = LPTYPE NGROUP = LGROUP NSET = LNSET C PARM(1) = 'Nptype' VAL(1) = NPTYPE PARM(2) = 'Ngroup' VAL(2) = NGROUP PARM(3) = 'Nset' VAL(3) = NSET C NATYPE = LATYPE NAGROUP = LAGROUP NASET = LNASET C PARM(4) = 'NAtype' VAL(4) = NATYPE PARM(5) = 'NAgroup' VAL(5) = NAGROUP PARM(6) = 'NAset' VAL(6) = NASET C CALL PDFSET(PARM,VAL) ENDIF C. C... Define printer IF(N6.LE.0) N6 = L6 C DUPV = ZEROD DDNV = ZEROD DUSEA = ZEROD DDSEA = ZEROD DSTR = ZEROD DCHM = ZEROD DBOT = ZEROD DTOP = ZEROD DGL = ZEROD C DX = X DQ = SCALE DQ2 = SCALE*SCALE DANO = ANO C. IF (DX.LE.ZEROD .OR. DX.GE.ONED) THEN WRITE(N6,*) ' PDFLIB : Nptype = ',NPTYPE,', Ngroup = ', + NGROUP,', Nset = ',NSET WRITE(N6,*) + ' Error : X value outside physical range , X = ',DX GOTO 100 ENDIF WTXMIN = WTXMIN + PDFWGT IF (DX.LT.XMIN) THEN WXMIN = WXMIN + PDFWGT IF(IFLPRT.GE.3) THEN WRITE(N6,*) ' PDFLIB : Nptype = ',NPTYPE,', Ngroup = ', + NGROUP,', Nset = ',NSET WRITE(N6,*) + ' Error : X value smaller allowed range , X = ',DX ENDIF ENDIF WTXMAX = WTXMAX + PDFWGT IF (DX.GT.XMAX) THEN WXMAX = WXMAX + PDFWGT IF(IFLPRT.GE.3) THEN WRITE(N6,*) ' PDFLIB : Nptype = ',NPTYPE,', Ngroup = ', + NGROUP,', Nset = ',NSET WRITE(N6,*) + ' Error : X value bigger allowed range , X = ',DX ENDIF GOTO 100 ENDIF WTQ2MIN = WTQ2MIN + PDFWGT IF (DQ2.LT.Q2MIN) THEN WQ2MIN = WQ2MIN + PDFWGT IF(IFLPRT.GE.3) THEN WRITE(N6,*) ' PDFLIB : Nptype = ',NPTYPE,', Ngroup = ', + NGROUP,', Nset = ',NSET WRITE(N6,*) + ' Error : SCALE value smaller allowed range , Q**2 = ',DQ2 ENDIF ENDIF WTQ2MAX = WTQ2MAX + PDFWGT IF (DQ2.GT.Q2MAX) THEN WQ2MAX = WQ2MAX + PDFWGT IF(IFLPRT.GE.3) THEN WRITE(N6,*) ' PDFLIB : Nptype = ',NPTYPE,', Ngroup = ', + NGROUP,', Nset = ',NSET WRITE(N6,*) + ' Error : SCALE value bigger allowed range , Q**2 = ',DQ2 ENDIF ENDIF C IF (FIRST) WRITE(N6,*) ' ' IF (FIRST) WRITE(N6,*) ' ' C Call default structure functions set C IF (NPTYPE.EQ.0 .OR. NGROUP.EQ.0 .OR. NSET.EQ.0) THEN C IF (FIRST) WRITE(N6,*) C + ' Nucleon PDFs : MRS central-g (L300-MSb) Structure Functions' C IF (FIRST) WRITE(N6,*) C + ' Ngroup = ',NGROUP,', Nset = ',NSET C CALL SFMRS_99A1 C + (DX,DQ2,DUPV,DDNV,DUSEA,DDSEA,DSTR,DCHM,DBOT,DGL) C DTOP=ZEROD C GOTO 100 C ENDIF C Start with NUCLEAR structure functions IF(NATYPE.EQ.4) THEN IF(NAGROUP.EQ.1) THEN IF(NASET.EQ.1) THEN IF (FIRST) WRITE(N6,*) + ' Nuclear PDFs : EKS98 Structure Functions with Nuclear Correcti +ons' IF (FIRST) WRITE(N6,*) + ' NAgroup = ',NAGROUP,', NAset = ',NASET CALL SFEKS98(DX,DQ,DANO, + DUPV,DDNV,DUSEA,DDSEA,DSTR,DCHM,DBOT,DTOP,DGL) GOTO 100 ELSEIF(NASET.GE.2) THEN WRITE(N6,*) ' Nuclear PDFs : NAgroup = ',NAGROUP, + ', NAset = ',NASET, + ', Structure Functions not yet exsistent' STOP ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF 100 IF(FIRST) WRITE(N6,*) +' ---------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------' IF (FIRST) FIRST = .FALSE. C UPV = MAX( ZEROD,DUPV) DNV = MAX( ZEROD,DDNV) USEA = MAX( ZEROD,DUSEA) DSEA = MAX( ZEROD,DDSEA) STR = MAX( ZEROD,DSTR) CHM = MAX( ZEROD,DCHM) BOT = MAX( ZEROD,DBOT) TOP = MAX( ZEROD,DTOP) GL = MAX( ZEROD,DGL) C RETURN C END